BetaBuxxing to Model Tier women



Aug 29, 2019
I call sucess. When being able to BetaBuxx into model-tier-looking women. That's bearable type of cope, and plenty clear (looks & youth for money & security) .

BetaBuxxing normie tier looks level women, to me feels more sad/negative then good/positive.

Example case succes betaBuxxing into model tier territory;

Also, kids are the worse blackpillers. Most kids hate the new partner of their parent, at least at the beginning. Unless you look beautifull, obvioulsy.
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Where do i find one?
She looks south east asian and the best I've seen and she's not asian.
Where do i find one?
That @Moneymaxxed user on here, actually knows

I assume these type of wealthy dudes are the right kind of scene. Due to their work, network, and the parties they attend. The ones, where models are invited to and stuff. I mean, it's going to be hard to meet/find such women randomly out and about (and even if so, LOL @ the idea that you could cold appraoch on the streets your way into her life if you are not very good looking yourself or obviously wealthy), but still likely fail).
And sugar daddies type of datingsites risks much more scamming.
So I assume, knowing the right people (you'll need to be rich likely) is important, and getting into these events/places that the models also flock to or get invited for. The women there know, most the dudes are rich or something. And the people giving these [arties won't allow likely ugly single women to go there.
Maybe some dudes, can online statusmaxx themselfes into this also, outside of such scenes. I dunno. Actually, all I just said so i dunno from personal experience, all from hear-say.
Getting cucked for this:

Woudl feel different for me then getting cucked for this
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Lol, even the kids in the last video (when she meets that guy's kids) knows she's model tier. But yeah, this is an example of betabuxxing gone right. Even if he ends up getting cucked or scammed in the end, does it really matter that much? Atleast he got to rawdog for multiple years straight. That shit is invaluable.

This is one of my few copes at this point. On this forum I mostly relate to @Over and @TraumatisedOgre from what I've seen. Sometimes it seems like we are the only ones who are literally PSL2 and KHHV at a decently high age. I guess where I don't relate to @Over though is on the full on psychopath and depression stuff.

I still have "hope" I still look forward to certain things. I'm not depressed. Fair enough, I'll never be chad, and I'll probably never slay without money. But the least I can try is SEAmaxxing, escortcelling (better than nothing I guess), and betabuxxing (foreign wife game). All these things are possible for me, because I was lucky enough to be born in a top tier country where making money is possible. It's kinda over for some users here though. Imagine you're stuck in EE, you can't make any money. You can't afford SEAMaxxing, you can't afford escortcelling (thanks to EU, driving up prostitution prices to the exact same price all across europe. Can't afford betabuxxing, and you're PSL2 on top of that. So I understand where they're coming from.
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Lol, even the kids in the last video (when she meets that guy's kids) knows she's model tier. But yeah, this is an example of betabuxxing gone right. Even if he ends up getting cucked or scammed in the end, does it really matter that much? Atleast he got to rawdog for multiple years straight. That shit is invaluable.

This is one of my few copes at this point. On this forum I mostly relate to @Over and @TraumatisedOgre from what I've seen. Sometimes it seems like we are the only ones who are literally PSL2 and KHHV at a decently high age. I guess where I don't relate to @Over though is on the full on psychopath and depression stuff.

I still have "hope" I still look forward to certain things. I'm not depressed. Fair enough, I'll never be chad, and I'll probably never slay without money. But the least I can try is SEAmaxxing, escortcelling (better than nothing I guess), and betabuxxing (foreign wife game). All these things are possible for me, because I was lucky enough to be born in a top tier country where making money is possible. It's kinda over for some users here though. Imagine you're stuck in EE, you can't make any money. You can't afford SEAMaxxing, you can't afford escortcelling (thanks to EU, driving up prostitution prices to the exact same price all across europe. Can't afford betabuxxing, and you're PSL2 on top of that. So I understand where they're coming from.

