Bimax non-ascensions


Chinlet Ascension

Apr 25, 2021
Bimax (double jaw surgery) is often touted on these sites as a procedure that could completely transform someone's appearance for the better. For some people (we have all seen the photos) it works that way. I think you need specific, isolated issues to become attractive (the surgery fixes those issues, allowing more focus on the good traits you already had). Here are a few examples I've seen of bimax results in which the person doesn't look any better:

Case #1: Double jaw surgery + genioplasty. Not clear if she's flexing muscles in her lower face in the before photo, but either way, it looks like the genioplasty was all that really mattered. Her chin has a much more "clean" look now. Her nostrils actually look a little wider in the after photo, which could have been caused by the surgery; in that case, the surgery made her look a little worse. (Low tier beck to low tier becky)

Bimax 3 0ywbrq3dlq051

Case #2: DJS + genioplasty + septoplasty. Looks like she lost a little fat, put on more makeup, and got photos with better lighting. (Stacylite to stacylite. She even admits in another post that she didn't see much of a difference in her face shape)

Bimax 2 v4wyyh7brqm41

Case #3: DJS + genioplasty. It looks like the genioplasty was an improvement, but the double jaw surgery made no difference. The chin is the only thing that has noticeably improved. (Stacylite to stacylite)

Bimax 1 hebz3tp3zcs61

I've seen more examples, which I might post if I find them again. If anyone else has some examples, I'd appreciate you posting them. I think the lesson here is that bimax isn't for everyone.
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Women can get away with being recessed so ofc a lot of them don't ascend with bimax
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Women can get away with being recessed so ofc a lot of them don't ascend with bimax
"Can get away with" is not the same as "looks fine." Some women look a lot better after bimax, just like some men do.
Some women look a lot better after bimax, just like some men do.
Indeed, bimax is useful
What's the point of this thread? To show that often surgery get botched?
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These are all decent results imo. Not sure what you're expecting
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Indeed, bimax is useful
What's the point of this thread? To show that often surgery get botched?
They didn't get botched. Bimax is a functional medical operation. Sometimes it makes you look better, many times it doesn't.

These are all decent results imo. Not sure what you're expecting
I'm expecting a noticeable visual difference in the face. These examples don't have it.
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They didn't get botched. Bimax is a functional medical operation. Sometimes it makes you look better, many times it doesn't.

I'm expecting a noticeable visual difference in the face. These examples don't have it.

Not sure what you're looking at, every one shows a big difference. The first person went from extremely recessed even from the front with tremendous lip incompetence and mentalis strain, to normal lip competence and a more defined chin (and almost certainly a better profile). She did end up with a much wider nose because of the forward maxillary movement, but again it will look good from the side. The second looks better from the front too, and probably a big improvement from the side. The third went from recessed to normal, which will be even more evident as swelling goes down.
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These are all improvements. I can surgery is not for you.
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hard to say if these are improvements or not tbh because our minds have all been distorted by PSL

the best way would be to see if the people who had this done started being treated noticeably better by those around them
Not sure what you're looking at, every one shows a big difference. The first person went from extremely recessed even from the front with tremendous lip incompetence and mentalis strain, to normal lip competence and a more defined chin (and almost certainly a better profile). She did end up with a much wider nose because of the forward maxillary movement, but again it will look good from the side. The second looks better from the front too, and probably a big improvement from the side. The third went from recessed to normal, which will be even more evident as swelling goes down.
Did you even read what I typed? I acknowledged that genioplasty helped the first one. She doesn't have overall maxillary/facial improvements like people expect from bimax. The second one doesn't clearly look better from the front, it looks like she just has a better photo, possibly after losing some weight. She did not have a big improvement in the profile view. Not only did she herself say that her face didn't change shape, she posted a before/after profile shot that looked almost the exact same. If you want to scroll through her Reddit profile, you could find it.

I think you are making excuses so you could continue believing the Myth Of the Magic Bimax--that bimax is this amazing thing that is going to ascend everyone. It doesn't.

