BEARDFRAUDERS: Blackpill and compilation (AND CAGEFUEL)



It's not over yet
Feb 6, 2024


As I mentioned a couple of times before, recession is a cruel thing, when you're still a child/very young it looks bad and you look much more infantile than your peers, but the older u get the more brutal recession's impact on your overall harmony and looks gets. It seems like god likes to intensify the punishment the longer u endure it, almost like if he's punishing you for not quitting early, EXCEPT for one privileged group of people: Beardfrauders.

These guys result from a combination of many RARE qualities:

1- They're recessed.

2- They're blackpilled: Otherwise they would stay clean shaven as most men get advised to do, or at least shave from time to time (but the guys I'll show you do NOT shave, no matter what).

3- They're afraid of getting a surgical solution (implants/bimax/genio...)

and... 4- MOST IMPORTANTLY: They have INSANE beard genetics.

Now here's the thing, beards take YEARS to fully develop the proper extension and thickness needed to entirely hide your lower third, that's why you'll find most beardfrauders don't start utilizing their strategy UNTIL THEIR LATE 20s OR EARLY 30s. This can be life fuel for those of you, recessed fellas, who can't hide their recession due to an insufficient beard now, because you might be able to become a beardfrauder later in life, but... It seems to be getting rarer for newer generations to have the ability to grow high quality beards, so don't get your hopes up, blud :feelswhy:.

Also, because god is capricious, if he concedes you this one chance at forgiveness it isn't without a price, as beardfrauding comes with the inconvenience of requiring a high maintenance (you must constantly trim it and give it a shape) that JAWHAVERS (AKA God's favorites 😇) will NEVER encounter, as well as the constant chance of facing INTENSE humiliation if your actual face is ever discovered (imagine the feeling of seeing your girlfriend be disappointed or even repelled upon seeing your naked face, it must be soul crushing).

This fear of their real face being discovered is what drove beardfauders to create the 6 rules of beardfrauding club (the collective of beardfrauder men who don't want other beardfrauders to get caught in order to preserve the image of all beardfrauders and not have people associate beards with hidden recession):

1- NEVER Shave. NEVER. Not even if you get Lice. Not even if your wife BEGS to see your bare face (Never fall for this trap). You shall NOT SHAVE under ANY condition.

2- If you get knocked unconscious and are somehow immobilized and shaven, start PERMA JUTTING IMMEDIATELY and DO NOT STOP until your beard grows back. This way you might be able to do some damage control.

3- NEVER let ANYONE See old pictures, or you'll risk disappointing everyone who once thought you weren't subhuman.

4- NEVER Stand under direct sunlight / NEVER let anyone point a FLASHLIGHT at your face. Avoid potent lights pointed at your face like they are DEATH LASERS. This is because light will EXPOSE your deformed face, since it can shine through your beard and reveal the UGLY TRUTH.


(Beardfrauding subhumans' faces being partially exposed under the sunlight and a photo of their beard when light isn't destroying it).

5- NEVER let ANYONE see your X-RAYS, CT-SCANS, Etc. This is an UNDERRATED ONE and a RARE WAY to blow your cover, but it happens. Imaging techniques will penetrate the hair and your real persona will be EXPOSED. And if for some stupid reason you decide take them and instantly lose the respect of your doctor and anyone who happens to see the images (HIGH RISK SITUATION), you MUST NOT let your FAMILY see the images under ANY circumstances.

6- Create advance directives for end of life and care in which you state that if shaving you is required to keep you alive, you must be left to die. Also plan your funeral ahead and specify to your mortuary or whoever is gonna handle your corpse once you die, that you do NOT want anyone to touch your beard. Preferably, choose incineration over burial, since incineration will destroy your bones and no-one will ever find your recessed skeleton.

Now on a more serious note, its true that situations like the ones I mentioned are things that beardfrauders fear, in fact, what I've observed online is that they're in constant fear of being discovered because they dislike themselves and don't wanna disappoint their spouse/family once they're seen. It's pretty sad and brutal, tbh. I personally think that if being recessed causes this kind of anguish it's probably better to just get some surgery, but to each their own, beardfrauding ACTUALLY works decently, especially for mild recession cases. In fact, some specifics on the usefulness of beardfrauding are that it can hide both maxilla (mustache) and mandible (rest of the beard) recession pretty decently, unless the recession is giga brutal, and it's actually very useful in class 3 malocclusioncels (these guys don't even use it as often as they should, its mostly used by class 2 malocclusioncels) and also it favors fat people who aren't even recessed, making them appear to have a jawline.

In short: Being a beardfrauder is a great solution for recessed men, but these guys often suffer an impostor syndrome and some of them live in fear of their bare face being discovered, so is it really worth it? (imo YES, beardfrauding is LEGIT, unless you get the impostor syndrome, which isn't uncommon).

Now, let present you the most BRUTAL famous beadfrauders that I know of (CONTINUED IN THE COMMENTS SINCE I SURPASSED THE IMAGES LIMIT HERE), and please POST THE ONES I MIGHT'VE MISSED, and post forum beardfrauders if you know ANY.

UFC Fighter JIRI PROCHAZKA: Baring an insane resemblance to the meme I put at the start of this thread. UFC fighter Jiri Prochazka perfectly encapsulates the joke that are beardfrauders. He's been speculated to owe part of his fighting success to the fact that his opponents miss their punches when attacking his chin, since the beard baits them to attack at a spot where there's NOTHING behind it other than hair.

(I didn't make this meme, btw, someone else on reddit made it. Apparently even blue pilled reddit cucks found him to be a good laughing stock/punching bag)

Here he is Frauding (his perpetual state ever since his beard grew strong enough to allow him to pull it off):


vs Shaven💀:


Interestingly, his beard has made his image much more marketable for the UFC (Wouldn't be surprised if the UFC has the requirement of him keeping the beard in his contract), and has greatly contributed to his likability and his rise to fame. There's toys and plushies being made of him now that I assure you would've never been made if he stayed clean shaven. This all comes to show you that beardfrauding is absolutely legit if your beard genetics allow it.


Now this doesn't mean that beardfrauding has completely saved him... As you will see, the past chases Jiri due to breaking rule 3 of the beardfrauding club, an all too common mistake :cry: Here are some blackpill reddit posts I found of people posting his shaven image and using him as laughing stock:

Extract from that post, in which Jiri's shaven image was tagged NSFW:


and also in that post someone said this:

Brutal blackpill for Andrew Tate, bet he though he was doing something with his own beardfrauding, more on him later.


As u can see, reddit cucks have caught up to beardfrauders, so if you're: one be wary!! Even your NT peers may consider you suspicious of hiding your sub humanity behind your hairy coat. At this point having a beard might even be a FAILO since people could suspect you of being recessed even if you're NOT. :feelskek:

Drake: Beloved and possible blackpiller rapper drake is one of my favorite beardfrauders, because it actually worked quite well for him, he's defo one of the best success stories, and his case is one that people do not talk about enough.

This is him Frauding:


(bro even got dreads, looks like he followed every common .org advice and it actually WORKED for him :ROFLMAO:)

Vs unfrauded:

(He also has vertical maxillary excess, BRUTAL recessed + downgrown pheno💀)


The most interesting aspect about his frauding is that he managed to completely change the perception the public had of him from cuck to being viewed as a mature man/bad boy, and it's all because of the beard. And it must be pointed out that unlike Jiri, who wasn't very well known before rocking his iconic beard, Drake was known EVERYWHERE, and he still managed to change the way everyone views him in real time with his beard. It's crazy.

