Blackpill and Inceldom is dying out, looksmaxxing is now redpilled and for ethnics. The timeline of Incels.



Mar 8, 2025
The only people on here are usually quite neurodivergent people. If you are white and lived in a very white area and non neurodivergent, you probably just found some ethnic bitches. If your are NT anyways, it shouldnt be hard to make small talk to some ethnic girls on a different side of town and getting to know them as a white LTN.

So who is left? Well we know this forum is slowly falling off by all means it could become popular again, but I think its peak was reached. This forum usually filled of non NT, and neurodivergents whites and ethnics. Usually homeschooled whites, chronically online whites, autistic whites, mentally troubled whites. These have always existed, and have always struggled getting partners through out all of history, and make up such a small percentage. Not only that, but even if your a white autist, it is harder for you to be locked off, and have no friends. I already discussed how in my school I was one of the only white kids, and autistic, and people came up to talk to me. Meanwhile I knew sub5 blackcels, curries , who literally sat there with no friends, and when they did make their friend groups, they were the laughing stocks of the school.

In an ethnic school being shunned off as a white guy is nearly impossible unless you are like subhuman or purposefully trying to avoid talking to anyone and telling people to fuck off.

Incels Being a Millennial Phenomenon - Proto-Incels

Incels come from the Millennial generation. Fact - most of the incel shooters were millennials.

Millennial music was incel music. Listen to these :

Theres a reason why DBDR had a rock band jfl and talks about listening to pop punk music. This is literal incel music

I could go on, but pop punk wasnt popular for no reason. Kids were unable to match the social expectations in front of them at school. Bullying was way more prevelant. After a bunch of legislature all over the west was signed, to make it so you can basically pass everything in school - this made school less about actually studying or grades but as a social hierachy. This happend in the early 90s.

After time this calmed down, as school became less of a social hierachy, and "bullying" was taken as a more serious offense. After the spike in school shootings, and basically closed off people from school began going rouge and the blow up of pop punk music, school reforms were made to counter bullying, and it was tooken way more serious by teachers. Even fines were introduced to teachers in a lot of countries who didnt stop bullying. School shootings are still increasing though because of mass publicization of it, and rise of social media. Manifestos could be written and spread like wild fire, rise of encrypted chats too of other people telling them to do these acts.

Also it is statistically true that over time, school shooters are becoming less and less white.

However these reforms have worked, and bullying has been decreasing.


Incel Resurgance , Incels becoming ethnic - Hypergamy and dating apps 2010s

Incel theory resignated with incels in the early 2010s, this is why you saw the blackpill blow up to a small degree. Channels like FaceAndLMS, ITV.

Who were the incels who were watching this content? People who failed to get relationships on dating apps. These channels were just there to explain why this was occuring. So who struggled? Sub 5 whites, older white people, and mainly ETHNICS. May I remind you FaceAndLMS is ethnic, rehab room is ethnic, hamudi is ethnic.

However older whites cant be called incels cuz they slayed in their past, but now their old fart asses who werent married, went on dating apps.

Blackpill Death , Incels becoming a Redpill Phenomenon. Rise of the Redpill and PUA Scams 2020s

The rise of Andrew Tate , Hamza and self improvement and PUA scams. You would notice over time, the main Gen Z who were disinfranchized with their shitty life, were ethnics. If you dont believe me go into andrew tates and hamza discords and please look at the site of how much ethnics there are.

Looksmaxxing eventually became mixed with the redpill by people like Hamza , K Shami. And was just seen as a self improoovement idealogy. Not as in actually making drastic changes in your life, such as roiding, hardmaxxes, starvemaxxing, drugs - that actually make you ascend. Instead they sold BS products to these ethnics, that were all scams.

Death and Decline of Incel and Blackpill forums 2024-2030

Incel forums are dying hard. .IS is falling off hard. This forum is dying. And is being replaced for .com which is a blue pill / red pilled forum that allows femcels, where u cant say slurs, and is a shithole. Anything to make actual meaningful change, such as skin bleaching, starvemaxxing, hardmaxxes, roiding, are restricted.