Its over man...
  • So Sad
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Lol, even the kids in the last video (when she meets that guy's kids) knows she's model tier. But yeah, this is an example of betabuxxing gone right. Even if he ends up getting cucked or scammed in the end, does it really matter that much? Atleast he got to rawdog for multiple years straight. That shit is invaluable.
I agree totally. Even if he got "scammed". What else to do with money if you have alot after 35 as a normie tier dude?? Being frugal and hoarding, for old age; For what? And can't take it with you to grave. So when worth like 1.5 mollion. Blowing like $ 250.000 to get like 5 years (who knows longer) with model tier Stacy and maybe even kids. Doesn't seem that bad of an idea actually.

This is one of my few copes at this point.
I still have "hope" I still look forward to certain things. I'm not depressed. Fair enough, I'll never be chad, and I'll probably never slay without money. But the least I can try is SEAmaxxing, escortcelling (better than nothing I guess), and betabuxxing (foreign wife game). All these things are possible for me, because I was lucky enough to be born in a top tier country where making money is possible. It's kinda over for some users here though. Imagine you're stuck in EE, you can't make any money. You can't afford SEAMaxxing, you can't afford escortcelling (thanks to EU, driving up prostitution prices to the exact same price all across europe. Can't afford betabuxxing, and you're PSL2 on top of that. So I understand where they're coming from.
Great that you have some hope copes. I like copes, copes are life fuel. Even when you see they are copes, and see them for real;y what they are. It's still much better liveable then dispear

On this forum I mostly relate to @Over and @TraumatisedOgre from what I've seen. Sometimes it seems like we are the only ones who are literally PSL2 and KHHV at a decently high age. I guess where I don't relate to @Over though is on the full on psychopath and depression stuff.
Ow, damn. If really PSL 2, then that's sorry and a big pitty to have to deal with that. I think I was lucky to always have been at least PSL3 even when I put in little effort into my looks (was never obese-fat though). That, being a tall PSL3 faced white dude, I could about manage to get out of inceldom in my mid 20's after plenty rejections. And with some styling I was around a PSL4 at the time, and could get like 1 lay out of 100 women I chatted up. Still managing to get a handfull of lays, while plowing to massive amounts of rejections.

Lukcy that you are made for not being depressed It's not just based on circumstances acyually, but also on how we are build p[sychologically (actually mostly). I'm also usually the happy bunch, even though I had or have little or limited reason to be so.
You PSL2?? I always imagined you to just actually be normie tier looking, and mostly a mentalcell. If you are really PSL2, then sorry for all my previous shit advice.
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Lukcy that you are made for not being depressed It's not just based on circumstances acyually, but also on how we are build p[sychologically (actually mostly). I'm also usually the happy bunch, even though I had or have little or limited reason to be so.

Lifefuel then. So I guess this is what I never really understood. I saw people around me being depressed, yet they had everything. Some of them had a gf, they had a family, they had money. A lot of people in my exact circumstance are also depressed. Then I saw some basement dwellers like myself, and they weren't even depressed and I am not even depressed either. I've never been either. I don't understand the concept of depression, it feels like it doesn't even exist. I'm an only child, I have no family (no parents), no friends. Somehow still not depressed.

I always thought it was just a mindset, and that the reason I'm not depressed is basically because I have goals, I have things I look forward to, I haven't tried everything and that is what's keeping me from depression. I always thought ok I'm gonna finish school. I'm gonna make money, I'm gonna SEAmaxx, I'm gonna escortcell, etc.. I always had a path forward whenever I reached a new goal. I never once thought "ok it's over" like for real. Who knows what happens when I reach the end though.

But what you said here seems really legit tbh. Especially based on my own experience with it, and my experience "observing it" in others.

Btw, idk I'm legit PSL 2 tbh. Like lookswise. But probably not far off, and all things considered, I'm just as fucked as a PSL 2. My only cope is money.
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Lifefuel then. So I guess this is what I never really understood. I saw people around me being depressed, yet they had everything. Some of them had a gf, they had a family, they had money. A lot of people in my exact circumstance are also depressed. Then I saw some basement dwellers like myself, and they weren't even depressed and I am not even depressed either. I've never been either. I don't understand the concept of depression, it feels like it doesn't even exist. I'm an only child, I have no family (no parents), no friends. Somehow still not depressed.

