Black man executed today in the United States while judges knew he was innocent



Dec 19, 2023
A man named Marcellus Williams was charged with murder based on the testimonies of two witnesses after a reward of 10.000$ was issued, claiming that Williams had confessed to the crime privately on two heavily inconsistent testimonies. Williams was sentenced to death in August 2001. During his stay on death row, it was noted by anti-death penalty activists that the DNA found at the scene did not match that of Williams, leading to calls for his execution to be stopped. Additionally, Gayle's family had repeatedly stated that they did not want Williams to be executed. He was executed by the state of Missouri on September 24, 2024.

Although no physical evidence or crime scene evidence connected him to the crime and the state presented no motive, his conviction primarily relied upon the inconsistent testimonies of two incentivized witnesses, whose statements were inconsistent with the crime scene evidence, with their own prior statements, and with each other. In 2016, testing of DNA samples retrieved from the crime scene entirely excluded Mr. Williams as a contributor, contradicting the testimony-based evidence used to convict him.

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  • JFL
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And you only care because he's a Muslim. Taking a ride on their backs, jfl.
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  • Hmm...
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one nigger less
one muslim less

its a win
  • Ugh..
  • JFL
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And you only care because he's a Muslim. Taking a ride on their backs, jfl.
Yes, i care more about muslims and his last words (May Allah have mercy on him and grant him forgiveness and paradise) made an effect on me, one cares more about his brothers than about those who aren't. However, contrary to others, the door of becoming a muslim is open for everyone, while the door to become of a certain race or ethnicity or nationality or even other religions like Judaism isn't.

And if they are black muslims living in america, even more, because they are part of the oppressed and it is living between the already racist+anti muslim scum and the degeneracy from the black gangster community promoted by the former group and disgraceful sellouts like rappers who are no more than prostitutes of the system.
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''praise be to allah''

is he with the NOI?
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Yes, i care more about muslims, one cares more about his brothers than about those who aren't. However, contrary to others, the door of becoming a muslim is open for everyone, while the door to become of a certain race or ethnicity or even other religions like Judaism isn't.

And if they are black muslims living in america, even more, because they are part of the oppressed and it is living between the already racist+anti muslim scum and the degeneracy from the black gangster community promoted by the former group and disgraceful sellouts like rappers who are no more than prostitutes of the system.
So change the title. Write a black Muslim. Why black? you don't care because he's black. You care because he's Muslim.
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So change the title. Write a black Muslim. Why black? you don't care because he's black. You care because he's Muslim.
It does not befit the lion to follow orders from the monkey
''praise be to allah''

is he with the NOI?
Definetly not because of his forehead mark due to prayer, clearly an islamic sunni beard without the moustache, etc
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First thing he finna see when he get to snowbunny heaven✊🏿🙏
  • JFL
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Where’s Micheal Schofield when you need him?
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A man named Marcellus Williams was charged with murder based on the testimonies of two witnesses after a reward of 10.000$ was issued, claiming that Williams had confessed to the crime privately on two heavily inconsistent testimonies. Williams was sentenced to death in August 2001. During his stay on death row, it was noted by anti-death penalty activists that the DNA found at the scene did not match that of Williams, leading to calls for his execution to be stopped. Additionally, Gayle's family had repeatedly stated that they did not want Williams to be executed. He was executed by the state of Missouri on September 24, 2024.

Although no physical evidence or crime scene evidence connected him to the crime and the state presented no motive, his conviction primarily relied upon the inconsistent testimonies of two incentivized witnesses, whose statements were inconsistent with the crime scene evidence, with their own prior statements, and with each other. In 2016, testing of DNA samples retrieved from the crime scene entirely excluded Mr. Williams as a contributor, contradicting the testimony-based evidence used to convict him.

Why didn't Allah stop him from being executed?
Why didn't Allah stop him from being executed?
Islam doesn't believe ultimate justice is issued and served on earthly life.

