Black men have the lowest DMV/RMV of all ethnicities



Sep 10, 2024
They have decent SMV for hookups but the absolute worst for LTRs, having a family etc..

Blacks can only be slayers of white women who will pretend they don't exist in daytime. If they want to LTR a white women, usually she is subhuman looking relative to the black man.

Most blacks are obsessed with dating a white woman. But any white woman who dates a black man is automatically considered a low quality whore who is just with him for bbc.

That's a fact, men of other races get offended if a white woman dates a black man. As if they have chosen an animal over them. As racist as it sounds, it's true.

White women don't want that stigma. They'd rather LTR an Indian or an east Asian man, than a black man. Ironically the bbc theory works against black men when it comes to LTRs, having children with a white woman. Women don't want others to think they are only dating a man for the size of his dick. And that is what people think when white woman dates a black man.
  • +1
  • JFL
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That's a fact, men of other races get offended if a white woman dates a black man. As if they have chosen an animal over them. As racist as it sounds, it's true.

White women don't want that stigma. They'd rather LTR an Indian or an east Asian man
Tell me you’re indian without telling me you’re indian
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  • JFL
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That's changing. Police and other blacks are genociding niggers and New Age Blacks are coming in to play
  • JFL
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Tell me you’re indian without telling me you’re indian
Bruh I'm not Indian
Go to an airport. Look for black man white woman couple
Then look for Indian man white woman couple.

Are you gonna slay forever or will you have a family? At some point there's an inflection
  • JFL
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  • Hmm...
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I used to be very emotionally invested in Race debates and threads on youtube, until I grew up and realized that in-group preference is a real thing, and most people prefer their own, there will always be outliers though, can't do anything about that.
But a phenomenon that I've noticed, is that most couples have the same Phenotype, not all, but lots of them.
Birds of a feather, flock together.
There are even Youtube videos online with the title:
' why do couples look alike '

Interracial dating is a cuck fantasy
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: greywind, Dominicoon, Suns9999 and 5 others
My brother in Christ....this is severe cope jfl.

For one, the average "wife material" woman in the West has generally slept around and had casual sex with men before her husband even if they pretend to be demure and hqnp after their "hoe phase" is over. So having a low "RMV" in the modern West doesn't mean shit where the average age women get married is in the late 20's/early 30's(and rising).

Also, attractive White women are NOT rushing to date Indian/Asian men even if they're rich doctors and techies. I'm not saying that they're rushing to date Blacks either but just look at Silicon Valley and tell me with a straight face that Asian/Indian men have an "easy" time getting a LTR with an attractive WW there. And who says WW don't any face stigmas for being with them? Lorde and STPeach literally had to clap back at a lot of racist trolls for having East Asian boyfriends.

And you're exaggerating how much people outside even gaf about BM/WW couples. Maybe in the 1980's this was true. But I've literally been in Southern states like South Carolina, Georgia, Texas, and Florida where I saw young BM/WW couples and nobody blinked an eye at it. Yes....White fathers ain't always keen on it but fathers in general ain't keen on their daughters dating/fucking outside their race.

This post sounds dated af at least for the U.S. BM/WW couples are completely normal and mundane out here. I saw some BM/WW couples at the grocery store just the other day and not a soul even glanced at them lol.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: greywind, PrinceLuenLeoncur, _Tigrim_ and 2 others
I used to be very emotionally invested in Race debates and threads on youtube, until I grew up and realized that in-group preference is a real thing, and most people prefer their own, there will always be outliers though, can't do anything about that.
But a phenomenon that I've noticed, is that most couples have the same Phenotype, not all, but lots of them.
Birds of a feather, flock together.
There are even Youtube videos online with the title:
' why do couples look alike '

Interracial dating is a cuck fantasy
I'd actually disagree
Some races find other races attractive just cause they look different/exotic from their own
  • +1
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My brother in Christ....this is severe cope jfl.

