Blackpill autism 101



Nov 3, 2020
Blackpiller: It's over for 80% of men. Women only care about the top 20% of men.

Nah that's clearly not true. Plenty of men who are not in the top 20% are having sex and relationships.

No, 30% of young men say they didn't have sex last year, and that's only the ones who admit it, the real numbers might be 60% and a lot of the 40% who have sex probably have only sex with prostitutes or luck out once a year.

Are you serious? There are a lot of men, even in their teens and early 20s, who are not in the top 20% and in relationships. Why would they not have sex with their girlfriends?

Women are only attracted to men who either have a Chad face, are very tall (like 6'2 at least), who have a big dick (8 inches or above), who have a lot of social status, are very rich, are dark triad or low-inhib in behavior, or men who had the luck to be the first boyfriend of a girl. Most men, around 80%, don't fit in any of these criteria. They are left with nothing, while the top 20% have harems.

So how do you explain average men being in relationships?

You think they are average, but maybe they are tall or have a big dick or a lot of money or one of the other things mentioned. No man who has none of this can have a girl attracted to him.

I know a guy who is neither tall nor good-looking and he's not rich or high status, but he has a girlfriend.

Maybe he's dark triad in behavior.

No, he's actually a shy guy and treats everyone nice.

I guess he was her first boyfriend.

No, she has had boyfriends before.

Oh, she has had boyfriends before! You see, she probably ride the cock carousel and has enough of all the top 20% men using her loose pussy, so she got a beta man that she could control because he can't get any other girl. It's not a relationship based on real attraction then.

I saw her boyfriends, they were nerdy lanklets or just completely average-looking. No one was a top 20%.

You don't know. Many nerds are rich and you don't know if one of her exes had a big dick. You don't even know if your friend has an 8 inch dick.

True. But I've seen so many men being in relationships when they're young, it's impossible that they're all rich or have 8 inch dicks or anything. The math doesn't make sense for what you said. If it was over for 80% of men, it was impossible for any of the bottom 80% of men to have relationships, which is clearly not true.

Well, as I said, some men will get into relationships when they are not in the top 20%, but these relationships are not based on real attraction. The men who are in these relationships are just used for financial security or as emotional tampon after the women got hurt by all the top 20% men. And the women will still cheat on their boyfriends or have a dead bedroom with them or even both.

Financial security? Emotional tampon? I know so many men who barely earn more than their girlfriends or not at all and who don't behave as their therapists, but they're still together and clearly have sex.

How do you know?

How do you know otherwise?

Because women can't be attracted to men who don't have either a Chad face, are very tall (like 6'2 at least), who have a big dick (8 inches or above), who have a lot of social status, are very rich, are dark triad or low-inhib in behavior, or men who had the luck to be the first boyfriend of a girl. This is proven beyond any doubt at this point, you can search the online dating data, the sexlessness rates among young men, the fact that most divorces are initiated by women, how women behave on social media, or all the sexual harassment laws who are only enforced when the man was not a top 20% man. This is why women aren't really capable of love. They only want the genetics or resources of a man, they never really love a man.

Oh come on! Women aren't capable of love? I have seen many times how women were obsessed with a guy. They became crazy when small things happened like a text of another woman popping up in the phone of their boyfriend, even if it was his sister. And they cooked for them, supported them when they had problems, sometimes even spent a lot of money for them, these were clearly acts done out of love.

All these things are only done because the guy had either a Chad face, was very tall (like 6'2 at least), had a big dick (8 inches or above), had a lot of social status, was very rich, was dark triad or low-inhib in behavior, or because the guy had the luck to be the first boyfriend of the girl. If a guy has nothing of this, no woman gives a shit about him.

In that case you can say that men also aren't capable of love. They only love women because they can have sex with them, get companionship, have kids with them or do things together like traveling.

No, a man is capable of loving a woman no matter what she is and does. It might be true that men expect to have sex with a woman they're together, but even when the woman says no for years, the man still stays with her. Because he loves her.

I don't believe anything of that to be honest. You are way too hyperbolic and pessimistic.

You have asked me many questions. May I ask you a question now: What are your beliefs about the state of dating in 2022?

I think men who are not in the top 20% can still have a girlfriend who is really attracted to them. Of course the most attractive men have a big advantage, but it's not over for all the others. If a man has a social circle and meets women regularly, he can get a woman who, after seeing him for weeks or months, starts to likes him, he becomes more attractive to her, then he asks her out, they get to know each other better and both fall in love. That's the average relationship in my opinion.

