Brief explaination of the truth which will hopefully help people



Jan 9, 2019
Everyone just wants their life to get better. Everything. Everything that comes along with it. Everything that is good, and you want to experience, you want to improve and live with better circumstances which will perpetually better everything about you, how people respect you and how you respect yourself. You want everything to congruently move towards betterment.

Whinging about "missing teenage love", "no having Stacy", "Not being Chad", "Not getting foids to worship me" are bullshit cop outs that you knowingly perpetuate to try and relate to others in the same situation. But really a lot of people are not being candid due to their unwillingness to admit and openly acknowledge that they want everything to get better for themselves. Everything in their life.

Simply saying things doesn't make them manifest into reality without massive action, courage and bravery. Drop the notion that you'll gain respect from accomplished people and get worshiped by sluts simply by trying to only emulate the appearance of "Chads" who think differently than you, act differently than you, react differently than you, and experience the world differently than you.

You're not a slayer if you try to seek validation and assurance from random online strangers that you are a "slayer". You won't get the respect you deserve until you earn it. You won't experience better life circumstances until you overcome adversity and work on integrity, will-power and stoicism. Lookism is real. Curries, ethnics, manlets etc will be discriminated against. If you have a disadvantage in life, acknowledge it, take it at face value and learn how to deal with it or turn it into less of a disadvantage. Manifestation and internal lustration of negative emotion and feelings of self-worth tied to the reinforcement of brutal lookism truths will break you into bits and pieces.
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  • WTF
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can't agree more
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  • WTF
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last paragraph is legit af
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  • JFL
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You experience better life circumstances when you're attractive and/or have something of value that people can use.

Using your self-improvement just-world fallacy terms may aid you with obtaining that, they also may not. You can also obtain this value through dumb luck that you never "earned". There's plenty examples of both.
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You experience better life circumstances when you're attractive and/or have something of value that people can use.

Using your self-improvement just-world fallacy terms may aid you with obtaining that, they also may not. You can also obtain this value through dumb luck that you never "earned". There's plenty examples of both.
I experienced a fuck ton of horrible shit and do everything possible to make my future better. I can understand your situation and can sympathize with it. Circumstances are mind altering, and are really powerful. I understand luck being a factor and that plays into environment/circumstance and a lot of "lucky" people take their situation for granted because they've never experienced the horribleness that exists in life. But if it's really worth the effort for you to keep calling yourself "Grotesque Subhuman" and rewiring your brain to believe that you are 100% a Grotesque Subhuman with not once single speck of redeeming idiosyncratic value, then you're also speeding up and bolstering the process of you becoming the ultimate piece of shit, both objectively and subjectively in your own mind. So why do you put in the effort into constantly denouncing yourself to be something terrible regardless of anything? Completely detaching your perception from your objective existence and current environment.

Your actions are what you have control over, but your actions are crippling you. I'm not condemning you and understand how intense life can be to the point where it almost forces a strong willed man to become utterly despondent.

But you have to make an incredibly difficult choice whether you want to do everything in your own span of control that'll work in your benefit, or play into the role you feel forced into and magnify the misery you experience now, into your future, with your own will, which is the only thing you fully control, working to compound the negative extremity of the mark of your entire being.

I only try to help people here and understand how powerful circumstance can be. I don't claim to have been through the worst of the worst; because I haven't, and I've had people to support me.

Please don't interpret this as if I'm nonchalantly telling you what to do. I'm just giving the most helpful possible advice based on pure logic and rationale that if everything is bad in your life, and you train your mind to turn to darkness and anger, that'd be worse than if you didn't let your mind get so hijacked through interpreting and reinterpreting your reality in a fatalistic way. My advice isn't supposed to be bluepilled bullshit and you're in a tough place right now. But your mind can work as a force multiplier to escalate your subjective perception of reality, more positively or more negatively. If you let your mind escalate your perception negatively regardless of the circumstance but not disregarding the circumstance, then that's one thing you're doing which is adding to the gravity of everything, and that's the one thing you can change despite anything. I'm not saying it's practical to detach your subjective mind from objective reality. But good=good and bad=bad, and if you're giving in to everything and even publicly playing a parody of yourself with the aim to erode your entire existence, then there's no reason you should do that at all.