For one, the average "wife material" woman in the West has generally slept around and had casual sex with men before her husband even if they pretend to be demure and hqnp after their "hoe phase" is over. So having a low "RMV" in the modern West doesn't mean shit where the average age women get married is in the late 20's/early 30's(and rising).

Also, attractive White women are NOT rushing to date Indian/Asian men even if they're rich doctors and techies. I'm not saying that they're rushing to date Blacks either but just look at Silicon Valley and tell me with a straight face that Asian/Indian men have an "easy" time getting a LTR with an attractive WW there. And who says WW don't any face stigmas for being with them? Lorde and STPeach literally had to clap back at a lot of racist trolls for having East Asian boyfriends.

And you're exaggerating how much people outside even gaf about BM/WW couples. Maybe in the 1980's this was true. But I've literally been in Southern states like South Carolina, Georgia, Texas, and Florida where I saw young BM/WW couples and nobody blinked an eye at it. Yes....White fathers ain't always keen on it but fathers in general ain't keen on their daughters dating/fucking outside their race.

This post sounds dated af at least for the U.S. BM/WW couples are completely normal and mundane out here. I saw some BM/WW couples at the grocery store just the other day and not a soul even glanced at them lol.
this post was funny asl gonna follow you home tomorrow
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Dating app stats and interracial marriage stats should tell you all you need to know about nigga SMV.
They don't rank high in either SMV or RMV.
Whites and latinos obliterate them.
That being said, black women generally overwhelmingly prefer black dudes, so there are enough women for them since the ratio is 1:1.
But those dreams of fucking, dating and reproducing with a white Stacy are delusional fantasies.
Maybe if they are rich and famous, otherwise it ain't happening.
Only ugly fat whales and drunk white ltbs go for niggas.
It is what it is.
Also I find it quite strange. Aren't they supposed to greatly prefer their own kind? Why do they even lust after white women? It doesn't make sense to me.
As an Aryan myself when I look at black or indian women for example, I unironically find them very unattractive, unless we're talking about rare top 0.1% of beauty exceptions or something.
  • +1
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Dating app stats and interracial marriage stats should tell you all you need to know about nigga SMV.
They don't rank high in either SMV or RMV.
Whites and latinos obliterate them.
That being said, black women generally overwhelmingly prefer black dudes, so there are enough women for them since the ratio is 1:1.
But those dreams of fucking, dating and reproducing with a white Stacy are delusional fantasies.
Maybe if they are rich and famous, otherwise it ain't happening.
Only ugly fat whales and drunk white ltbs go for niggas.
It is what it is.
Also I find it quite strange. Aren't they supposed to greatly prefer their own kind? Why do they even lust after white women? It doesn't make sense to me.
As an Aryan myself when I look at black or indian women for example, I unironically find them very unattractive, unless we're talking about rare top 0.1% of beauty exceptions or something.
The stats vary a lot depending on which you look at. Some will have Black SMV low while others will show it fairly high. There's no consistency tbh.

There's stats like this here.

Are human beings 'hardwired' to find different the faces of different races attractive?

"Scientists have discovered that white people tend to choose other races when asked to rate which faces they find most attractive. The scientists discovered that white men prefer the facial features of Asian women while white women go for the faces of black men.

John Lennon and Yoko Ono: The scientists found that white men tend to prefer Asian faces and white women tend to prefer black men. Men and women aged between 18 and 30 were shown 600 faces of the opposite sex and asked to grade them for attractiveness.

The women tended to go for black male faces, followed by white and then Asian.

Men plumped for Asian women, followed by white, then black.

The Department of Psychology at Cardiff University, which carried out the study, says the results of their research are reflected in society."

And this came out around the same time as those old OK Cupid race response stats that SFcels love to post on here. See what I mean? No consistency at all.

There's also this stat too about the sex lives of college students.

Personally, I do fine on the apps and showed some proof of that(via screenshots) on here before but, on a general level, the top 20% of men are going to have the easiest time hooking up with attractive women on the apps and the OKCupid data even showed that like 15 years ago.

