

gookologist/leader of spiritual gookness
Apr 28, 2023


"Times are changing:love: HOWEVER its still rare in east asia" :lul::lul::lul: Find me ONE asian jewmerican foid that looks like this ill buy you a lifetime VIP

Theres not a single gl asian foid with an indian man. Or any gl foid unless the man is jewmaxxed.

Also since this thread is about noodles i want to show some gl WMAF couples i saw on @HeightPilledum 's autistic WMAF fanpage:

  • JFL
Reactions: deepfuckingvalue, Chadeep, noobs and 3 others

View attachment 3005503
"Times are changing:love: HOWEVER its still rare in east asia" :lul::lul::lul: Find me ONE asian jewmerican foid that looks like this ill buy you a lifetime VIP

Theres not a single gl asian foid with an indian man. Or any gl foid unless the man is jewmaxxed.

Also since this thread is about noodles i want to show some gl WMAF couples i saw on @HeightPilledum 's autistic WMAF fanpage:


All the WMAF couples you included look equally like shit, the difference is they are photoshop to the maxxed.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: 8uAte, 📎♿️⚙️, murdah and 5 others
why is this nigga making a whole TikTok dedicated to two gooks dating brown niggas? No wonder people view Indians with a inferior complex.

And every single chink you posted is equally as disgusting.
  • +1
  • JFL
  • Woah
Reactions: WatermelonLover, A99, 8uAte and 8 others
Next time when you wanna make a point don't use an account named WMAF, "LOOK GUYS GOOKS GO FOR WHITE GUYS SEE A PATERN GUYS HAHA"
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Kazey, aspiringexcel, SidharthTheSlayer and 1 other person
These men do not look ethnically Russian. Nationality is BS. Your genes don't give a fuck where you live.

Look at that Chad Indian to the right. Chadpreet. Very rare, but there's your proof he exists and he's banging women.
  • +1
Reactions: watah, murdah, aspiringexcel and 2 others
Chinacurry fucks noodlestacies though. the one the right is gl.
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  • JFL
Reactions: aspiringexcel
I thought you wanted more ethnics with Asian women?
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: murdah and aspiringexcel
All the WMAF couples you included look equally like shit, the difference is they are photoshop to the maxxed.
Dawg legit get a life outside of niggerposting and spamming racebait threads cos goddamn, WMAF lives rent free in your head :lul:
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: aspiringexcel and HeightPilledum
Dawg legit get a life outside of niggerposting and spamming racebait threads cos goddamn, WMAF lives rent free in your head :lul:

How does WMAF live in my head rent free? I didn’t create this thread you autist
  • JFL
Reactions: aspiringexcel
thread is about noodles i want to show some gl WMAF couples i saw on @HeightPilledum 's autistic WMAF fanpage:

It's not mine
I have my own Instagram page and it's my username here
You can find more easily, Russian men and Chinese women is very common

Also I love how this Pajeet went full joy mode for seeing 2 IMAF couples next to each other when WMAF do that multiple times

You can even find AMWF couples meeting up. It ain't that rare, bhaibros

These men do not look ethnically Russian. Nationality is BS. Your genes don't give a fuck where you live.
They both look extremely Russian, especially the second one

And they both have photos in Adidas tracksuits 😂
  • Woah
  • JFL
Reactions: aspiringexcel and Lookologist003
It's not mine
I have my own Instagram page and it's my username here

You can find more easily, Russian men and Chinese women is very common

Also I love how this Pajeet went full joy mode for seeing 2 IMAF couples next to each other when WMAF do that multiple times

You can even find AMWF couples meeting up. It ain't that rare, bhaibros

They both look extremely Russian, especially the second one

And they both have photos in Adidas tracksuits 😂

C6926BE1 0ED8 4EB4 8D54 C5F638AF7271
50754469 1376 4E1A A495 521048E81D19
7DD2B0C1 CB36 4664 B1F7 A0E86EEA09A9
77460C3B 5F44 4897 8B03 6D36E7E10BBC

I’m convinced this is a long troll, because what’s the point of posting disgusting ugly gooks being mogged by their autistic husbands?
  • JFL
Reactions: aspiringexcel
you would probably throw up if you ever encounter one of those asian foids, they smell like shit their dark and hairy pussy smells worst and they are soo good at makeup and washing their entire skin white, you can't even tell if they are man. I hate fake foids most, their asshole and mouth smells the worst and they are most of the time loudest ones...
  • JFL
Reactions: rand anon and aspiringexcel

View attachment 3005503
"Times are changing:love: HOWEVER its still rare in east asia" :lul::lul::lul: Find me ONE asian jewmerican foid that looks like this ill buy you a lifetime VIP

Theres not a single gl asian foid with an indian man. Or any gl foid unless the man is jewmaxxed.