Anas b. Malik reported that Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said that one amongst the denizens of Hell who had led a life of ease and plenty amongst the people of the world would be made to dip in Fire only once on the Day of Resurrection and then it would be said to him: O, son of Adam, did you find any comfort, did you happen to get any material blessing? He would say: By Allah, no, my Lord. And then that person from amongst the persons of the world be brought who had led the most miserable life (in the world) from amongst the inmates of Paradise. and he would be made to dip once in Paradise and it would be said to him. 0, son of Adam, did you face, any hardship? Or had any distress fallen to your lot? And he would say: By Allah, no, my Lord, never did I face any hardship or experience any distress.

Allah says about the afterlife punishment (Interpretation of the meaning): "Do not think that Allah is unaware of what the wrongdoers do. He only delays them until a Day when ˹their˺ eyes will stare in horror—"
Islam doesn't believe ultimate justice is issued and served on earthly life.

Anas b. Malik reported that Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said that one amongst the denizens of Hell who had led a life of ease and plenty amongst the people of the world would be made to dip in Fire only once on the Day of Resurrection and then it would be said to him: O, son of Adam, did you find any comfort, did you happen to get any material blessing? He would say: By Allah, no, my Lord. And then that person from amongst the persons of the world be brought who had led the most miserable life (in the world) from amongst the inmates of Paradise. and he would be made to dip once in Paradise and it would be said to him. 0, son of Adam, did you face, any hardship? Or had any distress fallen to your lot? And he would say: By Allah, no, my Lord, never did I face any hardship or experience any distress.
Sounds like cope. Allah fails to manifest in the real world. You know what else fails to manifest in the real world....things that are imaginary
A man named Marcellus Williams was charged with murder based on the testimonies of two witnesses after a reward of 10.000$ was issued, claiming that Williams had confessed to the crime privately on two heavily inconsistent testimonies. Williams was sentenced to death in August 2001. During his stay on death row, it was noted by anti-death penalty activists that the DNA found at the scene did not match that of Williams, leading to calls for his execution to be stopped. Additionally, Gayle's family had repeatedly stated that they did not want Williams to be executed. He was executed by the state of Missouri on September 24, 2024.

Although no physical evidence or crime scene evidence connected him to the crime and the state presented no motive, his conviction primarily relied upon the inconsistent testimonies of two incentivized witnesses, whose statements were inconsistent with the crime scene evidence, with their own prior statements, and with each other. In 2016, testing of DNA samples retrieved from the crime scene entirely excluded Mr. Williams as a contributor, contradicting the testimony-based evidence used to convict him.

He’s spent more time waiting for his execution than most of us have been alive. He must have been bored as hell. At least he didn’t have to do homework
Sounds like cope. Allah fails to manifest in the real world. You know what else fails to manifest in the real world....things that are imaginary
"Allah fails to manifest in the real world"
FTeuGvbXsAA S9
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It was the monkey god Hanamu that made the human hand
Monkeys are dependant beings who rely on a chain of events and a set of circumstances to exist therefore there can't be such a thing as a monkey God, just as there can't be a human God or a star God or a planet God.

Allah is independent and outside the barriers of time. He describes Himself as One, Unique, He is Eternal meaning it avoids the logical barriers set by an infinite regress.

He gives us proof of His specific existence via descriptions, prophecies, anachronisms, etc, that can't be sourced to anything except a Creator Who is a Witness over all things. This will be discussed on heavy detail in another thread and i will tag you soon to it, remember my words.
  • JFL
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Monkeys are dependant beings who rely on a chain of events and a set of circumstances to exist therefore there can't be such a thing as a monkey God, just as there can't be a human God or a star God or a planet God.

Allah is independent and outside the barriers of time. He describes Himself as One, Unique, He is Eternal meaning it avoids the logical barriers set by an infinite regress.