I knew it. You are a bluepilled retard, you never questioned anything you were told when you were a kid, just like the average braindead NPC Normie. You are a good candidate for ending up as another case of CBC.

What does CBC stand for?

Blackpiller: Cucked by Chad. The fate of every average man who is stupid enough to enter a relationship.
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not a word
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The more I scroll, the less I read.

UPDATE : I scrolled back to the top and read the whole post.
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бля мудак я не могу читать
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You are so pathetic ngl
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This was a good thread.

Arguing with a blue piller is like arguing with a religious person, complete waste of time as they lack the cognitive faculties to see objective reality.

It's better to be a blue piller when talking to others, and a black piller when thinking and making personal decisions.
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It isn’t over for the bottom 80%; it’s over for the bottom 20%. If it’s over for you, then you must be in the bottom 20%.

This is a way more brutal way to believe in the blackpill, and I’m shocked that there isn’t a bigger number of blackpillers who think like that.
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reddit or magazine article link?
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Donald Trump Reaction GIF
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reddit or magazine article link?
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op is a schizo and these are his two personas talking

mirin that even you are here for more than one year you still have a normie side
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It isn’t over for the bottom 80%; it’s over for the bottom 20%. If it’s over for you, then you must be in the bottom 20%.

This is a way more brutal way to believe in the blackpill, and I’m shocked that there aren’t more blackpillers who think like that.
Well blackpilers say it's over for 80% of men, so they're much more pessimistic.
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You've always been incredibly soy, Alex. Just admit you're an IT psyop
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Xabi Alonso was so underrated
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oofy doofy
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Normies don't have to be oofy doofy, they can be just average in looks and behavior.
average is a vague term. but imo those relationships can pretty much always by explained by:
- the girl is insecure (or has some form of abandonment/attachment issue that makes her seek investment from a guy that doesn't really make her pussy tingle)
- she's just bored and will put up with the cuck until someone better comes along
- the dude has financial resources
- a combination of the above

all of them imho being a form of betabux and the bitch essentially lying to the guy and trying to make him feel things that really aren't there in order to extract emotional investment/money/whatever. it really always sucks for the guy. or at least it should suck for them if they weren't so incredibly clueless.
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Good thread read all
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average is a vague term. but imo those relationships can pretty much always by explained by:
- the girl is insecure (or has some form of abandonment/attachment issue that makes her seek investment from a guy that doesn't really make her pussy tingle)
- she's just bored and will put up with the cuck until someone better comes along
- the dude has financial resources
- a combination of the above

all of them imho being a form of betabux and the bitch essentially lying to the guy and trying to make him feel things that really aren't there in order to extract emotional investment/money/whatever. it really always sucks for the guy. or at least it should suck for them if they weren't so incredibly clueless.
Irl, people don't meet for a seconds, like on a dating app. They meet for weeks, months. Some average guys can become attractive. Chads have halo effect, Normies have exposure effect. It's not just Chad or betabuxxing.

Of course if everyone COULD, they would ltr only Chads or only Stacys. But it's not possible, so people usually accept their looksmatches.
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Irl, people don't meet for a seconds, like on a dating app. They meet for weeks, months. Some average guys can become attractive. Chads have halo effect, Normies have exposure effect. It's not just Chad or betabuxxing.

Of course if everyone COULD, they would ltr only Chads or only Stacys. But it's not possible, so people usually accept their looksmatches.
is jeff bezos average?
No, at least not for young women, but maybe for his age group.
do you think her relationship with the guy is based on legitimate attraction or is it more of a deal to extract investment and resources?


do you think her relationship with the guy is based on legitimate attraction or is it more of a deal to extract investment and resources?


Obviously I don't know for sure. He's a Normie despite being bald, she's a Becky.

What are your standards? The woman has to find the man extremely attractive and be kinky in bed and shit, or the woman has to find him attractive enough for her looks threshold and like having sex with him? The latter can happen for Normies for sure.
Obviously I don't know for sure. He's a Normie despite being bald, she's a Becky.

What are your standards? The woman has to find the man extremely attractive and be kinky in bed and shit, or the woman has to find him attractive enough for her looks threshold and like having sex with him? The latter can happen for Normies for sure.
have you tried analyzing the body language in the photos? you think she'd be instinctively leaning away if the guy looked like this instead?