Just look at all the average looking White dudes online mad and depressed at their lack of matches in the apps or seeing that they're only matches are fat and unattractive roasties looking for a stepdad or betabuxx. If you're not Chad, you aren't getting your money's worth on the apps even if you're White.

Why do you think passport dating and sugar dating is picking up steam in the West? It's cause average White guys have an easier time paying for romance/sex than competing solely off of their looks on the apps.
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  • JFL
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The stats vary a lot depending on which you look at. Some will have Black SMV low while others will show it fairly high. There's no consistency tbh.

There's stats like this here.

Are human beings 'hardwired' to find different the faces of different races attractive?

"Scientists have discovered that white people tend to choose other races when asked to rate which faces they find most attractive. The scientists discovered that white men prefer the facial features of Asian women while white women go for the faces of black men.

John Lennon and Yoko Ono: The scientists found that white men tend to prefer Asian faces and white women tend to prefer black men. Men and women aged between 18 and 30 were shown 600 faces of the opposite sex and asked to grade them for attractiveness.

The women tended to go for black male faces, followed by white and then Asian.

Men plumped for Asian women, followed by white, then black.

The Department of Psychology at Cardiff University, which carried out the study, says the results of their research are reflected in society."

And this came out around the same time as those old OK Cupid race response stats that SFcels love to post on here. See what I mean? No consistency at all.

There's also this stat too about the sex lives of college students.

Personally, I do fine on the apps and showed some proof of that(via screenshots) on here before but, on a general level, the top 20% of men are going to have the easiest time hooking up with attractive women on the apps and the OKCupid data even showed that like 15 years ago.

Just look at all the average looking White dudes online mad and depressed at their lack of matches in the apps or seeing that they're only matches are fat and unattractive roasties looking for a stepdad or betabuxx. If you're not Chad, you aren't getting your money's worth on the apps even if you're White.

Why do you think passport dating and sugar dating is picking up steam in the West? It's cause average White guys have an easier time paying for romance/sex than competing solely off of their looks on the apps.

I was not talking about just okcupid. I was talking about majority of dating apps, it's more or less the same across all apps. I think dating app data is far far more reliable than a couple of studies with a sample size of 600 to get a good idea what's more desirable for hookups. As for marriage, marriage stats by the government are arguably the most reliable metric to see what is preferred for longterm. The two races most likely to intermix(by a big margin) are whites and hispanic. Blacks rarely marry outside of their race(iirc it was like 6-7% or something for black men, while for black women it was even lower like 2-3%).

I also call cap on white men preferring asian faces and white women preferring black faces. That's just straight up nonsense.

As for the rest, a Tyrone might do better than a white mtn in attracting white women. But a Chad, even a Chadlite, will obliterate him.
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I was not talking about just okcupid. I was talking about majority of dating apps, it's more or less the same across all apps. I think dating app data is far far more reliable than a couple of studies with a sample size of 600 to get a good idea what's more desirable for hookups.
Even those stats vary a lot though and don't always reach the same results. For instance, there's some where Indian and Middle Eastern men are ranked the lowest, some with Asian men ranked the lowest, some with Black men ranked the lowest, etc. I've seen a lot of them.

There's also others that say only 20% of men are found attractive on apps which excludes many White men. There's no straight consensus.
As for marriage, marriage stats by the government are arguably the most reliable metric to see what is preferred for longterm.
Which doesn't mean shit in the modern West where the average age women get married in the U.S. is 29 years old and the average age women get married in the UK is 31 years old. And these women are generally roasties who have higher body counts than their husbands and where divorce is common.

Marriage stats just mean a man is seen as a safe option....nothing more, nothing less. It says nothing about how truly desirable you are. Money and stability overrides race when it comes to how marriageable a man is deemed. White NEET's aren't seen as more marriageable than Black men with good jobs and same vice versa.
The two races most likely to intermix(by a big margin) are whites and hispanic.
Hispanic isn't a race. Many Hispanics are White and White passing.

