
How many bodies do you guys have

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Sep 5, 2020
No judgement bros. Wanna see where everyone's at with no shaming or gloating. Also drop height, bf%, and facial attractiveness if you can. Thx. Also any tips you have for others!

We all gonna make it:ogre:
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167cm, 14.2%, Idk you have seen what I look like OP Maybe like 4.5 psl idk.
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167cm, 14.2%, Idk you have seen what I look like OP Maybe like 4.5 psl idk.
why is there a bunch of face surgeries in ur sig while ur 167cm brother?
6'2, like 15%, 4.5 psl bloated 5 psl without at 16
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The reason their are surgeries is because I have BDD and almost puke when I look in the mirror. I don't care about my height tho.
Heights cope we both know it.

If I wasn't a mentalcel I could pull as is.
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167cm, 14.2%, Idk you have seen what I look like OP Maybe like 4.5 psl idk.
That surprises me. You definitely have the looks for it. Are you very social? It's much easier if you socialcirclemaxx especially when you can't heightmog for nightgame
  • JFL
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bluepill, not everyone can be a winner:feelswhy:
It's relative but I believe everyone can get to a level they're happy with. Only exception is if you have wildly optimistic expectations
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That surprises me. You definitely have the looks for it. Are you very social? It's much easier if you socialcirclemaxx especially when you can't heightmog for nightgame
Bro I got like 2 proper friends IRL :feelskek:. (Like people I would rely on etc. I can make friends quite easy tbh its maintaining friendships that is hard tbh.)

I have such bad mental health, I have chronic social anxiety disorder and chronic depression caused by my SAD (Had it since I was 13:dafuckfeels: caused by my childhood.). I get quite bad panic attack and shit its really bad tbh.

Im going to see a Psych next month to change my meds over to Narvil which might have an improvement.
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Bro I got like 2 proper friends IRL :feelskek:. (Like people I would rely on etc. I can make friends quite easy tbh its maintaining friendships that is hard tbh.)

I have such bad mental health, I have chronic social anxiety disorder and chronic depression caused by my SAD (Had it since I was 13:dafuckfeels: caused by my childhood.). I get quite bad panic attack and shit its really bad tbh.

Im going to see a Psych next month to change my meds over to Narvil which might have an improvement.
Love it. Step 1 is to get on meds that make you feel like you can go out without risking a panic attack. Then you build momentum and work from there(y)
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Love it. Step 1 is to get on meds that make you feel like you can go out without risking a panic attack. Then you build momentum and work from there(y)
yeah, thats the plan. My social skills are really undeveloped tho because of my SAD but hopefully they will improve after I can fix my mental.
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Heights cope we both know it.

If I wasn't a mentalcel I could pull as is.
you think your a mentalcel at 167cm with 0 lays?

you think height is cope?
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Prolly 40-50 I think
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8, just added 3 from my holiday in Singapore.

Height - 191cm barefoot, usually 197cm when I wear my boots+2cm insoles
BF - like 21%
Face - 4-4.2PSL, probably higher if I got to 15% BF
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you think your a mentalcel at 167cm
Ik I am a mentalcel I have to see a Psych to get meds just so I can function. My mental issues are caused by childhood trauma its nothing to do with my height.

My mental health is so bad I'm gonna have to resit the entirety of my second year of Uni because I was so anxious I couldn't attend even my exams.

you think height is cope?
I mean its obviously not cope it does matter a bit, Its just fun to say its cope. But realistically face is the most important thing.

Yeah that's what mental issues does.

I get IOI like everyday even at 167cm Just yesterday on the train when I went to London some foid sat next to me (There were tons of seats spare) and basically stared at me for like 2 hours it was so noticeable that my brother who was on the train with me even commented on it when we got off.

I mean just last week I had some JB come up with her friend while I was at work and whispered to her friend I think we have found you a boyfriend I mean I guess that's kinda an IOI idk I would have thought so.

Last month some girl asked me out straight to my face, I mean that gotta be an IOI right?

Maybe if I wasn't so High Inhib I might actually talk to girls that give me IOI.
Ik I am a mentalcel I have to see a Psych to get meds just so I can function. My mental issues are caused by childhood trauma its nothing to do with my height.

My mental health is so bad I'm gonna have to resit the entirety of my second year of Uni because I was so anxious I couldn't attend even my exams.