  • Hmm...
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have you tried analyzing the body language in the photos? you think she'd be instinctively leaning away if the guy looked like this instead?

I don't think her body language says much. In the first pic he was kissing her while she was looking to the camera, the second pic again was clearly prepared so that he is behind her, it's not like she leaned away when she saw the camera.

In general I wouldn't guess from pics if woman isn't attracted to her partner except when they're very clear. People can fake emotions or feel too awkward to show them in public or camera.
I don't think her body language says much. In the first pic he was kissing her while she was looking to the camera, the second pic again was clearly prepared so that he is behind her, it's not like she leaned away when she saw the camera.

In general I wouldn't guess from pics if woman isn't attracted to her partner except when they're very clear. People can fake emotions or feel too awkward to show them in public or camera.
cmon now lol
It isn’t over for the bottom 80%; it’s over for the bottom 20%. If it’s over for you, then you must be in the bottom 20%.

This is a way more brutal way to believe in the blackpill, and I’m shocked that there isn’t a bigger number of blackpillers who think like that.
Motherfuckers don’t wanna accept they’re bottom 20%
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It's so sad to see that no one reacted to my creation of the new acronym CBC (Cucked by Chad).
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80/20 theory is legit but I am apart of the bottom 0.0001 percent of males.

I am genetic trash
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average is a vague term. but imo those relationships can pretty much always by explained by:
- the girl is insecure (or has some form of abandonment/attachment issue that makes her seek investment from a guy that doesn't really make her pussy tingle)
- she's just bored and will put up with the cuck until someone better comes along
- the dude has financial resources
- a combination of the above

all of them imho being a form of betabux and the bitch essentially lying to the guy and trying to make him feel things that really aren't there in order to extract emotional investment/money/whatever. it really always sucks for the guy. or at least it should suck for them if they weren't so incredibly clueless.
In your opinion, what's the minimum looks level to get a girl's pussy to tingle?
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Blackpiller: It's over for 80% of men. Women only care about the top 20% of men.

Normie: Nah that's clearly not true. Plenty of men who are not in the top 20% are having sex and relationships.

Blackpiller: No, 30% of young men say they didn't have sex last year, and that's only the ones who admit it, the real numbers might be 60% and a lot of the 40% who have sex probably have only sex with prostitutes or luck out once a year.

Normie: Are you serious? There are a lot of men, even in their teens and early 20s, who are not in the top 20% and in relationships. Why would they not have sex with their girlfriends?

Blackpiller: Women are only attracted to men who either have a Chad face, are very tall (like 6'2 at least), who have a big dick (8 inches or above), who have a lot of social status, are very rich, are dark triad or low-inhib in behavior, or men who had the luck to be the first boyfriend of a girl. Most men, around 80%, don't fit in any of these criteria. They are left with nothing, while the top 20% have harems.

Normie: So how do you explain average men being in relationships?

Blackpiller: You think they are average, but maybe they are tall or have a big dick or a lot of money or one of the other things mentioned. No man who has none of this can have a girl attracted to him.

Normie: I know a guy who is neither tall nor good-looking and he's not rich or high status, but he has a girlfriend.

Blackpiller: Maybe he's dark triad in behavior.

Normie: No, he's actually a shy guy and treats everyone nice.

Blackpiller: I guess he was her first boyfriend.

Normie: No, she has had boyfriends before.

Blackpiller: Oh, she has had boyfriends before! You see, she probably ride the cock carousel and has enough of all the top 20% men using her loose pussy, so she got a beta man that she could control because he can't get any other girl. It's not a relationship based on real attraction then.

Normie: I saw her boyfriends, they were nerdy lanklets or just completely average-looking. No one was a top 20%.

Blackpiller: You don't know. Many nerds are rich and you don't know if one of her exes had a big dick. You don't even know if your friend has an 8 inch dick.

Normie: True. But I've seen so many men being in relationships when they're young, it's impossible that they're all rich or have 8 inch dicks or anything. The math doesn't make sense for what you said. If it was over for 80% of men, it was impossible for any of the bottom 80% of men to have relationships, which is clearly not true.

Blackpiller: Well, as I said, some men will get into relationships when they are not in the top 20%, but these relationships are not based on real attraction. The men who are in these relationships are just used for financial security or as emotional tampon after the women got hurt by all the top 20% men. And the women will still cheat on their boyfriends or have a dead bedroom with them or even both.