Regardless of how successful his beardfrauding has been, nothing stopped people from mocking him, since he too, broke rule 3 of the beardfrauding club for a LONG time, and even if he had only shown his true self once, his enemies would've still dug until they found the picture revealing his horrendous shaven face. Here's a compilation of people mocking his unfrauded face:

Kendrick Lamar included a BRUTAL line in one of his recent drake diss tracks "Meet the Grahams" that said: "Grew facial hair 'cause he understand havin' a beard just fit him better" BRUTAL. It's hilarious cause this line flew above everyone's heads when it came out, and it had people speculating some crazy meanings behind it while the meaning was plan and simple, he was basically mocking drake for being a recessed beard fraurder.

Apparently some Redditor recently understood the meaning, I found this post when looking for the exact line on the song in order to quote it:

And there's a whole lot more mockery out there. Here's some of the stuff I found on reddit:

Captura de pantalla 2024 06 24 a las 112841

And I wanted to end this first part with this extract from the last link:

Captura de pantalla 2024 06 24 a las 95724

BRUTAL BLACKPILL FOR RECESSEDCELS: If you're Recessed you're ANNOYING! Just for being born that way, fucking BRUTAL.

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  • +1
  • JFL
  • Love it
Reactions: sonar bugnar, Patient A, Deleted member 96244 and 31 others
im 16 cant even grow a fucking beard
but my face is not ugly tho
  • +1
  • So Sad
Reactions: Chadeep, T50gandycel, 6PSLcel and 1 other person
a viking beard isnt even needed for most ppl

my mandible is recessed but stubble is enough to hide my subhumanity. just never go clean shaven. i also jut for pics but thats another topic
4145080 20240520 161257 01
  • +1
Reactions: WhiteGoodman, Mr.Proper, sayi and 6 others
Good post, funnt coping method tbh 🤣
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 79409, Deleted member 45760, ascension and 2 others
I'm not recessed, my maxilla and lower jaw are forward grown.
I was literaly starving myself out of depression until (which sadly messed me up even more) i got my beard.
  • +1
Reactions: BlackpillRemedy
good thread
  • +1
Reactions: BlackpillRemedy
3- ANDREW TATE: It's too late for broski, he was a bluepilled cuck and showed his recessed face for too long before becoming blackpilled by having EVERYONE mock him and hiding his wimpy lower third behind a beard.


His below even subhuman shaven self:

Brootal. And for what I've seen online people did NOT forget his recession. It'll take YEARS before people start forgetting what he looked like shaven and start focusing on his current image.

4- SANTIAGO ABASCAL: Right wing Spanish politician, believed by most to be a Chad rocking a spartan beard. In reality, there's a puny wimpy lower third hiding behind that beard, and his left wing rivals took NO TIME to dig old pictures of his unfrauded face to mock him😢 Bro should've never allowed a camera near him before growing his majestic beard




(I don't dislike these two guys btw, they simply happen to be beardfrauders, that's why I put them here).

a viking beard isnt even needed for most ppl

my mandible is recessed but stubble is enough to hide my subhumanity. just never go clean shaven. i also jut for pics but thats another topic
View attachment 2996941
You're not recessed
Last edited:
  • +1
  • Hmm...
  • JFL
Reactions: zharupodrugu, JohnDoe, moreroidsmoredates and 8 others
View attachment 2996724

View attachment 2996726

As I mentioned a couple of times before, recession is a cruel thing, when you're still a child/very young it looks bad and you look much more infantile than your peers, but the older u get the more brutal recession's impact on your overall harmony and looks gets. It seems like god likes to intensify the punishment the longer u endure it, almost like if he's punishing you for not quitting early, EXCEPT for one privileged group of people: Beardfrauders.

These guys result from a combination of many RARE qualities:

1- They're recessed.

2- They're blackpilled: Otherwise they would stay clean shaven as most men get advised to do, or at least shave from time to time (but the guys I'll show you do NOT shave, no matter what).

3- They're afraid of getting a surgical solution (implants/bimax/genio...)

and... 4- MOST IMPORTANTLY: They have INSANE beard genetics.

Now here's the thing, beards take YEARS to fully develop the proper extension and thickness needed to entirely hide your lower third, that's why you'll find most beardfrauders don't start utilizing their strategy UNTIL THEIR LATE 20s OR EARLY 30s. This can be life fuel for those of you, recessed fellas, who can't hide their recession due to an insufficient beard now, because you might be able to become a beardfrauder later in life, but... It seems to be getting rarer for newer generations to have the ability to grow high quality beards, so don't get your hopes up, blud :feelswhy:.

Also, because god is capricious, if he concedes you this one chance at forgiveness it isn't without a price, as beardfrauding comes with the inconvenience of requiring a high maintenance (you must constantly trim it and give it a shape) that JAWHAVERS (AKA God's favorites 😇) will NEVER encounter, as well as the constant chance of facing INTENSE humiliation if your actual face is ever discovered (imagine the feeling of seeing your girlfriend be disappointed or even repelled upon seeing your naked face, it must be soul crushing).

This fear of their real face being discovered is what drove beardfauders to create the 6 rules of beardfrauding club (the collective of beardfrauder men who don't want other beardfrauders to get caught in order to preserve the image of all beardfrauders and not have people associate beards with hidden recession):
View attachment 2996722

1- NEVER Shave. NEVER. Not even if you get Lice. Not even if your wife BEGS to see your bare face (Never fall for this trap). You shall NOT SHAVE under ANY condition.

2- If you get knocked unconscious and are somehow immobilized and shaven, start PERMA JUTTING IMMEDIATELY and DO NOT STOP until your beard grows back. This way you might be able to do some damage control.

3- NEVER let ANYONE See old pictures, or you'll risk disappointing everyone who once thought you weren't subhuman.

4- NEVER Stand under direct sunlight / NEVER let anyone point a FLASHLIGHT at your face. Avoid potent lights pointed at your face like they are DEATH LASERS. This is because light will EXPOSE your deformed face, since it can shine through your beard and reveal the UGLY TRUTH.

View attachment 2996730View attachment 2996731View attachment 2996732View attachment 2996729
(Beardfrauding subhumans' faces being partially exposed under the sunlight and a photo of their beard when light isn't destroying it).

5- NEVER let ANYONE see your X-RAYS, CT-SCANS, Etc. This is an UNDERRATED ONE and a RARE WAY to blow your cover, but it happens. Imaging techniques will penetrate the hair and your real persona will be EXPOSED. And if for some stupid reason you decide take them and instantly lose the respect of your doctor and anyone who happens to see the images (HIGH RISK SITUATION), you MUST NOT let your FAMILY see the images under ANY circumstances.

6- Create advance directives for end of life and care in which you state that if shaving you is required to keep you alive, you must be left to die. Also plan your funeral ahead and specify to your mortuary or whoever is gonna handle your corpse once you die, that you do NOT want anyone to touch your beard. Preferably, choose incineration over burial, since incineration will destroy your bones and no-one will ever find your recessed skeleton.