If you're doing it to raise awareness about the incel epidemic and all that or if it's just a way to seek attention; it's not working for you, it's working against you. And nobody gives a fuck about incels or you specifically no matter how often and how much you put yourself on blast. Caring about yourself is the least and most you can do. And I hope you don't misinterpret me because I'm just trying to help. And I'm not going to assume you're going to reply saying "Well you don't care about me anyway" etc... but that's what I assume would happen if I didn't say this. I don't give a fuck about you, it's obvious. I don't know anyone here personally and I'm more inclined to care more for people who interact with me in a way that doesn't regurgitate defeatism. So that's why that's like that. You need to start caring about yourself and stop the silly charade with the Grotesque Subhuman shite. Nobody gives a fuck and it's humiliating you. I give enough of a fuck about you to write this after-all. As cliche as it is, "try to look on the brightside", and if there is no brightside for you, atleast look on the most bright/least dark side instead of the total dark side, as that's the best thing you can do; and stoicism is admirable, not that you should try to impress or please anyone on earth except yourself.

Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking. If it's not right, don't do it. If it's not true, don't say it. (Marcus Aurelius).

Detaching mind from reality and continuing to live in your reality is stupid. Allowing your mind to get hijacked by the overwhelming circumstance of your reality is stupid. Using your mind to become stoic and fight against adversity is smart, beneficial and in every sense, it's something that can work at improving your experience of life, which is the only thing you should care about.
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  • +1
  • So Sad
Reactions: Clark69, Deleted member 3202, RAITEIII and 8 others
Everyone just wants their life to get better. Everything. Everything that comes along with it. Everything that is good, and you want to experience, you want to improve and live with better circumstances which will perpetually better everything about you, how people respect you and how you respect yourself. You want everything to congruently move towards betterment.

Whinging about "missing teenage love", "no having Stacy", "Not being Chad", "Not getting foids to worship me" are bullshit cop outs that you knowingly perpetuate to try and relate to others in the same situation. But really a lot of people are not being candid due to their unwillingness to admit and openly acknowledge that they want everything to get better for themselves. Everything in their life.

Simply saying things doesn't make them manifest into reality without massive action, courage and bravery. Drop the notion that you'll gain respect from accomplished people and get worshiped by sluts simply by trying to only emulate the appearance of "Chads" who think differently than you, act differently than you, react differently than you, and experience the world differently than you.

You're not a slayer if you try to seek validation and assurance from random online strangers that you are a "slayer". You won't get the respect you deserve until you earn it. You won't experience better life circumstances until you overcome adversity and work on integrity, will-power and stoicism. Lookism is real. Curries, ethnics, manlets etc will be discriminated against. If you have a disadvantage in life, acknowledge it, take it at face value and learn how to deal with it or turn it into less of a disadvantage. Manifestation and internal lustration of negative emotion and feelings of self-worth tied to the reinforcement of brutal lookism truths will break you into bits and pieces.

solid reality check
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solid reality check
And as I said to @Grotesque Subhuman, severity of circumstance plays apart of reality and shouldn't be disregarded by oneself or by someone trying to help someone else. Therapy/Psychology is generally bullshit. So don't waste money because money=good. But it's not an impossibility that you can find someone in your life that'll care enough to make some sacrifices to actually help you, and come to terms with how you think rather than providing a time bound cookie cutter service.

Think of this.

Some people condemn themselves so much, just keep telling everyone that they're a piece of trash. That in itself will have a strong tendency to push anyone away from you, the longer you keep doing it, the more isolated you'll be.

Weird thing:

Some people condemn and judge themselves themselves openly all the time, in front of others.