Normie: Financial security? Emotional tampon? I know so many men who barely earn more than their girlfriends or not at all and who don't behave as their therapists, but they're still together and clearly have sex.

Blackpiller: How do you know?

Normie: How do you know otherwise?

Blackpiller: Because women can't be attracted to men who don't have either a Chad face, are very tall (like 6'2 at least), who have a big dick (8 inches or above), who have a lot of social status, are very rich, are dark triad or low-inhib in behavior, or men who had the luck to be the first boyfriend of a girl. This is proven beyond any doubt at this point, you can search the online dating data, the sexlessness rates among young men, the fact that most divorces are initiated by women, how women behave on social media, or all the sexual harassment laws who are only enforced when the man was not a top 20% man. This is why women aren't really capable of love. They only want the genetics or resources of a man, they never really love a man.

Normie: Oh come on! Women aren't capable of love? I have seen many times how women were obsessed with a guy. They became crazy when small things happened like a text of another woman popping up in the phone of their boyfriend, even if it was his sister. And they cooked for them, supported them when they had problems, sometimes even spent a lot of money for them, these were clearly acts done out of love.

Blackpiller: All these things are only done because the guy had either a Chad face, was very tall (like 6'2 at least), had a big dick (8 inches or above), had a lot of social status, was very rich, was dark triad or low-inhib in behavior, or because the guy had the luck to be the first boyfriend of the girl. If a guy has nothing of this, no woman gives a shit about him.

Normie: In that case you can say that men also aren't capable of love. They only love women because they can have sex with them, get companionship, have kids with them or do things together like traveling.

Blackpiller: No, a man is capable of loving a woman no matter what she is and does. It might be true that men expect to have sex with a woman they're together, but even when the woman says no for years, the man still stays with her. Because he loves her.

Normie: I don't believe anything of that to be honest. You are way too hyperbolic and pessimistic.

Blackpiller: You have asked me many questions. May I ask you a question now: What are your beliefs about the state of dating in 2022?

Normie: I think men who are not in the top 20% can still have a girlfriend who is really attracted to them. Of course the most attractive men have a big advantage, but it's not over for all the others. If a man has a social circle and meets women regularly, he can get a woman who, after seeing him for weeks or months, starts to likes him, he becomes more attractive to her, then he asks her out, they get to know each other better and both fall in love. That's the average relationship in my opinion.

Blackpiller: I knew it. You are a bluepilled retard, you never questioned anything you were told when you were a kid, just like the average braindead NPC Normie. You are a good candidate for ending up as another case of CBC.

Normie: What does CBC stand for?

Blackpiller: Cucked by Chad. The fate of every average man who is stupid enough to enter a relationship.
damn. this motherfucker went HARDCORE with conversations with himself. i feel mogged.
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Blackpiller: It's over for 80% of men. Women only care about the top 20% of men.

Normie: Nah that's clearly not true. Plenty of men who are not in the top 20% are having sex and relationships.

Blackpiller: No, 30% of young men say they didn't have sex last year, and that's only the ones who admit it, the real numbers might be 60% and a lot of the 40% who have sex probably have only sex with prostitutes or luck out once a year.

Normie: Are you serious? There are a lot of men, even in their teens and early 20s, who are not in the top 20% and in relationships. Why would they not have sex with their girlfriends?

Blackpiller: Women are only attracted to men who either have a Chad face, are very tall (like 6'2 at least), who have a big dick (8 inches or above), who have a lot of social status, are very rich, are dark triad or low-inhib in behavior, or men who had the luck to be the first boyfriend of a girl. Most men, around 80%, don't fit in any of these criteria. They are left with nothing, while the top 20% have harems.

Normie: So how do you explain average men being in relationships?

Blackpiller: You think they are average, but maybe they are tall or have a big dick or a lot of money or one of the other things mentioned. No man who has none of this can have a girl attracted to him.

Normie: I know a guy who is neither tall nor good-looking and he's not rich or high status, but he has a girlfriend.

Blackpiller: Maybe he's dark triad in behavior.

Normie: No, he's actually a shy guy and treats everyone nice.

Blackpiller: I guess he was her first boyfriend.

Normie: No, she has had boyfriends before.

Blackpiller: Oh, she has had boyfriends before! You see, she probably ride the cock carousel and has enough of all the top 20% men using her loose pussy, so she got a beta man that she could control because he can't get any other girl. It's not a relationship based on real attraction then.

Normie: I saw her boyfriends, they were nerdy lanklets or just completely average-looking. No one was a top 20%.