Now on a more serious note, its true that situations like the ones I mentioned are things that beardfrauders fear, in fact, what I've observed online is that they're in constant fear of being discovered because they dislike themselves and don't wanna disappoint their spouse/family once they're seen. It's pretty sad and brutal, tbh. I personally think that if being recessed causes this kind of anguish it's probably better to just get some surgery, but to each their own, beardfrauding ACTUALLY works decently, especially for mild recession cases. In fact, some specifics on the usefulness of beardfrauding are that it can hide both maxilla (mustache) and mandible (rest of the beard) recession pretty decently, unless the recession is giga brutal, and it's actually very useful in class 3 malocclusioncels (these guys don't even use it as often as they should, its mostly used by class 2 malocclusioncels) and also it favors fat people who aren't even recessed, making them appear to have a jawline.

In short: Being a beardfrauder is a great solution for recessed men, but these guys often suffer an impostor syndrome and some of them live in fear of their bare face being discovered, so is it really worth it? (imo YES, beardfrauding is LEGIT, unless you get the impostor syndrome, which isn't uncommon).

Now, let present you the most BRUTAL famous beadfrauders that I know of (CONTINUED IN THE COMMENTS SINCE I SURPASSED THE IMAGES LIMIT HERE), and please POST THE ONES I MIGHT'VE MISSED, and post forum beardfrauders if you know ANY.

UFC Fighter JIRI PROCHAZKA: Baring an insane resemblance to the meme I put at the start of this thread. UFC fighter Jiri Prochazka perfectly encapsulates the joke that are beardfrauders. He's been speculated to owe part of his fighting success to the fact that his opponents miss their punches when attacking his chin, since the beard baits them to attack at a spot where there's NOTHING behind it other than hair.
View attachment 2996728
(I didn't make this meme, btw, someone else on reddit made it. Apparently even blue pilled reddit cucks found him to be a good laughing stock/punching bag)

Here he is Frauding (his perpetual state ever since his beard grew strong enough to allow him to pull it off):
View attachment 2996727
View attachment 2996733

vs Shaven💀:

View attachment 2996717View attachment 2996725

Interestingly, his beard has made his image much more marketable for the UFC (Wouldn't be surprised if the UFC has the requirement of him keeping the beard in his contract), and has greatly contributed to his likability and his rise to fame. There's toys and plushies being made of him now that I assure you would've never been made if he stayed clean shaven. This all comes to show you that beardfrauding is absolutely legit if your beard genetics allow it.

View attachment 2996721
Now this doesn't mean that beardfrauding has completely saved him... As you will see, the past chases Jiri due to breaking rule 3 of the beardfrauding club, an all too common mistake :cry: Here are some blackpill reddit posts I found of people posting his shaven image and using him as laughing stock:

Extract from that post, in which Jiri's shaven image was tagged NSFW:
View attachment 2996716

View attachment 2996723

and also in that post someone said this:
View attachment 2996718

Brutal blackpill for Andrew Tate, bet he though he was doing something with his own beardfrauding, more on him later.

View attachment 2996720
As u can see, reddit cucks have caught up to beardfrauders, so if you're: one be wary!! Even your NT peers may consider you suspicious of hiding your sub humanity behind your hairy coat. At this point having a beard might even be a FAILO since people could suspect you of being recessed even if you're NOT. :feelskek:

Drake: Beloved and possible blackpiller rapper drake is one of my favorite beardfrauders, because it actually worked quite well for him, he's defo one of the best success stories, and his case is one that people do not talk about enough.

This is him Frauding:
View attachment 2996751

View attachment 2996749
(bro even got dreads, looks like he followed every common .org advice and it actually WORKED for him :ROFLMAO:)

Vs unfrauded:
View attachment 2996750
(He also has vertical maxillary excess, BRUTAL recessed + downgrown pheno💀)
View attachment 2996753
View attachment 2996752
The most interesting aspect about his frauding is that he managed to completely change the perception the public had of him from cuck to being viewed as a mature man/bad boy, and it's all because of the beard. And it must be pointed out that unlike Jiri, who wasn't very well known before rocking his iconic beard, Drake was known EVERYWHERE, and he still managed to change the way everyone views him in real time with his beard. It's crazy.

Regardless of how successful his beardfrauding has been, nothing stopped people from mocking him, since he too, broke rule 3 of the beardfrauding club for a LONG time, and even if he had only shown his true self once, his enemies would've still dug until they found the picture revealing his horrendous shaven face. Here's a compilation of people mocking his unfrauded face:

Kendrick Lamar included a BRUTAL line in one of his recent drake diss tracks "Meet the Grahams" that said: "Grew facial hair 'cause he understand havin' a beard just fit him better" BRUTAL. It's hilarious cause this line flew above everyone's heads when it came out, and it had people speculating some crazy meanings behind it while the meaning was plan and simple, he was basically mocking drake for being a recessed beard fraurder.

Apparently some Redditor recently understood the meaning, I found this post when looking for the exact line on the song in order to quote it:
View attachment 2996748
And there's a whole lot more mockery out there. Here's some of the stuff I found on reddit:

View attachment 2996829

And I wanted to end this first part with this extract from the last link:

View attachment 2996830
BRUTAL BLACKPILL FOR RECESSEDCELS: If you're Recessed you're ANNOYING! Just for being born that way, fucking BRUTAL.


good thread bhai:lul:
  • +1
  • Love it
Reactions: Averagecel and BlackpillRemedy
Light stubble mogs both beard and clean shave
View attachment 2996724

View attachment 2996726

As I mentioned a couple of times before, recession is a cruel thing, when you're still a child/very young it looks bad and you look much more infantile than your peers, but the older u get the more brutal recession's impact on your overall harmony and looks gets. It seems like god likes to intensify the punishment the longer u endure it, almost like if he's punishing you for not quitting early, EXCEPT for one privileged group of people: Beardfrauders.

These guys result from a combination of many RARE qualities:

1- They're recessed.

2- They're blackpilled: Otherwise they would stay clean shaven as most men get advised to do, or at least shave from time to time (but the guys I'll show you do NOT shave, no matter what).

3- They're afraid of getting a surgical solution (implants/bimax/genio...)

and... 4- MOST IMPORTANTLY: They have INSANE beard genetics.

Now here's the thing, beards take YEARS to fully develop the proper extension and thickness needed to entirely hide your lower third, that's why you'll find most beardfrauders don't start utilizing their strategy UNTIL THEIR LATE 20s OR EARLY 30s. This can be life fuel for those of you, recessed fellas, who can't hide their recession due to an insufficient beard now, because you might be able to become a beardfrauder later in life, but... It seems to be getting rarer for newer generations to have the ability to grow high quality beards, so don't get your hopes up, blud :feelswhy:.

Also, because god is capricious, if he concedes you this one chance at forgiveness it isn't without a price, as beardfrauding comes with the inconvenience of requiring a high maintenance (you must constantly trim it and give it a shape) that JAWHAVERS (AKA God's favorites 😇) will NEVER encounter, as well as the constant chance of facing INTENSE humiliation if your actual face is ever discovered (imagine the feeling of seeing your girlfriend be disappointed or even repelled upon seeing your naked face, it must be soul crushing).

