Bluepill is superior if you're HTN+


Deleted member 50511

Your mother's boyfriend
Nov 1, 2023
Instead you're autistic mentalcel inkwell.

Just be confident bro actually works if you're HTN.

Blackpill is for ltns, mtns and truecels so they can find ways to ascend, it's a net negative if you already look good.
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blackpill is for me
every pill is important in some aspect
blue, red, black and whitepill are all important to some degree and taking certain aspects of them and applying them to day to day life is what works for me
Instead you're autistic mentalcel inkwell.

Just be confident bro actually works if you're HTN.

Blackpill is for ltns, mtns and truecels so they can find ways to ascend, it's a net negative if you already look good.
Redpill maybe, not bluepill lol they'll get cucked
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Good post. I actually agree. If you're blackpill and you're GL it's a curse.
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Instead you're autistic mentalcel inkwell.

Just be confident bro actually works if you're HTN.

Blackpill is for ltns, mtns and truecels so they can find ways to ascend, it's a net negative if you already look good.
Honestly even if you are HTN or chadlite like me - we all wanna ascend and get a higher visual look. However, yes all my friends/current gf/ ex girlfriend/ parents told me to act less autistic so i guess i need to be more neurotypical.
Bluepill benefits HTN + and blackpill benefits subhumans

Redpill benefits no one, that shit turns chads into male gaze ogres and subhumans into deluded hamzacels, redpill is trash
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Instead you're autistic mentalcel inkwell.

Just be confident bro actually works if you're HTN.

Blackpill is for ltns, mtns and truecels so they can find ways to ascend, it's a net negative if you already look good.
And how is blackpill superior for sub htns?

"muh if I was only 6'3 with the face of brad pitt" = never invited to group activities


simply bluepilled sub htn (who's unironically more likely to get a gf)
And how is blackpill superior for sub htns?

"muh if I was only 6'3 with the face of brad pitt" = never invited to group activities


simply bluepilled sub htn (who's unironically more likely to get a gf)
I think the point is that adopting the black pill as a sub htn gets you to focus on what matters most given their circumstances. For sub-htns, they should be focusing on improving their looks, while for htns and above, they would gain the most from being confident, personalitymaxxing, etc.
And how is blackpill superior for sub htns?

"muh if I was only 6'3 with the face of brad pitt" = never invited to group activities


simply bluepilled sub htn (who's unironically more likely to get a gf)
Blackpill is superior for mtns and below cause with softmaxxes and well picked hardmaxxes you can reach HTN in most cases.

If you have some failo that can’t be fixed with surgery it’s gg tho.
I don't think so, the issue I believe with the blackpill is it is hard as hell to not let all of the concepts eat you alive. If you are able to acknowledge the things the blackpill teaches and not let it cause you to become autistic or depressed then you are in the best situation possible
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Honestly even if you are HTN or chadlite like me - we all wanna ascend and get a higher visual look. However, yes all my friends/current gf/ ex girlfriend/ parents told me to act less autistic so i guess i need to be more neurotypical.
When you’re HTN you’d be better off money and status maxxing to increase your SMV.

You’re at the point where your looks won’t hinder you with 99% of women. Most stacies are in ltr with money n status maxxed HTNs.
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Instead you're autistic mentalcel inkwell.

Just be confident bro actually works if you're HTN.

Blackpill is for ltns, mtns and truecels so they can find ways to ascend, it's a net negative if you already look good.
You can still be self aware as an HTN/chadlite/chad and actually it’s still blackpill if you’re only confident because of your looks
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I don't think so, the issue I believe with the blackpill is it is hard as hell to not let all of the concepts eat you alive. If you are able to acknowledge the things the blackpill teaches and not let it cause you to become autistic or depressed then you are in the best situation possible
It typically turns guys into hypervigilant autists though. The funny caveat is they think they've escaped human nature, in the sense of, not turning into someone spurned; but really they just retreat and avoid more social occasions. In the case, out in the real world, they catch feelings for a girl, which is entirely natural; they think they possess the upper hand, or some sort of esoteric knowledge with the blackpill. When really the same rules are at play. They'll get upset if their oneitis gets a boyfriend, start hyper-rationalising; analysing his facial features, moving onto plots to kill him, and crying like an abused dog.

On the contrary, the hypersensitivity also exists. If a girl talks to a blackpiller who's not had much experience before, he'll feel great and hyper-rationalise that she gave "so many IOIs" and clearly wants him "The attraction is there BROOOOo 🗣️ 🗣️ 🗣️ "

What's being ignored is that most blackpill guys fallback on their ideology as a crutch, and never take action. What's the point of having IOIs and being aware, but not fucking walking over to the girl and being witty, charming, sociable and provocative? That's literally what turns girls on. And girls can lose a crush on a hot guy simply due to him being hesitant and autistic.

Everyone should seriously listen to the above advice
@longmidfaceCEO @chadison @CarrotMaxxer @appealmaxed @rand anon @mathis @acceptitsover @TeencelStockBroker @russiancelreturns @finn899 @Fiqh @|Daddy_Zygos| @Kiril Velev @JCaesar @socialcel @SeriousAscension @Feliezzx @Infinite @Spergi @CoRe3 @cyprian_tomaszewski @dalepilled @HTN_Mentalcel @´´´´´´´´ @5.5psl @BrahminBoss @zyzzbrah1234 @Luh?nn? @Subhuman232

@moggerofmoggers @xorslayer @TurkMogger @JayMac15 @Foreverbrad @imabetanumale @Santana @HTNcutecel @Swarthy Knight @KpopmaxxingGuy @Piratecel @huoindoansco @Zizou @EggKing @pSilent @wastedpotential
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You can still be self aware as an HTN/chadlite/chad and actually it’s still blackpill if you’re only confident because of your looks
Nah, it’s better to be ignorant.

This forum has a lot of HTNs but they get cucked cuz they’re terminally online weirdos with no friends.
Nah, it’s better to be ignorant.

This forum has a lot of HTNs but they get cucked cuz they’re terminally online weirdos with no friends.
this is the type of theory that only makes any sense if you’re already bluepilled
I woukd benifit fron fi ding the blackpill earlyer in my life the red pilled ruined my resukts by bulking and buzzcut the blackpill saved me now i need to go back to the redpill for nt
Instead you're autistic mentalcel inkwell.

Just be confident bro actually works if you're HTN.

Blackpill is for ltns, mtns and truecels so they can find ways to ascend, it's a net negative if you already look good.
Good post. I actually agree. If you're blackpill and you're GL it's a curse.
blackpill is always a curse. even as a full blown incel i was 1000x happier when i was bluepilled and i unironically had much higher chances of ascending back then as there was still a shrivel of nt in me. now it’s completely gone from rotting for over a year
Blackpill is for us subhumans only all of you fakecels need to fuck off 👿
Bluepill is doom for everyone , redpill after htn is ideal

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