Being catfished, trolled, and abandoned in online relationships has helped me become a wiser person


Deleted member 611

Dec 4, 2018
From all the pranks and trolls and female larps I've experienced on the internet, it's safe to say I won't be pursuing online relationships in the future. The short 2 weeks of pleasure I get from an average online relationship or troll is not worth the pain it causes me afterward, its not worth it at all. Before now I was dependent on others for my happiness, but now that isn't really the case anymore.

Although being in a online relationship would make me much happier than I am now, I'm not depressed like I usually am when I'm without somebody. My advice to you is to never put yourself in the position I put myself in, unless you want to be immensely disappointed. Now it's time for me to get an irl relationship and work at that through looksmaxing and improving my social skills.

Btw that whole "God" thing was me going crazy because someone had ended a relationship we were in. I go crazy whenever someone ends an online relationship with me.

But yeah never doing that shit again. I've learned from my mistakes.
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Online relationships are a meme and i dont think its a good platform as irl dating in terms of commitment.
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Online relationships are a meme and i dont think its a good platform as irl dating in terms of commitment.
Yeah the lack of physicality in the relationship will eventually make the other person grow bored. You don't know how many times ive heard the saying "I want to spend the rest of my life with you", only for them to fuck me over a few weeks or a month later lol. It's a meme I agree.
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Sometimes you have to make mistakes man, As long as you learn from them grow as a person. i played my self exactly a year ago this month, thinking i had a chance sitting on my ass doing jack shit on tinder, This year this time around been nutting but busting my ass improving my self. suffer now Benefit from it later.
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Sometimes you have to make mistakes man, As long as you learn from them grow as a person. i played my self exactly a year ago this month, thinking i had a chance sitting on my ass doing jack shit on tinder, This year this time around been nutting but busting my ass improving my self. suffer now Benefit from it later.
Youre probably one of the of the best posters on this site ngl.
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Sometimes you have to make mistakes man, As long as you learn from them grow as a person. i played my self exactly a year ago this month, thinking i had a chance sitting on my ass doing jack shit on tinder, This year this time around been nutting but busting my ass improving my self. suffer now Benefit from it later.
To learn is to suffer
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Reactions: kobecel, Deleted member 701 and Sizzurp
Youre probably one of the of the best posters on this site ngl.

I appreciate it man, I try to give as much advice i can Ive been through allot my self aswell.
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Anyway I deleted the discord app because of all this shit too, don't need it anymore. People on there put up a cutsie facade with all their anime emotes and shit then mercilessly backstab me, meh wish people could be better.
@Sizzurp have you tried tinder since then?
@Sizzurp have you tried tinder since then?
yeah i did 2 months ago, also last summer, 2 months ago had a allot of likes and shit didnt even post a full pci of my face i uploaded a acne pic that i showed on this site to see my progress, i used that lol and 1 more pic u can see my face slightly more im topless in both pics, but idk it just felt weird i could not do it and the girls on there just didnt do it for me, used it for like a day and got rid of it, i might try and just go out more often it surprisingly i had more success that way.
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yeah i did 2 months ago, also last summer, 2 months ago had a allot of likes and shit didnt even post a full pci of my face i uploaded a acne pic that i showed on this site to see my progress, i used that lol and 1 more pic u can see my face slightly more im topless in both pics, but idk it just felt weird i could not do it and the girls on there just didnt do it for me, used it for like a day and got rid of it, i might try and just go out more often it surprisingly i had more success that way.
Yeah i probably wouldn't be a fan of the women on there either. Most of them are probably generic sluts with 0 personality. I'd rather look in a weeb discord server or something. Even though most "weeaboo" girls are ugly, there are some above average ones.

^This is what I would have said a week ago, but now its time to try irl
Yeah i probably wouldn't be a fan of the women on there either. Most of them are probably generic sluts with 0 personality. I'd rather look in a weeb discord server or something. Even though most "weeaboo" girls are ugly, there are some above average ones.