Also since this thread is about noodles i want to show some gl WMAF couples i saw on @HeightPilledum 's autistic WMAF fanpage:


nigga is gonna breed the next ER with that midget

  • JFL
Reactions: aspiringexcel and SidharthTheSlayer
View attachment 3005529View attachment 3005530View attachment 3005531View attachment 3005532

I’m convinced this is a long troll, because what’s the point of posting disgusting ugly gooks being mogged by their autistic husbands?
Ignored the first slide completely I see
View attachment 3005529View attachment 3005530View attachment 3005531View attachment 3005532

I’m convinced this is a long troll, because what’s the point of posting disgusting ugly gooks being mogged by their autistic husbands?
Screenshot 20240630 035858

And ignored all the normal or cute girls and the looksmatched couples
Screenshot 20240630 035831

Screenshot 20240630 035750

Screenshot 20240630 035651

Screenshot 20240630 035707

You even cropped them when these were right next to them
Ignored the first slide completely I see

View attachment 3005538
And ignored all the normal or cute girls and the looksmatched couples
View attachment 3005539
View attachment 3005540
View attachment 3005541
View attachment 3005542
You even cropped them when these were right next to them

Front slide was somewhat acceptable, looks like your average gook and white autist

This isn’t looksmatched and you know it nigga
05781F4F 28AC 45ED A230 9087C5579268
12360619 2AE6 44F1 BB66 AFA374A23309

Power of makeup is strong. All of these foids male looksmatched are getting blown up by North Korean nukes
Screenshot 2024 06 29 at 65146 PM

Indians get bottom of the barrel while Wm/Bm get top 10
  • JFL
Reactions: aspiringexcel
I mean he's wrong about it being constricted to the west, the most common interracial pairing in countries like Malaysia, Singapore where there are significant Indian and East Asian populations is IMAF.
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: aspiringexcel and Richard Cheese
  • JFL
Reactions: aspiringexcel
Next time when you wanna make a point don't use an account named WMAF, "LOOK GUYS GOOKS GO FOR WHITE GUYS SEE A PATERN GUYS HAHA"
JFL you must have never read a thread from me. Im not a yellowfevercel im a gookologist.
I thought you wanted more ethnics with Asian women?
Why would i want that?
How does WMAF live in my head rent free? I didn’t create this thread you autist
I am not a wmafcel im a gookologist. You dalits call me a cuck when i talk about AMWF and now im a yellowfevercel retard when i talk about WMAF. THE THREAD IS ABOUT THE FUCKING SUBHUMAN CURRY:feelswah:
It's not mine
I have my own Instagram page and it's my username here

You can find more easily, Russian men and Chinese women is very common

Also I love how this Pajeet went full joy mode for seeing 2 IMAF couples next to each other when WMAF do that multiple times

You can even find AMWF couples meeting up. It ain't that rare, bhaibros

They both look extremely Russian, especially the second one

And they both have photos in Adidas tracksuits 😂

Anyone that goes to a XMXF meetup is a subhuman and should be publicly executed
nigga is gonna breed the next ER with that midget

View attachment 3005535
Hes like 2m tall and the foid is a bit more than 1.7m if i remember correctly. But theyre both gigatallcels
View attachment 3005524View attachment 3005525
Indians get bottom of the barrel while Wm/Bm get top 10

BM get top tier foids in which south Chicago slum exactly? JFL at ur tales.
I mean he's wrong about it being constricted to the west, the most common interracial pairing in countries like Malaysia, Singapore where there are significant Indian and East Asian populations is IMAF.
Singapore = Just Be Rich
They're looksmatched imo

Feel free to argue on how they aren't

170CDB46 C331 4F38 BB02 74341ECF30C3

0 distinctive features. Disgusting eyes, yellow skin, no eyebrows, thin lips. Literally bottom of the barrel, I know the standards for chinks are low thanks to the power of yellow fever.

