brazilian jiu jitsu is now for nerds and redditors



Apr 1, 2019
smh at how many of these dorks are out there now. And they're all the fucking same, they're obsessed with technique but have no instincts for fighting at all so the net result is they suck at fighting at anyway. I came in as an off the street white belt to a BJJ class, having not been involved in combat sports at all for a few years, and I was smashing through the guards of dorky blue belts and taking their backs off of ankle picks and reversals when they tried to hip toss me or pull guard like every insecure BJJ dork does the moment they get a hold of you. I had done a bit of wrestling and judo before, but not much, i was a kickboxer. Specifically at this time, i was a fat, out of shape dude who hadnt seen the inside of any kind of gym for over 3 years, and I was smashing through the same dorks that tell you about their street fight fantasies. The only dudes in there who kicked my ass was a purple belt competitive judoka doing some crosstraining, and the instructor, who was a black belt, obviously.

jfc, these dudes would get their heads stomped in real fights. Also lol, anyone who has done grappling will know what i am talking about with the backhanded "oh.. you're strong" compliment that is a subtly disguised dig, because these dorks imagine that strength is illegitimate and doesn't "count". BJJ is the perfect martial art for redditors. Just legitimate enough that they can fluff their egos up about it being "real", but doesn't require that they actually test their competency in competition so they can just cruise along pretending to be a bad dude. Srs next time some dork tries to impress upon you what a tough guy he is by dropping hints about his "training" (they cant resist doing this in any social situation), just ask him how many matches hes won and watch him splutter and stutter.
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  • JFL
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  • JFL
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i did BJJ for 2 and a half years until i realised its a cope activity which doesnt help you win in a real fight against somebody much bigger and stronger.
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Boxing is much better to learn imo.

Jiu jitsu looks gay tbh.
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Reactions: A L P H A M A L E, SPFromNY914, Extra Chromosome and 2 others
Boxing is much better to learn imo.

Jiu jitsu looks gay tbh.
"Just duck your head bro." "Head movment bro".
This is what I do to "boxers" JFL.

Then I'll thai clinch and knee you to the face (did this in a real street fight and won) or kick you in the face (my buddy did this to a "boxer")

MMAmax or nothing.
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  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: SPFromNY914, Darwined, Baldingman1998 and 7 others
i did BJJ for 2 and a half years until i realised its a cope activity which doesnt help you win in a real fight against somebody much bigger and stronger.

it absolutely can (the instructor who kicked my ass couldn't have been more than 150lbs, i was 220lbs), but a lot of dorks severely overestimate how good they actually are and again this comes back to a lack of being tested, and the bigger the gap in strength the more skilled you need to be. Eventually it reaches a point where no amount of technical ability makes up for the differential in size and strength, like this:
  • JFL
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Reactions: A L P H A M A L E, Darwined and Baldingman1998
"Just duck your head bro." "Head movment bro".
This is what I do to "boxers" JFL.
View attachment 39007

Then I'll thai clinch and knee you to the face (did this in a real street fight and won) or kick you in the face (my buddy did this to a "boxer")
View attachment 39008

MMAmax or nothing.
Your larps are legendary, try doing the same to a boxer your same height and youll get clipped before you realise it
ALSO BJJ is fucking useless ina fight jfl, the only two arts you need are MMA + boxing/kickboxing.
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Eventually it reaches a point where no amount of technical ability makes up for the differential in size and strength, like this:

exactly. skill doesnt mean shit if you're smaller and weaker than the opponent. and most of the moves they teach you are too slow and impractical to be used in an actual fight. gymcelling is much better since you actually increase your size and strength by training your muscles. BJJ is a cope and a scam.
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  • JFL
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on the other hand, this is what it looks like when there is a gargantuan skill gap, and less of a physical discrepancy. Do note: the gracies during these early BJJ promotional era were big time bullshit artists, they weren't above a little exaggeration. Pedro Sauer was actually more like 170-180lbs and Lance has never been 250lbs in his life, probably only 220 or 230 here (hes not very tall)