These are all improvements. I can surgery is not for you.
I have a surgery scheduled already. I just want to encourage people to have realistic expectations.
Did you even read what I typed? I acknowledged that genioplasty helped the first one. She doesn't have overall maxillary/facial improvements like people expect from bimax. The second one doesn't clearly look better from the front, it looks like she just has a better photo, possibly after losing some weight. She did not have a big improvement in the profile view. Not only did she herself say that her face didn't change shape, she posted a before/after profile shot that looked almost the exact same. If you want to scroll through her Reddit profile, you could find it.

I think you are making excuses so you could continue believing the Myth Of the Magic Bimax--that bimax is this amazing thing that is going to ascend everyone. It doesn't.

I have a surgery scheduled already. I just want to encourage people to have realistic expectations.

I don't know what you're talking about with the first picture. She clearly had a lot of maxillary advancement given how much wider her nose got, and her philtrum is shorter as a byproduct of less lip strain/better tooth support. Besides that, I don't know what you'd expect to see from the front. The second I'll take your word for it.

As for not ascending everyone, obviously. Bimax is more of a foundational procedure to get skeletal relationships within the realm of normality, and fix bite and airway issues. It can sometimes be very dramatic on it's own in some with the right surgeon and the right starting point, but usually you'll have to combine it with other cosmetic procedures for an "ascension"
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op is a complete idiot

first pic genio alone would not have advanced her incredibly recessed lower third and decreased philtrum length that much. Her other subhuman features make it hard for you to tell, cuz ur distracted by them, but she has a huge improvement

girl 2 clearly decreased facial width illusorily by increasing length with bsso + genio,

girl 3 got very small movements, but still decreased gonial angle via bimax.

girls 2 and 3 got smaller movements so their changes are proportional, not bad dipshit.

copers on this site expect bimax to make them Chad jflll. You expect:


this from everything.

Bimax results are highly dependent on:

How much movement your surgeon is willing to do (some are conservative, some are blackpilled)

How much movement your body can take without causing health issues (how much bone you have to work with)

Malocclusions and teeth issues

1 is actually a top tier bimax results

If you want a bimax result like the one below you might wanna ask your surgeon for large movements, but just know larger movements are riskier, and can cause chimp lip, sinus issues, and other issues you dont want
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There is like 80-90% satisfaction for Jaw surgery so idk what you are talking about, the 2 are gréât results, 3rd one he was conservative but she look slightly better
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girl 2 clearly decreased facial width illusorily by increasing length with bsso + genio,

girl 3 got very small movements, but still decreased gonial angle via bimax.

girls 2 and 3 got smaller movements so their changes are proportional, not bad dipshit.
Girl 3 is tilting her head a little differently in the two pictures. She looks basically identical.

Girl 2 explicitly said she did not see much change to her appearance from the surgery. And you're arguing with her based on one photo in which she's lost a little weight, SMDH

There is like 80-90% satisfaction for Jaw surgery so idk what you are talking about, the 2 are gréât results, 3rd one he was conservative but she look slightly better
80-90% for a functional surgery means the functional changes were successful, not that the patient looks better.
Girl 3 is tilting her head a little differently in the two pictures. She looks basically identical.

Girl 2 explicitly said she did not see much change to her appearance from the surgery. And you're arguing with her based on one photo in which she's lost a little weight, SMDH

80-90% for a functional surgery means the functional changes were successful, not that the patient looks better.
Wtf are you talking

The 3 it's not a before after, she said she got 9mm bsso

Thé 2nd i saw here post on reddit 1y ago she have other before after, before she have no jawline and shit submental now she's pretty

It's not functional satisfaction , i read often jaw surgery study they talk about aesthetic satisfaction


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Idk why you try to get people not doing DJS, it's the best surgery
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If you can't see jawline improvement also she has gummy smile. i'm sorry for u ur morron


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The 3 it's not a before after, she said she got 9mm bsso
Looked at a few more old photos of her on her Reddit profile, very unimpressive. The genioplasty is the biggest difference.

