Autism is the consciousness trying to make sense of a subconsciousness that doesnt work


Deleted member 65658

Mar 7, 2024
Normies seem to have an inherent understanding of the world, aspies don't; NT can be measured on a spectrum of this inherent understanding/sub consciousness imo. This results in a top down world view where normies attempt to fill in the gaps with their consciousness hence why internalised double think is so common and their actions don't align with what they say/think they belief half the time; its just normies who suck at making sense of their subconsciousness. Whereas aspies fill in the gaps of their sub with their con, so a bottom up world view.

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Dnr + kys
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also can be extended to the bell curve meme ig. the low iq functions on the basis of their subconsciousness, the midwit convolutes their subconscious with a consciousness that sucks and the high iq has a much better undsertanding of their subconsiouscess than midwits hence the high iq and low iq indivduals come to the same conclusion
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judging by the title are you trying to say when an autistic person knows when their actions are autistic but cant act normal because you know, they are autistic
the blackpill is just midwits trying to make sense of their/others subconscious
judging by the title are you trying to say when an autistic person knows when their actions are autistic but cant act normal because you know, they are autistic
basically, but depending on their intelligence they can learn/comprehend when an action is wrong; its just not an inherent instinct bc parts of the brain that control the subconscious idk basal ganglia or something arent working properly
Normies seem to have an inherent understanding of the world, aspies don't; NT can be measured on a spectrum of this inherent understanding/sub consciousness imo. This results in a top down world view where normies attempt to fill in the gaps with their consciousness hence why internalised double think is so common and their actions don't align with what they say/think they belief half the time; its just normies who suck at making sense of their subconsciousness. Whereas aspies fill in the gaps of their sub with their con, so a bottom up world view.

Didn't understand shit
basically, but depending on their intelligence they can learn/comprehend when an action is wrong; its just not an inherent instinct bc parts of the brain that control the subconscious idk basal ganglia or something arent working properly
Im quite sure they can know when an action is wrong, Id be guessing their impulse is changed but then after the action is done since they are smart they can know what they just did is wrong, kinda talking out of my ass here but i think that seems plausible.
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the blackpill is just midwits trying to make sense of their/others subconscious
autism on bp would be cured only if youre a chad
water. Normies go with the flow and virtue signal to keep up a lie made by Jews
you either play the game or dont give af
also can be extended to the bell curve meme ig. the low iq functions on the basis of their subconsciousness, the midwit convolutes their subconscious with a consciousness that sucks and the high iq has a much better undsertanding of their subconsiouscess than midwits hence the high iq and low iq indivduals come to the same conclusion
pic for reference

IMG 2349
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and virtue signal
no they don't, its not a purposeful action, they unironically believe what theyre saying. Western modern woke progressivism or whatever you want to call it can be attributed to normies not being able to comprehend their subconsciousness

this is just a theory though, take it with a grain of salt
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Normies seem to have an inherent understanding of the world, aspies don't; NT can be measured on a spectrum of this inherent understanding/sub consciousness imo. This results in a top down world view where normies attempt to fill in the gaps with their consciousness hence why internalised double think is so common and their actions don't align with what they say/think they belief half the time; its just normies who suck at making sense of their subconsciousness. Whereas aspies fill in the gaps of their sub with their con, so a bottom up world view.

Retarded gibberating, and this is coming from an aspie. Mirin the autism tho
no they don't, its not a purposeful action, they unironically believe what theyre saying. Western modern woke progressivism or whatever you want to call it can be attributed to normies not being able to comprehend their subconsciousness

this is just a theory though, take it with a grain of salt
@Harold O'brien thoughts?
Normies seem to have an inherent understanding of the world, aspies don't; NT can be measured on a spectrum of this inherent understanding/sub consciousness imo. This results in a top down world view where normies attempt to fill in the gaps with their consciousness hence why internalised double think is so common and their actions don't align with what they say/think they belief half the time; its just normies who suck at making sense of their subconsciousness. Whereas aspies fill in the gaps of their sub with their con, so a bottom up world view.

Low iq version please
no they don't, its not a purposeful action, they unironically believe what theyre saying. Western modern woke progressivism or whatever you want to call it can be attributed to normies not being able to comprehend their subconsciousness

this is just a theory though, take it with a grain of salt
Yeah they purposefully do it but it is also a virtue signal because the fact that others will agree with them plays a big role
refute it then
I can't refute incoherent statements, I can't parse out the logic through all of your verbiage. reword it
nigga what?
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but it is also a virtue signal because the fact that others will agree with them plays a big role
potentially the smarter normies know what theyre saying is wrong, but i reckon the majority unironically believe it and have no malicious virtue signalling intent. maybe some sort of inherent inclination to whatever the current status quo is exists
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subconsciousness = the reptile brain/limbic system/ other random parts idk brain anatomy
consciousness = neo cortex/ mainly pre fontal cortex

things like sex, dancing, socialisation, movement etc (NT activities) can be attributed to the former mostly, the subconsciousness. complex understanding/comprehension of reality, the consciousness. In NT individuals the sub works as intended, aspies it doesn't, so autism is the consciousness attempting to make sense of a subconsciousness (inherent understanding of human nature) that doesn't function properly

does this make sense, i can see how op looks like gibberish though
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Recall to your thread that normies are inherently blackpilled. Are the dots starting to connect?
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Im quite sure they can know when an action is wrong, Id be guessing their impulse is changed
nah i dont think its an impulse issue, i believe there's a (severity obv depends on the aspie) non realisation of social cues, like it just doesnt exist
but then after the action is done since they are smart they can know what they just did is wrong
comprehension of the action being wrong only comes after they've rationalised that its wrong based on internal 'rules', with nts its a second instinct/feeling
I just think autistics are adept at thinking and understanding concepts. Normies are adept at socializing. They're weak at what the other is strong at, which is why normies are illogical most of the time.
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also can be extended to the bell curve meme ig. the low iq functions on the basis of their subconsciousness, the midwit convolutes their subconscious with a consciousness that sucks and the high iq has a much better undsertanding of their subconsiouscess than midwits hence the high iq and low iq indivduals come to the same conclusion
Ok you're not low iq.
Autism isn't real, it's just a blanket term for people who are socially retarded
semantic arguments are so facetious, its not smart

its a blanket term because the social retardation is caused by similar mechanisms in 'autistic' individuals. this is like calling cancer not real as its a blanket term for uncontrollable cell growth

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