Then if someone chimes in and comes across as judgemental with their words that are only aimed to help, the person bites back and gets defensive that someone else was possibly judging/condemning them; even though that's what they do to themselves all the time.

So what is the point of getting defensive about someone passing criticism on you if you openly pass criticism and judgement on yourself in front of an audience.

Essentially: Condemning yourself, but getting defensive when you encounter contempt from others because you want to shield others away from interfering with your own contempt.

That's an issue and it shouldn't make sense. Your sense of self is what you should die honorably for. Committing suicide with contempt for yourself is probably the worst thing possible.
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Reactions: Deleted member 1862 and Ritalincel
Some people condemn themselves so much, just keep telling everyone that they're a piece of trash. That in itself will have a strong tendency to push anyone away from you, the longer you keep doing it, the more isolated you'll be.

Many, many people are guilty of this.
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din red
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Just improve yourself and be high t and everything will work out focus on what needs to be fixed
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But if it's really worth the effort for you to keep calling yourself "Grotesque Subhuman" and rewiring your brain to believe that you are 100% a Grotesque Subhuman with not once single speck of redeeming idiosyncratic value, then you're also speeding up and bolstering the process of you becoming the ultimate piece of shit, both objectively and subjectively in your own mind. So why do you put in the effort into constantly denouncing yourself to be something terrible regardless of anything? Completely detaching your perception from your objective existence and current environment.
I'm not exerting any effort referring to myself as grotesque subhuman trash. It's a fact. I'm unattractive to the point where no females have ever had interest in me for 39 years. I have been proven unworthy of procreation, and therefore I am subhuman.

In my case, it actively harmed me having integrity and being a productive member of society willing to help others. I could only do that so many times with not only zero reward, but being mocked for things outside my control, until I snapped and wanted to die.

Others are different than me and all situations require unique understanding. I know many humans feel pride in helping their fellow humans. I don't as I have been rendered severely mentally ill, and thus why I was probably allowed to collect NEETbux.
  • +1
  • So Sad
Reactions: CopingCel, ZyzzReincarnate and x30001
Everyone just wants their life to get better. Everything. Everything that comes along with it. Everything that is good, and you want to experience, you want to improve and live with better circumstances which will perpetually better everything about you, how people respect you and how you respect yourself. You want everything to congruently move towards betterment.

Whinging about "missing teenage love", "no having Stacy", "Not being Chad", "Not getting foids to worship me" are bullshit cop outs that you knowingly perpetuate to try and relate to others in the same situation. But really a lot of people are not being candid due to their unwillingness to admit and openly acknowledge that they want everything to get better for themselves. Everything in their life.

Simply saying things doesn't make them manifest into reality without massive action, courage and bravery. Drop the notion that you'll gain respect from accomplished people and get worshiped by sluts simply by trying to only emulate the appearance of "Chads" who think differently than you, act differently than you, react differently than you, and experience the world differently than you.

You're not a slayer if you try to seek validation and assurance from random online strangers that you are a "slayer". You won't get the respect you deserve until you earn it. You won't experience better life circumstances until you overcome adversity and work on integrity, will-power and stoicism. Lookism is real. Curries, ethnics, manlets etc will be discriminated against. If you have a disadvantage in life, acknowledge it, take it at face value and learn how to deal with it or turn it into less of a disadvantage. Manifestation and internal lustration of negative emotion and feelings of self-worth tied to the reinforcement of brutal lookism truths will break you into bits and pieces.
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Reactions: Deleted member 1464
Finally a real high iq post in months on here. I 100% agree with you
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Simply saying things doesn't make them manifest into reality without massive action, courage and bravery. Drop the notion that you'll gain respect from accomplished people and get worshiped by sluts simply by trying to only emulate the appearance of "Chads" who think differently than you, act differently than you, react differently than you, and experience the world differently than you.

It's just the path of least resistance. As everything in nature, humans are inclined to resist any change - inertia, I guess.

