'bad'women are better than good women



Sep 6, 2023
There are two types of women only

One bad that is honest

The other bad that is dishonest

The first are what we call cheaper prostitutes and escorts

The second we call wives and girlfriends

They both ultimately favor and value most a one way exchange of resources from you to them

Difference is that where one may like certain things about you she hides this and pretends that these certain things she likes about you are the reason she's with you when if you decided to demand going dutch she would leave you

The other is honest and at least gives you what you want

The second type of girl only does that when you woo her and she's in the mood so she's a parasite

Even chads and tyrones pay for it by watching what they eat and hitting the gym all the time

And when women are done pretending they just want fun too and seek to lockdown said Chad or Tyrone they look number one at his resource giving ability

Anyone here can attest that a girl may act infatuated with you for your looks or persona but ultimately wants a provider

That's why average Joe with millions is more desired than some Chad that works at burger king

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