This fear of their real face being discovered is what drove beardfauders to create the 6 rules of beardfrauding club (the collective of beardfrauder men who don't want other beardfrauders to get caught in order to preserve the image of all beardfrauders and not have people associate beards with hidden recession):
View attachment 2996722

1- NEVER Shave. NEVER. Not even if you get Lice. Not even if your wife BEGS to see your bare face (Never fall for this trap). You shall NOT SHAVE under ANY condition.

2- If you get knocked unconscious and are somehow immobilized and shaven, start PERMA JUTTING IMMEDIATELY and DO NOT STOP until your beard grows back. This way you might be able to do some damage control.

3- NEVER let ANYONE See old pictures, or you'll risk disappointing everyone who once thought you weren't subhuman.

4- NEVER Stand under direct sunlight / NEVER let anyone point a FLASHLIGHT at your face. Avoid potent lights pointed at your face like they are DEATH LASERS. This is because light will EXPOSE your deformed face, since it can shine through your beard and reveal the UGLY TRUTH.

View attachment 2996730View attachment 2996731View attachment 2996732View attachment 2996729
(Beardfrauding subhumans' faces being partially exposed under the sunlight and a photo of their beard when light isn't destroying it).

5- NEVER let ANYONE see your X-RAYS, CT-SCANS, Etc. This is an UNDERRATED ONE and a RARE WAY to blow your cover, but it happens. Imaging techniques will penetrate the hair and your real persona will be EXPOSED. And if for some stupid reason you decide take them and instantly lose the respect of your doctor and anyone who happens to see the images (HIGH RISK SITUATION), you MUST NOT let your FAMILY see the images under ANY circumstances.

6- Create advance directives for end of life and care in which you state that if shaving you is required to keep you alive, you must be left to die. Also plan your funeral ahead and specify to your mortuary or whoever is gonna handle your corpse once you die, that you do NOT want anyone to touch your beard. Preferably, choose incineration over burial, since incineration will destroy your bones and no-one will ever find your recessed skeleton.

Now on a more serious note, its true that situations like the ones I mentioned are things that beardfrauders fear, in fact, what I've observed online is that they're in constant fear of being discovered because they dislike themselves and don't wanna disappoint their spouse/family once they're seen. It's pretty sad and brutal, tbh. I personally think that if being recessed causes this kind of anguish it's probably better to just get some surgery, but to each their own, beardfrauding ACTUALLY works decently, especially for mild recession cases. In fact, some specifics on the usefulness of beardfrauding are that it can hide both maxilla (mustache) and mandible (rest of the beard) recession pretty decently, unless the recession is giga brutal, and it's actually very useful in class 3 malocclusioncels (these guys don't even use it as often as they should, its mostly used by class 2 malocclusioncels) and also it favors fat people who aren't even recessed, making them appear to have a jawline.

In short: Being a beardfrauder is a great solution for recessed men, but these guys often suffer an impostor syndrome and some of them live in fear of their bare face being discovered, so is it really worth it? (imo YES, beardfrauding is LEGIT, unless you get the impostor syndrome, which isn't uncommon).

Now, let present you the most BRUTAL famous beadfrauders that I know of (CONTINUED IN THE COMMENTS SINCE I SURPASSED THE IMAGES LIMIT HERE), and please POST THE ONES I MIGHT'VE MISSED, and post forum beardfrauders if you know ANY.

UFC Fighter JIRI PROCHAZKA: Baring an insane resemblance to the meme I put at the start of this thread. UFC fighter Jiri Prochazka perfectly encapsulates the joke that are beardfrauders. He's been speculated to owe part of his fighting success to the fact that his opponents miss their punches when attacking his chin, since the beard baits them to attack at a spot where there's NOTHING behind it other than hair.
View attachment 2996728
(I didn't make this meme, btw, someone else on reddit made it. Apparently even blue pilled reddit cucks found him to be a good laughing stock/punching bag)

Here he is Frauding (his perpetual state ever since his beard grew strong enough to allow him to pull it off):
View attachment 2996727
View attachment 2996733

vs Shaven💀:

View attachment 2996717View attachment 2996725

Interestingly, his beard has made his image much more marketable for the UFC (Wouldn't be surprised if the UFC has the requirement of him keeping the beard in his contract), and has greatly contributed to his likability and his rise to fame. There's toys and plushies being made of him now that I assure you would've never been made if he stayed clean shaven. This all comes to show you that beardfrauding is absolutely legit if your beard genetics allow it.

View attachment 2996721
Now this doesn't mean that beardfrauding has completely saved him... As you will see, the past chases Jiri due to breaking rule 3 of the beardfrauding club, an all too common mistake :cry: Here are some blackpill reddit posts I found of people posting his shaven image and using him as laughing stock:

Extract from that post, in which Jiri's shaven image was tagged NSFW:
View attachment 2996716

View attachment 2996723

and also in that post someone said this:
View attachment 2996718

Brutal blackpill for Andrew Tate, bet he though he was doing something with his own beardfrauding, more on him later.

View attachment 2996720
As u can see, reddit cucks have caught up to beardfrauders, so if you're: one be wary!! Even your NT peers may consider you suspicious of hiding your sub humanity behind your hairy coat. At this point having a beard might even be a FAILO since people could suspect you of being recessed even if you're NOT. :feelskek:

Drake: Beloved and possible blackpiller rapper drake is one of my favorite beardfrauders, because it actually worked quite well for him, he's defo one of the best success stories, and his case is one that people do not talk about enough.

This is him Frauding:
View attachment 2996751

View attachment 2996749
(bro even got dreads, looks like he followed every common .org advice and it actually WORKED for him :ROFLMAO:)

Vs unfrauded:
View attachment 2996750
(He also has vertical maxillary excess, BRUTAL recessed + downgrown pheno💀)
View attachment 2996753
View attachment 2996752
The most interesting aspect about his frauding is that he managed to completely change the perception the public had of him from cuck to being viewed as a mature man/bad boy, and it's all because of the beard. And it must be pointed out that unlike Jiri, who wasn't very well known before rocking his iconic beard, Drake was known EVERYWHERE, and he still managed to change the way everyone views him in real time with his beard. It's crazy.

Regardless of how successful his beardfrauding has been, nothing stopped people from mocking him, since he too, broke rule 3 of the beardfrauding club for a LONG time, and even if he had only shown his true self once, his enemies would've still dug until they found the picture revealing his horrendous shaven face. Here's a compilation of people mocking his unfrauded face:

Kendrick Lamar included a BRUTAL line in one of his recent drake diss tracks "Meet the Grahams" that said: "Grew facial hair 'cause he understand havin' a beard just fit him better" BRUTAL. It's hilarious cause this line flew above everyone's heads when it came out, and it had people speculating some crazy meanings behind it while the meaning was plan and simple, he was basically mocking drake for being a recessed beard fraurder.

Apparently some Redditor recently understood the meaning, I found this post when looking for the exact line on the song in order to quote it:
View attachment 2996748
And there's a whole lot more mockery out there. Here's some of the stuff I found on reddit:

View attachment 2996829

And I wanted to end this first part with this extract from the last link:

View attachment 2996830
BRUTAL BLACKPILL FOR RECESSEDCELS: If you're Recessed you're ANNOYING! Just for being born that way, fucking BRUTAL.

View attachment 2996724

View attachment 2996726

As I mentioned a couple of times before, recession is a cruel thing, when you're still a child/very young it looks bad and you look much more infantile than your peers, but the older u get the more brutal recession's impact on your overall harmony and looks gets. It seems like god likes to intensify the punishment the longer u endure it, almost like if he's punishing you for not quitting early, EXCEPT for one privileged group of people: Beardfrauders.