He gives us proof of His specific existence via descriptions, prophecies, anachronisms, etc, that can't be sourced to anything except a Creator Who is a Witness over all things. This will be discussed on heavy detail in another thread and i will tag you soon to it, remember my words.
Not a monkey but monkey God.
Images 2

Kicks Allah's and Muhammad's ass on the same night
  • JFL
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If it was Meeks, foids would have set him free
Why did he have her laptop and items also he’s a criminal he has 10+ felonies look at his history even if he wasn’t executed he would’ve rotted in prison so they did him a favor
Why did he have her laptop
He sold her laptop which was previously given to him. His innocence is pretty much undisputed by now, even the DA accepts it and the DNA proof is clear.
and items also he’s a criminal he has 10+ felonies look at his history even if he wasn’t executed he would’ve rotted in prison so they did him a favor
He was a known robber born in a difficult environment who reformed his behaviour in prison after converting to Islam. If one is a robber or a burglar, then punish him properly when he did it and do not exceed. The one who steals is not the same as the one who kills.

I find it also baffling that you add "He was a criminal". So what? The US is the country with the most criminals, the highest percentage of people imprisoned with more on a total number than China while having 5 times less population, and the one with the most repeatedly convicted people by far because of poverty and a heavily incompetent system based on capitalism and the mother of all degeneracies and corruptions which you seem to defend. It still doesn't justify it at all. "They did him a favor" coming from a position of clearly defending the most corrupt system on earth is everything i needed to hear.

It's like if someone punches an old men randomly on the street and you say "He lied to me three times" to feel better with yourself and your preconceived ideas and beliefs but on an even more magnified and worse scenario. Punish him for being a liar properly, do not treat him as a murderer.
Yes, i care more about muslims and his last words (May Allah have mercy on him and grant him forgiveness and paradise) made an effect on me, one cares more about his brothers than about those who aren't. However, contrary to others, the door of becoming a muslim is open for everyone, while the door to become of a certain race or ethnicity or nationality or even other religions like Judaism isn't.

And if they are black muslims living in america, even more, because they are part of the oppressed and it is living between the already racist+anti muslim scum and the degeneracy from the black gangster community promoted by the former group and disgraceful sellouts like rappers who are no more than prostitutes of the system.
Islamic conversion propaganda:forcedsmile:
anti-death penalty activists that the DNA found at the scene
these retards just test some random shit at the scene, find DNA, and think DNA is magic so it automatically clears the person. that's how stupid they are. they hear about a case where one rapist nut in some woman and they discover it was different from the guy who was convicted, and then they extrapolate that to every conceivable situation because they only see in extremely low definition.

this is exactly what happened with Adnan Syed. they tested some random pair of shoes in the girl's car. like, no one even knew if she was wearing them that day. found some DNA on the sole of shoes (what are the odds?!?!) that wasn't Adnan's and then the fucking national news said it proved he was innocent. do you understand how dumb the world is?

i think in this case they tested the murder weapon which was a kitchen knife that belonged to the victim and found some spec of DNA. proves nothing. you realize they didn't find blood on the knife that wasn't his?

the rest of the shit i'm sure are lies because the innocence project lies about everything
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these retards just test some random shit at the scene, find DNA, and think DNA is magic so it automatically clears the person. that's how stupid they are. they hear about a case where one rapist nut in some woman and they discover it was different from the guy who was convicted, and then they extrapolate that to every conceivable situation because they only see in extremely low definition.

this is exactly what happened with Adnan Syed. they tested some random pair of shoes in the girl's car. like, no one even knew if she was wearing them that day. found some DNA on the sole of shoes (what are the odds?!?!) that wasn't Adnan's and then the fucking national news said it proved he was innocent. do you understand how dumb the world is?

i think in this case they tested the murder weapon which was a kitchen knife that belonged to the victim and found some spec of DNA. proves nothing. you realize they didn't find blood on the knife that wasn't his?

the rest of the shit i'm sure are lies because the innocence project lies about everything
Thanks for the insight because you gave me more depth of knowledge on how this kind of thing works and how flawed the collection of proof method in the US is/was compared to other more serious countries in that regard.