but again, this level of skill is a far cry from the average dork in BJJ gyms these days. Pedro Sauer was an actual competitor, not just someone who smokes weed and daydreams about when he'll finally be able to show women how valuable he is by choking out someone who calls them a cunt.
  • JFL
Reactions: AntiSocial-Fakecel and Extra Chromosome
on the other hand, this is what it looks like when there is a gargantuan skill gap, and less of a physical discrepancy. Do note: the gracies during these early BJJ promotional era were big time bullshit artists, they weren't above a little exaggeration. Pedro Sauer was actually more like 170-180lbs and Lance has never been 250lbs in his life, probably only 220 or 230 here (hes not very tall)

but again, this level of skill is a far cry from the average dork in BJJ gyms these days. Pedro Sauer was an actual competitor, not just someone who smokes weed and daydreams about when he'll finally be able to show women how valuable he is by choking out someone who calls them a cunt.

What a shit video. They keep replaying with slo mo.


Who won anyways?
What a shit video. They keep replaying with slo mo.


Who won anyways?

the bjj guy. He busted up the bodybuilders nose and got him in an armbar that wouldve snapped his shit if they didnt stop the fight.
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So what would you recommend?
So what would you recommend?

to what end? If you want to be a fighter, you need to fight. Theres no way around this, despite what the redditards imagine, you dont get to be a fighter without ever actually fighting. Seems simple and obvious enough, but apparently thousands of morons are deluded about this (and sparring is not fighting). I dont care whether its judo, karate, bjj, kickboxing, mma, boxing, whatever. Fighters fight. The ones who dont arent fighters and are in for a rude awakening when they finally do get in a fight and learn they've maybe retained 10% of what they've spent years training on (because training conditions lack specificity, which is why any amatuer fighter with a coach with half a clue, is having his guys fight as often as possible when they're inexperienced). Plenty of "gym heroes" out there.

If you just want people to not fuck with you, get as jacked as possible. Its more productive, a lot more enjoyable.

If you're actually serious about self defense, get a weapon because niggers ambush and always move in packs.
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Reactions: Boxingfan, Warlow, Extra Chromosome and 2 others
to what end? If you want to be a fighter, you need to fight. Theres no way around this, despite what the redditards imagine, you dont get to be a fighter without ever actually fighting. Seems simple and obvious enough, but apparently thousands of morons are deluded about this (and sparring is not fighting). I dont care whether its judo, karate, bjj, kickboxing, mma, boxing, whatever. Fighters fight. The ones who dont arent fighters and are in for a rude awakening when they finally do get in a fight and learn they've maybe retained 10% of what they've spent years training on (because training conditions lack specificity, which is why any amatuer fighter with a coach with half a clue, is having his guys fight as often as possible when they're inexperienced). Plenty of "gym heroes" out there.

If you just want people to not fuck with you, get as jacked as possible. Its more productive, a lot more enjoyable.

If you're actually serious about self defense, get a weapon because niggers ambush and always move in packs.
not looking for a fight and anyone who starts one has already broken the rules so no remorse when I load there bodies full of lead. When you say have them fight often do you mean street fights?
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not looking for a fight and anyone who starts one has already broken the rules so no remorse when I load there bodies full of lead. When you say have them fight often do you mean street fights?

i mean a fight, which i define as you are opposed against someone who is trying to do HARM to you. So the context isn't important; wrestling matches, boxing matches, whatever. These all involve competitors trying to fucking annihilate eachother even if you pretend otherwise when normies interview you about fighting and you downplay how barbaric it actually is. Failing this aspect of intentional harm doing, its just synchronized dancing (see: karate point "fighting")

This is the only way to build up real references and real skills. Training is there to inform and refine. One without the other isn't very productive.
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Reactions: Darwined, Boxingfan, Extra Chromosome and 1 other person
Ok so I need to do matches with the intent of winning not just spar. From here what would you do, bjj, kickboxing, wrestling, etc. ? where should one start?
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Reactions: Extra Chromosome
"Just duck your head bro." "Head movment bro".
This is what I do to "boxers" JFL.
View attachment 39007

Then I'll thai clinch and knee you to the face (did this in a real street fight and won) or kick you in the face (my buddy did this to a "boxer")
View attachment 39008