True blackpill idealogy is becoming a small community - rehab room is one of the only channels left that is blackpilled. Incel forums are dying because they are actively shut down by the government , and there isnt a flow of new members, the main members of IS are millennials. Some of them eventually forced to get a job, or are starting to inherit their boomer parents dying house and assets. So they do not have time to be one these forums, and need to manage finances. A lot of them may end up betabuxxing too, or maybe some actually just got a job after rotting for so long.

Conclusion - Gen Z less incel

In conclusion. Yes the dating market is still hard for Gen Z, especially ethnics. However due to migrants tight knit communities, they may often get arranged marriages, and as for whites, they have appeal to ethnic girls.

I repeat, Looksmaxxing has blew up not as a blackpill incel idealogy but as a REDPILL idealogy. The blackpill has got some traction because of this, but guys, the end result isnt acknowledging genetic destiny, acknowledging JBW. It is to sell diet cope, and other softmax cope products. Guys even if looksmaxxing keeps doing well on tiktok, people are going to .com and to PUA scammers like K Shami.
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  • Hmm...
  • JFL
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dnr, will read later (lazy rn), but regarding the title, looksmaxxing has always been pretty redpilled in itself

self improooovement brah
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: EthiopianMaxxer, FiendFiend and 160cmcurry
dnr, will read later (lazy rn), but regarding the title, looksmaxxing has always been pretty redpilled in itself

self improooovement brah
self improooovement :lul::lul:
  • +1
Reactions: superpsycho
The only people on here are usually quite neurodivergent people. If you are white and lived in a very white area and non neurodivergent, you probably just found some ethnic bitches. If your are NT anyways, it shouldnt be hard to make small talk to some ethnic girls on a different side of town and getting to know them as a white LTN.

So who is left? Well we know this forum is slowly falling off by all means it could become popular again, but I think its peak was reached. This forum usually filled of non NT, and neurodivergents whites and ethnics. Usually homeschooled whites, chronically online whites, autistic whites, mentally troubled whites. These have always existed, and have always struggled getting partners through out all of history, and make up such a small percentage. Not only that, but even if your a white autist, it is harder for you to be locked off, and have no friends. I already discussed how in my school I was one of the only white kids, and autistic, and people came up to talk to me. Meanwhile I knew sub5 blackcels, curries , who literally sat there with no friends, and when they did make their friend groups, they were the laughing stocks of the school.

In an ethnic school being shunned off as a white guy is nearly impossible unless you are like subhuman or purposefully trying to avoid talking to anyone and telling people to fuck off.

Incels Being a Millennial Phenomenon - Proto-Incels

Incels come from the Millennial generation. Fact - most of the incel shooters were millennials.

Millennial music was incel music. Listen to these :

Theres a reason why DBDR had a rock band jfl and talks about listening to pop punk music. This is literal incel music

I could go on, but pop punk wasnt popular for no reason. Kids were unable to match the social expectations in front of them at school. Bullying was way more prevelant. After a bunch of legislature all over the west was signed, to make it so you can basically pass everything in school - this made school less about actually studying or grades but as a social hierachy. This happend in the early 90s.

After time this calmed down, as school became less of a social hierachy, and "bullying" was taken as a more serious offense. After the spike in school shootings, and basically closed off people from school began going rouge and the blow up of pop punk music, school reforms were made to counter bullying, and it was tooken way more serious by teachers. Even fines were introduced to teachers in a lot of countries who didnt stop bullying. School shootings are still increasing though because of mass publicization of it, and rise of social media. Manifestos could be written and spread like wild fire, rise of encrypted chats too of other people telling them to do these acts.

Also it is statistically true that over time, school shooters are becoming less and less white.

However these reforms have worked, and bullying has been decreasing.

View attachment 3564839

Incel Resurgance , Incels becoming ethnic - Hypergamy and dating apps 2010s

Incel theory resignated with incels in the early 2010s, this is why you saw the blackpill blow up to a small degree. Channels like FaceAndLMS, ITV.

