Best Sarms


Deleted member 8869

Aug 5, 2020
Tell me what are the best Sarms to build muscle quick without fucking up your hormones and skin etc.
Also sources are welcome.
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Tell me what are the best Sarms to build muscle quick without fucking up your hormones and skin etc.
Also sources are welcome.
From someone who has done Sarms, their a cope. Sure you will build muscle, but because they kill estrogen you feel tired as fuck, and your dick won't be able to get hard. No amount of energy drinks can fix your low energy from crushed estrogen levels. This means if you do Sarms, you are forced to do steroids to boost your estrogen levels, meaning you can't do Sarms solo cycle.

If you want to avoid steroid side effects, then take a low dose no more then 100-150mg. That will be better then the strongest sarms.

For gyno prevention- Take nolvadex. You could also take sarms with it as they lower estrogen
For hair loss prevention- Mk-677 grows hair very effectively, so its a good way to prevent hair loss. I lost hair on rad 140 at a high rate, and I have good hair genetics. Mk-677 not only stopped all hair loss, I had a net positive hair growth rate while on rad 140. Rad 140 is the worst for your hair. LGD 4033 however did not have noticeable hair loss

For fertility loss prevention -Its temporary on cycle, but clomid+ hcg would , or even one of them solo would work to negate the sperm reduction issues

For facial aging/skin quality loss- MK-677 will improve skin quality and collagen production. Also take a collagen supplement.

Sun related aging is always the biggest contribution though, so sunscreen use is paramount, preferably mineral as it doesn't get absorbed in the body by the skin but forms a protective layer. Certain brands like the organic ones some of them dont whiten the skin so you can wear it without it being obvious you got mineral sunscreen. And you have to avoid the tanning urge
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From someone who has done Sarms, their a cope. Sure you will build muscle, but because they kill estrogen you feel tired as fuck, and your dick won't be able to get hard. No amount of energy drinks can fix your low energy from crushed estrogen levels. This means if you do Sarms, you are forced to do steroids to boost your estrogen levels, meaning you can't do Sarms solo cycle.

If you want to avoid steroid side effects, then take a low dose no more then 100-150mg. That will be better then the strongest sarms.

For gyno prevention- Take nolvadex. You could also take sarms with it as they lower estrogen
For hair loss prevention- Mk-677 grows hair very effectively, so its a good way to prevent hair loss. I lost hair on rad 140 at a high rate, and I have good hair genetics. Mk-677 not only stopped all hair loss, I had a net positive hair growth rate while on rad 140. Rad 140 is the worst for your hair. LGD 4033 however did not have noticeable hair loss

For fertility loss prevention -Its temporary on cycle, but clomid+ hcg would , or even one of them solo would work to negate the sperm reduction issues

For facial aging/skin quality loss- MK-677 will improve skin quality and collagen production. Also take a collagen supplement.

Sun related aging is always the biggest contribution though, so sunscreen use is paramount, preferably mineral as it doesn't get absorbed in the body by the skin but forms a protective layer. Certain brands like the organic ones some of them dont whiten the skin so you can wear it without it being obvious you got mineral sunscreen. And you have to avoid the tanning urge
thanks bro i read that you have to combine a lot of stuff thats kinda scary so what would i really need and do you have a source for it i used mk 677 from swisspharmaceuticals but i think its fake.
OP, LGD + Enclomifene

Once again, LGD + Enclomifene.

That is all anyone needs
. LGD will help you put on strength and is one of the more hair safe sarms and enclo will keep your balls producing test so you don't feel like shit from the LGD suppressing you.
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OP, LGD + Enclomifene

Once again, LGD + Enclomifene.

That is all anyone needs
. LGD will help you put on strength and is one of the more hair safe sarms and enclo will keep your balls producing test so you don't feel like shit from the LGD suppressing you.
I googled LGD there seems to be more than one can you elaborate?
I googled LGD there seems to be more than one can you elaborate?
Lgd 4033 is the older one it gives you good strength but more water retention. Maybe I just lucked out with my genetics but I did notice much bloating with the lgd 4033. Lgd 3033 is the newer one I never tried it but it supposedly gives you more dryer gains ( less bloating ) with similar strength gains.

And I was saying that your bette off running a test only cycle of 100-150 mg then sarms, with 100mg is you want to be safe then sarms. You can't do a sarms solo cycle. You could do what @Daenerys suggested, but what's the point of using sarms in the first place if steroids would do a far better job strength wise and the side effects are limited at a lower dose.

To me steroids and Sarms are the same except the reason sarms are limited in their side effects is that their steroid dose equivalent is a lot lower thus limiting side effects. If sarms were taken at the steroid dose equivalent , the side effects would be the same. I lost a decent amount of hair with Rad-140 ,which is supposed to be a test equilvalent mg for mg. LGD did not notice that much hair loss, virtually non existent. But it destroyed energy levels after week 6.

