"Autism is a nordic trait"



Mar 21, 2023
No, being non-NT is a non-white. All White civilization is based on cooperation, White male, tall, beautiful and moral, becomes leader in every collective. Opposite, stinky, ugly and despicable brownoid becomes outsider in every collective.

I don't say that White male should be clown or talk a lot. He should be a leader that makes desitions. He can be somewhat introverted, but even this way he should be respected in society and have high SMV.

If you are rejected by society = you are brown. Period.
  • JFL
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Nope, %80 of autistic faggots are actually in fact and scientifically prvoen Caucasian / European / White
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Wow, you're a fucking retarded faggot who should hang himself. DNRD. Autism is Aryan, just ask Varg.
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  • Woah
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Wow, you're a fucking retarded faggot who should hang himself. DNRD. Autism is Aryan, just ask Varg.
Varg literally played in rock group in youth. He is one of the most NT humans in history.
  • JFL
Reactions: SidharthTheSlayer, Imretarded? and cromagnon
Wow, you're a fucking retarded faggot who should hang himself. DNRD. Autism is Aryan, just ask Varg.
How do you think all of Europe's great art and architecture came to be nigger? Autists. Do you really think an NT person designed the Palace of Versailles? Or sculpted David? No.
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  • JFL
Reactions: 5'7 zoomer, SidharthTheSlayer, RAJ GHRANDHICK🗿 and 4 others
Varg is definitely not NT bud. :feelskek:
Also doesn't this literally contradict what you said, I thought outcasts from society were "non-NT". Based on your logic, based varg is brown since he is rejected by society.
How do you think all of Europe's great art and architecture came to be nigger? Autists. Do you really think an NT person designed the Palace of Versailles? Or sculpted David? No.
Yes. Read the 2-nd paragraph of OP-post.
Also doesn't this literally contradict what you said, I thought outcasts from society were "non-NT". Based on your logic, based varg is brown since he is rejected by society.
He clearly isn't. He larp as a non-NT.
  • JFL
Reactions: SidharthTheSlayer and cromagnon
no no no bud. you said rejected from society = non-nt and brown. no takesie backsies
He isnt rejected from society bro, maybe some corporations refuse to work with him, but he still is reputable man
He isnt rejected from society bro, maybe some corporations refuse to work with him, but he still is reputable man
He's rejected from society bud wym
ethnic pride worldwide
I'm as white as you can get (look at pfp) and I'm not neurotypical.
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No, being non-NT is a non-white. All White civilization is based on cooperation, White male, tall, beautiful and moral, becomes leader in every collective. Opposite, stinky, ugly and despicable brownoid becomes outsider in every collective.

I don't say that White male should be clown or talk a lot. He should be a leader that makes desitions. He can be somewhat introverted, but even this way he should be respected in society and have high SMV.

If you are rejected by society = you are brown. Period.
Europeans were short throughout history it was through the Industrial Revolution and the rise of liberalism/feminism that brought about the rapid increase in the height averages (hypergamy)
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How do you think all of Europe's great art and architecture came to be nigger? Autists. Do you really think an NT person designed the Palace of Versailles? Or sculpted David? No.
Tesla, Einstein, Isaac and more all aspies. All the great Cumskins were aspies
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  • JFL
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in any society apart from this super post modern PC one, having autism is a benefit, imagine a normie having to go hunt for food, they would cry because they dont want to see the animal in pain, bleeding, u need to be a bit sociopathic and autistic in life
in any society apart from this super post modern PC one, having autism is a benefit, imagine a normie having to go hunt for food, they would cry because they dont want to see the animal in pain, bleeding, u need to be a bit sociopathic and autistic in life
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No, being non-NT is a non-white. All White civilization is based on cooperation, White male, tall, beautiful and moral, becomes leader in every collective. Opposite, stinky, ugly and despicable brownoid becomes outsider in every collective.

I don't say that White male should be clown or talk a lot. He should be a leader that makes desitions. He can be somewhat introverted, but even this way he should be respected in society and have high SMV.

If you are rejected by society = you are brown. Period.
based elfen leid poster. telling how it is
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He's rejected from society bud wym
he has a wife and kids and gets free money from french government. fuck you mean rejected by society
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he has a wife and kids and gets free money from french government. fuck you mean rejected by society
im too tired to articulate it bro
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autism doesn't get diagnosed much in the third world, obviously rates will be higher in countries with functioning medical systems.

the country with the highest rate of diagnosed autism in the world is Qatar by the way, it wouldn't surprise me if the highest rates of autism are in the middle-east/india in general due to the amount of inbreeding.
  • JFL
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White people and japanese people are autistic as shit, blacks and latinos are nt as shit, stop the cope

us browns are autistic but also too low iq to see it
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Great I’m brown, can I say nigger now?
Everyone is not nt

Whites are the only ones who go to doctors and get it diagnosed
i’m nordic and definitely have something wrong with me so i can’t say i disprove the quote

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