I always thought it was just a mindset, and that the reason I'm not depressed is basically because I have goals, I have things I look forward to, I haven't tried everything and that is what's keeping me from depression. I always thought ok I'm gonna finish school. I'm gonna make money, I'm gonna SEAmaxx, I'm gonna escortcell, etc.. I always had a path forward whenever I reached a new goal. I never once thought "ok it's over" like for real. Who knows what happens when I reach the end though.
Yeah. Depression, or lack thereoff, doesn't have an 100% objective cause.
Generally, on average orso. Scientists believe that as many as 40 percent of those with depression can trace it to a genetic link. Environmental and other factors make up the other 60 percent. Research has also shown that people with parents or siblings who have depression are up to three times more likely to have the condition.

I used Psilocybin once, and after (and during that trip) it was 100% clear to me, that i'm not made for depression also. just like you.
There were plenty days, I just was at home, doing nothing. sitting in the garden a bit, looking at shy and birds. Lying on coch. No one around, no visitors. Watch some tv, eat some, surf some internet.
And I was as happy as can be, that day. Enjoyed myself like no other, happy with nothing. I'm strangely build like that. I see you also have that a bit, from the story.

. My only cope is money.
I never had alot of it, but from a distance it seems like a good cope.
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Yeah. Depression, or lack thereoff, doesn't have an 100% objective cause.
Generally, on average orso. Scientists believe that as many as 40 percent of those with depression can trace it to a genetic link. Environmental and other factors make up the other 60 percent. Research has also shown that people with parents or siblings who have depression are up to three times more likely to have the condition.

I used Psilocybin once, and after (and during that trip) it was 100% clear to me, that i'm not made for depression also. just like you.
There were plenty days, I just was at home, doing nothing. sitting in the garden a bit, looking at shy and birds. Lying on coch. No one around, no visitors. Watch some tv, eat some, surf some internet.
And I was as happy as can be, that day. Enjoyed myself like no other, happy with nothing. I'm strangely build like that. I see you also have that a bit, from the story.

I never had alot of it, but from a distance it seems like a good cope.
Tbh beta buxxing stacy looks externally impressive. When the girl is psl6.5 nobody thinks you are a cuck anymore. They’re just amazed you’re fucking her because she’s so hot

but internally it feels the same after a while because you get used to her looks and all that’s left is being beta

you’ll also probably fall in love with her since she is so out of your league. Then she will ruthlessly rape your heart when she senses weakness because she is an evil hypergamous gold digger who’s probably not nt since she chose a way below looks matched guy (m broken girls do this)

when I betabuxxed a girl I was dating me puttingso much $ into it made me more emotionally invested. Because normally I put in the minimum effort and $ in and move in because there is no chemistry. But in this case it built up over time. So when it ended I felt depressed and very emotional

Also later if you lose your money or don’t want to spend so much you’re then used to the stacies and you can’t enjoy Beckys anymore

btw 250k over 5 years isn’t enough to betabuxx a stacy unless you mean that’s the $ that goes directly to her not Including your own lifestyle. And you better be psl4 at least unless you’re very good at it
Lifefuel then. So I guess this is what I never really understood. I saw people around me being depressed, yet they had everything. Some of them had a gf, they had a family, they had money. A lot of people in my exact circumstance are also depressed. Then I saw some basement dwellers like myself, and they weren't even depressed and I am not even depressed either. I've never been either. I don't understand the concept of depression, it feels like it doesn't even exist. I'm an only child, I have no family (no parents), no friends. Somehow still not depressed.

I always thought it was just a mindset, and that the reason I'm not depressed is basically because I have goals, I have things I look forward to, I haven't tried everything and that is what's keeping me from depression. I always thought ok I'm gonna finish school. I'm gonna make money, I'm gonna SEAmaxx, I'm gonna escortcell, etc.. I always had a path forward whenever I reached a new goal. I never once thought "ok it's over" like for real. Who knows what happens when I reach the end though.