Clomid+LGD could work, but once again I'll ask why bother doing a sarms cycle ( sarms are newer and research still being done), while test which has been around for decades and highly researched is their to do the same job.

While I Never got any significant acne, It did increase slightly on lgd/rad. I think its all about the dose. I doubt a low dose of test would be that bad. If you look at the sarm side effects their virtually the same as steroids, and users who did do high doses of sarms ended up with the same side effects of roid users, which defeats the whole purpose of sarms ( which is their supposedly side effects are a lot less then sarms ).

Tl:dr- Test in a low dose of 100mg would have better muscle building effects then sarms. Side effects of steroids are highly dose dependent and the main reason I feel sarms are not that bad for side effects is that their steroid equivalent dosage of test is a lot lower, meaning if you take the steroid equivalent in sarms the sides likely will be similar. Clomid is a must if you do sarms, or you have to combine it with test to mitigate the low energy ( from crushed estrogen levels on sarms cycle). Mk-677 is also a must to mitigate hair loss as well as prevent collagen production loss on cycle/ skin aging + collagen supplementation.
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Lgd 4033 is the older one it gives you good strength but more water retention. Maybe I just lucked out with my genetics but I did notice much bloating with the lgd 4033. Lgd 3033 is the newer one I never tried it but it supposedly gives you more dryer gains ( less bloating ) with similar strength gains.

And I was saying that your bette off running a test only cycle of 100-150 mg then sarms, with 100mg is you want to be safe then sarms. You can't do a sarms solo cycle. You could do what @Daenerys suggested, but what's the point of using sarms in the first place if steroids would do a far better job strength wise and the side effects are limited at a lower dose.

To me steroids and Sarms are the same except the reason sarms are limited in their side effects is that their steroid dose equivalent is a lot lower thus limiting side effects. If sarms were taken at the steroid dose equivalent , the side effects would be the same. I lost a decent amount of hair with Rad-140 ,which is supposed to be a test equilvalent mg for mg. LGD did not notice that much hair loss, virtually non existent. But it destroyed energy levels after week 6.

Clomid+LGD could work, but once again I'll ask why bother doing a sarms cycle ( sarms are newer and research still being done), while test which has been around for decades and highly researched is their to do the same job.

While I Never got any significant acne, It did increase slightly on lgd/rad. I think its all about the dose. I doubt a low dose of test would be that bad. If you look at the sarm side effects their virtually the same as steroids, and users who did do high doses of sarms ended up with the same side effects of roid users, which defeats the whole purpose of sarms ( which is their supposedly side effects are a lot less then sarms ).

Tl:dr- Test in a low dose of 100mg would have better muscle building effects then sarms. Side effects of steroids are highly dose dependent and the main reason I feel sarms are not that bad for side effects is that their steroid equivalent dosage of test is a lot lower, meaning if you take the steroid equivalent in sarms the sides likely will be similar. Clomid is a must if you do sarms, or you have to combine it with test to mitigate the low energy ( from crushed estrogen levels on sarms cycle). Mk-677 is also a must to mitigate hair loss as well as prevent collagen production loss on cycle/ skin aging + collagen supplementation.
isnt test a looksmin since you age like a boomer
OP, LGD + Enclomifene

Once again, LGD + Enclomifene.

That is all anyone needs
. LGD will help you put on strength and is one of the more hair safe sarms and enclo will keep your balls producing test so you don't feel like shit from the LGD suppressing you.
Lgd nukes your igf-1

Add mk 677 to fix that. But mk 677 will spike prolactin, so megadose vit b6 at 300mg daily aswell.
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Lgd nukes your igf-1

Add mk 677 to fix that. But mk 677 will spike prolactin, so megadose vit b6 at 300mg daily aswell.
lowiqcel i should stop caring and just blast t i dont fucking know what to do and not the brainpower for this
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isnt test a looksmin since you age like a boomer
In high doses, but look at Dan Blizerian, dude looks good for his age but he does test at no more then 100mg, and does hgh with me. Keep in mind he does coke like crazy, drinks a lot, and lives like a degenerate which is all bad for aging and still looks better then a lot of 40 year olds.

I think your best off doing a low dose of test and combining it with mk-677 ( or hgh but depending on where your at it can be expensive or reasonable costs). I'm in america where its extremely costly to get real Pharma grade, so mk-677 is better. Also too much hgh isn't good as it could lead to excess bloating and a lack of facial lean-ness. Mk-677 also has the side effect of strong hunger( great for bulking , but not for cutting ).

And the LGD yea if your willing to do like a 6-7 week cycle. You'll get results, but your limited due to the estrogen crash which destroys your energy ( it occurs starting week 5, 6 ). The first 5-6 weeks should be good though.
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In high doses, but look at Dan Blizerian, dude looks good for his age but he does test at no more then 100mg, and does hgh with me. Keep in mind he does coke like crazy, drinks a lot, and lives like a degenerate which is all bad for aging and still looks better then a lot of 40 year olds.