I mean its obviously not cope it does matter a bit, Its just fun to say its cope. But realistically face is the most important thing.

Yeah that's what mental issues does.

I get IOI like everyday even at 167cm Just yesterday on the train when I went to London some foid sat next to me (There were tons of seats spare) and basically stared at me for like 2 hours it was so noticeable that my brother who was on the train with me even commented on it when we got off.

I mean just last week I had some JB come up with her friend while I was at work and whispered to her friend I think we have found you a boyfriend I mean I guess that's kinda an IOI idk I would have thought so.

Last month some girl asked me out straight to my face, I mean that gotta be an IOI right?

Maybe if I wasn't so High Inhib I might actually talk to girls that give me IOI.
what a bunch of cope

you're at a death tier height brother. you will never get a girlfriend at that height

whats ur country and race?
  • So Sad
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what a bunch of cope

you're at a death tier height brother. you will never get a girlfriend at that height

whats ur country and race?
Lol :feelskek:.

UK - White.

Imma go to bed its 3am.
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  • Ugh..
Reactions: ErbCel and Nims
3, been in a relationship for 5 years, got raped one night freshman year, and had sex before I started dating current gf

195 lbs, 6 feet, been rated between 5.5-7 PSL facially, realistically probably a 6
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4 long semi long term relationships (1-5 years) 4 shorter term 2-8months. Never cheated.
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im serious brother, you need LL otherwise its over
I have no desire to heightmax. I don't care. My BDD only affects my face I couldn't care less about my height.

I won't waste 50k on 3 inches.
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I have no desire to heightmax. I don't care. My BDD only affects my face I couldn't care less about my height.

I won't waste 50k on 3 inches.
its not about whether you care or not. its about whether girls care. and they do. A LOT.

and okay good luck
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2. I had more sexual encounters but only considers nutting inside as a true bodycount
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its not about whether you care or not. its about whether girls care. and they do. A LOT.
I get what you're saying but LL just isn't worth the cost and risk.

Maybe if in the future some new surgery comes out that increases height or something by re-opening growth plates or something idk but if it has a significantly lower risk than LL, maybe I will get it.

But LL is just not worth it for me, I just don't care enough. I also have no plans on slaying and whatnot it's just not something that appeals to me, I dont really care that much about foids, so if I did get LL it would only really be to look more dominant/important.

and okay good luck
Thx :).
  • +1
Reactions: MOGMASTER69
8, just added 3 from my holiday in Singapore.

Height - 191cm barefoot, usually 197cm when I wear my boots+2cm insoles
BF - like 21%
Face - 4-4.2PSL, probably higher if I got to 15% BF
when are you coming back bhai :)
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when are you coming back bhai :)

soon brother like next week
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The reason their are surgeries is because I have BDD and almost puke when I look in the mirror. I don't care about my height tho.
get lifts tbh
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1 (could be 2 but i couldnt get it up)
5'9, 11% bf tested and 4,5 psl but twink asf
Height 5'10 wear lifts to 6'0 6'1
Bodyfat like 18%?
PSL 5-5.5
Last edited:
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6/10, 22% bf, 5'11
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36 years old, 25% bf, 2.5 psl, ugly, suicidal

175cm, ~12%bf, 4.5-5PSL
Nice broeder(y) any tips for the rest of us?

For social circle lays

Tip one - You have to like yourself and not be super anxious or depressed most of the time. Fix your mental issues first
Tip two - Be outgoing and fun to be around, you need to project an image of a winner. I like using gestures when i talk at parties when telling a story makes it more engaging for the people you're talking to and other girls will be watching you from across the room
Tip three - Have platonic female friends to supplement , but not replace, your close group of guys friends. 2 close friends is enough.
They will open up social opportunities to you, and girls see you with other girls being normal and not creepy. Preselection

Face is still super useful here but you can make do with even a MTN normie face if you are NT, fun and not looking for stacies.

For Online App Lays

Tip one - fraud all your pics.
Use remini to turn low res pics into higher quality and tends to smooth out skin aswell.
Facetune a hollywood impression and even add an AI generated smile or w/e works for the pic.
If you only have 3 good pics. Only use 3. You are as hot as your worst pic.
If someone confronts you about a pic, don't act embarrassed or nervous, hold frame and be like yeah no shit. thats what everyone does.
if shes likes oh all my pics are natural just make a joke or something like yeah i can tell

The limiting factor for guys is usually getting the girls to meet up with you, even if you don't look at good as your pics in person its different and she will 99% be frauding herself so dont worry about it
Tip two - Use voicenotes if the app allows it. Self explanatory
Tip three - After you get the number ask to facetime at least once before the date. Will help build sexual chemistry and lesson the chance of her flaking.

