Black utuber says women are not logical when picking mates.



Jun 17, 2019
Yes women tend to be more emotional then men, but to say their not logical is stupid women pick certain men because their is a benefit and trade off for short gain, is worth the possiblility for long-time pain.

Its calulated when you see a women date a man who isn't father material and have unprotected sex with said man and have multiple children, she is banking on they state/family will assist her and a new man will come in and take the role as father for the children. Usually women are young or some-what young and have high smv in there teens ,20s, and early 30s, so they take the amount of attention of men in mass, and the sexual access of casually fucking men 1-3 points higher in terms of looks,money,status that another man will come in to be a father to her children and be in commited long-term relationship.

But here is the kicker single mothers are more likely to be cheated on, even more so if the men have no biological children with said women.
mating is about risk/reward. If a man is dating a single mother and has no children with her, and a childless young attractive women wants him he will leave in a heart-beat.

at the end is even more funny when he says a ugly man can go up to a 10/10 women and get her to fuck him, just by talking. I reckon a ugly guy 2/10-3/10 man trying to sleep with a 10/10 women chance percent is like .1 percent.

In this
Women are actually perfectly logical when choosing mates
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Women only care about genetics

personality is completely irrelevant
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didnt watch but

„Dude, there is no such thing as unconditional love. That’s Disney conditioning. Unconditional comes from your mother. A woman is never going to love you that way. She does have unconditional love, but it is reserved for her children. She can love you also, but you better perform and be of use to her. Women love men differently, pragmatically and opportunistically. It is men who are the true romantics because we love women differently, sacrificially. Women just masquerade as romantics. They hate it when you dare say this, but deep they know it’s true. Women do not “fall in love” The opportunistically filter first, then allow themselves to “jump into love” with a man she perceived as suitable. But women often have a notoriously poor sense of judgement. Men do too. We are both compromised, albeit differently, by the human urges to reproduce. Women filter for quality. Men go for quantity, variety. A comedy of error from both approach is the rule, not the exception. Men and women are different. But we do complement one another very well for survival. That’s what it’s all about. What’s love got to do with it?“
Women are actually perfectly logical when choosing mates
womens goal is to get one man who is sexually attractive, has resources, and is faithfull, those men are hard to come by. so women employ a mating tactic of sleep with a small pool of desired men and if any children come out of it, get the other 80 percent of men to provide resources or protection and call it a community duty of the men. The only problem with this is the government may help the women and their children with programs and help, but what the government can't do is provide a man for emotional support and raising of the children and for those men to give resources to children that are not theirs.

But guess what with marriage rates going down and single mother rates going up, with women having children by non-father type men. The courts and the government are now being sneaky and putting changes into common marriage laws, meaining if your dating a single mother and her children see you as a father figure the courts can garnish your wages to pay for the children, or have your house car givin to said women to help her and the children.

omens goal is to get one man who is sexually attractive, has resources, and is faithfull, those men are hard to come by. so women employ a mating tactic of sleep with a small pool of desired men and if any children come out of it, get the other 80 percent of men to provide resources or protection and call it a community duty of the men. The only problem with this is the government may help the women and their children with programs and help, but what the government can't do is provide a man for emotional support and raising of the children and for those men to give resources to children that are not theirs.
they just choose someone that they find attractive
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womens goal is to get one man who is sexually attractive, has resources, and is faithfull, those men are hard to come by. so women employ a mating tactic of sleep with a small pool of desired men and if any children come out of it, get the other 80 percent of men to provide resources or protection and call it a community duty of the men. The only problem with this is the government may help the women and their children with programs and help, but what the government can't do is provide a man for emotional support and raising of the children and for those men to give resources to children that are not theirs.

But guess what with marriage rates going down and single mother rates going up, with women having children by non-father type men. The courts and the government are now being sneaky and putting changes into common marriage laws, meaining if your dating a single mother and her children see you as a father figure the courts can garnish your wages to pay for the children, or have your house car givin to said women to help her and the children.


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