BBC pushed a kid in front of the train

Deleted member 616

Deleted member 616

Dec 4, 2018

“The suspect, who has also not been named, is reportedly of Eritrean origin. His motives remained unclear on Monday.”

Why did he do that? Maybe because he’s a depressed blackcel. Imagine being a non Tyrone black man in Germany JFL. You belong to the KFC toilet. He should’ve learned something from Saint Hamudi tho: despite your subhumanity, just be funny and peaceful.
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fucking retard
Black guy commits a crime
Water is wet
never relax
this is why letting refugees in was a fucking mistake
low iq nigur. aren't there better things to do if you lost all hope? like rob a bank, deal drugs etc
I thought u were a muzzie
fuck those rapefugees who go to western countries to ruin them while calling themselves 'religious' i fucking hate all of them and i wish they all die and burn in hell
fuck those rapefugees who go to western countries to ruin them while calling themselves 'religious' i fucking hate all of them and i wish they all die and burn in hell

I'm assyming you don't live in the west then and aren't white. Tbh I agree with you, they should he vetted before being allowed to come in.
fuck those rapefugees who go to western countries to ruin them while calling themselves 'religious' i fucking hate all of them and i wish they all die and burn in hell
all muslims are gay. I respect isis more than the "moderate" ones because they're true to their book and fight for a cause. moderate muslims cheer for isis silently.

I'm assyming you don't live in the west then and aren't white. Tbh I agree with you, they should he vetted before being allowed to come in.

i'm from a slavic descent and i live in some shithole in north africa where 95% are ethnics and niggers.

i honestly have no problem if you legally entered the country, my problem is with those faggots who came by boats and invaded europe forcefully and ruined it.
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