Blackpill Will never be mainstream

the BULL

the BULL

Looks mafia associate (accept the mog)
Oct 1, 2021
That Is complete bullshit. People think that chad Is Just a meme. They Will Always think that personality triumphs over everything. They are programmed to be NPC that make the Matrix function
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It already went way more mainstream than anyone could've imagined
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It already went way more mainstream than anyone could've imagined
That's only what you want see. Only a handful of people take this stuff seriously. For the cast majority Is Just a meme and they still think beauty Is subjective and personality Is everything.
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It will never be mainstream because mainstream requires all of the brutal sociology truths to be extracted.

Mainstream has always encompassed a socially acceptable and watered down version of ideology, look at martyrdom christianity vs current christianity or really anything.

In terms of looksmaxxing rather than blackpill, it's already going very mainstream even outside of meme sphere.

I know a surprising number of greycels irl who use .org slang with impunity like they think I don't see them :forcedsmile:
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That's only what you want see. Only a handful of people take this stuff seriously. For the cast majority Is Just a meme and they still think beauty Is subjective and personality Is everything.
Just be patient in a couple of years from now it'll sink in and all those people will start taking it seriously
normies are blind to aesthetics my classmate saw some subhuman with acromegaly and called him chad for that
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Just be patient in a couple of years from now it'll sink in and all those people will start taking it seriously
Nah they said the same shit 2 years ago. Human ego Is Just too strong to accept objective ratings and genetic determinism.
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It will never be mainstream because mainstream requires all of the brutal sociology truths to be extracted.

Mainstream has always encompassed a socially acceptable and watered down version of ideology, look at martyrdom christianity vs current christianity or really anything.

In terms of looksmaxxing rather than blackpill, it's already going very mainstream even outside of meme sphere.

I know a surprising number of greycels irl who use .org slang with impunity like they think I don't see them :forcedsmile:
Yeah but looksmaxxing isn't really blackpill. Blackpill Is about objective ratings, genetic determism and sexual success solely based on your genetics.
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It will never be mainstream because mainstream requires all of the brutal sociology truths to be extracted.

Mainstream has always encompassed a socially acceptable and watered down version of ideology, look at martyrdom christianity vs current christianity or really anything.

In terms of looksmaxxing rather than blackpill, it's already going very mainstream even outside of meme sphere.

I know a surprising number of greycels irl who use .org slang with impunity like they think I don't see them :forcedsmile:
extreme ultra-radical feminism is literally mainstream in society though
the bp wide spread some terms did as well but the only people joining .org and staying are the people that already had this thought process but just couldn't put there finger on it.
Yeah but looksmaxxing isn't really blackpill. Blackpill Is about objective ratings, genetic determism and sexual success solely based on your genetics.
I agree, looksmaxxing in and of itself has already undergone the watering, just look at that one guy syrian psycho who shilled out. Blackpill as a viewpoint goes against not just mainstream ideology but also popular opinion(women will perpetuate certain copes and myths) and what is seen as NT. There's a reason why so many .org dalits are non-NT or social rejects, a correlation which drives them towards blackpill.

I don't see some hypothetically blackpilled society surviving or even existing because of historical precedent but who knows. You could probably argue South Korea as some blackpill-reichskommissariat, bluepill itself is a construction and a modern one at that.

Maybe we just can't envision change by nature.
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extreme ultra-radical feminism is literally mainstream in society though
Not especially, at least from what I've seen, and unstable societies have historically gone through periods of radicalisation. Feminism especially has gradually ingratiated and normalised itself into society for decades-centuries.

On the other hand, society has always been prone to "hysteric" existence throughout history, to the point that considering anything extreme could just be product-of-your-time thought. Maybe humans just evolve to accept what is consciously and subconsciously imprinted on them from a general societal legacy. Maybe you can make yourself believe in any ideology. IDK :feelsohgod:

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