Basic guide on how you grow and why MK677 is utter cope on its own



Aug 17, 2019
"muh I'll just take mk677 till I grow a little then i'll take more stuff :feelsuhh::feelsuhh:" - I've seen at least 3 people actually say something similar to this in the two to three weeks ive been here. Pretty sure everyone defaults to MK677 just because you can take it in a capsule. It's actually somewhat more expensive then some GHRPs too.

Anyway it seems like a good few guys trying to heightmaxx don't understand the basics so I decided to give a basic explanation as to why mk677 won't work on its own and what you need.

First off your body doesn't just have baseline HGH and IGF-1 levels. They pulse throughout the day. Basically a horomone called somatostatin inhibits your HGH in order to cause a buildup and then eventually a pulse that causes growth.

If you just take MK677 on its own or any GHRP the chances are that your body currently isn't undergoing a pulse and somatostatin will block the majority of what you've just thrown in.

How do you prevent this?
You get rid of somatostatin obviously. I'll give two methods

1. Use a GHRH - this will increase your IGF-1 and HGH levels slightly while also temporarily turning off somatostatin.
The increases in IGF-1 and HGH aren't enough though so you need to use a GHRP with it. GHRHs also have a strong synergy effect with GHRPs making them a no brainer choice. This isn't even as expensive as people generally think and shouldn't cost more then $200ish per month with an AI unless you're using overkill dosages like EC mostly did with his cycle (especially CJC dac)

2. Use Huperzine-A or anything else that could potentially be a somatostatin inhibitor.
This method is for the mega high inhibcels that are deathly afraid of needles and just want an off chance that they'll grow.
MK677 actually slightly inhibits somatostatin along with GHRPs but it's not enough.

So basically:
Somatostatin is there most of the time and you're not growing when it is there.
When it's not there you're growing and you can't tell when it's not there so you have to do something to stop it.

The explanation is a bit over the place but I just wanted everyone interested in heightmaxxing to have a general idea.
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Is your method applicable for 30+ oldcels?
  • JFL
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Is your method applicable for 30+ oldcels?
Image result for roping wojak
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"muh I'll just take mk677 till I grow a little then i'll take more stuff :feelsuhh::feelsuhh:" - I've seen at least 3 people actually say something similar to this in the two to three weeks ive been here. Pretty sure everyone defaults to MK677 just because you can take it in a capsule. It's actually somewhat more expensive then some GHRPs too.

Anyway it seems like a good few guys trying to heightmaxx don't understand the basics so I decided to give a basic explanation as to why mk677 won't work on its own and what you need.

First off your body doesn't just have baseline HGH and IGF-1 levels. They pulse throughout the day. Basically a horomone called somatostatin inhibits your HGH in order to cause a buildup and then eventually a pulse that causes growth.

If you just take MK677 on its own or any GHRP the chances are that your body currently isn't undergoing a pulse and somatostatin will block the majority of what you've just thrown in.

How do you prevent this?
You get rid of somatostatin obviously. I'll give two methods

1. Use a GHRH - this will increase your IGF-1 and HGH levels slightly while also temporarily turning off somatostatin.
The increases in IGF-1 and HGH aren't enough though so you need to use a GHRP with it. GHRHs also have a strong synergy effect with GHRPs making them a no brainer choice. This isn't even as expensive as people generally think and shouldn't cost more then $200ish per month with an AI unless you're using overkill dosages like EC mostly did with his cycle (especially CJC dac)

2. Use Huperzine-A or anything else that could potentially be a somatostatin inhibitor.
This method is for the mega high inhibcels that are deathly afraid of needles and just want an off chance that they'll grow.
MK677 actually slightly inhibits somatostatin along with GHRPs but it's not enough.

So basically:
Somatostatin is there most of the time and you're not growing when it is there.
When it's not there you're growing and you can't tell when it's not there so you have to do something to stop it.

The explanation is a bit over the place but I just wanted everyone interested in heightmaxxing to have a general idea.

I need face
Is your method applicable for 30+ oldcels?
Unfortunately no. You can probably grow cartilage and build up back muscles to stand up taller but you likely won't gain more then half an inch. LL is the only way to get decent height gains now without shoe lifts.
How tall are you?
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Unfortunately no. You can probably grow cartilage and build up back muscles to stand up taller but you likely won't gain more then half an inch. LL is the only way to get decent height gains now without shoe lifts.
How tall are you?
6'2'', I will get LL with Paley to go to 6'5'' then + 2'' insole fraud to be 6'7''.
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6’7” kind of ogre tbh ngl
6'7'' is not even that much when guys like these are around:

He is Ultra Chad God. And he is 6'9'' barefoot. Suifuel.

