Blackpill Is not related to genes or reproductive succes,It Is something from other reality plane



everyday cucked by BULLS
May 28, 2023
We all know beauty Is objective and that all women lust over the same certain features, but my doubt Is: if having these features increases reproductive succes,and all women want them and mostly all women can have sex with men who has these features, why these types of beatiful men aré so rare? Shouldnt It be that only beatiful men with these features aré born if these traits aré desirable, and It means that It increases reproductive succes? Why aré they not the common?

You could argue that Is that the standards have rised and what was considered beatiful now Is average. But blackpill Is based that Beauty Is objective,so if standards has increased It only would mean that beign somewhat pretty isnt enough,but we could still measure beauty and if Its objective Its also atemporal, so the same face in different scenarios and epoch would have the same beauty measure.
So Its not standards.

You could also argue that is because women fears beign with Chad because the could become single mothers or get cheated on. But It also gets debunked by all the Tinder experiments that show how they have no fears of beign even with a criminal if he Is beautiful, also remember the juggernaut law: the most ugly women can get even chads cock because Is seen as Easy,so she could get pregnant from Chad, from the latter you could say: "Its the anticonceptives methods,she doesnt get pregnant from Chad but later from a betabuxx" so according to that lógic before anconceptives people were more beautiful than now, so our great grand parent should be prettier in their young years, but I think there Is no proof for that.
So Its not that they dont get pregnant from casual sex.

Finally you could say: : "Its the dual mating strategy of women, they go with Chad in their prime but dont get pregnant and then when they are old they settle down for a betabuxx and make a family". Again,we proved that if It was anconceptives methods fault,in the past people should have been prettier, so in the past women didnt got pregnant from Chad. Also if they dual mating strategy who means they get pregnant from Chad, actually makes women get pregnant from a beta It just doesnt make sense and It would be a Fake theory, since at the end they give birth to beta children.
So Its not the dual mating strategy.

Then we should discuss why we see as beautiful certain features and not others. The first thing one thinks Is: "that traits makes someone fitter,meaning he can surivive and reproduce more in a primitive enviorement (not in the present enviorement because Is so much easier to survive)". First of all, hair doesnt help to survive, neither blue eyes,white skin,blonde hair,long eyelashes, and not to talk about all the face proportiond that makes someone beautiful. Scientist have hypothesis like: good genes come in packs, It shows hormonal balance, shows body health, but these aré not even theories, meaning have not been proved.

But dont worry,our case isnt something too rare. Scientist have seen animales who mate according to certain traits that scientist still dont know why aré attractive if they dont represent an advantage.

So,Why this happens? the theory:
Its not evolution, brain neurochemicals, enviorement,personal taste or other things what makes us think something Is beautiful, if we all agree a person Is beautiful and other Is ugly and Its not evolution,because how we proved if It was evolution we all would be beautiful, It means there Is something telling us, along with other animals,what Is beautiful,Is something universal,in a higher reality plain and It can interact with us. Its really interesting that we proved that Sense of Beauty exist and Is not in our plain, what other things exist in that reality plain?

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Blackpill is a lie
universe wants being to suffer end of thread
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One answer
Arranged marriages and lack of female freedom to choose their partners
  • Hmm...
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Ugliness is hugely environmental and we live almost as unnaturally as ever.

Standarts rise with easier access to chads and more economical resources.

If beta providing was not rewarded with some offsprings then beta providing would dissapear from gene pool.

Traits don't need to help with survival fitness, sexual selection can drive the evolution of counter-productive traits (the birds with long tails suck but are sexually prefered)
  • Hmm...
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Ugliness is hugely environmental and we live almost as unnaturally as ever.

Standarts rise with easier access to chads and more economical resources.

If beta providing was not rewarded with some offsprings then beta providing would dissapear from gene pool.

Traits don't need to help with survival fitness, sexual selection can drive the evolution of counter-productive traits (the birds with long tails suck but are sexually prefered)
Good reply
One answer
Arranged marriages and lack of female freedom to choose their partners
And when a woman eats shitty food while pregnant with a child, like if a woman ate mcdonalds while pregnant that’d mess up the child
Then we should discuss why we see as beautiful certain features and not others. The first thing one thinks Is: "that traits makes someone fitter,meaning he can surivive and reproduce more in a primitive enviorement (not in the present enviorement because Is so much easier to survive)". First of all, hair doesnt help to survive, neither blue eyes,white skin,blonde hair,long eyelashes, and not to talk about all the face proportiond that makes someone beautiful. Scientist have hypothesis like: good genes come in packs, It shows hormonal balance, shows body health, but these aré not even theories, meaning have not been proved.
When discussing the percieved "fitness" of a male there is lots of complexity to take into account. Hair could resemble a healthy hormonal balance(speculative), while blue eyes could signify gut health (speculative), & light skin is considered high trust (higher levels of melanin cause higher levels of aggresion). Facial ratios firstly important as the closer facial features are to ideal the farther they are from deformity. Similar to symmetry which isn't detrimental to the individual but they have a higher chance of having offspring with a deformity which impacts their health. Annother point about long eyelashes could be linked to lower levels of dismorphism, something girls may prefer due to birth control and environmental factors that cause them to have excess extrogen. Or possibly the striking look made from the constrast of dark thick black lashes against the white of the eyes simply is exotic looking.
Annother thing to take into account is past experience and personal preferences. Yes, beauty is subjective to an extent. The countless examples online of girls finding "ugly" males attractive and vice versa is a testament to that.
We all know beauty Is objective and that all women lust over the same certain features
^ There is so much nuance this statement ignores. Yes, generally the same traits are desired, but not all.

For example a girl whos had bad experiences with a certain phenotype of male in the past may conciously or subconscious have bias against said phenotype when looking for a different mate. Not everything is based on fitness and individual with individual experiences will of course have preferences.

Anyway most sexually desired traits in men can be explained by their fitness in a primitive environment, others that we struggle to explain could fit into that categorie aswell, and dismissing them due to a lack of research isn't logical. From what I currently understand, female to male attraction is based on the following things:
1. Perceived fertility
2. Perceived abilty to hunt in a primitive enviornment
3. Perceived ability to fight in a primitive enviornment
4. Past experiences with men to possess similar physical traits

(there are non-physical aspects to attraction but that is not relevant to this post)

Some features don't clearly fit into any catagory above as I understand, but that doesn't mean they don't fit into any category. The overwhelming majority of features girls find attractive fit into this format so I would assume the rest do aswell we just haven't comprehended how yet.
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