For OLD you need a good face, and even then you should fraud it to be as chad like as possible.
There is do's and don't to text game but its not that deep. Just don't come on too strong and look desperate.

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5'3", 17%, PSL 4.5

For social circle lays

Tip one - You have to like yourself and not be super anxious or depressed most of the time. Fix your mental issues first
Tip two - Be outgoing and fun to be around, you need to project an image of a winner. I like using gestures when i talk at parties when telling a story makes it more engaging for the people you're talking to and other girls will be watching you from across the room
Tip three - Have platonic female friends to supplement , but not replace, your close group of guys friends. 2 close friends is enough.
They will open up social opportunities to you, and girls see you with other girls being normal and not creepy. Preselection

Face is still super useful here but you can make do with even a MTN normie face if you are NT, fun and not looking for stacies.

For Online App Lays

Tip one - fraud all your pics.
Use remini to turn low res pics into higher quality and tends to smooth out skin aswell.
Facetune a hollywood impression and even add an AI generated smile or w/e works for the pic.
If you only have 3 good pics. Only use 3. You are as hot as your worst pic.
If someone confronts you about a pic, don't act embarrassed or nervous, hold frame and be like yeah no shit. thats what everyone does.
if shes likes oh all my pics are natural just make a joke or something like yeah i can tell

The limiting factor for guys is usually getting the girls to meet up with you, even if you don't look at good as your pics in person its different and she will 99% be frauding herself so dont worry about it
Tip two - Use voicenotes if the app allows it. Self explanatory
Tip three - After you get the number ask to facetime at least once before the date. Will help build sexual chemistry and lesson the chance of her flaking.

For OLD you need a good face, and even then you should fraud it to be as chad like as possible.
There is do's and don't to text game but its not that deep. Just don't come on too strong and look desperate.
Beautiful, some real knowledge here. Thanks champ:ogre: especially like the female friends advice, very slept on
Somewhere over 30 but things used to be so much easier even just five years ago.
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2, weak 5'10,12%, would slay more if I went outside more/had social media/more confidence/more NT/no LTR/mentalcel, somewhere between 4-4.5 psl
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Over 30, just under 5'10", 28% bodyfat, indian
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1 ltr only
16% bf
3.5 ish psl when I had ltr
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How was it easier?
Millenials had more binge drinking culture, social media was facebook and people you actually knew in your extended circle, not randoms. If you were NT and one of the better looking guys in your class/workplace you wouldn't really have any trouble.

Gen Z are way more shutins, they have social media 2.0 where they preform their lives on a stage for strangers.
Now with the advent of the dating apps, being the best looking guy in your class isnt the advantage it used to be since she can match some hotter older richer dude anywhere in the city. I'm sure stats will show gen z drink less, do less drugs and have less casual sex

At least thats my experience
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Millenials had more binge drinking culture, social media was facebook and people you actually knew in your extended circle, not randoms. If you were NT and one of the better looking guys in your class/workplace you wouldn't really have any trouble.

Gen Z are way more shutins, they have social media 2.0 where they preform their lives on a stage for strangers.
Now with the advent of the dating apps, being the best looking guy in your class isnt the advantage it used to be since she can match some hotter older richer dude anywhere in the city. I'm sure stats will show gen z drink less, do less drugs and have less casual sex

At least thats my experience

Actually I never had a single lay outside of tinder.
Competition was just less fierce back then - I was one of very few guys gymcelling (now every guy is) and pretty much noone was looksmaxing like we have now.

MTN with body halo (skinny with some shit blurry abs, nowadays I'd be seen as below average with that body) was legitimately enough to slay on tinder.
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Actually I never had a single lay outside of tinder.
Competition was just less fierce back then - I was one of very few guys gymcelling (now every guy is) and pretty much noone was looksmaxing like we have now.

MTN with body halo (skinny with some shit blurry abs, nowadays I'd be seen as below average with that body) was legitimately enough to slay on tinder.

Yeah i missed the gym, it used to be a niche thing but now everyone and their mum is at the gym and lots of guys on sarms juice.
RTT went from being on jersey shore to everywhere

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