These guys result from a combination of many RARE qualities:

1- They're recessed.

2- They're blackpilled: Otherwise they would stay clean shaven as most men get advised to do, or at least shave from time to time (but the guys I'll show you do NOT shave, no matter what).

3- They're afraid of getting a surgical solution (implants/bimax/genio...)

and... 4- MOST IMPORTANTLY: They have INSANE beard genetics.

Now here's the thing, beards take YEARS to fully develop the proper extension and thickness needed to entirely hide your lower third, that's why you'll find most beardfrauders don't start utilizing their strategy UNTIL THEIR LATE 20s OR EARLY 30s. This can be life fuel for those of you, recessed fellas, who can't hide their recession due to an insufficient beard now, because you might be able to become a beardfrauder later in life, but... It seems to be getting rarer for newer generations to have the ability to grow high quality beards, so don't get your hopes up, blud :feelswhy:.

Also, because god is capricious, if he concedes you this one chance at forgiveness it isn't without a price, as beardfrauding comes with the inconvenience of requiring a high maintenance (you must constantly trim it and give it a shape) that JAWHAVERS (AKA God's favorites 😇) will NEVER encounter, as well as the constant chance of facing INTENSE humiliation if your actual face is ever discovered (imagine the feeling of seeing your girlfriend be disappointed or even repelled upon seeing your naked face, it must be soul crushing).

This fear of their real face being discovered is what drove beardfauders to create the 6 rules of beardfrauding club (the collective of beardfrauder men who don't want other beardfrauders to get caught in order to preserve the image of all beardfrauders and not have people associate beards with hidden recession):
View attachment 2996722

1- NEVER Shave. NEVER. Not even if you get Lice. Not even if your wife BEGS to see your bare face (Never fall for this trap). You shall NOT SHAVE under ANY condition.

2- If you get knocked unconscious and are somehow immobilized and shaven, start PERMA JUTTING IMMEDIATELY and DO NOT STOP until your beard grows back. This way you might be able to do some damage control.

3- NEVER let ANYONE See old pictures, or you'll risk disappointing everyone who once thought you weren't subhuman.

4- NEVER Stand under direct sunlight / NEVER let anyone point a FLASHLIGHT at your face. Avoid potent lights pointed at your face like they are DEATH LASERS. This is because light will EXPOSE your deformed face, since it can shine through your beard and reveal the UGLY TRUTH.

View attachment 2996730View attachment 2996731View attachment 2996732View attachment 2996729
(Beardfrauding subhumans' faces being partially exposed under the sunlight and a photo of their beard when light isn't destroying it).

5- NEVER let ANYONE see your X-RAYS, CT-SCANS, Etc. This is an UNDERRATED ONE and a RARE WAY to blow your cover, but it happens. Imaging techniques will penetrate the hair and your real persona will be EXPOSED. And if for some stupid reason you decide take them and instantly lose the respect of your doctor and anyone who happens to see the images (HIGH RISK SITUATION), you MUST NOT let your FAMILY see the images under ANY circumstances.

6- Create advance directives for end of life and care in which you state that if shaving you is required to keep you alive, you must be left to die. Also plan your funeral ahead and specify to your mortuary or whoever is gonna handle your corpse once you die, that you do NOT want anyone to touch your beard. Preferably, choose incineration over burial, since incineration will destroy your bones and no-one will ever find your recessed skeleton.

Now on a more serious note, its true that situations like the ones I mentioned are things that beardfrauders fear, in fact, what I've observed online is that they're in constant fear of being discovered because they dislike themselves and don't wanna disappoint their spouse/family once they're seen. It's pretty sad and brutal, tbh. I personally think that if being recessed causes this kind of anguish it's probably better to just get some surgery, but to each their own, beardfrauding ACTUALLY works decently, especially for mild recession cases. In fact, some specifics on the usefulness of beardfrauding are that it can hide both maxilla (mustache) and mandible (rest of the beard) recession pretty decently, unless the recession is giga brutal, and it's actually very useful in class 3 malocclusioncels (these guys don't even use it as often as they should, its mostly used by class 2 malocclusioncels) and also it favors fat people who aren't even recessed, making them appear to have a jawline.

In short: Being a beardfrauder is a great solution for recessed men, but these guys often suffer an impostor syndrome and some of them live in fear of their bare face being discovered, so is it really worth it? (imo YES, beardfrauding is LEGIT, unless you get the impostor syndrome, which isn't uncommon).

Now, let present you the most BRUTAL famous beadfrauders that I know of (CONTINUED IN THE COMMENTS SINCE I SURPASSED THE IMAGES LIMIT HERE), and please POST THE ONES I MIGHT'VE MISSED, and post forum beardfrauders if you know ANY.

UFC Fighter JIRI PROCHAZKA: Baring an insane resemblance to the meme I put at the start of this thread. UFC fighter Jiri Prochazka perfectly encapsulates the joke that are beardfrauders. He's been speculated to owe part of his fighting success to the fact that his opponents miss their punches when attacking his chin, since the beard baits them to attack at a spot where there's NOTHING behind it other than hair.
View attachment 2996728
(I didn't make this meme, btw, someone else on reddit made it. Apparently even blue pilled reddit cucks found him to be a good laughing stock/punching bag)

Here he is Frauding (his perpetual state ever since his beard grew strong enough to allow him to pull it off):
View attachment 2996727
View attachment 2996733

vs Shaven💀:

View attachment 2996717View attachment 2996725

Interestingly, his beard has made his image much more marketable for the UFC (Wouldn't be surprised if the UFC has the requirement of him keeping the beard in his contract), and has greatly contributed to his likability and his rise to fame. There's toys and plushies being made of him now that I assure you would've never been made if he stayed clean shaven. This all comes to show you that beardfrauding is absolutely legit if your beard genetics allow it.

View attachment 2996721
Now this doesn't mean that beardfrauding has completely saved him... As you will see, the past chases Jiri due to breaking rule 3 of the beardfrauding club, an all too common mistake :cry: Here are some blackpill reddit posts I found of people posting his shaven image and using him as laughing stock:

Extract from that post, in which Jiri's shaven image was tagged NSFW:
View attachment 2996716

View attachment 2996723

and also in that post someone said this:
View attachment 2996718

Brutal blackpill for Andrew Tate, bet he though he was doing something with his own beardfrauding, more on him later.

View attachment 2996720
As u can see, reddit cucks have caught up to beardfrauders, so if you're: one be wary!! Even your NT peers may consider you suspicious of hiding your sub humanity behind your hairy coat. At this point having a beard might even be a FAILO since people could suspect you of being recessed even if you're NOT. :feelskek:

Drake: Beloved and possible blackpiller rapper drake is one of my favorite beardfrauders, because it actually worked quite well for him, he's defo one of the best success stories, and his case is one that people do not talk about enough.