Thé 2nd i saw here post on reddit 1y ago she have other before after, before she have no jawline and shit submental now she's pretty
She literally said that she did not notice a major change to her face's "shape" following the procedure. So she, who looks in the mirror at herself ever single day, did not see a major difference, but you, after looking at just a few pictures, did? I notice that you didn't post the pictures that she posted of an actual profile before/after, instead posting pictures of her face in different positions with different expressions. Very telling.

I think a lot of people here are coping. They have elevated bimax to an almost religious level, and don't like to think that it doesn't necessarily help everyone's appearance very much.
Case #4: DJS, no genioplasty. Genioplasty would have made a big difference. You can see a clear difference in the before and after, but with little to no improvement to overall appearance.

Bimax 4 rjlk2wjdhxq51
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Reactions: PURE ARYAN GENETICS, Acromegaly_Chad and Pumanator
Bimax (double jaw surgery) is often touted on these sites as a procedure that could completely transform someone's appearance for the better. For some people (we have all seen the photos) it works that way. I think you need specific, isolated issues to become attractive (the surgery fixes those issues, allowing more focus on the good traits you already had). Here are a few examples I've seen of bimax results in which the person doesn't look any better:

Case #1: Double jaw surgery + genioplasty. Not clear if she's flexing muscles in her lower face in the before photo, but either way, it looks like the genioplasty was all that really mattered. Her chin has a much more "clean" look now. Her nostrils actually look a little wider in the after photo, which could have been caused by the surgery; in that case, the surgery made her look a little worse. (Low tier beck to low tier becky)

View attachment 1168309

Case #2: DJS + genioplasty + septoplasty. Looks like she lost a little fat, put on more makeup, and got photos with better lighting. (Stacylite to stacylite. She even admits in another post that she didn't see much of a difference in her face shape)

View attachment 1168308

Case #3: DJS + genioplasty. It looks like the genioplasty was an improvement, but the double jaw surgery made no difference. The chin is the only thing that has noticeably improved. (Stacylite to stacylite)

View attachment 1168303

I've seen more examples, which I might post if I find them again. If anyone else has some examples, I'd appreciate you posting them. I think the lesson here is that bimax isn't for everyone.

The second woman looks a lot better.
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Case #4: DJS, no genioplasty. Genioplasty would have made a big difference. You can see a clear difference in the before and after, but with little to no improvement to overall appearance.

View attachment 1176802

Jesus, I feel bad for him, imagine enduring the pain and the post-op just to still being a chinlet
Bimax will ascend truly deformed people into looking normal, what they would have looked like without deformity. Forward growth is a meme past being decently forward grown. The parts of forward growth that actually matter are the mandible and the cheekbone and orbitals. You have have a slightly imperfect lower maxilla and be chad.

that’s why bimax is the biggest cope in the world. If you want to ascend you need well designed and inserted implants from a doctor that understands male aesthetics. The only doctors that seems to truly understand them in the United States is Dr Eppley and Yaremchuk. The others will give you submalar implants whereas Eppley and Yaremchuk will give you high cheekbone and orbital forward growth look

Anyways point is, if you want to ascend and aren’t fucking deformed, consider implants and not dumbass bimax
Bimax will ascend truly deformed people into looking normal, what they would have looked like without deformity. Forward growth is a meme past being decently forward grown. The parts of forward growth that actually matter are the mandible and the cheekbone and orbitals. You have have a slightly imperfect lower maxilla and be chad.
Depends on the deformity. You need very specific flaws to benefit a lot from double jaw surgery. For a lot of other people, DJS just won't matter that much. That's kind of the point I was making with this thread.

that’s why bimax is the biggest cope in the world. If you want to ascend you need well designed and inserted implants from a doctor that understands male aesthetics. The only doctors that seems to truly understand them in the United States is Dr Eppley and Yaremchuk. The others will give you submalar implants whereas Eppley and Yaremchuk will give you high cheekbone and orbital forward growth look
I have seen some terrible Eppley results, so I would advise caution with regards to him. I like the idea of malar implants, but I have seen very few that actually look good.

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