Best LSD drug-song.



Nobody is safe from me.
Feb 3, 2022

We got together to do LSD with a group of friends, 2 years ago now. Beforehand, we made a shared-spotify playlist where we could all add songs to be played during our trip.

Everyone adding songs, I talked with a housemate while chilling on my student dorm's balcony (he is gone now, it's over. he was a massive part of me connecting to a NT-life.) and he suggested this song. I liked the vibe and added it to the playlist.

Fast-forward to the LSD-trip, we were peaking hard, and this song of mine came on, everyone was STUNNED. It felt so good, it sounded sooooo fucking good.
My friends were asking: 'who added this to the playlist, whose song is this? it's soooo fucking good. Holy fuck this is amazing, let me check who added it.'

I was tripping balls fucking hard too, I heard them asking about the song and who it was from, I wanted to say it was me, yet I was like 'bro just chill, enjoy the music, don't say a thing. enjoy the vibe.'

I ignored them until someone found out that it was me who put this song in the playlist and they started mentioning my name.

Tbh biggest thing to learn from this topic, this song is amazing, especially when doing LSD.

I hope you can enjoy this song as much as I did when I was tripping balls. It was amazing, and I hope you experience the same.
  • +1
Reactions: Gargantuan and apocalypse
Most of my songs I added, sucked btw.

Like I added some classical music, mozart n shit, cuz I was like: 'yo maybe on LSD this mozart-stuff will sound amazing. Let's add it, who knows.'
nahhh bro, didn't work. Mozart sounds like shit on LSD. Was a brutal failo and I had to tell people: 'yoo, this is mine, skip it.' fucking brutal.

Riders on the Storm - Snoop Dogg version mogged though. This shit has us vibin' hard on LSD.

I am a man of extremes. My music either sucks or mogs hard. I don't play it safe.
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  • JFL
Reactions: deadstock
@PsychoDsk music/vibe is everything for your drug-experience tbh.

The music I listen to while doing drugs has soooo much impact on how I feel, what I think about, etc.
You follow the flow of energy from the songs.
Brutal 2 hour 0-reply pill

I am just not in touch with this forum I guess. I don't post what this forum wants me to post. I don't fulfill these expectations.

I just want to be myself, which includes posting stuff like this. Yet it isn't appreciated.
Only my doomer negative posts are appreciated. Anything positive is shut-down.

Fuck you all. All you appreciate is negativity. Doomer posts. You are all blackpill-overdosed, waaaaaay too negative in life.

I hope you people can find some light in your life at some point. I am looking for it too.

yet when I make posts like this and I can't find anyone else looking for a light in life, I feel isolated. Why am I here?

I need to delete from this forum at some point in the near future. This forum is toxic asf.
ur a sad lion
  • +1
Reactions: deadstock and MoggerGaston
ur a sad lion
these motherfuckers gave me 0 reacts, 0 replies

it was only you who cared to respond to me in time of need.

2029 singularity and the end of humanity, I can't wait. Billions have to die. I hate human life.
  • +1
Reactions: falcon1 and _MVP_
these motherfuckers gave me 0 reacts, 0 replies

it was only you who cared to respond to me in time of need.

2029 singularity and the end of humanity, I can't wait. Billions have to die. I hate human life.
  • JFL
Reactions: apocalypse, Beastimmung, deadstock and 1 other person
yes, its brutal my man. we are just lost-souls hundreds of miles away writing to each other on an anonymous internet forum.

somewhere, you can find beauty in it. Isn't is a miracle how we get to talk together under these circumstances? Magnificent.
what you, @_MVP_ , and I are doing right now, together. It wouldn't be possible any other way. How beautiful.

on the other hand, the cold harsh reality is that it feels empty, it's not real social interaction; face to face with someone who cares about you.

I hope we can both find this real connection.
  • +1
Reactions: falcon1 and _MVP_
yes, its brutal my man. we are just lost-souls hundreds of miles away writing to each other on an anonymous internet forum.

somewhere, you can find beauty in it. Isn't is a miracle how we get to talk together under these circumstances? Magnificent.
what you, @_MVP_ , and I are doing right now, together. It wouldn't be possible any other way. How beautiful.

on the other hand, the cold harsh reality is that it feels empty, it's not real social interaction; face to face with someone who cares about you.

I hope we can both find this real connection.
yeah, but i gave up the hope to find someone on my level

i feel better alone, and only interact with escorts
  • +1
Reactions: MoggerGaston
i will keep bumping this fucking topic until the motherfuckers of this forum start reacting and replying.

You people only want one side of me, the side which you reply to and react to. The side of me which you want to hear, feel, interact with.

Yet you reject other sides of me, which are just as important to me. It's a side of me which also looks for connection and acceptance.

It is betrayal. I feel betrayed.

You fuckers are inhumane.
I refuse to post my normal posts and topics which get reacts if you fuckers can't also interact with my other side.

Why? Because else all of it is fake and useless to me. Why am I even here on this fucking forum when I am not accepted for who I am, only for certain behavior/posts, a certain part of my personality yet not my full form who I really am?

Am I your cuck? Am I your slave to behave like you want me to? Am I your entertainment?
I wish nothing but death and destruction to you people. I hope you all die painfully and alone.

I get nothing out of this forum anymore.

At the ward I am accepted for who I am, all of my flaws and issues. I don't have to act, I don't have to fit into a certain role.
Here? Only my edgy/entertaining posts are appreciated.

Who I really am is discarded.
I have been dumb, I have been so stupid, why do I socialize on a forum like this instead of putting my energy into finding real connection with people?

I am at my absolute low-point in life, I destroy myself with drugs just to feel something. It's my lowest low.
This forum is a coping mechanism, a fake social interaction that keeps be going but only barely, only barely functional.