To be honest, in this particular case, i found this: "The perpetrator left behind considerable forensic evidence, including fingerprints, footprints, hair, and trace DNA on the muder weapon, a knife from Ms. Gayle’s kitchen. None of this forensic evidence matches Mr. Williams. "

I guess it's a matter of how specific and detailed the DNA tests were, which is something no one of us can guess but it seems to me it there was enough evidence out there. I'll look for more information than this, but i don't think it's comparable to that case you mention because it is clear that the object from which they gathered the evidence is way more important and incriminating than a pair of shoes.

About the media, they just follow agendas. Sometimes it just might land at one's favour and sometimes it is against his interests.
Thanks for the insight because you gave me more depth of knowledge on how this kind of thing works and how flawed the collection of proof method in the US is/was compared to other more serious countries in that regard.

To be honest, in this particular case, i found this: "The perpetrator left behind considerable forensic evidence, including fingerprints, footprints, hair, and trace DNA on the muder weapon, a knife from Ms. Gayle’s kitchen. None of this forensic evidence matches Mr. Williams. "

I guess it's a matter of how specific and detailed the DNA tests were, which is something no one of us can guess but it seems to me it there was enough evidence out there. I'll look for more information than this, but i don't think it's comparable to that case you mention because it is clear that the object from which they gathered the evidence is way more important and incriminating than a pair of shoes.

About the media, they just follow agendas. Sometimes it just might land at one's favour and sometimes it is against his interests.
It's not necessarily that anything is flawed with how evidence is collected or what constitutes proof in the justice system itself. It's that all of these innocence activists have a lot of resources and try to poke holes in the cases with all these bullshit arguments that will convince people who aren't extremely well acquainted with the cases, and this all happens well after and outside the justice system itself.

I would be extremely skeptical of anything you read about the case unless it's actual court documents or some objective in-depth discussion. I'm not familiar with this case but cases I am familiar with there is so much bullshit surrounding them.
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these retards just test some random shit at the scene, find DNA, and think DNA is magic so it automatically clears the person. that's how stupid they are. they hear about a case where one rapist nut in some woman and they discover it was different from the guy who was convicted, and then they extrapolate that to every conceivable situation because they only see in extremely low definition.

this is exactly what happened with Adnan Syed. they tested some random pair of shoes in the girl's car. like, no one even knew if she was wearing them that day. found some DNA on the sole of shoes (what are the odds?!?!) that wasn't Adnan's and then the fucking national news said it proved he was innocent. do you understand how dumb the world is?

i think in this case they tested the murder weapon which was a kitchen knife that belonged to the victim and found some spec of DNA. proves nothing. you realize they didn't find blood on the knife that wasn't his?

the rest of the shit i'm sure are lies because the innocence project lies about everything
Bro was probably wearing gloves
nigger detected

thread rejected

IMG 6987
"The perpetrator left behind considerable forensic evidence, including fingerprints, footprints, hair, and trace DNA on the muder weapon, a knife from Ms. Gayle’s kitchen. None of this forensic evidence matches Mr. Williams. "
I checked and this comes directly from the Innocence Project. They're not a reliable source. All that means is that they found random fingerprints, footprints, and hair in the apartment that could have belonged to anyone.

He could be innocent. I have no idea. I'm just saying that you can't take the word of the Innocence Project at face value.
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Black brahs watch carefully you’re next TND
Here you go:

I would get deep on the subject and watch the video but i have too much going. Last i found about it is that the prosecutor who imprisoned him said he was innocent after the new proofs were arranged.
I would get deep on the subject and watch the video but i have too much going. Last i found about it is that the prosecutor who imprisoned him said he was innocent after the new proofs were arranged.
Just watch like 10 minutes of the video so you can see how retarded and dishonest the public is.
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I would get deep on the subject and watch the video but i have too much going. Last i found about it is that the prosecutor who imprisoned him said he was innocent after the new proofs were arranged.
I'll just say this. The guy wasn't a suspect. His cell mate comes forward and says he did it. And then it turns out that the guy, who wasn't a suspect, just happened to have sold the woman's laptop. I mean...

Also, I haven't checked but I'm not even sure it's the prosecutor from the case who didn't want him to be executed or just the city DA. Anyway, lot's of people are anti death penalty, regardless of guilt or innocence.
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