I Love Lucy involves a White couple that was labeled interracial because of cultural taboos.

I can assure you Brown skinned Mestizos, Natives, and Tri-Racial Hispanics don't have it as easy as their White counterparts when it comes to marrying White American women.
Blacks rarely marry outside of their race(iirc it was like 6-7% or something for black men, while for black women it was even lower like 2-3%).
And that's mostly voluntarily. Black people generally prefer to be in relationships with other Black people in the U.S. Even middle class Blacks move to places like Atlanta, Houston, and the DMV to be around other Blacks.
I also call cap on white men preferring asian faces and white women preferring black faces. That's just straight up nonsense.
I don't agree with it either but it's still based on an actual tested study nonetheless. Point being that different studies show different results.
As for the rest, a Tyrone might do better than a white mtn in attracting white women. But a Chad, even a Chadlite, will obliterate him.
With White women? Of course. Nobody's saying White women generally prefer Blacks over Whites unless they're trolling or ragebaiting. All women except Americanized Asian women generally prefer their own.

I wouldn't be shocked at a White Chad attracting more White women than a Tyrone.

But there's a lot of factors involved besides race too. For instance, a White Chad can range from a 5'10 skinny pretty boy with long hair to a 6'4 muscular man. Similarly, a Tyrone can range from a 5'9 dreadhead with swag to a 6'5 NBA player. They're going to have different appeal to different women too.
  • JFL
Reactions: _Tigrim_
My brother in Christ....this is severe cope jfl.

For one, the average "wife material" woman in the West has generally slept around and had casual sex with men before her husband even if they pretend to be demure and hqnp after their "hoe phase" is over. So having a low "RMV" in the modern West doesn't mean shit where the average age women get married is in the late 20's/early 30's(and rising).

Also, attractive White women are NOT rushing to date Indian/Asian men even if they're rich doctors and techies. I'm not saying that they're rushing to date Blacks either but just look at Silicon Valley and tell me with a straight face that Asian/Indian men have an "easy" time getting a LTR with an attractive WW there. And who says WW don't any face stigmas for being with them? Lorde and STPeach literally had to clap back at a lot of racist trolls for having East Asian boyfriends.

And you're exaggerating how much people outside even gaf about BM/WW couples. Maybe in the 1980's this was true. But I've literally been in Southern states like South Carolina, Georgia, Texas, and Florida where I saw young BM/WW couples and nobody blinked an eye at it. Yes....White fathers ain't always keen on it but fathers in general ain't keen on their daughters dating/fucking outside their race.

This post sounds dated af at least for the U.S. BM/WW couples are completely normal and mundane out here. I saw some BM/WW couples at the grocery store just the other day and not a soul even glanced at them lol.
You misunderstood what I meant by RMV. I don't mean how pure they are. I mean how many women will be willing to marry or have children with them.

The potential slaying years are limited. Many of these blacks who go for white women will also want children and to be with a white woman long term. My point is they have lower chance of that than other races. And no I never said women are rushing to date Indian men, that wasn't my point.

Yeh you may be right about USA, but blacks are way more common there than even the UK.
You misunderstood what I meant by RMV. I don't mean how pure they are. I mean how many women will be willing to marry or have children with them.
BM/WW marriages still outnumber South Asian male/WW marriages in the UK and Canada despite them vastly outnumbering Blacks. And that's not even counting mixed kids born out of wedlock.

Explain that.
The potential slaying years are limited. Many of these blacks who go for white women will also want children and to be with a white woman long term. My point is they have lower chance of that than other races. And no I never said women are rushing to date Indian men, that wasn't my point.
Black men already have lots of kids with White women whether it's through marriage or out of wedlock.

That's why there's so many Mulatto celebrities, musicians, and athletes around with Black fathers like Drake, Doja Cat, Tinashe, J Cole, Logic, Patrick Mahomes, Zendaya, Halle Barry, Halsey, Jordin Sparks, Lisa Bonet, Keke Wyatt, Mya, Jordan Peele, Keegan Michael Key, Lamelo Ball, Sade, Latto, Alicia Keys, Lenny Kravitz, Jesse Williams, Obama, Kaepernick, etc.

