Blacks are more disliked by other ethnics than whites



Jan 2, 2019
Don't listen to all of this horseshit about whites being the most hated race. This is just PC bullshit and/or sjw propaganda. In reality most ethnics living outside of the west (and in many cases, even those living in the west) either don't care about white people or even have a (mostly) positive opinion on them. Consider for example that polls from some middle eastern and central Asian countries show as much as 70% of people have an overall positive opinion on the USA. And that's only the USA which is actually the most hated "white" country (granted it won't be white for much longer at this rate). All the while blacks are distrusted and disliked basically everywhere on the planet.

The only place where one could argue whites are unpopular is the USA. Even in Europe where there is lots of political correctness anti-white hatred hasn't really caught on to the same degree. Yes there are ethnic tensions between whites and muslims but I can't really say the non-whites there basically hate whites simply for being white. All the while arabs and blacks are killing each other while fighting over pussy. Truth is that for most ethnics whites are just this distant entity that play no truly important role in their lives. Foaming at the mouth anti-white racists are just a minority of anti-sjw retards. Everybody else is either just casually racist or don't care.

Blacks on the other hand, are regularly attacked and or shat upon by non-black normie ethnics both in the USA, Europe, and basically everywhere else. They are also the only ethnic race that I would consider outright hateful towards whites, where as all the other ones are at worst casually racist.
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  • JFL
Reactions: arabcelxxx, Deleted member 470, Andromeda88 and 4 others
black are most hated by black themselves : just take a look : most black males don't want full black women, never, may be mulattos but mostly other ethnics, and white for sex/marriage/etc
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True. Arabs are openly racist towards blacks in the middle east, treat them like second class citizens
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Don't listen to all of this horseshit about whites being the most hated race. This is just PC bullshit and/or sjw propaganda. In reality most ethnics living outside of the west (and in many cases, even those living in the west) either don't care about white people or even have a (mostly) positive opinion on them. Consider for example that polls from some middle eastern and central Asian countries show as much as 70% of people have an overall positive opinion on the USA. And that's only the USA which is actually the most hated "white" country (granted it won't be white for much longer at this rate). All the while blacks are distrusted and disliked basically everywhere on the planet.

The only place where one could argue whites are unpopular is the USA. Even in Europe where there is lots of political correctness anti-white hatred hasn't really caught on to the same degree. Yes there are ethnic tensions between whites and muslims but I can't really say the non-whites there basically hate whites simply for being white. All the while arabs and blacks are killing each other while fighting over pussy. Truth is that for most ethnics whites are just this distant entity that play no truly important role in their lives. Foaming at the mouth anti-white racists are just a minority of anti-sjw retards. Everybody else is either just casually racist or don't care.

Blacks on the other hand, are regularly attacked and or shat upon by non-black normie ethnics both in the USA, Europe, and basically everywhere else. They are also the only ethnic race that I would consider outright hateful towards whites, where as all the other ones are at worst casually racist.
true. lived in the middle east and everyone loved europe and western countries, but hated africa
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This isn’t common knowledge by now?
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Cope. How many whites do ethnics kill vs blacks? How many whites are treated like shit throughout the world vs blacks?
This isn't a coherent question. In underdeveloped countries whites are less likely to be present, of course they're going to kill other ethnicity who happen to be black because black people are the only other ethnicity.
  • JFL
Reactions: Achathin and FatJattMofo
This isn't a coherent question. In underdeveloped countries whites are less likely to be present, of course they're going to kill other ethnicity who happen to be black because black people are the only other ethnicity.

Blacks are killed all the time even in white majority nations by other ethnics such as hispanics or muslims.
I dislike blacks because of the bullying and humiliation they caused me. I wouldn’t mind havin a black neighbor if he is capable of even thinking

I dislike whites. They spread their disease ideology and now we all eat shit.

The only good race are the abus. They do nothing as everyone should.
lmao at the sargon alt right cels that think being white is difficult.
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true. lived in the middle east and everyone loved Europe and western countries but hated africa
They only like the Europian countries for their strong economics. They have this same respect for Asian countries that do well economically.

Tho they dont think postiviely about white people specifically, they mock white people aswell. As they literally do every race.

They have this word they use when they mock white people, i think it is called ¨Nasrani¨ which bascially means Christian. Used when a person is being to liberal/praising europian countries too much basically acting like a white person/wanting to be white. Bcs they used to own their countries and them as slaves / all the wars in the past etc. Middle easterns/Arabs in general literally mock every single race besides their own.

Not a good example to take, imo.

Tho recently they specifically hate africans more bcs they are getting into their country trying to crossover to Europe.
your deluded if you don't think ethnics are hostille to whites.
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your deluded if you don't think ethnics are hostille to whites.
Pretty accurate
Asian incel cringe
  • JFL
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They only like the Europian countries for their strong economics. They have this same respect for Asian countries that do well economically.

