BBC recently did a documentary on pickup artists and incels.. now they are targeting Eppley (srs)

Deleted member 2527

Deleted member 2527

Jul 21, 2019
For those that don’t know, far left wing BBC have been doing documentaries on incels, pickup bootcamps and red pill theories in general. These documentaries have been overall painting us in a bad light.

Now they have found out about Eppley and have contacted him. He probably just thinks it’s just another opportunity for publicity and that BBC are a balanced British media company when the truth is they are anything but.

Should we email him and let him know about their agenda?


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Eppley is based, he knows what he is doing
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They are just going to put him in a bad light saying shit like, "why are you performing cosmetic surgery on incels?!"

Women can get all the plastic surgery they want, but at soon as men do it everyone loses their minds.
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  • JFL
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Fuck me another price increase he is becoming the most known surgeon fuck
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  • JFL
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he probably knows @facemaxxed

he doesn’t care. he will prosper. he will get more patients even with bad press. he knows looks matter and no matter what, men will still get ps to better themselves. he’s in the best position.

he’s the best implant surgeon, looks matter and nothing will change that, so even if PUA and red pill gets shit on, he will still get patients and publicity.

tl;dr he holds all the power bc he can change ur looks and that’s all that really matters in the end. he can’t lose.
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All of the 40 year old coping BBC reporters actually have it worse in the sexual market than a lot of the incels on incel websites...

Not only are they ugly and obese, but they’re ugly, obese and old.

Instead of mocking and making articles about Eppley, they should be consulting with him.
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  • JFL
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the BBC is full of pedophile cucks
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They are just going to put him in a bad light saying shit like, "why are you performing cosmetic surgery on incels?!"

Women can get all the plastic surgery they want, but at soon as men do it everyone loses their minds.
Women get botox/breast implants no one bats an eye a guy injects testosterone to become more of a man everyone loses their shit
All of the 40 year old coping BBC reporters actually have it worse in the sexual market than a lot of the incels on incel websites...

Not only are they ugly and obese, but they’re ugly, obese and old.

Instead of mocking and making articles about Eppley, they should be consulting with him.
They'd be acting like they're not incels and feel intrigued by incels while they are turbo incels in denial who have to beta buxx to keep a 3.5psl roastie around jfl
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eppley being villain was just matter of time
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he probably knows @facemaxxed

he doesn’t care. he will prosper. he will get more patients even with bad press. he knows looks matter and no matter what, men will still get ps to better themselves. he’s in the best position.

he’s the best implant surgeon, looks matter and nothing will change that, so even if PUA and red pill gets shit on, he will still get patients and publicity.

tl;dr he holds all the power bc he can change ur looks and that’s all that really matters in the end. he can’t lose.

probably? Eppley did my surgery and Ive met him in person

unless you are referring to the reporter
i was referring to eppley

misunderstood you.

hmm well he really must believe that any publicity is good publicity because these pricks are going to spin this as he's a frankstein-type plastic surgeon putting wrist implants in mentally ill pre-shooters.
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misunderstood you.

hmm well he really must believe that any publicity is good publicity because these pricks are going to spin this as he's a frankstein-type plastic surgeon putting wrist implants in mentally ill pre-shooters.
lmfao in my opinion that wouldn’t phase me (if i were him). those aren’t the type of people that will get PS. the time of people who will see him will have a positive view of him. if he gains 100 haters but 5 new patients, that’s all that matters. the 100 haters don’t impact him in a negative way. he really can’t lose.
Society does not want undesirable men to looksmax. Period.

Its in their best intrest to keep men naive ugly and bluepilled.
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Society does not want undesirable men to looksmax. Period.

Its in their best intrest to keep men naive ugly and bluepilled.
Not making a fuss over male plastic surgery means admitting that looks matter for men and that contradicts one of the greatest delusions of our time: that women are wonderful self actualized humans beings who have transcended evolutionary pressures and are just as (if not more) capable as men are, but are only held back by le evil patriarchy.
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Not making a fuss over male plastic surgery means admitting that looks matter for men and that contradicts one of the greatest delusions of our time: that women are wonderful self actualized humans beings who have transcended evolutionary pressures and are just as (if not more) capable than men are, but are only held back by le evil patriarchy.
High IQ. They basically want to keep men beliving that women are amazing creatures that only see personality.
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Society does not want undesirable men to looksmax. Period.

Its in their best intrest to keep men naive ugly and bluepilled.
They want providers who will readily accept them after they are done riding the cock carousel.
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It's so obvious that at this point they're more concerned that incels know the truth about what women want as opposed to them going on killing sprees.

Most of the recent hysteria on incels is not "these guys are murderous psycopaths that hate women". It's "omg these incels are crazy for wanting surgery"
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Problem for a surgeon is that the business is not scalable. He can only sell his 8 hours a day against money. But i bet, this time was also booked out even before he was famous. So the only thing a surgeon can do to make more profit, is price increase. The famous and totally blackpilled Dr.Sailer from switzerland wants around 100k for his bimax ccw rotation transformation. Just because he can.
They are just going to put him in a bad light saying shit like, "why are you performing cosmetic surgery on incels?!"

Women can get all the plastic surgery they want, but at soon as men do it everyone loses their minds.

Ehh, I mean Eppley was even roasted for performing PS on women

I mean, yeah i get it that woman is a fringe case tho.


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