Never the same
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(ropefuel music)
What a normal skull looks like (0 asymmetry, 0 deformities, 0 occlusion problems).
Rather than coping and saying its all genetics, you must understand that is only true to a certain extent of a born deformity.
Chain of the bones via posture
Atlas -> Sphenoid (base) -> Maxilla -> Zygomatic & Mandible
The atlas determines your facial symmetry. If misaligned, your entire facial structure will be destroyed by asymmetry since it has to compensate for your shit posture.
This also can be a result of standing on one foot, leading to anterior pelvic tilt from unbalanced forces which in turn affects the atlas and so on. Forward head posture should be avoided as well.
Then what happens next is that you will suffer from poor occlusion (bite). Braces wont fix the problem, it only fixes crooked teeth & destroys your roots leading to more cavities and bullshit jew orthos are milking money out of you.
Water, but good to know
Forwardly set maxilla = Less problems btw
Downward growth and recession are caused by mouth breathing, lack of breastfeeding, malnutrition, forward posture, thumbsucking. Hardest shit to fix.
Softmaxxing (might be cope):
Maxilla can be fixed with palatal expander as mewing itself takes too long. (Depends from person to person)
Mandible can be fixed by training your masseter muscles everyday. It causes a gradual CCW rotation of mandible through the force of the masseter muscles forcing your mandible to be in the correct position.
If your palatal sutures are closed, BSSO or BIMAX may be required in extreme cases.
Unfortunate Reality Of Wisdom Teeth (Try to raise your kids better using this knowledge so they don't have to go on social media and see "better luck next time")
If the jaw is too small, recessed, narrow to have them be grown straightly upward, then they will never straighten on their own.
Of course this depends from person to person.
The wisdom teeth cannot straighten themselves if theres not enough room by the age of 12-18.

The best time to fix this is when you are 4-8 years old. But we all know most of our parents are too ignorant to consider this and just say wisdom teeth are useless teeth to rip the fuck out of your jaw.
They cause more bone resorption to leave impacted wisdom teeth in, rather than taking them out. Of course there will be some degree of resorption, but if they never occupied a space, it shouldn't be too significant.
Thinking that chewing & eating raw milk is beneficial, but all you are doing is sinking the non-straight wisdom teeth more into your jaw, causing more resorption. Even if there is some degree of more room, they won't straighten.
My Full Posture Guide (Try or regret trying): https://looksmax.org/threads/hips-n...ix-facial-asymmetry-achieve-symmetry.1318603/
@lurking truecel This is what most people don't understand and just resort to primalmaxxing which will only develop their bones without fixing the actual problem. They will just say DNR and rot longer on this forum because they have low iq.
TLDR: western or goyslop diets cucked the best of us & mew and train ur masseters asap. chewing signals more igf-1 stimulation also. non-straight wisdom teeth will never straighten out unless ur an infant or child. bad posture = facial asymmetry. take a look @ the guide.
i love you @Never Get Up . true chad
What a normal skull looks like (0 asymmetry, 0 deformities, 0 occlusion problems).

Rather than coping and saying its all genetics, you must understand that is only true to a certain extent of a born deformity.
Chain of the bones via posture
Atlas -> Sphenoid (base) -> Maxilla -> Zygomatic & Mandible
The atlas determines your facial symmetry. If misaligned, your entire facial structure will be destroyed by asymmetry since it has to compensate for your shit posture.
This also can be a result of standing on one foot, leading to anterior pelvic tilt from unbalanced forces which in turn affects the atlas and so on. Forward head posture should be avoided as well.
- One side prominent than the other
- Lazy eye on less prominent side
- Deviated Septum (Maxilla is tilted, which affects the airway)
- Breathing issues
- Strain on one side
- Crossbite
- Lazy eye on less prominent side
- Deviated Septum (Maxilla is tilted, which affects the airway)
- Breathing issues
- Strain on one side
- Crossbite
Masseter muscles atrophy alone cannot contribute to this unless there was already existing asymmetry.
Side sleeping does not lead to facial asymmetry as long as you support the side you are sleeping on with your arm to make sure your head is straight and you are not breathing through your mouth.
Diet is good for forward growth by upswinging the mandible through the force of the masseter muscles. However, it won't fix a tilted maxilla as diet alone cannot fix developed shit posture.
Then what happens next is that you will suffer from poor occlusion (bite). Braces wont fix the problem, it only fixes crooked teeth & destroys your roots leading to more cavities and bullshit jew orthos are milking money out of you.
"Issac de poot mogs" 

. Hes downwardly grown with a hunchback. He has a narrow long jaw which hides that fact supposedly.
Water, but good to know
Forwardly set maxilla = Less problems btw
Downward growth and recession are caused by mouth breathing, lack of breastfeeding, malnutrition, forward posture, thumbsucking. Hardest shit to fix.
Softmaxxing (might be cope):
Maxilla can be fixed with palatal expander as mewing itself takes too long. (Depends from person to person)
Mandible can be fixed by training your masseter muscles everyday. It causes a gradual CCW rotation of mandible through the force of the masseter muscles forcing your mandible to be in the correct position.
If your palatal sutures are closed, BSSO or BIMAX may be required in extreme cases.
Unfortunate Reality Of Wisdom Teeth (Try to raise your kids better using this knowledge so they don't have to go on social media and see "better luck next time")
If the jaw is too small, recessed, narrow to have them be grown straightly upward, then they will never straighten on their own.
Of course this depends from person to person.
The wisdom teeth cannot straighten themselves if theres not enough room by the age of 12-18.
They cause more bone resorption to leave impacted wisdom teeth in, rather than taking them out. Of course there will be some degree of resorption, but if they never occupied a space, it shouldn't be too significant.
Thinking that chewing & eating raw milk is beneficial, but all you are doing is sinking the non-straight wisdom teeth more into your jaw, causing more resorption. Even if there is some degree of more room, they won't straighten.
My Full Posture Guide (Try or regret trying): https://looksmax.org/threads/hips-n...ix-facial-asymmetry-achieve-symmetry.1318603/
@lurking truecel This is what most people don't understand and just resort to primalmaxxing which will only develop their bones without fixing the actual problem. They will just say DNR and rot longer on this forum because they have low iq.

TLDR: western or goyslop diets cucked the best of us & mew and train ur masseters asap. chewing signals more igf-1 stimulation also. non-straight wisdom teeth will never straighten out unless ur an infant or child. bad posture = facial asymmetry. take a look @ the guide.
i love you @Never Get Up . true chad
@thereallegend @soggra @rrm_ss2 @Disk1nkk @The Homelander
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