This is him Frauding:
View attachment 2996751

View attachment 2996749
(bro even got dreads, looks like he followed every common .org advice and it actually WORKED for him :ROFLMAO:)

Vs unfrauded:
View attachment 2996750
(He also has vertical maxillary excess, BRUTAL recessed + downgrown pheno💀)
View attachment 2996753
View attachment 2996752
The most interesting aspect about his frauding is that he managed to completely change the perception the public had of him from cuck to being viewed as a mature man/bad boy, and it's all because of the beard. And it must be pointed out that unlike Jiri, who wasn't very well known before rocking his iconic beard, Drake was known EVERYWHERE, and he still managed to change the way everyone views him in real time with his beard. It's crazy.

Regardless of how successful his beardfrauding has been, nothing stopped people from mocking him, since he too, broke rule 3 of the beardfrauding club for a LONG time, and even if he had only shown his true self once, his enemies would've still dug until they found the picture revealing his horrendous shaven face. Here's a compilation of people mocking his unfrauded face:

Kendrick Lamar included a BRUTAL line in one of his recent drake diss tracks "Meet the Grahams" that said: "Grew facial hair 'cause he understand havin' a beard just fit him better" BRUTAL. It's hilarious cause this line flew above everyone's heads when it came out, and it had people speculating some crazy meanings behind it while the meaning was plan and simple, he was basically mocking drake for being a recessed beard fraurder.

Apparently some Redditor recently understood the meaning, I found this post when looking for the exact line on the song in order to quote it:
View attachment 2996748
And there's a whole lot more mockery out there. Here's some of the stuff I found on reddit:

View attachment 2996829

And I wanted to end this first part with this extract from the last link:

View attachment 2996830
BRUTAL BLACKPILL FOR RECESSEDCELS: If you're Recessed you're ANNOYING! Just for being born that way, fucking BRUTAL.


Jiri ascended like 1-2 psl points with that beard. Crazy
  • Love it
Reactions: BlackpillRemedy
Glad I’ll never need a beard
  • +1
Reactions: likenesss, zharupodrugu, Mewton and 2 others
View attachment 2996724

View attachment 2996726

As I mentioned a couple of times before, recession is a cruel thing, when you're still a child/very young it looks bad and you look much more infantile than your peers, but the older u get the more brutal recession's impact on your overall harmony and looks gets. It seems like god likes to intensify the punishment the longer u endure it, almost like if he's punishing you for not quitting early, EXCEPT for one privileged group of people: Beardfrauders.

These guys result from a combination of many RARE qualities:

1- They're recessed.

2- They're blackpilled: Otherwise they would stay clean shaven as most men get advised to do, or at least shave from time to time (but the guys I'll show you do NOT shave, no matter what).

3- They're afraid of getting a surgical solution (implants/bimax/genio...)

and... 4- MOST IMPORTANTLY: They have INSANE beard genetics.

Now here's the thing, beards take YEARS to fully develop the proper extension and thickness needed to entirely hide your lower third, that's why you'll find most beardfrauders don't start utilizing their strategy UNTIL THEIR LATE 20s OR EARLY 30s. This can be life fuel for those of you, recessed fellas, who can't hide their recession due to an insufficient beard now, because you might be able to become a beardfrauder later in life, but... It seems to be getting rarer for newer generations to have the ability to grow high quality beards, so don't get your hopes up, blud :feelswhy:.

Also, because god is capricious, if he concedes you this one chance at forgiveness it isn't without a price, as beardfrauding comes with the inconvenience of requiring a high maintenance (you must constantly trim it and give it a shape) that JAWHAVERS (AKA God's favorites 😇) will NEVER encounter, as well as the constant chance of facing INTENSE humiliation if your actual face is ever discovered (imagine the feeling of seeing your girlfriend be disappointed or even repelled upon seeing your naked face, it must be soul crushing).

This fear of their real face being discovered is what drove beardfauders to create the 6 rules of beardfrauding club (the collective of beardfrauder men who don't want other beardfrauders to get caught in order to preserve the image of all beardfrauders and not have people associate beards with hidden recession):
View attachment 2996722

1- NEVER Shave. NEVER. Not even if you get Lice. Not even if your wife BEGS to see your bare face (Never fall for this trap). You shall NOT SHAVE under ANY condition.

2- If you get knocked unconscious and are somehow immobilized and shaven, start PERMA JUTTING IMMEDIATELY and DO NOT STOP until your beard grows back. This way you might be able to do some damage control.

3- NEVER let ANYONE See old pictures, or you'll risk disappointing everyone who once thought you weren't subhuman.

4- NEVER Stand under direct sunlight / NEVER let anyone point a FLASHLIGHT at your face. Avoid potent lights pointed at your face like they are DEATH LASERS. This is because light will EXPOSE your deformed face, since it can shine through your beard and reveal the UGLY TRUTH.

View attachment 2996730View attachment 2996731View attachment 2996732View attachment 2996729
(Beardfrauding subhumans' faces being partially exposed under the sunlight and a photo of their beard when light isn't destroying it).

5- NEVER let ANYONE see your X-RAYS, CT-SCANS, Etc. This is an UNDERRATED ONE and a RARE WAY to blow your cover, but it happens. Imaging techniques will penetrate the hair and your real persona will be EXPOSED. And if for some stupid reason you decide take them and instantly lose the respect of your doctor and anyone who happens to see the images (HIGH RISK SITUATION), you MUST NOT let your FAMILY see the images under ANY circumstances.

6- Create advance directives for end of life and care in which you state that if shaving you is required to keep you alive, you must be left to die. Also plan your funeral ahead and specify to your mortuary or whoever is gonna handle your corpse once you die, that you do NOT want anyone to touch your beard. Preferably, choose incineration over burial, since incineration will destroy your bones and no-one will ever find your recessed skeleton.

Now on a more serious note, its true that situations like the ones I mentioned are things that beardfrauders fear, in fact, what I've observed online is that they're in constant fear of being discovered because they dislike themselves and don't wanna disappoint their spouse/family once they're seen. It's pretty sad and brutal, tbh. I personally think that if being recessed causes this kind of anguish it's probably better to just get some surgery, but to each their own, beardfrauding ACTUALLY works decently, especially for mild recession cases. In fact, some specifics on the usefulness of beardfrauding are that it can hide both maxilla (mustache) and mandible (rest of the beard) recession pretty decently, unless the recession is giga brutal, and it's actually very useful in class 3 malocclusioncels (these guys don't even use it as often as they should, its mostly used by class 2 malocclusioncels) and also it favors fat people who aren't even recessed, making them appear to have a jawline.

In short: Being a beardfrauder is a great solution for recessed men, but these guys often suffer an impostor syndrome and some of them live in fear of their bare face being discovered, so is it really worth it? (imo YES, beardfrauding is LEGIT, unless you get the impostor syndrome, which isn't uncommon).

Now, let present you the most BRUTAL famous beadfrauders that I know of (CONTINUED IN THE COMMENTS SINCE I SURPASSED THE IMAGES LIMIT HERE), and please POST THE ONES I MIGHT'VE MISSED, and post forum beardfrauders if you know ANY.