But literally nothing appealing about her.

0F8CDFB5 8B5C 4DF1 81C0 40C96E53BAAD

Standard low tier chad phenotype

99% of this insta page are chinks getting mogged by their passport bro autist JBW boyfriends.

The whole “muh white men fetish us!!!” Is a myth, it’s the gooks fetishising white chads
  • JFL
Reactions: aspiringexcel
how do yall keep falling for heightpilledup rage bait bruh if yall care just spam amwf :feelshah:
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: aspiringexcel, rand anon, wishIwasSalludon and 2 others
how do yall keep falling for heightpilledup rage bait bruh if yall care just spam amwf :feelshah:
Silence, ricecel

King baldwin

Whites and curries are talking here
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: aspiringexcel, rand anon, wishIwasSalludon and 1 other person
View attachment 3005551

0 distinctive features. Disgusting eyes, yellow skin, no eyebrows, thin lips. Literally bottom of the barrel, I know the standards for chinks are low thanks to the power of yellow fever.

But literally nothing appealing about her.

View attachment 3005553

Standard low tier chad phenotype

99% of this insta page are chinks getting mogged by their passport bro autist JBW boyfriends.

The whole “muh white men fetish us!!!” Is a myth, it’s the gooks fetishising white chads
He's norwooding pretty hard.
  • So Sad
  • +1
Reactions: aspiringexcel and Ultimate SUbhuman
I mean he's wrong about it being constricted to the west, the most common interracial pairing in countries like Malaysia, Singapore where there are significant Indian and East Asian populations is IMAF.
The Indians in these countries are significantly poorer than their Chinese counterparts.

Cause no one wants an Indian foid. Everyone wants an Asian foid. Most common is AMAF.
  • +1
Reactions: aspiringexcel and Richard Cheese
Most common is AMAF.
Did you think you were saying something substantial? It's the same everywhere you go. Most people date within their race.
The fact is it's a pretty significant and common phenomenon for Chinese women to date or marry Indian men in these countries.
  • +1
Reactions: HeightPilledum
Did you think you were saying something substantial? It's the same everywhere you go. Most people date within their race.
The fact is it's a pretty significant and common phenomenon for Chinese women to date or marry Indian men in these countries.
Cause it’s just Indian and Chinese there. And no one wants Indian foids. So that’s the result.
  • +1
Reactions: aspiringexcel
Cause it’s just Indian and Chinese there. And no one wants Indian foids. So that’s the result.
In Singapore, the Indians are rather few in number compared to Chinese, yet nearly 1/5 of people marry interracially, more exactly 17.8% per the latest stats. Of that proportion, most are IMAF. Draw your own conclusions
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  • JFL
  • Love it
  • So Sad
Reactions: aspiringexcel, gooner23 and HeightPilledum
wmaf children are disgusting
  • +1
  • Hmm...
  • JFL
Reactions: 8uAte, Hottaco34, murdah and 1 other person
im attracted to all races except abos but i wouldnt have kids with any non white
Pretty much the same as me, except remove white for my race. Never found a single abo that was even remotely attractive. Most subhuman race by far
  • +1
Reactions: murdah and noobs
It's not mine
I have my own Instagram page and it's my username here

You can find more easily, Russian men and Chinese women is very common

Also I love how this Pajeet went full joy mode for seeing 2 IMAF couples next to each other when WMAF do that multiple times

You can even find AMWF couples meeting up. It ain't that rare, bhaibros

They both look extremely Russian, especially the second one

And they both have photos in Adidas tracksuits 😂

Over for asian men, also they better hope for daughters.
wmaf children are disgusting
Not really, wasian females look very good. The neoteny (from asians) and coloring (from whites) work in their favor. Only the men look like shit on average
  • Hmm...
  • Ugh..
Reactions: HeightPilledum and noobs
Not really, wasian females look very good. The neoteny (from asians) and coloring (from whites) work in their favor. Only the men look like shit on average
i dont give af about my daughters
  • +1
Reactions: murdah

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