Who were the incels who were watching this content? People who failed to get relationships on dating apps. These channels were just there to explain why this was occuring. So who struggled? Sub 5 whites, older white people, and mainly ETHNICS. May I remind you FaceAndLMS is ethnic, rehab room is ethnic, hamudi is ethnic.

However older whites cant be called incels cuz they slayed in their past, but now their old fart asses who werent married, went on dating apps.

Blackpill Death , Incels becoming a Redpill Phenomenon. Rise of the Redpill and PUA Scams 2020s

The rise of Andrew Tate , Hamza and self improvement and PUA scams. You would notice over time, the main Gen Z who were disinfranchized with their shitty life, were ethnics. If you dont believe me go into andrew tates and hamza discords and please look at the site of how much ethnics there are.

Looksmaxxing eventually became mixed with the redpill by people like Hamza , K Shami. And was just seen as a self improoovement idealogy. Not as in actually making drastic changes in your life, such as roiding, hardmaxxes, starvemaxxing, drugs - that actually make you ascend. Instead they sold BS products to these ethnics, that were all scams.

Death and Decline of Incel and Blackpill forums 2024-2030

Incel forums are dying hard. .IS is falling off hard. This forum is dying. And is being replaced for .com which is a blue pill / red pilled forum that allows femcels, where u cant say slurs, and is a shithole. Anything to make actual meaningful change, such as skin bleaching, starvemaxxing, hardmaxxes, roiding, are restricted.

True blackpill idealogy is becoming a small community - rehab room is one of the only channels left that is blackpilled. Incel forums are dying because they are actively shut down by the government , and there isnt a flow of new members, the main members of IS are millennials. Some of them eventually forced to get a job, or are starting to inherit their boomer parents dying house and assets. So they do not have time to be one these forums, and need to manage finances. A lot of them may end up betabuxxing too, or maybe some actually just got a job after rotting for so long.

Conclusion - Gen Z less incel

In conclusion. Yes the dating market is still hard for Gen Z, especially ethnics. However due to migrants tight knit communities, they may often get arranged marriages, and as for whites, they have appeal to ethnic girls.

I repeat, Looksmaxxing has blew up not as a blackpill incel idealogy but as a REDPILL idealogy. The blackpill has got some traction because of this, but guys, the end result isnt acknowledging genetic destiny, acknowledging JBW. It is to sell diet cope, and other softmax cope products. Guys even if looksmaxxing keeps doing well on tiktok, people are going to .com and to PUA scammers like K Shami.

Pretty much agreed on these points. These sites took a traffic hit now that castrated versions of blackpill terms are circulating in normie spheres. There's tons of softmaxxes on tiktok and twitter like mewing, jelqing, neckmaxxing, etc.. that go viral which are PC enough not to oy vey shut it down, but won't tarnish milady's total sexual monopoly on the dating market. The blackpill = contained and gatekept, the redpill = betabuxxing.
  • +1
Reactions: TiktokUser and FiendFiend
Cool analysis but I don’t agree, incels are not a millenial phenomenon, they’re mostly ethnics and aimed to by grifters such as Tate but no matter how they cope with (.com or hamza shit), they still can’t excape their condition and it’s only destined to worsen in the upcoming years
Cool analysis but I don’t agree, incels are not a millenial phenomenon, they’re mostly ethnics and aimed to by grifters such as Tate but no matter how they cope with (.com or hamza shit), they still can’t excape their condition and it’s only destined to worsen in the upcoming years
Yep, places such as cucknada already have like a 1.2 male-female young demographic disaster from our government importing infinity slave workers. Walked around one of our major cities holding hands with an HTB a year ago and got about 500 deathglares from ethnics. This place is cooked.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: St.TikTokcel and FutureSlayer
The only people on here are usually quite neurodivergent people. If you are white and lived in a very white area and non neurodivergent, you probably just found some ethnic bitches. If your are NT anyways, it shouldnt be hard to make small talk to some ethnic girls on a different side of town and getting to know them as a white LTN.

