Autistic public behavior



Aug 22, 2018
This site along with lookism has unleashed the raging autist inside me

See, whenever I'm walking in public, instead of living in the moment and enjoying whatever it is that I happen to doing, literally the only thing I do is analyzing people. Here's how

First I look at them from far; after around 0.5 seconds I've already determined 80% of their PSL rating. I can detect a 3/10 male up to 100 feet away from his height and posture alone- ugly guys are always looking down at the ground, defeated and humiliated. It's like they know it's over for them. Same for females, if my eyes notice a shape in the distance and that shape is wider than it is long, then I know that it's a landwhale and so I immediately place the landwhale as a 3 or 4.

By the time the person has approached me to within 5-10 meters, I've kind of made out their face and determined 95% of their PSL rating. Since height, frame, and general appearance have already been determined and factored in, the only thing left to do is a detailed analysis of their facial features. This takes no more than 1-1.5 seconds of direct eye contact. The analysis includes:
- Eye area
- Nose
- Forward growth

After the final analysis is complete, an accurate PSL rating is then produced. Most women are in the 4-6 range and most men are in the 3-5 range. It is rare to see a 7 or above female and very, very rare to see a 6 or above male (Arabs are ugly if you haven't figured that out).

Average woman is 5.0 PSL
Average man is 3.9 PSL

General observations:

Almost everyone has excess facial fat and bloat
NCT is very common
Shitty eye area & dark circles are very common
Recessed chin is fairly common
Recessed maxilla is uncommon
Most people don't have a compact midface
Horse-face is rare and very noticeable

Most guys have receding hairlines though only a few are visibly balding

Broad shoulders are uncommon, I'd say 80% of people have normal-sized shoulders, 10% have visibly narrow shoulders and 10% have visibly broad shoulders

Most guys are skinyfat manlets. 90% skinnyfat / have no muscle definition, 8% skinny and malnourished, and 2% ripped / muscular

Another autistic post soon to follow.
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Reactions: angelo, Never_Began, Future Arablite and 1 other person
This site along with lookism has unleashed the raging autist inside me

See, whenever I'm walking in public, instead of living in the moment and enjoying whatever it is that I happen to doing, literally the only thing I do is analyzing people. Here's how

First I look at them from far; after around 0.5 seconds I've already determined 80% of their PSL rating. I can detect a 3/10 male up to 100 feet away from his height and posture alone- ugly guys are always looking down at the ground, defeated and humiliated. Same for females, if my eyes notice a shape in the distance and that shape is wider than it is long, then I know that it's a landwhale and so I immediately place the landwhale as a 3 or 4.

By the time the person has approached me to within 5-10 meters, I've kind of made out their face and determined 95% of their PSL rating. Since height, frame, and general appearance have already been determined and factored in, the only thing left to do is a detailed analysis of their facial features. This takes no more than 1-1.5 seconds of direct eye contact. The analysis includes:
- Eye area
- Nose
- Forward growth

After the final analysis is complete, an accurate PSL rating is then produced. Most women are in the 4-6 range and most men are in the 3-5 range. It is rare to see a 7 or above female and very, very rare to see a 6 or above male (Arabs are ugly if you haven't figured that out).

Average woman is 5.0 PSL
Average man is 3.9 PSL

General observations:

Almost everyone has excess facial fat and bloat
NCT is very common
Shitty area & dark circles are very common
Recessed chin is fairly common
Recessed maxilla is uncommon
Most people don't have a compact midface
Horse-face is rare and very noticeable

Most guys have receding hairlines though only a few are visibly balding

Broad shoulders are uncommon, I'd say 80% of people have normal-sized shoulders, 10% have visibly narrow shoulders and 10% have visibly broad shoulders

Most guys are skinyfat manlets. 90% skinnyfat / have no muscle definition, 8% skinny and malnourished, and 2% ripped / muscular

Another autistic post soon to follow.
Strong post. Keep up the good work my autistic brother.
  • +1
Reactions: Never_Began, Tricky and badromance
Quite high of a number bro, you don't need to be ripped or an ogre to be actually strong
It's an empirical observation and nothing else.
Most look like pears and not blocks.
  • +1
Reactions: badromance
It's an empirical observation and nothing else.
Most look like pears and not blocks.
Fucking jews pouring estrogen in dwells

Block masterrace tbhtbhngl
  • +1
Reactions: badromance and Future Arablite
Fucking jews pouring estrogen in dwells

Block masterrace tbhtbhngl
Bilderberg jewish agents pouring oestrogens in the water to turn the population gay (2018, colorized)
  • +1
Reactions: averageblokecel and Afrikancel
Horse-face is rare and very noticeable


Altough horseface with forward projecting growth can look good

A bit of a weak maxilla is not to uncommon in norway tho

But yeah i do to this to now, its fucking unhealthy. I would spend my time sitting at the bus thinking about life and all sorts of things before, now its just "looks looks looks looks"

I dont think its healthy in general to let this stuff take up to much space in your brain. You aqquire skills and personality by learning and figuring things out in your head. That space for me atleast now just filled with bullshit about what makes people butiful.

Altough horseface with forward projecting growth can look good

A bit of a weak maxilla is not to uncommon in norway tho

But yeah i do to this to now, its fucking unhealthy. I would spend my time sitting at the bus thinking about life and all sorts of things before, now its just "looks looks looks looks"

I dont think its healthy in general to let this stuff take up to much space in your brain. You aqquire skills and personality by learning and figuring things out in your head. That space for me atleast now just filled with bullshit about what makes people butiful.
Would you really call it bullshit though? I mean it's helpful. But in either case I can't help but think about this shit 24/7

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