Fantasizing about LeForts and LLs (especially when completely unachievable from a financial standpoint) is just comforting mental masturbation. It gives you a tiny dopamine hit as well, we've all experienced it. And I completely understand why we do it, just think about how perfectly easy it sounds - letting a surgeon transform your life in 4 hours, all while you are laying down in a blissfully sedated state. The thought of this calms you down and you fall asleep. You've successfully tricked your brain that change has happened, even if it was ephemeral. Rinse and repeat. The days go by and the Universe is winning the battle once again - you remain static.
  • +1
  • Ugh..
Reactions: Deleted member 39, DidntRead, Deleted member 1862 and 2 others
It's just the path of least resistance. As everything in nature, humans are inclined to resist any change - inertia, I guess.

Fantasizing about LeForts and LLs (especially when completely unachievable from a financial standpoint) is just comforting mental masturbation. It gives you a tiny dopamine hit as well, we've all experienced it. And I completely understand why we do it, just think about how perfectly easy it sounds - letting a surgeon transform your life in 4 hours, all while you are laying down in a blissfully sedated state. The thought of this calms you down and you fall asleep. You've successfully tricked your brain that change has happened, even if it was ephemeral. Rinse and repeat. The days go by and the Universe is winning the battle once again - you remain static.
Beautifully put
Nice wake up call for some people here
Thanks mom. Neither brief nor truthful.
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Reactions: Stingray, DidntRead and Deleted member 1464
"just be happy bro"
  • JFL
Reactions: CopingCel
legit thread but i will most likely continue to ldar
  • JFL
I experienced a fuck ton of horrible shit and do everything possible to make my future better. I can understand your situation and can sympathize with it. Circumstances are mind altering, and are really powerful. I understand luck being a factor and that plays into environment/circumstance and a lot of "lucky" people take their situation for granted because they've never experienced the horribleness that exists in life. But if it's really worth the effort for you to keep calling yourself "Grotesque Subhuman" and rewiring your brain to believe that you are 100% a Grotesque Subhuman with not once single speck of redeeming idiosyncratic value, then you're also speeding up and bolstering the process of you becoming the ultimate piece of shit, both objectively and subjectively in your own mind. So why do you put in the effort into constantly denouncing yourself to be something terrible regardless of anything? Completely detaching your perception from your objective existence and current environment.

Your actions are what you have control over, but your actions are crippling you. I'm not condemning you and understand how intense life can be to the point where it almost forces a strong willed man to become utterly despondent.

But you have to make an incredibly difficult choice whether you want to do everything in your own span of control that'll work in your benefit, or play into the role you feel forced into and magnify the misery you experience now, into your future, with your own will, which is the only thing you fully control, working to compound the negative extremity of the mark of your entire being.

I only try to help people here and understand how powerful circumstance can be. I don't claim to have been through the worst of the worst; because I haven't, and I've had people to support me.

Please don't interpret this as if I'm nonchalantly telling you what to do. I'm just giving the most helpful possible advice based on pure logic and rationale that if everything is bad in your life, and you train your mind to turn to darkness and anger, that'd be worse than if you didn't let your mind get so hijacked through interpreting and reinterpreting your reality in a fatalistic way. My advice isn't supposed to be bluepilled bullshit and you're in a tough place right now. But your mind can work as a force multiplier to escalate your subjective perception of reality, more positively or more negatively. If you let your mind escalate your perception negatively regardless of the circumstance but not disregarding the circumstance, then that's one thing you're doing which is adding to the gravity of everything, and that's the one thing you can change despite anything. I'm not saying it's practical to detach your subjective mind from objective reality. But good=good and bad=bad, and if you're giving in to everything and even publicly playing a parody of yourself with the aim to erode your entire existence, then there's no reason you should do that at all.