So who is left? Well we know this forum is slowly falling off by all means it could become popular again, but I think its peak was reached. This forum usually filled of non NT, and neurodivergents whites and ethnics. Usually homeschooled whites, chronically online whites, autistic whites, mentally troubled whites. These have always existed, and have always struggled getting partners through out all of history, and make up such a small percentage. Not only that, but even if your a white autist, it is harder for you to be locked off, and have no friends. I already discussed how in my school I was one of the only white kids, and autistic, and people came up to talk to me. Meanwhile I knew sub5 blackcels, curries , who literally sat there with no friends, and when they did make their friend groups, they were the laughing stocks of the school.

In an ethnic school being shunned off as a white guy is nearly impossible unless you are like subhuman or purposefully trying to avoid talking to anyone and telling people to fuck off.

Incels Being a Millennial Phenomenon - Proto-Incels

Incels come from the Millennial generation. Fact - most of the incel shooters were millennials.

Millennial music was incel music. Listen to these :

Theres a reason why DBDR had a rock band jfl and talks about listening to pop punk music. This is literal incel music

I could go on, but pop punk wasnt popular for no reason. Kids were unable to match the social expectations in front of them at school. Bullying was way more prevelant. After a bunch of legislature all over the west was signed, to make it so you can basically pass everything in school - this made school less about actually studying or grades but as a social hierachy. This happend in the early 90s.

After time this calmed down, as school became less of a social hierachy, and "bullying" was taken as a more serious offense. After the spike in school shootings, and basically closed off people from school began going rouge and the blow up of pop punk music, school reforms were made to counter bullying, and it was tooken way more serious by teachers. Even fines were introduced to teachers in a lot of countries who didnt stop bullying. School shootings are still increasing though because of mass publicization of it, and rise of social media. Manifestos could be written and spread like wild fire, rise of encrypted chats too of other people telling them to do these acts.

Also it is statistically true that over time, school shooters are becoming less and less white.

However these reforms have worked, and bullying has been decreasing.

View attachment 3564839

Incel Resurgance , Incels becoming ethnic - Hypergamy and dating apps 2010s

Incel theory resignated with incels in the early 2010s, this is why you saw the blackpill blow up to a small degree. Channels like FaceAndLMS, ITV.

Who were the incels who were watching this content? People who failed to get relationships on dating apps. These channels were just there to explain why this was occuring. So who struggled? Sub 5 whites, older white people, and mainly ETHNICS. May I remind you FaceAndLMS is ethnic, rehab room is ethnic, hamudi is ethnic.

However older whites cant be called incels cuz they slayed in their past, but now their old fart asses who werent married, went on dating apps.

Blackpill Death , Incels becoming a Redpill Phenomenon. Rise of the Redpill and PUA Scams 2020s

The rise of Andrew Tate , Hamza and self improvement and PUA scams. You would notice over time, the main Gen Z who were disinfranchized with their shitty life, were ethnics. If you dont believe me go into andrew tates and hamza discords and please look at the site of how much ethnics there are.

Looksmaxxing eventually became mixed with the redpill by people like Hamza , K Shami. And was just seen as a self improoovement idealogy. Not as in actually making drastic changes in your life, such as roiding, hardmaxxes, starvemaxxing, drugs - that actually make you ascend. Instead they sold BS products to these ethnics, that were all scams.

Death and Decline of Incel and Blackpill forums 2024-2030

Incel forums are dying hard. .IS is falling off hard. This forum is dying. And is being replaced for .com which is a blue pill / red pilled forum that allows femcels, where u cant say slurs, and is a shithole. Anything to make actual meaningful change, such as skin bleaching, starvemaxxing, hardmaxxes, roiding, are restricted.

