Blackpilled thoughts on Polyamory



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Oct 15, 2019

Polyamory =/= cuckoldry
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Polyamory =/= cuckoldry

Its just highlights how deceptive/manipulative women are that they can try to normalize their degenerate behaviour under the guise of social progression and phrase it that they are morally in the right.

Women normalizing having multiple sex partners = degenerate behaviour that destroys the family unit.

Below is what social progression is

Ensuring every human has the right to shelter and a fair trial =social progression
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Bitches aint shit. Water tier thread
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Bitches aint shit. Water tier thread
Polyamory just means having a chadlite+ rotation jfl

I doubt polyamory applies for sub6 males. Sub 6 males will continue to get cucked.
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Polyamory, is not hard to explain to anyone. Becaus it just boils down to be a horny person whom wants to fuck multipule people but still wants to maintain 1 (or 2) main bitch/man for all the other times when not horny for new pussy/duck.

explaining gender id's though. That's just dumb mental masturbation nonsens most of the times, where biological truths and principles gets denied..
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Polyamory just means having a chadlite+ rotation jfl

I doubt polyamory applies for sub6 males. Sub 6 males will continue to get cucked.
No, a lot of you guys are confused about "polyamory." The women who talk about "polyamory" are typically the uglier ones who are gassing themselves up for having multiple, incel-tier, beta orbiters.

  • JFL
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  • Woah
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No, a lot of you guys are confused about "polyamory." The women who talk about "polyamory" are typically the uglier ones who are gassing themselves up for having multiple, incel-tier, beta orbiters.

That subreddit :sick::sick:
  • JFL
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Polyamory =/= cuckoldry

I think that woman's nothong but a stupid wh*re. And the child just pretended to understand in order to please her mother. Gender bullsh*t, lol.
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Reactions: Preoximerianas and PubertyMaxxer
No, a lot of you guys are confused about "polyamory." The women who talk about "polyamory" are typically the uglier ones who are gassing themselves up for having multiple, incel-tier, beta orbiters.


i always think.
* 1 woman multipule dudes: what a sad pussy guys
* 1 dude multipule women: kinda boss

damn, muh double standards
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Polyamory usually degenerates into polygyny. Chad always wins.
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another day another overpill :feelsez::Comfy:
Can someone explain to me what their obsession is with getting children involved in their sexual fetishes?
What the hell is that all about?
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  • JFL
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Can someone explain to me what their obsession is with getting children involved in their sexual fetishes?
What the hell is that all about?
They're mentally ill

Sadly simps ( 80% of men) will support this feminist degeneracy for a Crumb of pussy and attention

We live in an awful time
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Polygamy cannot work in a developed society. Every study they've done on societies with extreme polygamy showed that they began to break down society if it was at all complex.

Polygamy can only be done with a very very small group of men or it will cause the break down of the whole society. Every civilization that did not keep monogamy in check could not function multi generational as a complex society they either cracked down on it or society degraded into warring tribes.

Society is a social contract basically you give up some of your autonomy and in return you get a wife and you won't be killed. If there is no societal contract and if 80% of men cannot find some basic satisfaction then there is no reason to play ball.

My theory on why society has not broken down yet is due to the new copes we have like drugs and porn. But there is still a limit to even this eventually it will either be forced to correct itself or more likely society itself will come crashing down.
I think the lower Testosterone levels also play a major role in keeping society functional
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The book sex and culture talks about this indirectly. Basically the point of it was that they as a society becomes more wealthy they ease up on societal restrictions for women.

Notice how most poor places still have very strict rules regarding women. The reason this exists is because a child born out of wedlock in the past meant a huge burden to your society. If a woman could not lock down a stable man her community had to bore the responsibility.

As a society becomes wealthy they can create contraceptives or they are wealthy enough to have welfare for poor single mothers. The very wealth and progress that allows liberal views on sex also destroys it in the end. Because this liberal view on sex destroys most women's need for men. Without this crucial meaning in Mens lives society goes down the drain.

Sexual promiscuity was was seen at the beginning of declining eras in every empire. The Romans, Greeks, ect
What stocks or investments would benefit from this trend the strongest?
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Well partially but allowing most men to have a family prevents men from killing eachother. In the past there was only natural selection and female selection. Basically if a man was not gifted genetically he would kill and rape to spread his genes. Monogamy tries to prevent both of these to a lesser extent. The weaker or disenfranchised men do not feel the desperate need to kill in order to get power or procreate and at the same time women do not choose only the best men in the society.

The issue with the modern world is we have one foot in and one foot out. You cannot have a society where women can choose with impunity without men being able to enforce their wills often through violence. It is the only equalizer lower men have and if you deprive them of a society where women conform and marry one man then they will be backed into a corner and forced to be violent.

I do not condone any violent actions myself but it is just human nature that a desperate man will often rightfully believe his only equalizing factor is violence or some dramatic power shift.
Look at Sweden

The men there not only support radical feminism

They also support male mass immigration

And i dont see many male swedes becoming violent
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