Blackpiller: You don't know. Many nerds are rich and you don't know if one of her exes had a big dick. You don't even know if your friend has an 8 inch dick.

Normie: True. But I've seen so many men being in relationships when they're young, it's impossible that they're all rich or have 8 inch dicks or anything. The math doesn't make sense for what you said. If it was over for 80% of men, it was impossible for any of the bottom 80% of men to have relationships, which is clearly not true.

Blackpiller: Well, as I said, some men will get into relationships when they are not in the top 20%, but these relationships are not based on real attraction. The men who are in these relationships are just used for financial security or as emotional tampon after the women got hurt by all the top 20% men. And the women will still cheat on their boyfriends or have a dead bedroom with them or even both.

Normie: Financial security? Emotional tampon? I know so many men who barely earn more than their girlfriends or not at all and who don't behave as their therapists, but they're still together and clearly have sex.

Blackpiller: How do you know?

Normie: How do you know otherwise?

Blackpiller: Because women can't be attracted to men who don't have either a Chad face, are very tall (like 6'2 at least), who have a big dick (8 inches or above), who have a lot of social status, are very rich, are dark triad or low-inhib in behavior, or men who had the luck to be the first boyfriend of a girl. This is proven beyond any doubt at this point, you can search the online dating data, the sexlessness rates among young men, the fact that most divorces are initiated by women, how women behave on social media, or all the sexual harassment laws who are only enforced when the man was not a top 20% man. This is why women aren't really capable of love. They only want the genetics or resources of a man, they never really love a man.

Normie: Oh come on! Women aren't capable of love? I have seen many times how women were obsessed with a guy. They became crazy when small things happened like a text of another woman popping up in the phone of their boyfriend, even if it was his sister. And they cooked for them, supported them when they had problems, sometimes even spent a lot of money for them, these were clearly acts done out of love.

Blackpiller: All these things are only done because the guy had either a Chad face, was very tall (like 6'2 at least), had a big dick (8 inches or above), had a lot of social status, was very rich, was dark triad or low-inhib in behavior, or because the guy had the luck to be the first boyfriend of the girl. If a guy has nothing of this, no woman gives a shit about him.

Normie: In that case you can say that men also aren't capable of love. They only love women because they can have sex with them, get companionship, have kids with them or do things together like traveling.

Blackpiller: No, a man is capable of loving a woman no matter what she is and does. It might be true that men expect to have sex with a woman they're together, but even when the woman says no for years, the man still stays with her. Because he loves her.

Normie: I don't believe anything of that to be honest. You are way too hyperbolic and pessimistic.

Blackpiller: You have asked me many questions. May I ask you a question now: What are your beliefs about the state of dating in 2022?

Normie: I think men who are not in the top 20% can still have a girlfriend who is really attracted to them. Of course the most attractive men have a big advantage, but it's not over for all the others. If a man has a social circle and meets women regularly, he can get a woman who, after seeing him for weeks or months, starts to likes him, he becomes more attractive to her, then he asks her out, they get to know each other better and both fall in love. That's the average relationship in my opinion.

Blackpiller: I knew it. You are a bluepilled retard, you never questioned anything you were told when you were a kid, just like the average braindead NPC Normie. You are a good candidate for ending up as another case of CBC.

Normie: What does CBC stand for?

Blackpiller: Cucked by Chad. The fate of every average man who is stupid enough to enter a relationship.
Gigacope. But true only if you are a legit normie in her eyes which is this imo:

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Obviously I don't know for sure. He's a Normie despite being bald, she's a Becky.

What are your standards? The woman has to find the man extremely attractive and be kinky in bed and shit, or the woman has to find him attractive enough for her looks threshold and like having sex with him? The latter can happen for Normies for sure.
How tf is this dude a normie? He looks deformed to me.
have you tried analyzing the body language in the photos? you think she'd be instinctively leaning away if the guy looked like this instead?

This dude is a strong HTN. What @AlexAP says, applies to him.
I honestly don't understand why they are so many negative comments. Damn these types of forums are so toxic. But I kinda agree with the normie tbh
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OP wrote an essay only for it to get rep mogged by these sentence long low effort replies. Lmao
The tide has turned. OP has now more reacts than these two low effort replies.
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I honestly don't understand why they are so many negative comments. Damn these types of forums are so toxic. But I kinda agree with the normie tbh
you'll have to get used it nigga.

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