True blackpill idealogy is becoming a small community - rehab room is one of the only channels left that is blackpilled. Incel forums are dying because they are actively shut down by the government , and there isnt a flow of new members, the main members of IS are millennials. Some of them eventually forced to get a job, or are starting to inherit their boomer parents dying house and assets. So they do not have time to be one these forums, and need to manage finances. A lot of them may end up betabuxxing too, or maybe some actually just got a job after rotting for so long.

Conclusion - Gen Z less incel

In conclusion. Yes the dating market is still hard for Gen Z, especially ethnics. However due to migrants tight knit communities, they may often get arranged marriages, and as for whites, they have appeal to ethnic girls.

I repeat, Looksmaxxing has blew up not as a blackpill incel idealogy but as a REDPILL idealogy. The blackpill has got some traction because of this, but guys, the end result isnt acknowledging genetic destiny, acknowledging JBW. It is to sell diet cope, and other softmax cope products. Guys even if looksmaxxing keeps doing well on tiktok, people are going to .com and to PUA scammers like K Shami.

Read every single pixel. If you're an ethnic with no connection to your ethnic family+half white it's really hard to find a partner. Also with me being ND asf as well I don't have friends or any people I consistently talk to.
  • +1
Reactions: FiendFiend and True_North
>Muh JBW
  • +1
Reactions: True_North and Godera
Cool analysis but I don’t agree, incels are not a millenial phenomenon, they’re mostly ethnics and aimed to by grifters such as Tate but no matter how they cope with (.com or hamza shit), they still can’t excape their condition and it’s only destined to worsen in the upcoming years
yes I agree, but the incels we will think about were usually white shooters, and shit like this. The face of the incel has changed completely. White Gen Z incels who are non-neurodivergent are harder and harder to come by
gotta be the 271 thousandth "the forum/looksmax/incel community" is dead

all that's happening is that the tiktokcels are hopping onto the next trend and leaving the forums/rest of the community. it's just returning to the pre-2023 era tbh.
  • Woah
  • +1
Reactions: FutureSlayer and TiktokUser
gotta be the 271 thousandth "the forum/looksmax/incel community" is dead

all that's happening is that the tiktokcels are hopping onto the next trend and leaving the forums/rest of the community. it's just returning to the pre-2023 era tbh.
yea they are adopting the redpill and blackpill goes underground again
  • +1
Reactions: TiktokUser and castizo_ascender
The only people on here are usually quite neurodivergent people. If you are white and lived in a very white area and non neurodivergent, you probably just found some ethnic bitches. If your are NT anyways, it shouldnt be hard to make small talk to some ethnic girls on a different side of town and getting to know them as a white LTN.

So who is left? Well we know this forum is slowly falling off by all means it could become popular again, but I think its peak was reached. This forum usually filled of non NT, and neurodivergents whites and ethnics. Usually homeschooled whites, chronically online whites, autistic whites, mentally troubled whites. These have always existed, and have always struggled getting partners through out all of history, and make up such a small percentage. Not only that, but even if your a white autist, it is harder for you to be locked off, and have no friends. I already discussed how in my school I was one of the only white kids, and autistic, and people came up to talk to me. Meanwhile I knew sub5 blackcels, curries , who literally sat there with no friends, and when they did make their friend groups, they were the laughing stocks of the school.

In an ethnic school being shunned off as a white guy is nearly impossible unless you are like subhuman or purposefully trying to avoid talking to anyone and telling people to fuck off.

Incels Being a Millennial Phenomenon - Proto-Incels

Incels come from the Millennial generation. Fact - most of the incel shooters were millennials.

Millennial music was incel music. Listen to these :

Theres a reason why DBDR had a rock band jfl and talks about listening to pop punk music. This is literal incel music

I could go on, but pop punk wasnt popular for no reason. Kids were unable to match the social expectations in front of them at school. Bullying was way more prevelant. After a bunch of legislature all over the west was signed, to make it so you can basically pass everything in school - this made school less about actually studying or grades but as a social hierachy. This happend in the early 90s.