If you're doing it to raise awareness about the incel epidemic and all that or if it's just a way to seek attention; it's not working for you, it's working against you. And nobody gives a fuck about incels or you specifically no matter how often and how much you put yourself on blast. Caring about yourself is the least and most you can do. And I hope you don't misinterpret me because I'm just trying to help. And I'm not going to assume you're going to reply saying "Well you don't care about me anyway" etc... but that's what I assume would happen if I didn't say this. I don't give a fuck about you, it's obvious. I don't know anyone here personally and I'm more inclined to care more for people who interact with me in a way that doesn't regurgitate defeatism. So that's why that's like that. You need to start caring about yourself and stop the silly charade with the Grotesque Subhuman shite. Nobody gives a fuck and it's humiliating you. I give enough of a fuck about you to write this after-all. As cliche as it is, "try to look on the brightside", and if there is no brightside for you, atleast look on the most bright/least dark side instead of the total dark side, as that's the best thing you can do; and stoicism is admirable, not that you should try to impress or please anyone on earth except yourself.

Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking. If it's not right, don't do it. If it's not true, don't say it. (Marcus Aurelius).

Detaching mind from reality and continuing to live in your reality is stupid. Allowing your mind to get hijacked by the overwhelming circumstance of your reality is stupid. Using your mind to become stoic and fight against adversity is smart, beneficial and in every sense, it's something that can work at improving your experience of life, which is the only thing you should care about.
Oh my god YES. Someone had to say it and prashe it that well. Keep spreading wisdom brother
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  • +1
Reactions: didntreadlol
*cough* 5’11 “manlet” *cough*
*cough* 5’11 “manlet” *cough*
Are you delusional?
At my height I'm a manlet in my country.
There's no way anyone could deny that.
  • +1
Reactions: didntreadlol
This need to be stickied akh
  • +1
Reactions: x30001
I just want to get on a looks level that would allow me to get ONSs on the regular and receive overall validation tbh ngl.
I experienced a fuck ton of horrible shit and do everything possible to make my future better. I can understand your situation and can sympathize with it. Circumstances are mind altering, and are really powerful. I understand luck being a factor and that plays into environment/circumstance and a lot of "lucky" people take their situation for granted because they've never experienced the horribleness that exists in life. But if it's really worth the effort for you to keep calling yourself "Grotesque Subhuman" and rewiring your brain to believe that you are 100% a Grotesque Subhuman with not once single speck of redeeming idiosyncratic value, then you're also speeding up and bolstering the process of you becoming the ultimate piece of shit, both objectively and subjectively in your own mind. So why do you put in the effort into constantly denouncing yourself to be something terrible regardless of anything? Completely detaching your perception from your objective existence and current environment.

Your actions are what you have control over, but your actions are crippling you. I'm not condemning you and understand how intense life can be to the point where it almost forces a strong willed man to become utterly despondent.

But you have to make an incredibly difficult choice whether you want to do everything in your own span of control that'll work in your benefit, or play into the role you feel forced into and magnify the misery you experience now, into your future, with your own will, which is the only thing you fully control, working to compound the negative extremity of the mark of your entire being.

I only try to help people here and understand how powerful circumstance can be. I don't claim to have been through the worst of the worst; because I haven't, and I've had people to support me.

Please don't interpret this as if I'm nonchalantly telling you what to do. I'm just giving the most helpful possible advice based on pure logic and rationale that if everything is bad in your life, and you train your mind to turn to darkness and anger, that'd be worse than if you didn't let your mind get so hijacked through interpreting and reinterpreting your reality in a fatalistic way. My advice isn't supposed to be bluepilled bullshit and you're in a tough place right now. But your mind can work as a force multiplier to escalate your subjective perception of reality, more positively or more negatively. If you let your mind escalate your perception negatively regardless of the circumstance but not disregarding the circumstance, then that's one thing you're doing which is adding to the gravity of everything, and that's the one thing you can change despite anything. I'm not saying it's practical to detach your subjective mind from objective reality. But good=good and bad=bad, and if you're giving in to everything and even publicly playing a parody of yourself with the aim to erode your entire existence, then there's no reason you should do that at all.

