BLM 'movement' is so fucking retarded

Deleted member 9391

Deleted member 9391

Aug 29, 2020
i actually cant believe there are hundreds of thousands of normie virtue signaling crickets that unironically support this piece of shit movement just because of the fact black criminals get shot from time to time while high on drugs resisting arrest or possesing a weapon like it doesnt mean shit to niggers acting like theyre 'oppressed'?? also word racism has become so overly missused for things literally unrelated to racism mostly by black women on twitter soon about to sexpire talking mindless bs about WHITE PEOPLE who have become so opressed and actually think they are in the wrong it actually amazes me how brainwashed they are that they might as well should just change its definition in the dictionary. these fucking ameritards are literally fighting over a fake reality program scripted by fox and cnn while 800 000 children in US ALONE go missing every year? that means in 6 years my entire country would get stuck in a child trafficking pedo scheme licking skinny inerectile cock of some old half dead pedophile faggot. i am almnost certain all powerful people are pedophiles and do this regulary while people in america fight violently and shoot each other on protests over something that isnt real. thank god i wasnt born in america with retarded leftist morons if ur anything but alt right in america kill urself. i legit keep seeing on this piece of shit app instagram some thin wristed faggots sending retarded shit like this its actually insane how normalized it is. no black lives do not matter more than any other u maggots neck urselves i actually hate normies so mcuh


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read every word ngl
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Caged reading this so true. Good post greycel.
keep writing essays
i may write essays but atleast im 6'2 suck me off midget faggots
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I thought it was a dead meme
Niggers are so fucking dumb but deep down they know they are inferior and that they suck, thats why smart niggers start to go out with white people once they make money.
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i actually cant believe there are hundreds of thousands of normie virtue signaling crickets that unironically support this piece of shit movement just because of the fact black criminals get shot from time to time while high on drugs resisting arrest or possesing a weapon like it doesnt mean shit to niggers acting like theyre 'oppressed'?? also word racism has become so overly missused for things literally unrelated to racism mostly by black women on twitter soon about to sexpire talking mindless bs about WHITE PEOPLE who have become so opressed and actually think they are in the wrong it actually amazes me how brainwashed they are that they might as well should just change its definition in the dictionary. these fucking ameritards are literally fighting over a fake reality program scripted by fox and cnn while 800 000 children in US ALONE go missing every year? that means in 6 years my entire country would get stuck in a child trafficking pedo scheme licking skinny inerectile cock of some old half dead pedophile faggot. i am almnost certain all powerful people are pedophiles and do this regulary while people in america fight violently and shoot each other on protests over something that isnt real. thank god i wasnt born in america with retarded leftist morons if ur anything but alt right in america kill urself. i legit keep seeing on this piece of shit app instagram some thin wristed faggots sending retarded shit like this its actually insane how normalized it is. no black lives do not matter more than any other u maggots neck urselves i actually hate normies so mcuh
shut the fuck up you racist bitch
black lives matter
  • JFL
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Reactions: Marsiere214 and Deleted member 9391
Niggers are so fucking dumb but deep down they know they are inferior and that they suck, thats why smart niggers start to go out with white people once they make money.
Facts. I’m a nigger. Funny part is as retarded as a lot of niggers are in public, it’s even worse behind closed doors and full blooded Africans are even worse JFL
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Facts. I’m a nigger. Funny part is as retarded as a lot of niggers are in public, it’s even worse behind closed doors and full blooded Africans are even worse JFL
I think you and FaceandLMS are the only High IQ blacks.
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Reactions: Deleted member 6402, Marsiere214 and Deleted member 6512
Retards tbh. But something needs to be done about poor black communities, they breed subhuman fatherless criminals. Polluting order and seeking sex and violence for childhood neglect
not a single photon.
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Its just a set up for the elites to usher in martial law and the low iq npcs are falling into the trap. Those protesters will be the first ones in the fema camps.
Why do normies have to support the same group? Are there not other, more legit groups to support? Fucking normies. Can’t understand them
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You guys heard of 5 y.o. white kid who was shot in the head by a black guy in broad daylight, in front of his 7 and 8 y.o. sisters?
Yeah, me neither.
What pisses me off is the double standards, black killed white and it’s not racially motivated bro, if white guy kills black girl omg racism fucking burn that white scum alive let’s protest for poor blacks
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What pisses me off is the double standards, black killed white and it’s not racially motivated bro, if white guy kills black girl omg racism fucking burn that white scum alive let’s protest for poor blacks
Yep, just imagine if a white guy went and shot a black kid in the head.
We'd have George Floyd all over again
BLM is a terroist movement.

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