Being good at talking doesnt mean ur high IQ, has nothing to do with IQ because im the highest IQ in the world and bad at talking



c crime
Jul 15, 2022

i also know tons of low iq people who are good at talking
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having a good memory also has nothing to do with IQ, as im highest IQ in the world and have bad memory.

I also know tons of low IQ people with better memories than mine
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Btw also making money has nothing to do with IQ, as im smarter than Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg and Jeff Bezos
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being high IQ doesnt necessarily mean ur better at certain tasks than other people.

High IQ means being like me, good at writing and having the most knowledge, as well as having a high reading speed like me
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i also know tons of low iq people who are good at talking
those people who can talk well are on the same or higher than a person that you classify as high iq bc i say that talking can be used better than any analytical process

a well-speaking person can convince a person, so by convincing someone to who they have enacted their willing unto them

if your able to enact your will onto other people you can make people buy a product, build a network of important people, and be a commander

analytical people have only done decently because of the police state that is in most countries, but in times of chaos when it matters most, the well-speaking person will enact their will onto the analytical populous and virtually enslave them in a sense

being high iq means intelligence quotient

intelligence means the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills

intelligence is weighed on the importance of the utility of the field
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actually being good at speaking is a combination of high iq and practice. however most people who are 'good at speaking" by the standards of normies, are low iq and don't say anything, it's just an illusion. it's simply being delusional enoguh to have a lot of conviction behind your words, like this:

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being high IQ doesnt necessarily mean ur better at certain tasks than other people.

High IQ means being like me, good at writing and having the most knowledge, as well as having a high reading speed like me
If you have the most knowledge explain to me which Cro magnon group came from the villabruna cluster
when you say talk well do you mean saying big words
low iq hood niggers are excellent at talking
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