If White women supposedly don't desire Mulatto children as much as Hapa or half Desi children, they're doing a horrible job at showing it.
Yeh you may be right about USA, but blacks are way more common there than even the UK.
My brother in Christ....the UK literally has more Mulattos and Black/White marriages than White/South Asian ones based on your own census. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

White/Black Caribbean mixes alone outnumber White/South Asian mixes and even White/African mixes are close even though South Asians vastly outnumber Africans in the UK.

This nigga just lying through his teeth to cope with Black men dating and fucking more White women than Indian men. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: It's both funny and sad tbh.
  • Hmm...
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They have decent SMV for hookups but the absolute worst for LTRs, having a family etc..

Blacks can only be slayers of white women who will pretend they don't exist in daytime. If they want to LTR a white women, usually she is subhuman looking relative to the black man.

Most blacks are obsessed with dating a white woman. But any white woman who dates a black man is automatically considered a low quality whore who is just with him for bbc.

That's a fact, men of other races get offended if a white woman dates a black man. As if they have chosen an animal over them. As racist as it sounds, it's true.

White women don't want that stigma. They'd rather LTR an Indian or an east Asian man, than a black man. Ironically the bbc theory works against black men when it comes to LTRs, having children with a white woman. Women don't want others to think they are only dating a man for the size of his dick. And that is what people think when white woman dates a black man.
Black men don't find white women attractive
  • JFL
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BM/WW marriages still outnumber South Asian male/WW marriages in the UK and Canada despite them vastly outnumbering Blacks. And that's not even counting mixed kids born out of wedlock.

Explain that.

Black men already have lots of kids with White women whether it's through marriage or out of wedlock.

That's why there's so many Mulatto celebrities, musicians, and athletes around with Black fathers like Drake, Doja Cat, Tinashe, J Cole, Logic, Patrick Mahomes, Zendaya, Halle Barry, Halsey, Jordin Sparks, Lisa Bonet, Keke Wyatt, Mya, Jordan Peele, Keegan Michael Key, Lamelo Ball, Sade, Latto, Alicia Keys, Lenny Kravitz, Jesse Williams, Obama, Kaepernick, etc.

If White women supposedly don't desire Mulatto children as much as Hapa or half Desi children, they're doing a horrible job at showing it.

My brother in Christ....the UK literally has more Mulattos and Black/White marriages than White/South Asian ones based on your own census. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

White/Black Caribbean mixes alone outnumber White/South Asian mixes and even White/African mixes are close even though South Asians vastly outnumber Africans in the UK.

This nigga just lying through his teeth to cope with Black men dating and fucking more White women than Indian men. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: It's both funny and sad tbh.
Doesn't break it down by male and female so we don't know which is black and which is white
Doesn't break it down by male and female so we don't know which is black and which is white
8/10 times is BMWW. I say this as a guy who lives in an area with a lot of mullatos.

Not always but most of the time this is the case id say 8/10 mullatos have a white mum (usually a single mother :forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile: black men don’t marry women)
Black men don't find white women attractive
They worship any blonde haired white woman lol. She could have missing teeth, cottage cheese thighs, borderline deformed face. If she has white skin and blonde hair its all gd blacks will see her as top tier.
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  • JFL
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Doesn't break it down by male and female so we don't know which is black and which is white
Like the dude below me said, it's mostly BM/WW.
They worship any blonde haired white woman lol. She could have missing teeth, cottage cheese thighs, borderline deformed face. If she has white skin and blonde hair its all gd blacks will see her as top tier.
That's not true and is usually projection from SFcels.

Light skinned BW, Mulattas, and curvy Latinas are considered more attractive than White women in the Black community on average at least in the U.S.

And it's mainly ex-convicts or poor Africans looking for green cards who date those types of White women as a meal ticket.
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another day another cope

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