UFC Fighter JIRI PROCHAZKA: Baring an insane resemblance to the meme I put at the start of this thread. UFC fighter Jiri Prochazka perfectly encapsulates the joke that are beardfrauders. He's been speculated to owe part of his fighting success to the fact that his opponents miss their punches when attacking his chin, since the beard baits them to attack at a spot where there's NOTHING behind it other than hair.
View attachment 2996728
(I didn't make this meme, btw, someone else on reddit made it. Apparently even blue pilled reddit cucks found him to be a good laughing stock/punching bag)

Here he is Frauding (his perpetual state ever since his beard grew strong enough to allow him to pull it off):
View attachment 2996727
View attachment 2996733

vs Shaven💀:

View attachment 2996717View attachment 2996725

Interestingly, his beard has made his image much more marketable for the UFC (Wouldn't be surprised if the UFC has the requirement of him keeping the beard in his contract), and has greatly contributed to his likability and his rise to fame. There's toys and plushies being made of him now that I assure you would've never been made if he stayed clean shaven. This all comes to show you that beardfrauding is absolutely legit if your beard genetics allow it.

View attachment 2996721
Now this doesn't mean that beardfrauding has completely saved him... As you will see, the past chases Jiri due to breaking rule 3 of the beardfrauding club, an all too common mistake :cry: Here are some blackpill reddit posts I found of people posting his shaven image and using him as laughing stock:

Extract from that post, in which Jiri's shaven image was tagged NSFW:
View attachment 2996716

View attachment 2996723

and also in that post someone said this:
View attachment 2996718

Brutal blackpill for Andrew Tate, bet he though he was doing something with his own beardfrauding, more on him later.

View attachment 2996720
As u can see, reddit cucks have caught up to beardfrauders, so if you're: one be wary!! Even your NT peers may consider you suspicious of hiding your sub humanity behind your hairy coat. At this point having a beard might even be a FAILO since people could suspect you of being recessed even if you're NOT. :feelskek:

Drake: Beloved and possible blackpiller rapper drake is one of my favorite beardfrauders, because it actually worked quite well for him, he's defo one of the best success stories, and his case is one that people do not talk about enough.

This is him Frauding:
View attachment 2996751

View attachment 2996749
(bro even got dreads, looks like he followed every common .org advice and it actually WORKED for him :ROFLMAO:)

Vs unfrauded:
View attachment 2996750
(He also has vertical maxillary excess, BRUTAL recessed + downgrown pheno💀)
View attachment 2996753
View attachment 2996752
The most interesting aspect about his frauding is that he managed to completely change the perception the public had of him from cuck to being viewed as a mature man/bad boy, and it's all because of the beard. And it must be pointed out that unlike Jiri, who wasn't very well known before rocking his iconic beard, Drake was known EVERYWHERE, and he still managed to change the way everyone views him in real time with his beard. It's crazy.

Regardless of how successful his beardfrauding has been, nothing stopped people from mocking him, since he too, broke rule 3 of the beardfrauding club for a LONG time, and even if he had only shown his true self once, his enemies would've still dug until they found the picture revealing his horrendous shaven face. Here's a compilation of people mocking his unfrauded face:

Kendrick Lamar included a BRUTAL line in one of his recent drake diss tracks "Meet the Grahams" that said: "Grew facial hair 'cause he understand havin' a beard just fit him better" BRUTAL. It's hilarious cause this line flew above everyone's heads when it came out, and it had people speculating some crazy meanings behind it while the meaning was plan and simple, he was basically mocking drake for being a recessed beard fraurder.

Apparently some Redditor recently understood the meaning, I found this post when looking for the exact line on the song in order to quote it:
View attachment 2996748
And there's a whole lot more mockery out there. Here's some of the stuff I found on reddit:

View attachment 2996829

And I wanted to end this first part with this extract from the last link:

View attachment 2996830
BRUTAL BLACKPILL FOR RECESSEDCELS: If you're Recessed you're ANNOYING! Just for being born that way, fucking BRUTAL.


How mych beard frauding would I need? Just my chin?
DFEC20F2 AE78 45E2 95AE 65248F6D39BA
  • +1
Reactions: BlackpillRemedy
this is what im going for as someone with mild recession.
  • Love it
Reactions: BlackpillRemedy
this works even better when you have a good eye area and cheekbones, makes you look like you have insanse facial growth and people will just asume your lower third is also great.
  • +1
Reactions: likenesss, Tallooksmaxxer, sayi and 4 others
View attachment 2996724

View attachment 2996726

As I mentioned a couple of times before, recession is a cruel thing, when you're still a child/very young it looks bad and you look much more infantile than your peers, but the older u get the more brutal recession's impact on your overall harmony and looks gets. It seems like god likes to intensify the punishment the longer u endure it, almost like if he's punishing you for not quitting early, EXCEPT for one privileged group of people: Beardfrauders.

These guys result from a combination of many RARE qualities:

1- They're recessed.

2- They're blackpilled: Otherwise they would stay clean shaven as most men get advised to do, or at least shave from time to time (but the guys I'll show you do NOT shave, no matter what).

3- They're afraid of getting a surgical solution (implants/bimax/genio...)

and... 4- MOST IMPORTANTLY: They have INSANE beard genetics.

Now here's the thing, beards take YEARS to fully develop the proper extension and thickness needed to entirely hide your lower third, that's why you'll find most beardfrauders don't start utilizing their strategy UNTIL THEIR LATE 20s OR EARLY 30s. This can be life fuel for those of you, recessed fellas, who can't hide their recession due to an insufficient beard now, because you might be able to become a beardfrauder later in life, but... It seems to be getting rarer for newer generations to have the ability to grow high quality beards, so don't get your hopes up, blud :feelswhy:.

Also, because god is capricious, if he concedes you this one chance at forgiveness it isn't without a price, as beardfrauding comes with the inconvenience of requiring a high maintenance (you must constantly trim it and give it a shape) that JAWHAVERS (AKA God's favorites 😇) will NEVER encounter, as well as the constant chance of facing INTENSE humiliation if your actual face is ever discovered (imagine the feeling of seeing your girlfriend be disappointed or even repelled upon seeing your naked face, it must be soul crushing).

This fear of their real face being discovered is what drove beardfauders to create the 6 rules of beardfrauding club (the collective of beardfrauder men who don't want other beardfrauders to get caught in order to preserve the image of all beardfrauders and not have people associate beards with hidden recession):
View attachment 2996722

1- NEVER Shave. NEVER. Not even if you get Lice. Not even if your wife BEGS to see your bare face (Never fall for this trap). You shall NOT SHAVE under ANY condition.

2- If you get knocked unconscious and are somehow immobilized and shaven, start PERMA JUTTING IMMEDIATELY and DO NOT STOP until your beard grows back. This way you might be able to do some damage control.

3- NEVER let ANYONE See old pictures, or you'll risk disappointing everyone who once thought you weren't subhuman.

4- NEVER Stand under direct sunlight / NEVER let anyone point a FLASHLIGHT at your face. Avoid potent lights pointed at your face like they are DEATH LASERS. This is because light will EXPOSE your deformed face, since it can shine through your beard and reveal the UGLY TRUTH.

View attachment 2996730View attachment 2996731View attachment 2996732View attachment 2996729
(Beardfrauding subhumans' faces being partially exposed under the sunlight and a photo of their beard when light isn't destroying it).

5- NEVER let ANYONE see your X-RAYS, CT-SCANS, Etc. This is an UNDERRATED ONE and a RARE WAY to blow your cover, but it happens. Imaging techniques will penetrate the hair and your real persona will be EXPOSED. And if for some stupid reason you decide take them and instantly lose the respect of your doctor and anyone who happens to see the images (HIGH RISK SITUATION), you MUST NOT let your FAMILY see the images under ANY circumstances.