But what you said here seems really legit tbh. Especially based on my own experience with it, and my experience "observing it" in others.

Btw, idk I'm legit PSL 2 tbh. Like lookswise. But probably not far off, and all things considered, I'm just as fucked as a PSL 2. My only cope is money.
It sounds like you have happy genes. Consider yourself lucky I have a lot of things you don’t but still routinely feel unsatisfied and negative
Lol, even the kids in the last video (when she meets that guy's kids) knows she's model tier. But yeah, this is an example of betabuxxing gone right. Even if he ends up getting cucked or scammed in the end, does it really matter that much? Atleast he got to rawdog for multiple years straight. That shit is invaluable.

This is one of my few copes at this point. On this forum I mostly relate to @Over and @TraumatisedOgre from what I've seen. Sometimes it seems like we are the only ones who are literally PSL2 and KHHV at a decently high age. I guess where I don't relate to @Over though is on the full on psychopath and depression stuff.

I still have "hope" I still look forward to certain things. I'm not depressed. Fair enough, I'll never be chad, and I'll probably never slay without money. But the least I can try is SEAmaxxing, escortcelling (better than nothing I guess), and betabuxxing (foreign wife game). All these things are possible for me, because I was lucky enough to be born in a top tier country where making money is possible. It's kinda over for some users here though. Imagine you're stuck in EE, you can't make any money. You can't afford SEAMaxxing, you can't afford escortcelling (thanks to EU, driving up prostitution prices to the exact same price all across europe. Can't afford betabuxxing, and you're PSL2 on top of that. So I understand where they're coming from.
I disagree that anyone in the world is hopeless because online biz is a thing. It’s harder but not hopeless
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I disagree that anyone in the world is hopeless because online biz is a thing. It’s harder but not hopeless

If anyone here can't make money online, they are either low IQ or just don't have the drive.

Literally, if you have the drive to make money online, you will fucking make money.
Lol, even the kids in the last video (when she meets that guy's kids) knows she's model tier. But yeah, this is an example of betabuxxing gone right. Even if he ends up getting cucked or scammed in the end, does it really matter that much? Atleast he got to rawdog for multiple years straight. That shit is invaluable.

This is one of my few copes at this point. On this forum I mostly relate to @Over and @TraumatisedOgre from what I've seen. Sometimes it seems like we are the only ones who are literally PSL2 and KHHV at a decently high age. I guess where I don't relate to @Over though is on the full on psychopath and depression stuff.

I still have "hope" I still look forward to certain things. I'm not depressed. Fair enough, I'll never be chad, and I'll probably never slay without money. But the least I can try is SEAmaxxing, escortcelling (better than nothing I guess), and betabuxxing (foreign wife game). All these things are possible for me, because I was lucky enough to be born in a top tier country where making money is possible. It's kinda over for some users here though. Imagine you're stuck in EE, you can't make any money. You can't afford SEAMaxxing, you can't afford escortcelling (thanks to EU, driving up prostitution prices to the exact same price all across europe. Can't afford betabuxxing, and you're PSL2 on top of that. So I understand where they're coming from.
great comment all around man

people here take for granted how much of a blessing it is to be born in a first world country
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I had some average looking asian girls show some interest in me, but I didn't consider it worth the effort to date them, because I couldn't see me potentially ever marrying them and have kids with someone uglier than me.

I need at least 6 PSL white girl or preferably higher for LTR. I know it's very hard for an asian guy to date attractive white girls with shitton of options tbh.
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I call sucess. When being able to BetaBuxx into model-tier-looking women. That's bearable type of cope, and plenty clear (looks & youth for money & security) .

BetaBuxxing normie tier looks level women, to me feels more sad/negative then good/positive.

Example case succes betaBuxxing into model tier territory;

Also, kids are the worse blackpillers. Most kids hate the new partner of their parent, at least at the beginning. Unless you look beautifull, obvioulsy.

only betabuxxing you can get away with is if you betabuxx a model, at least you are giving money to get a really gl woman

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