blackpill me on Vitamin K2

Deleted member 7509

Deleted member 7509

May 25, 2020
what does it achieve, and whats a good dosage to start with? ty boyos i hope I can count on u
People will probably help you out. But all's I'm saying is if you Google "looksmax vitamin k2" you will probably find what your after.
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People will probably help you out. But all's I'm saying is if you Google "looksmax vitamin k2" you will probably find what your after.
prolly like .2psl increase max
prolly like .2psl increase max
I'd say less than that even, but what is more important is the placebo boost it gives. Swalloing supplements makes me feel superhuman.
Tbh if you take it pair it with d3, d3 very very good for test and b12
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Not as important as D3 but it works synergistically with vitamin K
It makes the bones grow, puts calcium in the right place, helps you increase in height and develop your facial bones, some report they achieved this effect even in adulthood, there is a report on about a woman who gained an inch in height at 58:

I grew up 2 cms then a third and last cm at 58 years of age. This has now stopped. Might mean that I too had a deficiency in growth. My jaw which had osteoporosis, especially around one of the articulations (if I yawned it would pop out), filled up and I did not need to have extra bone added to it as the dentist had planned. I stopped having teeth problems and periodontal problems. My face became wider, it seems the bones under my eyes filled up and became more round as in a youthful look.
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It makes the bones grow, puts calcium in the right place, helps you increase in height and develop your facial bones, some report they achieved this effect even in adulthood, there is a report on about a woman who gained an inch in height at 58:

I grew up 2 cms then a third and last cm at 58 years of age. This has now stopped. Might mean that I too had a deficiency in growth. My jaw which had osteoporosis, especially around one of the articulations (if I yawned it would pop out), filled up and I did not need to have extra bone added to it as the dentist had planned. I stopped having teeth problems and periodontal problems. My face became wider, it seems the bones under my eyes filled up and became more round as in a youthful look.
It makes the bones grow, puts calcium in the right place, helps you increase in height and develop your facial bones, some report they achieved this effect even in adulthood, there is a report on about a woman who gained an inch in height at 58:

I grew up 2 cms then a third and last cm at 58 years of age. This has now stopped. Might mean that I too had a deficiency in growth. My jaw which had osteoporosis, especially around one of the articulations (if I yawned it would pop out), filled up and I did not need to have extra bone added to it as the dentist had planned. I stopped having teeth problems and periodontal problems. My face became wider, it seems the bones under my eyes filled up and became more round as in a youthful look.
that is defintely exageration to say the least espeically at 58 jfl
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just another cope
I hope that 58 year-old-woman is telling the truth and that this is not just her posture maxxing
I hope that 58 year-old-woman is telling the truth and that this is not just her posture maxxing
her face 1000 % did not get wider she did not grow
Which vitamin k2 is better mk7 or mk4?
placebo bullshit meme vitamin
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placebo bullshit meme vitamin
so retarded people saying 'I noticed my face got more square and bony after taking it' Yeh like no shit you just convince yourself its happening and your brain just tricks you into thinking it did. some people are so retarded
it's not magic but it's going to help with stuff if you take enough of it
I took it for at least two years. Nothing happened
It's healthy but will not do anything noticeable to your looks.
There hasn't been a single proof in PSL history.
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