Attempted 225

Luke LLL

Luke LLL

The good days are ahead
Jun 4, 2019
A couple more pump and dumps and I’ll get there
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  • JFL
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The moment your ass is no longer on the bench, the rep doesn't count.

Also, what you are doing will get you injured eventually, you're a moron.

As Dave Tate says, "Maybe you just don't know how to fucking bench"

This is how I learned perfect form for the bench press, most people don't know this:

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ur like 5'5... u should be throwing that shit around like its nothing
  • JFL
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ur like 5'5... u should be throwing that shit around like its nothing
He is never going to do it with that shit form, he's just going to snap his shit up
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why would you post this on here jfl
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  • JFL
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Bench press is an exercise for fat people.
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Bench press is an exercise for fat people.
No it's not, it is literally the best exercise for getting a big chest.

In powerlifting, you can cheat with the range of motion in order to beat world records.

But in bodybuilding, you want full range of motion, not a few cm of range of motion, because full range of motion is what leads to the best muscle gains.
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No it's not, it is literally the best exercise for getting a big chest.
Bench press is closely associated with bodyweight. Fat guys bench better.
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No point maxing with form like this man, like @copingvolcel said it doesn't count if your ass comes off the bench at all let alone to this degree. Plus you're just gonna hurt yourself. Honestly it doesn't even count if you don't pause the rep technically, and you're slamming the bar on your sternum like a trampoline. Back off on the weight and focus on your form, you'll hit 225 with good form soon enough
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if you gained weight you would rep 225 easy but maybe you want to stay like that because face comes first
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@Nad thanks for the like bro you’re the only react I got on this 😂😂😂
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That drop on the chest looked brutal, you good?
Ditch the suicide grip bro
  • JFL
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The moment your ass is no longer on the bench, the rep doesn't count.

Also, what you are doing will get you injured eventually, you're a moron.

As Dave Tate says, "Maybe you just don't know how to fucking bench"

This is how I learned perfect form for the bench press, most people don't know this:

Lmao bro I'm not that serious

And this isn't a powerlifting federation
why would you post this on here jfl
Bench press is an exercise for fat people.
Bench press is closely associated with bodyweight. Fat guys bench better.
They got less range to go because man boobs
No point maxing with form like this man, like @copingvolcel said it doesn't count if your ass comes off the bench at all let alone to this degree. Plus you're just gonna hurt yourself. Honestly it doesn't even count if you don't pause the rep technically, and you're slamming the bar on your sternum like a trampoline. Back off on the weight and focus on your form, you'll hit 225 with good form soon enough
You should be able to get hit in the chest and be fine lol and your butt coming up just makes the lift more decline there's no sign of injury here
  • JFL
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Tbh you can bounce it off ur sternum and take ass of bench cuz your testing maximal strength anyway, and it’s not like your powerlifting

As long as your actual working sets aren’t ass off bench then you’re fine bro
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thats stupid incline bench is one of the best chest growers u can do
That's fine for training, but in terms of your actual strenght levels, bench press is highly correlated with body weight. BTW dumbbell bench > barbbell bench for chest.
Nah barbell bench mogs you push
That's fine for training, but in terms of your actual strenght levels, bench press is highly correlated with body weight. BTW dumbbell bench > barbbell bench for chest.
more weight and don’t use as many stabilizer muscles and you also have a deeper range of motion and you can’t cheat it
Nah barbell bench mogs you push

more weight and don’t use as many stabilizer muscles and you also have a deeper range of motion and you can’t cheat it
Barbell bench press uses more front delt, dumbbell uses more pec. There are actual studies on this
Dude I'm a 67kg lanklet at 5'10 and can bench 92.5kg bro wtf are you doing
Nah barbell bench mogs you push

more weight and don’t use as many stabilizer muscles and you also have a deeper range of motion and you can’t cheat it
Contact me
Lmao bro I'm not that serious

And this isn't a powerlifting federation

They got less range to go because man boobs

You should be able to get hit in the chest and be fine lol and your butt coming up just makes the lift more decline there's no sign of injury here
It's that kind of stupidity that leads many men to injuries that prevent them from getting stronger as they get older, so if you don't fix this right now, when you'll be 30, you won't be able to bench press.

Every single bench press tutorial from high quality fitness youtubers would tell you the same thing I am telling you.

Cheating on the range of motion to use more weight doesn't lead to more gains, it's just egolifting.

Also, women don't care about how much you can egolift, they only care about what you look like in the end. If you can't even do 225 lbs for 1 rep properly, then you're not even intermediate, so you don't even look like you lift.


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