I actively avoid whatever continent he is on, because you don't recover from mog of that caliber.
  • JFL
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6’7” kind of ogre tbh ngl
6'3 to 6'5 is ideal. 6'6 is too tall for a lot of women and you'll start hitting into doorframes.
Either way I'm 5'6.
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6'3 to 6'5 is ideal. 6'6 is too tall for a lot of women and you'll start hitting into doorframes.
Either way I'm 5'6.
Hitting doorframes is good
Hitting cervix is good
Being "too tall" is good

Outlier or death.

Whatever you just said is brutally disproven by single video I linked above.
6'7'' is not even that much when guys like these are around:

He is Ultra Chad God. And he is 6'9'' barefoot. Suifuel.

I actively avoid whatever continent he is on, because you don't recover from mog of that caliber.

You already have great height. You can survive with it until LL becomes more safe. Isn’t the procedure gonna fuck your walking for life? Even then 6’4 to 6’5 is enough. But idk your choice
Hitting doorframes is good
Hitting cervix is good
Being "too tall" is good

Outlier or death.

Whatever you just said is brutally disproven by single video I linked above.
He actually has the frame for his height though. Most look like lankets
You already have great height. You can survive with it until LL becomes more safe. Isn’t the procedure gonna fuck your walking for life? Even then 6’4 to 6’5 is enough. But idk your choice
So you just conveniently ignoring the video I posted of a man who would mog any 6'2'' manlet like me to hell and back.
So you just conveniently ignoring the video I posted of a man who would mog any 6'2'' manlet like me to hell and back.
I feel like you'd get along with @Curious0
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That's insane.
I'm 6' only and doesn't have these insecurities.
You are just a mentalcel.

P.S.: Ancient Giants still mog you to hell. And dinosaurs.
So basically use MK-677 + CJC-1295 + Huperzine-A + Aromasin?
Good thread. I wish I was young to take advantage of this
Literally just use your brain. How would you grow taller if your growth plates are closed?
You already have great height. You can survive with it until LL becomes more safe. Isn’t the procedure gonna fuck your walking for life? Even then 6’4 to 6’5 is enough. But idk your choice
Don't listen to him or @Curious0 low iqcels. LL is safe if he has the money, but not worth the time, and effort.
Imagine spending 100k just to get to 6'2. Literally below sea level IQ.
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is there really any evidence of this height growth shit?
is there really any evidence of this height growth shit?
Small kids are prescribed HGH and grow taller from it. Shows it works.
Kinda funny though since HGH is stupid expensive and not very effective since its "basically" like using a GHRP without a GHRH
So basically use MK-677 + CJC-1295 + Huperzine-A + Aromasin?
Aromasin for sure.
MK-677 take it in the morning and before bed. 10-15mg tabs are fine you don't need 25mg tabs
No need to use huperzine-A it's more of a potential option for people just not willing to Inject that still want a chance at growing.
Instead of buying CJC1295 Just buy mod (CJC no dac) and either GHRP-2 or GHRP-6. Much more effective. 100mcg of each once a day for a few days then slowly increase it.
No need to go any higher then 200mcg of GHRP x3 times a day. Just always inject 100mcg of mod before you use GHRP
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Aromasin for sure.
MK-677 take it in the morning and before bed. 10-15mg tabs are fine you don't need 25mg tabs
No need to use huperzine-A it's more of a potential option for people just not willing to Inject that still want a chance at growing.
Instead of buying CJC1295 Just buy mod (CJC no dac) and either GHRP-2 or GHRP-6. Much more effective. 100mcg of each once a day for a few days then slowly increase it.
No need to go any higher then 200mcg of GHRP x3 times a day. Just always inject 100mcg of mod before you use GHRP

Dosage & frequency of aromasin?
Dosage & frequency of aromasin?
Take more if your older.
If money is an issue 12.5 every other day
Ideally 12.5 every day.
If you're 19+ just take 25mg daily and blast GHRHs/GHRPs as soon as you can. Maybe pray a little too
Take more if your older.
If money is an issue 12.5 every other day
Ideally 12.5 every day.
If you're 19+ just take 25mg daily and blast GHRHs/GHRPs as soon as you can. Maybe pray a little too

mainly in it for frame growth. I've slowly upped it to 10 every other day. Will trial doing it daily but will stop if sides are too much.

Yeah gonna buy some CJC no DAC & GHRP-6 asap.
mainly in it for frame growth. I've slowly upped it to 10 every other day. Will trial doing it daily but will stop if sides are too much.

Yeah gonna buy some CJC no DAC & GHRP-6 asap.
For frame growth you'll want to take it with testosterone. Maybe DHT too. I saw a thread the other day that went over what hormones influenced what so have a look for that it's probably worth your time.
How much Huperzine A per day?
6'7'' is not even that much when guys like these are around:

He is Ultra Chad God. And he is 6'9'' barefoot. Suifuel.

I actively avoid whatever continent he is on, because you don't recover from mog of that caliber.

HGH teeth gap jfl

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