BMP-7 With open epiphysial plates?



Apr 4, 2023
If someone with open plates considers and follows through with BMP-7 intraarticular Injections, could it be possible in aiding with bone longitudinal growth? I know it's basically impossible to source and expensive as fuck but this is intriguing too. I asked ChatGPT about the possibilities of open plates paired with BMP-7
From ChatGPT "
If we consider compounds like BMP-7 or similar agents in the context of individuals who still have open growth plates (epiphyseal plates), typically in children and adolescents, there may be potential effects on increasing height.

BMP-7 and Bone Growth: Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs), including BMP-7, are known to play crucial roles in bone formation and skeletal development. During growth periods when growth plates are still open, BMP-7 could potentially stimulate bone growth and influence height by promoting bone cell differentiation and activity.

Treatment Context: In clinical settings, BMP-7 has been studied for its ability to enhance bone healing and treat conditions such as bone fractures and spinal fusion. Its potential to impact height would likely be explored in conditions where bone growth is impaired or delayed due to specific medical reasons, rather than for individuals seeking height enhancement beyond their genetic potential.

Limitations in Adults: For individuals whose growth plates have fused (typically around the end of puberty), the potential for BMP-7 or similar compounds to increase height is very limited. Once growth plates close, longitudinal bone growth ceases, and the potential for height increase diminishes significantly.

Clinical Trials and Research: Research into BMP-7 and related compounds continues to explore their effects on bone growth and regeneration. Clinical trials would be necessary to assess their safety and efficacy in specific populations where height enhancement is a desired outcome, such as in certain growth disorders or conditions affecting bone development.

In summary, while compounds like BMP-7 have shown potential in promoting bone growth and development, their use to increase height is primarily relevant during periods of active bone growth with open growth plates. In adults with closed growth plates, their utility for increasing height is limited or nonexistent."
ChatGPTS analysis considers research from

Bone morphogenetic proteins and spinal surgery

Recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 for treatment of open tibial fractures: a prospective, controlled, randomized study of four hundred and fifty patients

OP-1/BMP-7 in cartilage repair

I asked CHATGPT for a comparison with Regular HGH Therapy and BMP-7 and they generated

Theoretical Estimates​

Given the absence of direct clinical trials measuring height increase in children treated with BMP-7, it's challenging to provide precise estimates. However, theoretical considerations and analogous data from related treatments might offer some perspective:

  1. Growth Hormone Therapy:
    • In children with growth hormone deficiency, growth hormone therapy can result in height increases of 1-2 inches per year, with cumulative gains potentially reaching several inches over the course of treatment. While BMP-7 operates through a different biological pathway, this comparison underscores the potential for medically induced height increase.
  2. Potential Growth in Open Growth Plates:
    • If BMP-7 were to be applied to children with open growth plates, one might hypothesize similar or slightly lower growth rates compared to growth hormone therapy, depending on individual responsiveness and the specific condition being treated.
Potential Risks:

  • Risk of side effects such as joint pain, insulin resistance, increased risk of diabetes(especially for those genetically inclined), and potential for promoting cancer growth.
  • Requires careful monitoring and dosage adjustments.
  • Ethical and regulatory considerations in non-deficient individuals.
Potential Risks:

  • Potential for overgrowth or inappropriate bone formation if not precisely administered.
  • Risk of immune reactions or inflammation at the injection site due to improper injections.

In conclusion, this is pretty much cope currently. While BMP-7 shows intriguing potential for promoting bone growth in individuals with open growth plates, its accessibility,practicality, and high cost make it a challenging option. HGH and aromatase inhibitors (AI) remain more practical for now, but future developments could make BMP-7 or similar treatments a viable and safer option for enhancing bone growth in children and adolescents.
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Gpt isnt reliable LLMS are limited to whats stored and whats more common browsing does work only when prompted even then again it uses first results not ideal results

BMP-7 def works it boosts bone growth length thru Smad1/5/8 and MAPK pathways also boosts chondrocyte differentiation and endochondral ossification also supports osteoblast proliferation/activity id say its comparable to HGH on height but like u said its limited by cost and source

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