If you're doing it to raise awareness about the incel epidemic and all that or if it's just a way to seek attention; it's not working for you, it's working against you. And nobody gives a fuck about incels or you specifically no matter how often and how much you put yourself on blast. Caring about yourself is the least and most you can do. And I hope you don't misinterpret me because I'm just trying to help. And I'm not going to assume you're going to reply saying "Well you don't care about me anyway" etc... but that's what I assume would happen if I didn't say this. I don't give a fuck about you, it's obvious. I don't know anyone here personally and I'm more inclined to care more for people who interact with me in a way that doesn't regurgitate defeatism. So that's why that's like that. You need to start caring about yourself and stop the silly charade with the Grotesque Subhuman shite. Nobody gives a fuck and it's humiliating you. I give enough of a fuck about you to write this after-all. As cliche as it is, "try to look on the brightside", and if there is no brightside for you, atleast look on the most bright/least dark side instead of the total dark side, as that's the best thing you can do; and stoicism is admirable, not that you should try to impress or please anyone on earth except yourself.

Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking. If it's not right, don't do it. If it's not true, don't say it. (Marcus Aurelius).

Detaching mind from reality and continuing to live in your reality is stupid. Allowing your mind to get hijacked by the overwhelming circumstance of your reality is stupid. Using your mind to become stoic and fight against adversity is smart, beneficial and in every sense, it's something that can work at improving your experience of life, which is the only thing you should care about.
I totally agre,
since past 2 months Im doing everything that I can to feel better and what? It works.
Im not going to work at 6 am thinking : Jesus fucking christ im going to do this shitty stuff for the next 9 hours with a bunch of junkies and stoners.
Im thinking: Well im going to work to listen to some music, gonna talk with some normal people and sharpen my social skills, boxes will keep me in shape. The world is not that bad if you really think about it.

We have internet, medicine and other stuff that makes our lifes 10x easier and we are still unhappy with ourselfs, its annoying to me, dont complain just fix things that you can right now. I have pretty good face and frame but still have issiues, there never will be less of them because life doesnt work that way.

Im actually happy for some of my issiues, they keep me ocupied, fixing them makes me feep excited for more because thats what we do as men, we fix things and brains give us dopamine for that. Look at the lotery winners what happends to them when everything is dumped on them, looks, cash, status they are unhappy because their lifes are shitty anyways. Looks will not make you instantly happy, trying to live life with a healthy balance of everything (Love, Family, Friends, Work, keeping yourself in shape and doing stuff that make you loose it (like parties or eating 8 slices of pizza at the time) will make you happy.
Ascend and enjoy what reamains of your life... Nothing else
  • +1
Reactions: National Rodgerism, RAITEIII and CopingCel
Everyone just wants their life to get better. Everything. Everything that comes along with it. Everything that is good, and you want to experience, you want to improve and live with better circumstances which will perpetually better everything about you, how people respect you and how you respect yourself. You want everything to congruently move towards betterment.

Whinging about "missing teenage love", "no having Stacy", "Not being Chad", "Not getting foids to worship me" are bullshit cop outs that you knowingly perpetuate to try and relate to others in the same situation. But really a lot of people are not being candid due to their unwillingness to admit and openly acknowledge that they want everything to get better for themselves. Everything in their life.

Simply saying things doesn't make them manifest into reality without massive action, courage and bravery. Drop the notion that you'll gain respect from accomplished people and get worshiped by sluts simply by trying to only emulate the appearance of "Chads" who think differently than you, act differently than you, react differently than you, and experience the world differently than you.

You're not a slayer if you try to seek validation and assurance from random online strangers that you are a "slayer". You won't get the respect you deserve until you earn it. You won't experience better life circumstances until you overcome adversity and work on integrity, will-power and stoicism. Lookism is real. Curries, ethnics, manlets etc will be discriminated against. If you have a disadvantage in life, acknowledge it, take it at face value and learn how to deal with it or turn it into less of a disadvantage. Manifestation and internal lustration of negative emotion and feelings of self-worth tied to the reinforcement of brutal lookism truths will break you into bits and pieces.

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