6- Create advance directives for end of life and care in which you state that if shaving you is required to keep you alive, you must be left to die. Also plan your funeral ahead and specify to your mortuary or whoever is gonna handle your corpse once you die, that you do NOT want anyone to touch your beard. Preferably, choose incineration over burial, since incineration will destroy your bones and no-one will ever find your recessed skeleton.

Now on a more serious note, its true that situations like the ones I mentioned are things that beardfrauders fear, in fact, what I've observed online is that they're in constant fear of being discovered because they dislike themselves and don't wanna disappoint their spouse/family once they're seen. It's pretty sad and brutal, tbh. I personally think that if being recessed causes this kind of anguish it's probably better to just get some surgery, but to each their own, beardfrauding ACTUALLY works decently, especially for mild recession cases. In fact, some specifics on the usefulness of beardfrauding are that it can hide both maxilla (mustache) and mandible (rest of the beard) recession pretty decently, unless the recession is giga brutal, and it's actually very useful in class 3 malocclusioncels (these guys don't even use it as often as they should, its mostly used by class 2 malocclusioncels) and also it favors fat people who aren't even recessed, making them appear to have a jawline.

In short: Being a beardfrauder is a great solution for recessed men, but these guys often suffer an impostor syndrome and some of them live in fear of their bare face being discovered, so is it really worth it? (imo YES, beardfrauding is LEGIT, unless you get the impostor syndrome, which isn't uncommon).

Now, let present you the most BRUTAL famous beadfrauders that I know of (CONTINUED IN THE COMMENTS SINCE I SURPASSED THE IMAGES LIMIT HERE), and please POST THE ONES I MIGHT'VE MISSED, and post forum beardfrauders if you know ANY.

UFC Fighter JIRI PROCHAZKA: Baring an insane resemblance to the meme I put at the start of this thread. UFC fighter Jiri Prochazka perfectly encapsulates the joke that are beardfrauders. He's been speculated to owe part of his fighting success to the fact that his opponents miss their punches when attacking his chin, since the beard baits them to attack at a spot where there's NOTHING behind it other than hair.
View attachment 2996728
(I didn't make this meme, btw, someone else on reddit made it. Apparently even blue pilled reddit cucks found him to be a good laughing stock/punching bag)

Here he is Frauding (his perpetual state ever since his beard grew strong enough to allow him to pull it off):
View attachment 2996727
View attachment 2996733

vs Shaven💀:

View attachment 2996717View attachment 2996725

Interestingly, his beard has made his image much more marketable for the UFC (Wouldn't be surprised if the UFC has the requirement of him keeping the beard in his contract), and has greatly contributed to his likability and his rise to fame. There's toys and plushies being made of him now that I assure you would've never been made if he stayed clean shaven. This all comes to show you that beardfrauding is absolutely legit if your beard genetics allow it.

View attachment 2996721
Now this doesn't mean that beardfrauding has completely saved him... As you will see, the past chases Jiri due to breaking rule 3 of the beardfrauding club, an all too common mistake :cry: Here are some blackpill reddit posts I found of people posting his shaven image and using him as laughing stock:

Extract from that post, in which Jiri's shaven image was tagged NSFW:
View attachment 2996716

View attachment 2996723

and also in that post someone said this:
View attachment 2996718

Brutal blackpill for Andrew Tate, bet he though he was doing something with his own beardfrauding, more on him later.

View attachment 2996720
As u can see, reddit cucks have caught up to beardfrauders, so if you're: one be wary!! Even your NT peers may consider you suspicious of hiding your sub humanity behind your hairy coat. At this point having a beard might even be a FAILO since people could suspect you of being recessed even if you're NOT. :feelskek:

Drake: Beloved and possible blackpiller rapper drake is one of my favorite beardfrauders, because it actually worked quite well for him, he's defo one of the best success stories, and his case is one that people do not talk about enough.

This is him Frauding:
View attachment 2996751

View attachment 2996749
(bro even got dreads, looks like he followed every common .org advice and it actually WORKED for him :ROFLMAO:)

Vs unfrauded:
View attachment 2996750
(He also has vertical maxillary excess, BRUTAL recessed + downgrown pheno💀)
View attachment 2996753
View attachment 2996752
The most interesting aspect about his frauding is that he managed to completely change the perception the public had of him from cuck to being viewed as a mature man/bad boy, and it's all because of the beard. And it must be pointed out that unlike Jiri, who wasn't very well known before rocking his iconic beard, Drake was known EVERYWHERE, and he still managed to change the way everyone views him in real time with his beard. It's crazy.

Regardless of how successful his beardfrauding has been, nothing stopped people from mocking him, since he too, broke rule 3 of the beardfrauding club for a LONG time, and even if he had only shown his true self once, his enemies would've still dug until they found the picture revealing his horrendous shaven face. Here's a compilation of people mocking his unfrauded face:

Kendrick Lamar included a BRUTAL line in one of his recent drake diss tracks "Meet the Grahams" that said: "Grew facial hair 'cause he understand havin' a beard just fit him better" BRUTAL. It's hilarious cause this line flew above everyone's heads when it came out, and it had people speculating some crazy meanings behind it while the meaning was plan and simple, he was basically mocking drake for being a recessed beard fraurder.

Apparently some Redditor recently understood the meaning, I found this post when looking for the exact line on the song in order to quote it:
View attachment 2996748
And there's a whole lot more mockery out there. Here's some of the stuff I found on reddit:

View attachment 2996829

And I wanted to end this first part with this extract from the last link:

View attachment 2996830
BRUTAL BLACKPILL FOR RECESSEDCELS: If you're Recessed you're ANNOYING! Just for being born that way, fucking BRUTAL.

  • +1
Reactions: Fusionxz and BlackpillRemedy
Holy fuck my bimax can't come soon enough
  • +1
Reactions: DelonLover1999
what's wrong with it?
botch likelihood and genio is the better alternative unless your lower third is disastrous. Also beard fraud like op says:D
  • JFL
Reactions: BlackpillRemedy and Deleted member 67581
I don't wanna have to do this, this isn't fair :(
  • So Sad
Reactions: BlackpillRemedy
@sweetheart Николай II был до мейнстрима
  • +1
  • Love it
Reactions: zharupodrugu, Deleted member 64504, Deleted member 69862 and 1 other person
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That shit about Drake is something I was talking about with my boy just last week. Every Drake line about fucking women was met with ridicule back then because he looked like a fucking bitch. Then something switched and those lines became "manipulative male whore behavior". All cause he got a beard lol.
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drake is ok, but james harden :///////
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3687562 IMG 20231006 202735
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don’t get that meme surgery, the forum has cooked ur brain cells

How is Bimax a meme surgery if you have for example a recessed lower jaw ?

Its a meme if you have a proper bite and try to get " Forward growth " out of it.
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The problem is that young women don't really like beard. Most guys are recessed and beard fraud. I need to do it because i have a long nose and narrow jaw
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Or just have a normal lower third that doesn't need frauding lol why are you acting like it is very rare jfl
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Would yall consider this frauding?
IMG20240626183608  01  01  01

Screenshot 2024 06 26 18 37 00 72 92460851df6f172a4592fca41cc2d2e6  01  01

Age 16-20
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Cagefuel thread :feelskek:
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20240606 105254

Am i recessed or short chin
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