^This is what I would have said a week ago, but now its time to try irl

Trust me man, IRL best thing, tinder are just girls getting fed by validation by pussywhiped idoits, allot just leave thier insta info there just to get more followers, have u ever tried to make a girl profile i did this last year, OMG i was shocked at first over 100 in less then a minute a minute...... imagine after a hour before she can even see your profile she has to swipe over 10000s of dudes.. so its just not working the market on tinder is so screwed guys value less then 5% female value 250+%..
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Trust me man, IRL best thing, tinder are just girls getting fed by validation by pussywhiped idoits, allot just leave thier insta info there just to get more followers, have u ever tried to make a girl profile i did this last year, OMG i was shocked at first over 100 in less then a minute a minute...... imagine after a hour before she can even see your profile she has to swipe over 10000s of dudes.. so its just not working the market on tinder is so screwed guys value less then 5% female value 250+%..
I remember an incel did an experiment where he put in his profile just someone holding some dirt in their hands, and it was just a picture of the dirt in the hands, no body no face, just the dirt, and he got more likes and shit than an Orb experiment he did just because he put on the profile that it was a female. I swear to god I blame the cucks who inflate these foid's egos in the hopes the sluts will give them the scraps after Chad is done ravaging them.
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Just McAvoy max and larp some prime JB for yourself like in split movie. You are looking similar to him
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I remember an incel did an experiment where he put in his profile just someone holding some dirt in their hands, and it was just a picture of the dirt in the hands, no body no face, just the dirt, and he got more likes and shit than an Orb experiment he did just because he put on the profile that it was a female. I swear to god I blame the cucks who inflate these foid's egos in the hopes the sluts will give them the scraps after Chad is done ravaging them.

Haha soo true, i remeber i did this by mistake, i was choosing my girl profile pic in my phone so instead i picked a soccer player and zoomed in his glove, i check moments later still get liked liek wtffffff..... who does that... are they that desperate jeeez they would date a glove...
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I tried online validation when I was ugly and lemme tell you girls are desperate af and crazy. It's all pretty (((homo))) to me
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Haha soo true, i remeber i did this by mistake, i was choosing my girl profile pic in my phone so instead i picked a soccer player and zoomed in his glove, i check moments later still get liked liek wtffffff..... who does that... are they that desperate jeeez they would date a glove...
Men accept most of what they see while women decline most of what they see. 80% and 20% I'm guessing.

Just McAvoy max and larp some prime JB for yourself like in split movie. You are looking similar to him
I don't see the resemblance
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I dk u resemble him to me, especially when he played some maniacal guy role, like in Filth.
I mean the only similarity I see are the dark circles under the eyes, I'll give you that lol, but I've been getting more sleep lately so they're going away. I was sleeping 3 hours a night.
I mean the only similarity I see are the dark circles under the eyes, I'll give you that lol, but I've been getting more sleep lately so they're going away. I was sleeping 3 hours a night.
Try this website with some pics, I wonder how much I am right if at all.
Try this website with some pics, I wonder how much I am right if at all.
I mean the only similarity I see are the dark circles under the eyes, I'll give you that lol, but I've been getting more sleep lately so they're going away. I was sleeping 3 hours a night.
I ended up looking like him in one pic
Taking into account that I am nw0 ethnic and have no green eyes. Its over for that website so you can aswell disregard my advice :lul:
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Yeah the lack of physicality in the relationship will eventually make the other person grow bored. You don't know how many times ive heard the saying "I want to spend the rest of my life with you", only for them to fuck me over a few weeks or a month later lol. It's a meme I agree.
it's awful honestly, I was on the other end of this unfortunately and ended up looking like an ass (we were supposed to meet over the summer) but I ended the relationship cuz it was too much stress ngl
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it's awful honestly, I was on the other end of this unfortunately and ended up looking like an ass (we were supposed to meet over the summer) but I ended the relationship cuz it was too much stress ngl
What was stressful about it? Did you act as her caretaker because she was mentally ill?
What was stressful about it? Did you act as her caretaker because she was mentally ill?
kinda, it was great occasionally but required way too much time from me, I had began to neglect irl friends although it did give me a huge confidence boost and around that time was actually when I started attracting girls irl
Never been in a LTR and probably never will. The probability of getting cucked and used is too damn in the west. Maxxin until I can fuck a new girl every week.

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