Tho they dont think postiviely about white people specifically, they mock white people aswell. As they literally do every race.

They have this word they use when they mock white people, i think it is called ¨Nasrani¨ which bascially means Christian. Used when a person is being to liberal/praising europian countries too much basically acting like a white person/wanting to be white. Bcs they used to own their countries and them as slaves / all the wars in the past etc. Middle easterns/Arabs in general literally mock every single race besides their own.

Not a good example to take, imo.

Tho recently they specifically hate africans more bcs they are getting into their country trying to crossover to Europe.
Yeah, know what you mean. In my country the word you mean is something like "Giauri", but its frowned upon by young people. Mainly older generations are like you suggest, I think amongst the young people they have treated me with great respect and kindness
Don't listen to all of this horseshit about whites being the most hated race. This is just PC bullshit and/or sjw propaganda. In reality most ethnics living outside of the west (and in many cases, even those living in the west) either don't care about white people or even have a (mostly) positive opinion on them. Consider for example that polls from some middle eastern and central Asian countries show as much as 70% of people have an overall positive opinion on the USA. And that's only the USA which is actually the most hated "white" country (granted it won't be white for much longer at this rate). All the while blacks are distrusted and disliked basically everywhere on the planet.

The only place where one could argue whites are unpopular is the USA. Even in Europe where there is lots of political correctness anti-white hatred hasn't really caught on to the same degree. Yes there are ethnic tensions between whites and muslims but I can't really say the non-whites there basically hate whites simply for being white. All the while arabs and blacks are killing each other while fighting over pussy. Truth is that for most ethnics whites are just this distant entity that play no truly important role in their lives. Foaming at the mouth anti-white racists are just a minority of anti-sjw retards. Everybody else is either just casually racist or don't care.

Blacks on the other hand, are regularly attacked and or shat upon by non-black normie ethnics both in the USA, Europe, and basically everywhere else. They are also the only ethnic race that I would consider outright hateful towards whites, where as all the other ones are at worst casually racist.
Have witnessed it myself, very true. 90% of my friends are whites and most ethnics avoid me.
Blacks are killed all the time even in white majority nations by other ethnics such as hispanics or muslims.
Because they're all poor as fuck and there is a direct correlation between poverty and violence

pretending like other ethnicity hate blacks as much as whites do is massive cope
imma say false cause every race hates white people tbh
The only people who like blacks are white women who've been cast in jew-commercials.
Because they're all poor as fuck and there is a direct correlation between poverty and violence

Cope the reason poor people are more violent is because poor people are also more stupid.

imma say false cause every race hates white people tbh

Untrue. Ethnics living outside of the west don't hate white people. Many dislike the USA for it's foreign policy, but there aren't that many random people living outside the west that just hate all white people.
Because they're all poor as fuck and there is a direct correlation between poverty and violence

pretending like other ethnicity hate blacks as much as whites do is massive cope
cool necro
Cope, iq distribution is almost flat across wealth

IQ by income class:

Deca-billionaires: 151
Billionaires: 133
Millionaires: 118
Middle class: 100
Welfare users: 92
The homeless: 83

Sorry but the poor are just worthless. IQ is everything if you want to get rich.
IQ by income class:

Deca-billionaires: 151
Billionaires: 133
Millionaires: 118
Middle class: 100
Welfare users: 92
The homeless: 83

Sorry but the poor are just worthless. IQ is everything if you want to get rich.
When you control for IQ it says almost flat for wealth

point being, the only thing that matters if you want to be rich is if your parents are rich
When you control for IQ it says almost flat for wealth

point being, the only thing that matters if you want to be rich is if your parents are rich

Wrong. If you IQ is low and you somehow inherit money you will piss it away over time.
I am a shitskin and I love my niggers!
Wrong. If you IQ is low and you somehow inherit money you will piss it away over time.
Wrong, inhereted mojney is managed by organization that only let you access a certain amount over time
I am a shitskin and I love my niggers!

You won't love them so much once they turn on you after realizing western indians will become (along with other asians) the new ruling class of the west after whites have cucked themselves to death. They will need a new scapegoat to blame their failures on.
You won't love them so much once they turn on you after realizing western indians will become (along with other asians) the new ruling class of the west after whites have cucked themselves to death. They will need a new scapegoat to blame their failures on.

Just fucking lol if you are retarded enough to think this won't happen. Here's a fun fact: Socialist dictators in Africa prosecuted Asians for exactly the same reason they prosecuted whites: Because they made more money than them.

Asians who buy into sjw identity politics are fucking retarded. They are literally siding with the side that will genocide them once they can't use whites as scapegoats anymore. They aren't going to care that you aren't white. If you aren't the same race as them and yet make more money, then YOU will be the next target. They will replace the "evil straight white male" with the "evil Chinese banker/imperialist" or whatever. You will be the next target of genocide. Far-left are like locust. They will not stop until everything is destroyed.

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