I think your best off doing a low dose of test and combining it with mk-677 ( or hgh but depending on where your at it can be expensive or reasonable costs). I'm in america where its extremely costly to get real Pharma grade, so mk-677 is better. Also too much hgh isn't good as it could lead to excess bloating and a lack of facial lean-ness. Mk-677 also has the side effect of strong hunger( great for bulking , but not for cutting ).

And the LGD yea if your willing to do like a 6-7 week cycle. You'll get results, but your limited due to the estrogen crash which destroys your energy ( it occurs starting week 5, 6 ). The first 5-6 weeks should be good though.
i live in germany how much is mk 677 over there and how much is that pharma hgh also what are your sources for the hormones
i live in germany how much is mk 677 over there and how much is that pharma hgh also what are your sources for the hormones
Well I'm in america so not familiar with the prices in Germany, but wouldn't the hgh be a lot cheaper due to the healthcare system not being a profit milking machine. Pharma grade hgh and test are very expensive here, but the test clinics seem to do decent deals to a degree . That would be a good place to look. I used narrows labs, I believe its american based company and not sure if they still sell it cause they had issues with the sarms ban in china. They get the raw source from their and they cracked down on it and its made sarms expensive.
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Well I'm in america so not familiar with the prices in Germany, but wouldn't the hgh be a lot cheaper due to the healthcare system not being a profit milking machine. Pharma grade hgh and test are very expensive here, but the test clinics seem to do decent deals to a degree . That would be a good place to look. I used narrows labs, I believe its american based company and not sure if they still sell it cause they had issues with the sarms ban in china. They get the raw source from their and they cracked down on it and its made sarms expensive.
yeah but i meant how are the prices for hgh and mk677 in america i guess you dont a perscription for hgh or mk so you gotta buy off a lab or internet
yeah but i meant how are the prices for hgh and mk677 in america i guess you dont a perscription for hgh or mk so you gotta buy off a lab or internet
It was pretty expensive, but then again it was only ran for during the cycle for more so protective purposes ( regenerating hair and maintaining good collagen production ) which are side effects more so from rad 140 but you do get some hair loss on lgd 4033 but not much if your not prone to balding.

I remember it was like 40-50$ a bottle, and would last like 7-9 weeks if done in a moderate dose. I got 2. Usually they have some discount code though of 20-30%, so its more reasonable, and shipping was free if you don't do priority. HGH no clue , never been in a clinic that sells it. I could probably research some quotes though and get back to you
If you're not doing tren you're not even serious about it
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Tell me what are the best Sarms to build muscle quick without fucking up your hormones and skin etc.
Also sources are welcome.
i live in germany how much is mk 677 over there and how much is that pharma hgh also what are your sources for the hormones
Cost wise is mk677 pretty much trash
You can get 2 bottles test for that money
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In high doses, but look at Dan Blizerian, dude looks good for his age but he does test at no more then 100mg, and does hgh with me. Keep in mind he does coke like crazy, drinks a lot, and lives like a degenerate which is all bad for aging and still looks better then a lot of 40 year olds.

I think your best off doing a low dose of test and combining it with mk-677 ( or hgh but depending on where your at it can be expensive or reasonable costs). I'm in america where its extremely costly to get real Pharma grade, so mk-677 is better. Also too much hgh isn't good as it could lead to excess bloating and a lack of facial lean-ness. Mk-677 also has the side effect of strong hunger( great for bulking , but not for cutting ).

And the LGD yea if your willing to do like a 6-7 week cycle. You'll get results, but your limited due to the estrogen crash which destroys your energy ( it occurs starting week 5, 6 ). The first 5-6 weeks should be good though.
is it even worth shutting yourself down for 100 mg of Test? The gains/changes gonna be miniscule and you most likely need a pct.

For hairloss on sarms you could use topical ru which will work really good
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is it even worth shutting yourself down for 100 mg of Test? The gains/changes gonna be miniscule and you most likely need a pct.

For hairloss on sarms you could use topical ru which will work really good
A decent sarms cycle that actually builds muscle in a noticeable fashion would have a test equivalent of 100mg ( this would be lgd 4033+rad 140 and a bonus of mk-677, maybe with good genetics just lgd 4033+mk 677 ).

Shutdown is temporary and occurs on both sarms and test. The higher the dose the longer the shut down. PCT would resolve the issues as well as time.

I was pretty silly and did a fake sarms in high school that likely was a pro hormone/steroid. I was shutdown for several months it was brutal. Constant lethargy and a lack of motivation

When I did real sarms though I was able to feel normal without pct ( silly I know , but I couldn't find a budget friendly source ), within a week and a half and max 2 weeks.

With PCT you could probably feel back to normal within days. The thing is on a sarms only cycle you would have to be doing clomid to maintain a proper test/estrogen balance since the test balance gets fucked in the opposite way of steroids ( estrogen is crushed , so you feel more tired then a 90 year old man ) and you could take all the caffeine in the world it won't fix it. So its brutal and forces you to quit earlier then you want.

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