Being bald and short is a death sente........ JFL

Deleted member 2854

Deleted member 2854

Aug 18, 2019

Spotted 5 minutes ago. Saw about 25 mismatched couples like this in the space of an hour. Girl had a great face with high set forward cheekbones as well and is a couple of inches taller

What the fuck did we do to deserve this fate while guys like this who should've been killed off years ago walk around with 6+'s?
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They drink more water bro.
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and then u woke up
I know a guy who are like 150cm and bald and ugly and he has a daughter. Ofc he betabuxx but he's not virgin.
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I know a guy who are like 150cm and bald and ugly and he has a daughter. Ofc he betabuxx but he's not virgin.
bald + short + ethnic = short balding ethnic = gigatruecel
>Saw about 25 mismatched couples like this in the space of an hour.

couldve made it more believable but this just makes it all sound like a big LARP.

Mismatched couples are extremely rare
>Saw about 25 mismatched couples like this in the space of an hour.

couldve made it more believable but this just makes it all sound like a big LARP.

Mismatched couples are extremely rare
I've caught one on video - I'm simply pointing out this is a common occurrence and I saw this many times over. I have no reason to lie. Trust me I wish it wasn't like this IRL.

Believe me or don't.
@balding17yomanletcel GTFIH
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Reactions: Deleted member 2587 and balding17yomanletcel
I've caught one on video - I'm simply pointing out this is a common occurrence and I saw this many times over. I have no reason to lie. Trust me I wish it wasn't like this IRL.

Believe me or don't.
Well idk where you live, but in the netherlands this doesnt happen and on holidays throughout europe I havent seen this either.

Spotted 5 minutes ago. Saw about 25 mismatched couples like this in the space of an hour. Girl had a great face with high set forward cheekbones as well and is a couple of inches taller

What the fuck did we do to deserve this fate while guys like this who should've been killed off years ago walk around with 6+'s?

That is his mom
  • JFL
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That guy mogs me
can confirm i see daily couples like this

fuck i dont know what to believe
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Lifefuel for me ngl
Are you legit 17 and bald, or is it one of those autist things when you still have hair and your hairline and has convinced yourself that you are norwooding when you arent?
Are you legit 17 and bald, or is it one of those autist things when you still have hair and your hairline and has convinced yourself that you are norwooding when you arent?
Nah legit bald, sent my photos to most users, im legit bald bro no hair at all lol
  • JFL
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Nah legit bald, sent my photos to most users, im legit bald bro no hair at all lol

Jesus thats fucking unluko. How did it happen? Did your dad and moms dad and all that go bald at similar age?
Dual mating strategy, looks matter less for long term relationships than short term.
Many guys that have a gf can't slay at all.
  • +1
Reactions: Effortless, diggbicc, Cleftcel and 1 other person
Jesus thats fucking unluko. How did it happen? Did your dad and moms dad and all that go bald at similar age?
Genetic, my uncles also a baldcel
  • JFL
Reactions: Toth's thot
I'm not bald and not that short
Feels good
Dual mating strategy, looks matter less for long term relationships than short term.
Many guys that have a gf can't slay at all.
If I could get a gf of that calibre I wouldn’t care about slaying either
the question to ask is whether she would of dated him in her prime
money, dick, status and voice
drink more water. it hydrogeenisis your tibial sutures into opening and then invostigates the osteplasts to grow taller
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Glitches in the matrix are everywhere..

They got together through social circle no doubt...

There way in hell it would be online
>Saw about 25 mismatched couples like this in the space of an hour.

couldve made it more believable but this just makes it all sound like a big LARP.

Mismatched couples are extremely rare
I see a lot tbh, usually its only a 1-2 psl difference though
Ngl the most brutal mismatches I've seen have usually been a dude who PSL mogged the girl to death, insane, today at Wendy's I saw an upper tier normie dude with a PSL 2
  • So Sad
Reactions: Effortless
I know a guy who are like 150cm and bald and ugly and he has a daughter. Ofc he betabuxx but he's not virgin.
being virgin is better than betabuxing
i see shit like this daily ngl.

blackpill doesnt always apply especially in older generations
  • +1
Reactions: Effortless
is that mr norwood?
Keep crying for him OP, he mogs you.

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