After time this calmed down, as school became less of a social hierachy, and "bullying" was taken as a more serious offense. After the spike in school shootings, and basically closed off people from school began going rouge and the blow up of pop punk music, school reforms were made to counter bullying, and it was tooken way more serious by teachers. Even fines were introduced to teachers in a lot of countries who didnt stop bullying. School shootings are still increasing though because of mass publicization of it, and rise of social media. Manifestos could be written and spread like wild fire, rise of encrypted chats too of other people telling them to do these acts.

Also it is statistically true that over time, school shooters are becoming less and less white.

However these reforms have worked, and bullying has been decreasing.

View attachment 3564839

Incel Resurgance , Incels becoming ethnic - Hypergamy and dating apps 2010s

Incel theory resignated with incels in the early 2010s, this is why you saw the blackpill blow up to a small degree. Channels like FaceAndLMS, ITV.

Who were the incels who were watching this content? People who failed to get relationships on dating apps. These channels were just there to explain why this was occuring. So who struggled? Sub 5 whites, older white people, and mainly ETHNICS. May I remind you FaceAndLMS is ethnic, rehab room is ethnic, hamudi is ethnic.

However older whites cant be called incels cuz they slayed in their past, but now their old fart asses who werent married, went on dating apps.

Blackpill Death , Incels becoming a Redpill Phenomenon. Rise of the Redpill and PUA Scams 2020s

The rise of Andrew Tate , Hamza and self improvement and PUA scams. You would notice over time, the main Gen Z who were disinfranchized with their shitty life, were ethnics. If you dont believe me go into andrew tates and hamza discords and please look at the site of how much ethnics there are.

Looksmaxxing eventually became mixed with the redpill by people like Hamza , K Shami. And was just seen as a self improoovement idealogy. Not as in actually making drastic changes in your life, such as roiding, hardmaxxes, starvemaxxing, drugs - that actually make you ascend. Instead they sold BS products to these ethnics, that were all scams.

Death and Decline of Incel and Blackpill forums 2024-2030

Incel forums are dying hard. .IS is falling off hard. This forum is dying. And is being replaced for .com which is a blue pill / red pilled forum that allows femcels, where u cant say slurs, and is a shithole. Anything to make actual meaningful change, such as skin bleaching, starvemaxxing, hardmaxxes, roiding, are restricted.

True blackpill idealogy is becoming a small community - rehab room is one of the only channels left that is blackpilled. Incel forums are dying because they are actively shut down by the government , and there isnt a flow of new members, the main members of IS are millennials. Some of them eventually forced to get a job, or are starting to inherit their boomer parents dying house and assets. So they do not have time to be one these forums, and need to manage finances. A lot of them may end up betabuxxing too, or maybe some actually just got a job after rotting for so long.

Conclusion - Gen Z less incel

In conclusion. Yes the dating market is still hard for Gen Z, especially ethnics. However due to migrants tight knit communities, they may often get arranged marriages, and as for whites, they have appeal to ethnic girls.

I repeat, Looksmaxxing has blew up not as a blackpill incel idealogy but as a REDPILL idealogy. The blackpill has got some traction because of this, but guys, the end result isnt acknowledging genetic destiny, acknowledging JBW. It is to sell diet cope, and other softmax cope products. Guys even if looksmaxxing keeps doing well on tiktok, people are going to .com and to PUA scammers like K Shami.

Are people actually going to .com? Looks like dogshit. Spot on with its purpose being to sell diet cope, the amount of people monetizing looksmaxxing related things that are just softmaxxing cope or straight up lies is crazy
  • +1
Reactions: TiktokUser and FiendFiend
gotta be the 271 thousandth "the forum/looksmax/incel community" is dead

all that's happening is that the tiktokcels are hopping onto the next trend and leaving the forums/rest of the community. it's just returning to the pre-2023 era tbh.
how do u put this thing at the bottom btw



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gotta be the 271 thousandth "the forum/looksmax/incel community" is dead

all that's happening is that the tiktokcels are hopping onto the next trend and leaving the forums/rest of the community. it's just returning to the pre-2023 era tbh.
what’s the next trend?
nice theory


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