best gymcelling supplement that is not natural but is not considered anabolic steroid?



300 iq mastermind sociopath manipulator demi-god
Sep 4, 2019
basically i dont want copestacks, where i take 500mg from every single vitamin in the existence only to kill my liver and not look any better

and i also dont want to take any kind of steroids, not because i am high inhib but because everyone here advises against it because hormonal imbalances it can cause (despite some youngcels ascending HARD from roiding before 18)

i am talking about shit like clenbuterol, ephedrine, DNP (these are mostly weight loss/stimulants but i believe there are others)
thinking of ordering ephedrine, doesn't seem much high risk and it seems very useful, also affordable
What is your goal and what are your current stats?
What is your goal and what are your current stats?
im somewhere between 120lbs and 130lbs at 5'7 height
i want to auschwitzmaxx and have a very lean face, while simultaneously putting on some muscle without gaining any fat at all
At your height the only thing you should be taking is gh or peptides
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Try get taller before adding muscle
  • JFL
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you will probably hear about SARMS, dont do them cuz its made for lab rats not humans
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not affordable

lot of users reported zero improvements
I feel like users here expect to grow an inch in a month and get discouraged when they don’t jfl

It might not work but it will help build muscle
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I've heard good things about laxogening (plant steroid) i've read that it doesnt fuck w hormones
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How do you not know about creatine yet. Fits exactly what you're looking for.
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i thought about ostarine tbh
Very weak SARM and from what i've read just as supressive as the others, at that point you're better off doing LGD or RAD.
How old are you, i assume sub18 if so than i don't suggest roiding or shit like that
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Very weak SARM and from what i've read just as supressive as the others, at that point you're better off doing LGD or RAD.
How old are you, i assume sub18 if so than i don't suggest roiding or shit like that
17 almost
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17 almost
Yeah stay the hell away from roids especially considering your current norwoord stage.
Laxogenin might work, i suggest doing a bit more research on it tho. What physique are you aiming for?
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Yeah stay the hell away from roids especially considering your current norwoord stage.
Laxogenin might work, i suggest doing a bit more research on it tho. What physique are you aiming for?
dont necessarily want to be muscular, just lean as fuck with some muscle
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dont necessarily want to be muscular, just lean as fuck with some muscle
Hm the only (Sarm) i know which will help with leannes is cardarine and it techniclaly isnt a sarm just like MK677
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Hm the only (Sarm) i know which will help with leannes is cardarine and it techniclaly isnt a sarm just like MK677
im gonna look into it, thanks boyo
basically i dont want copestacks, where i take 500mg from every single vitamin in the existence only to kill my liver and not look any better

and i also dont want to take any kind of steroids, not because i am high inhib but because everyone here advises against it because hormonal imbalances it can cause (despite some youngcels ascending HARD from roiding before 18)

i am talking about shit like clenbuterol, ephedrine, DNP (these are mostly weight loss/stimulants but i believe there are others)
thinking of ordering ephedrine, doesn't seem much high risk and it seems very useful, also affordable
There is nothing, just hard training and good nutrition. Supplements are cope
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There is nothing, just hard training and good nutrition. Supplements are cope
yes i am gymcelling everyday to the point where i cant move my arms anymore
supplements are indeed cope, but i wouldnt call performance enhancing substances (sometimes illegal) supplements
yes i am gymcelling everyday to the point where i cant move my arms anymore
supplements are indeed cope, but i wouldnt call performance enhancing substances (sometimes illegal) supplements
Take ostarine or MK677
Take ostarine or MK677
was thinking about ostarine but as @Papabakvet says its just as suppressive as others (though ive seen the opposite on some forums?) and also weak as shit

dont want to do mk677 as thats for dirty bulking, like eating a million kcal everyday and lifting like hulk

i want to gain the most minimal amount of fat while gaining muscle, having a lean face is very important to me
was thinking about ostarine but as @Papabakvet says its just as suppressive as others (though ive seen the opposite on some forums?) and also weak as shit

dont want to do mk677 as thats for dirty bulking, like eating a million kcal everyday and lifting like hulk

i want to gain the most minimal amount of fat while gaining muscle, having a lean face is very important to me
There is nothing
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was thinking about ostarine but as @Papabakvet says its just as suppressive as others (though ive seen the opposite on some forums?) and also weak as shit

dont want to do mk677 as thats for dirty bulking, like eating a million kcal everyday and lifting like hulk

i want to gain the most minimal amount of fat while gaining muscle, having a lean face is very important to me
It sounds to me like you’re looking for shortcuts with no trade offs.

Even on gear, you need to have your diet dialed in if you want to be lean. If it was easy, everyone would be doing it.
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It sounds to me like you’re looking for shortcuts with no trade offs.

Even on gear, you need to have your diet dialed in if you want to be lean. If it was easy, everyone would be doing it.
Very true, gear will just optimize you so to speak. If you still train horribly and have a shit diet you wont end up looking good.
It sounds to me like you’re looking for shortcuts with no trade offs.

Even on gear, you need to have your diet dialed in if you want to be lean. If it was easy, everyone would be doing it.
Very true, gear will just optimize you so to speak. If you still train horribly and have a shit diet you wont end up looking good.
indeed i am a lazy cunt looking for a shortcut, but ive been taking gymcelling quite seriously in the last few weeks, doing high intensity cardio every day + lifting at home on my homegym

since i am very prone to bloating id like to try out different substances to prevent eating like shit and maybe make gaining muscle easier
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indeed i am a lazy cunt looking for a shortcut, but ive been taking gymcelling quite seriously in the last few weeks, doing high intensity cardio every day + lifting at home on my homegym

since i am very prone to bloating id like to try out different substances to prevent eating like shit and maybe make gaining muscle easier
Well you'll simply have to choose between one of the two. If you are gonna use gear be prepared for short term bloating and see it as a trade off for decent body later, but i highly recommend you to get ATLEAST 6 months of natty training under your belt before starting any kind of PED or Roid, i'll do the same probably.
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Caffeine, creatine, ashwagandha, maybe look into some banned preworkouts like the original jack3d, if you can find it anywhere
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Yeah stay the hell away from roids especially considering your current norwoord stage.
Laxogenin might work, i suggest doing a bit more research on it tho. What physique are you aiming for?
I'd roid at ur age for all the androgenic benefits and have topical ru to prevent any norwooding
Bcaa s
I got a lot muscles fron it

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