I am done.
yeah, but i gave up the hope to find someone on my level

i feel better alone, and only interact with escorts
understandable, but also sad.

because you long for so much more, you have so much more potential, you want so much more in life.
you put that away, it is painful. You don't want to feel that, it hurts.

we gave up because life was unbearable.

We NEEDED to do that. Else, how do you live?

We were deeply longing for real human connection, yet not getting it, the constant pain, sadness.

You CANT live like that. What we did, how we think, how we feel,

we do it to survive.
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understandable, but also sad.

because you long for so much more, you have so much more potential, you want so much more in life.
you put that away, it is painful. You don't want to feel that, it hurts.

we gave up because life was unbearable.

We NEEDED to do that. Else, how do you live?

Imagine deeply longing for real human connection, yet not getting it, the constant pain, sadness.

You CANT live like that. What we did, how we think, how we feel,

we do it to survive.
what is worse that im still not a millionaire

this makes me more sad than everything
come, answer to this sad lion.

  • So Sad
Reactions: deadstock
  • JFL
Reactions: MoggerGaston and _MVP_
these motherfuckers gave me 0 reacts, 0 replies

it was only you who cared to respond to me in time of need.

2029 singularity and the end of humanity, I can't wait. Billions have to die. I hate human life.
If u tagged me I would’ve had a convo with u but u didn’t :feelshmm:
  • +1
Reactions: MoggerGaston
im never in depressive phases, such things are unknown to me
Brutal 2 hour 0-reply pill

I am just not in touch with this forum I guess. I don't post what this forum wants me to post. I don't fulfill these expectations.

I just want to be myself, which includes posting stuff like this. Yet it isn't appreciated.
Only my doomer negative posts are appreciated. Anything positive is shut-down.

Fuck you all. All you appreciate is negativity. Doomer posts. You are all blackpill-overdosed, waaaaaay too negative in life.

I hope you people can find some light in your life at some point. I am looking for it too.

yet when I make posts like this and I can't find anyone else looking for a light in life, I feel isolated. Why am I here?

I need to delete from this forum at some point in the near future. This forum is toxic asf.
im never in depressive phases, such things are unknown to me
Kratom? I miss it 3 months clean I was never depressed using Kratom
yes, its brutal my man. we are just lost-souls hundreds of miles away writing to each other on an anonymous internet forum.

somewhere, you can find beauty in it. Isn't is a miracle how we get to talk together under these circumstances? Magnificent.
what you, @_MVP_ , and I are doing right now, together. It wouldn't be possible any other way. How beautiful.

on the other hand, the cold harsh reality is that it feels empty, it's not real social interaction; face to face with someone who cares about you.

I hope we can both find this real connection.
Bro u need Kratom trust me infact try 7-oh it’s new they extracted the opiate out of Kratom and zero sides
  • +1
Reactions: _MVP_
I hate ur fav strain I would suggest 7-oh but damn are they expensive and blissful
i use red and green

white is more for energy if u already have no depression
i use red and green

white is more for energy if u already have no depression
First time I tried Kratom I overdosed and was vomiting for hours scary experience what dosage u take
  • +1
Reactions: _MVP_
If u tagged me I would’ve had a convo with u but u didn’t :feelshmm:
yes, brutal.

this form of socialization on this forum simply doesn't work for me
Bro u need Kratom trust me infact try 7-oh it’s new they extracted the opiate out of Kratom and zero sides
im doing alcohol, ketamine and mephedrone atm.

idk about kratom and how it compares
yes, brutal.

this form of socialization on this forum simply doesn't work for me
Bro cut the sob story ur attractive tall Man U can get literally attractive girl instead of rotting
My friends were asking: 'who added this to the playlist, whose song is this? it's soooo fucking good. Holy fuck this is amazing, let me check who added it.'
Fucking mogs me
This is the reaction I get when I choose a song
  • +1
Reactions: deadstock and MoggerGaston
Fucking mogs me
This is the reaction I get when I choose a song
relatable, I don't share my real music taste with most people anymore due to these experiences.

But in the past sometimes I became the jestermaxxer(on alcohol) and started hyping cagefuel music

it's brutal because I am such a fucking clown in these moments, completely hyped etc.
Some people love it, some hate it. But I am that clown with my music which is entertaining.

But then when you want to get deep and real at an after-party and propose post-rock music for some emotional self-reflection, I am always shut-down.

It's sooooo beautiful. Post-rock is perfect for drugged rave afterparties tbh, but never found anyone who could appreciate it like me.
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  • JFL
Reactions: apocalypse

God shows itself to me in this way.
what's your experience with opiates?
tried weed nothing compared to Opiate I was depressed and child abused for 18 years but it’s like negativity doesn’t exist when u take it opiate is for the broken like us bro stop suffering and use opiate and live
  • +1
Reactions: MoggerGaston
tried weed nothing compared to Opiate I was depressed and child abused for 18 years but it’s like negativity doesn’t exist when u take it opiate is for the broken like us bro stop suffering and use opiate and live
youre still using daily? what dosing are you on

need to know so i can adjust
I ordered some 1cP-LSD recently, looking forward to using it again
  • +1
Reactions: MoggerGaston
youre still using daily? what dosing are you on

need to know so i can adjust
Bro I’m off Kratom 3months but my first time trying I OD I came close to dying vomiting all day feeling terrible dizzy wobbles but that’s if u take too much at first u take a pinch not like a table spoon like my mistake then u gradually increase ur dosage but now they extracted opiate compound from Kratom and made into tablet so no risk involved I suggest u buy it it’s called 7-ohm they sell it in Netherlands
My parents are contemplating divorce I need to get my hands on Kratom it’s too painful to be sober in 2024 as victim of child hood abuse my life is pain that i made thread on it @MoggerGaston

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