beauty, health and function are all the same



Jul 17, 2024
every organism has a blueprint, like a lego set and each building step serves a purpose. have you ever asked yourself why thick eyebrows are pretty? they protect the eye from water sweat and blood running down into the eye, they also enable greater vision in bright environments, which is also why thick eye lashes are pretty, they esentially do the same. we know every single blueprint unconsciously, if we see an organism, we unconsciously check, wether everything was built correctly. this cat has: luscious fur, hunter eyes, not to skinny/not to big, (if i knew more about cat lookism i could list more lol) therefor its healthy, look at barett and try to do this with him, then take a pic of some ugly dude and do this also, if you want you can look at a blooming flower and then compare it to a dry ass crippled flower.


if a mistake in the building process was done, we feel disgusted and repulsed. this behaviour is especially strong in females and towards organisms of our own species and race, which btw arent the same, dog/cat is species and race is german shepperd/golden retriever. we feel disgusted because a part built wrongly implies either poor health, injury or inferior genes, all of these will bring poor protection and unhealthy children. being/having [insert ugly feature here] is a sign of either poor health injury or inferior genes or malnutrition, you should be able to explain it to yourself, i dont need to exaplin every feature, you got the idea
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cope sadly,the most important features are purely genetic,eye shape,height,jaw/chin etc. an ugly person with good skin/eyebrows and hair is still just as ugly
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'just have good skin and eyebrows you will be gl bro''''' coping nigga
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cope sadly,the most important features are purely genetic,eye shape,height,jaw/chin etc. an ugly person with good skin is still just as ugly
i cant, first thread of mine ever and some retard comes and spews his bs all over the place, just read the entire fucking thing you retarded retard i literally said inferior genes and on top most things arent genetic but lifestyle related
i cant, first thread of mine ever and some retard comes and spews his bs all over the place, just read the entire fucking thing you retarded retard i literally said inferior genes and on top most things arent genetic but lifestyle related
nothing is lifestyle related you coping fag,perfect lifestyle will get tyou 1 cm of growth,nose,eyes etc are purely genetic you fucking retard
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i cant, first thread of mine ever and some retard comes and spews his bs all over the place, just read the entire fucking thing you retarded retard i literally said inferior genes and on top most things arent genetic but lifestyle related
Explain ramirez who was a drug addict
i watched a documentary he didnt leave his family until like 18-19 and he was fully developed by then
Source Google :
His father, a railway laborer, was an alcoholic who was prone to fits of anger that often resulted in physical abuse towards his wife and children. Ramirez was brought up a Catholic and began smoking marijuana and drinking alcohol at the age of 10
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nothing is lifestyle related you coping fag,perfect lifestyle will get tyou 1 cm of growth,nose,eyes etc are purely genetic you fucking retard
just bc youve eaten shit all ur life never exercised never talked to girls never were outside doesnt mean that ur ugly ass has poor genes, retard, also how tf would i even be coping with this thread??? nigger please get ur cluster b diagnosed
just bc youve eaten shit all ur life never exercised never talked to girls never were outside doesnt mean that ur ugly ass has poor genes, retard, also how tf would i even be coping with this thread??? nigger please get ur cluster b diagnosed
exercise during puberty stunts growth glad i didnt exercise during puberty bc i would have ended up like you,coping nigga lol i ate clean during development
omegalul its over for you
height,eye shape,symetry/harmoney and lower 3rd development is all that matters,all you can get from a better environment is better skin and that has 0 impract on attraction keep coping bc your parents are short subhumans
height,eye shape,symetry/harmoney and lower 3rd development is all that matters,all you can get from a better environment is better skin and that has 0 impract on attraction keep coping bc your parents are short subhumans
nigger i literally said "sign of poor genes", and again height is influenced heavily by growth hormon levels and nutrients, eye shape is influenced by being outside in the sun, lower third develops well if u chew hard stuff, maxilla = mewing but thats not even the topic of my post im asuming u think im a newfag and you can bait me its so over for u bby
nigger i literally said "sign of poor genes", and again height is influenced heavily by growth hormon levels and nutrients, eye shape is influenced by being outside in the sun, lower third develops well if u chew hard stuff, maxilla = mewing but thats not even the topic of my post im asuming u think im a newfag and you can bait me its so over for u bby
yeah you just said mewing gets you maxilla, and you actually belive in mewing you need to be hung
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growth hormon levels and nutrients, eye shape is influenced by being outside in the sun, lower third develops well if u chew hard stuff, maxilla = mewing
Holy cope. You need to delete your account and never come back
nigger i literally said "sign of poor genes", and again height is influenced heavily by growth hormon levels and nutrients, eye shape is influenced by being outside in the sun, lower third develops well if u chew hard stuff, maxilla = mewing but thats not even the topic of my post im asuming u think im a newfag and you can bait me its so over for u bby
eye shape looks similar from 3 years old to death,it never changes after it developes in fetus,please hang yourself coping freak,saying lack of sun exposure changes eye shape is stupid,squinting in the sun just gives you WRINKLES hAAAAAS
eye shape looks similar from 3 years old to death,it never changes after it developes in fetus,please hang yourself coping freak,saying lack of sun exposure changes eye shape is stupid,squinting in the sun just gives you WRINKLES hAAAAAS
have you anything of value to add to the actual topic of this thread? rage somewhere else i can picture your lonely kid ass psycho
every organism has a blueprint, like a lego set and each building step serves a purpose. have you ever asked yourself why thick eyebrows are pretty? they protect the eye from water sweat and blood running down into the eye, they also enable greater vision in bright environments, which is also why thick eye lashes are pretty, they esentially do the same. we know every single blueprint unconsciously, if we see an organism, we unconsciously check, wether everything was built correctly. this cat has: luscious fur, hunter eyes, not to skinny/not to big, (if i knew more about cat lookism i could list more lol) therefor its healthy, look at barett and try to do this with him, then take a pic of some ugly dude and do this also, if you want you can look at a blooming flower and then compare it to a dry ass crippled flower.

View attachment 3046793

if a mistake in the building process was done, we feel disgusted and repulsed. this behaviour is especially strong in females and towards organisms of our own species and race, which btw arent the same, dog/cat is species and race is german shepperd/golden retriever. we feel disgusted because a part built wrongly implies either poor health, injury or inferior genes, all of these will bring poor protection and unhealthy children. being/having [insert ugly feature here] is a sign of either poor health injury or inferior genes or malnutrition, you should be able to explain it to yourself, i dont need to exaplin every feature, you got the idea
cope sadly,the most important features are purely genetic,eye shape,height,jaw/chin etc. an ugly person with good skin/eyebrows and hair is still just as ugly
Yes, but these features are often caused because of bad diets and lifestyles when they were young, such as not being breastfed long enough, not being fed a healthy diet, mother not eating healthy enough, not chewing hard enough foods, mouth breathing… But even then there is nothing you can do to fix how your parents treated you.

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