MMAmax or nothing.
I wanna use my boots with steel toes on all boxcucks
  • +1
Reactions: Extra Chromosome
Ok so I need to do matches with the intent of winning not just spar. From here what would you do, bjj, kickboxing, wrestling, etc. ? where should one start?
Wrestling and boxing
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i should clarify that I'm not opposed to the pursuit of martial arts, but the primary reason you do it should be that you're interested in it and enjoy it. This is not why dorks do it, dorks do it because they think it will paper over their insecurities and inadequacies as men. They think if they drop that they do -insert whichever culturally approved tough guy fad of the moment here- that the men will respect them and the women will want to be with them.

the other aspect of dorks and martial arts is fretting over whats the "best" martial art, as if these retards imagine they're going to get into some anime style back and forth rolling fight with a 20 year master of x instead what will actually happen is they get jumped by 10 BBCs in which case "knowing" anything other than Glock 23 is a load of shit. Or some dude gets in their face at a bar, pretends to back down and just when they're thinking "yeah im the baddest fucki-" boom he sucker punches them in the jaw and they go to sleep. You see this all the time with dorks talking about "incomplete" martial arts - who gives a shit? Does anyone really imagine that a fucking 200lbs jacked judoka is going to have any problem dealing with 99.9% of the men he will come across in his life? Or that you're really going to square off with a boxer who has over 100 fights thinking "oh ill just kick him in his legs" like its a cheat code? In reality you puff your chest out, he reads the threatening body language and then BAM BAM BAM BAM you're on the floor missing a few teeth and now all your friends think you're a soft touch even though they wouldnt have done any better. Unless you're a professional fighter fighting in a mixed martial arts event, worrying about all the various possible ranges of fighting is just a LARP.

Ok so I need to do matches with the intent of winning not just spar. From here what would you do, bjj, kickboxing, wrestling, etc. ? where should one start?

brother do whatever you want to do, for that reason and not any other. Do whichever one interests you the most.

just find one thats not a pain in the ass to get to, has a competitive avenue and people in the gym that are actual fighters not show ponies.
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Reactions: Baldingman1998, Extra Chromosome, Ritalincel and 1 other person
i should clarify that I'm not opposed to the pursuit of martial arts, but the primary reason you do it should be that you're interested in it and enjoy it. This is not why dorks do it, dorks do it because they think it will paper over their insecurities and inadequacies as men. They think if they drop that they do -insert whichever culturally approved tough guy fad of the moment here- that the men will respect them and the women will want to be with them.

the other aspect of dorks and martial arts is fretting over whats the "best" martial art, as if these retards imagine they're going to get into some anime style back and forth rolling fight with a 20 year master of x instead what will actually happen is they get jumped by 10 BBCs in which case "knowing" anything other than Glock 23 is a load of shit. Or some dude gets in their face at a bar, pretends to back down and just when they're thinking "yeah im the baddest fucki-" boom he sucker punches them in the jaw and they go to sleep. You see this all the time with dorks talking about "incomplete" martial arts - who gives a shit? Does anyone really imagine that a fucking 200lbs jacked judoka is going to have any problem dealing with 99.9% of the men he will come across in his life? Or that you're really going to square off with a boxer who has over 100 fights thinking "oh ill just kick him in his legs" like its a cheat code? In reality you puff your chest out, he reads the threatening body language and then BAM BAM BAM BAM you're on the floor missing a few teeth and now all your friends think you're a soft touch even though they wouldnt have done any better. Unless you're a professional fighter fighting in a mixed martial arts event, worrying about all the various possible ranges of fighting is just a LARP.

brother do whatever you want to do, for that reason and not any other. Do whichever one interests you the most.

just find one thats not a pain in the ass to get to, has a competitive avenue and people in the gym that are actual fighters not show ponies.
Like most sports there is more poseurs than practitioners
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smh at how many of these dorks are out there now. And they're all the fucking same, they're obsessed with technique but have no instincts for fighting at all so the net result is they suck at fighting at anyway. I came in as an off the street white belt to a BJJ class, having not been involved in combat sports at all for a few years, and I was smashing through the guards of dorky blue belts and taking their backs off of ankle picks and reversals when they tried to hip toss me or pull guard like every insecure BJJ dork does the moment they get a hold of you. I had done a bit of wrestling and judo before, but not much, i was a kickboxer. Specifically at this time, i was a fat, out of shape dude who hadnt seen the inside of any kind of gym for over 3 years, and I was smashing through the same dorks that tell you about their street fight fantasies. The only dudes in there who kicked my ass was a purple belt competitive judoka doing some crosstraining, and the instructor, who was a black belt, obviously.

jfc, these dudes would get their heads stomped in real fights. Also lol, anyone who has done grappling will know what i am talking about with the backhanded "oh.. you're strong" compliment that is a subtly disguised dig, because these dorks imagine that strength is illegitimate and doesn't "count". BJJ is the perfect martial art for redditors. Just legitimate enough that they can fluff their egos up about it being "real", but doesn't require that they actually test their competency in competition so they can just cruise along pretending to be a bad dude. Srs next time some dork tries to impress upon you what a tough guy he is by dropping hints about his "training" (they cant resist doing this in any social situation), just ask him how many matches hes won and watch him splutter and stutter.
Jfl so true. I went too two bjj gyms, the first one I went too never trained for competition. It was basically a mcdojo gym. The second one was legit and did competition focused training. There’s a bunch of killers in that gym and they give people the work. I got smoked by a guy that was 150lb on a good day. I weigh 220. I knew it was legit af right there.
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Jfl so true. I went too two bjj gyms, the first one I went too never trained for competition. It was basically a mcdojo gym. The second one was legit and did competition focused training. There’s a bunch of killers in that gym and they give people the work. I got smoked by a guy that was 150lb on a good day. I weigh 220. I knew it was legit af right there.
Im gonna join a gym. I will be fully atheltemaxxed by then.
No its actually good
it always was reddit
Never got the deal with guys talking about what they train and shit, I’ve been training in mma, bjj, taekwondo, for fout years and I never speak a word of it to anyone irl unless they specifically ask me what my hobbies are.
I'm going to try BJJ at a local club in my town just to gain a basic understanding of it. I have very good fighting instincts tho, plus I'm going with my friend so he can teach me faster and more personally than an instructor can
Not expecting much from it tho
smh at how many of these dorks are out there now. And they're all the fucking same, they're obsessed with technique but have no instincts for fighting at all so the net result is they suck at fighting at anyway. I came in as an off the street white belt to a BJJ class, having not been involved in combat sports at all for a few years, and I was smashing through the guards of dorky blue belts and taking their backs off of ankle picks and reversals when they tried to hip toss me or pull guard like every insecure BJJ dork does the moment they get a hold of you. I had done a bit of wrestling and judo before, but not much, i was a kickboxer. Specifically at this time, i was a fat, out of shape dude who hadnt seen the inside of any kind of gym for over 3 years, and I was smashing through the same dorks that tell you about their street fight fantasies. The only dudes in there who kicked my ass was a purple belt competitive judoka doing some crosstraining, and the instructor, who was a black belt, obviously.

jfc, these dudes would get their heads stomped in real fights. Also lol, anyone who has done grappling will know what i am talking about with the backhanded "oh.. you're strong" compliment that is a subtly disguised dig, because these dorks imagine that strength is illegitimate and doesn't "count". BJJ is the perfect martial art for redditors. Just legitimate enough that they can fluff their egos up about it being "real", but doesn't require that they actually test their competency in competition so they can just cruise along pretending to be a bad dude. Srs next time some dork tries to impress upon you what a tough guy he is by dropping hints about his "training" (they cant resist doing this in any social situation), just ask him how many matches hes won and watch him splutter and stutter.
Wrestling and Boxing most chaddest sports. BJJ is good for MMA but BJJ by itself is incel
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Im gonna join a gym. I will be fully atheltemaxxed by then.
Go workout and put on lean muscle if you want to be athletemaxxed. A lot of consistent goers at this bjj gym don’t even look that good physically
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