Brutal Sandcel Pill: Majority of Americans Support George W Bush



Dec 17, 2019
Sandcel lives literally don't matter, the more sandcels you kill the more popular you are amongst the American Public. Being a sub-Chad Middle Eastern Male in the US should be considered a severe disability.

"George W. Bush’s popularity is nearly double what it was when he left office in January 2009, according to a new poll released Monday.

The CNN poll conducted by SSRS found 61 percent of Americans polled view Bush favorably and just 33 percent view him unfavorably.

The same poll found Bush with a 35-percent approval rating when he left the White House nine years ago.

Most of his boost comes from Democrats and independents. A majority of Democrats — 54 percent — now view Bush favorably, while 11 percent did in early 2009, the poll found.

Bush also is viewed favorably by a majority of nonwhites and people under 35 years old — two groups he struggled with during his presidency.

The same CNN poll found former President Obama with 66 percent favorability, and current President Trump with 40 percent favorability."

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i blame Clinton
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If you lived during the 2000s you realised how George Bush was ridiculed literally everywhere. The guy was mocked and hated by lots of the people. The only reason he is seen as more favourable is cause its been years since hes been president and people now view his presidency in rose tinted glasses. Also the shit Trump says basically makes George Bush seem sane
  • +1
  • JFL
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If you lived during the 2000s you realised how George Bush was ridiculed literally everywhere. The guy was mocked and hated by lots of the people. The only reason he is seen as more favourable is cause its been years since hes been president and people now view his presidency in rose tinted glasses. Also the shit Trump says basically makes George Bush seem sane

All that matters is George Bush is popular now and his crimes against humanity have been forgotten. Why is Hitler still hated today? While Bush is loved? Amazing how George Bush killing millions of people in the Middle East doesn't matter because Trump says mean things. Saying means things is worse than killing millions of middle eastern people in the eyes of Americans. Also Bush was re-elected after the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan which shows he was still well-liked for killing sandcels. Bush was only ridiculed after Hurricane Katrina and the economy tanking.
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Also the shit Trump says basically makes George Bush seem sane
This is fucking bullshit. A day didn't go by without the media mocking something that Bush said. The guy couldn't even string together sentence competently.

This is the same fucking dude who started not one, but TWO wars in the middle east. Trump hasn't started any wars and in fact is trying to pull out of, which hilariously is now causing the same liberals who accused Bush of being a hawk to now accuse Trump of being too soft.

Trump has been a pretty anti-climatic president tbh, but just fucking LOL if you think he is worse than Bush. All this poll goes to show is that the public at large as a bunch of fucking retards who don't know what the fuck they are talking about. There is literally zero objective argument in favor of Bush being a good president relative to Trump. Or just a good president in general for that matter.
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This is fucking bullshit. A day didn't go by without the media mocking something that Bush said. The guy couldn't even string together sentence competently.

This is the same fucking dude who started not one, but TWO wars in the middle east. Trump hasn't started any wars and in fact is trying to pull out of, which hilariously is now causing the same liberals who accused Bush of being a hawk to now accuse Trump of being too soft.

Trump has been a pretty anti-climatic president tbh, but just fucking LOL if you think he is worse than Bush. All this poll goes to show is that the public at large as a bunch of fucking retards who don't know what the fuck they are talking about. There is literally zero objective argument in favor of Bush being a good president relative to Trump. Or just a good president in general for that matter.

Thats why I hate normies. They don't have any real beliefs. They just parrot whatever (((they))) want you to believe.

Now imagine them being able to vote who makes the policies and national level decisions. That would sound horrible right?
  • +1
Reactions: Hero of the Imperium and ToursOverBoyo2020
Thats why I hate normies. They don't have any real beliefs. They just parrot whatever (((they))) want you to believe.

Now imagine them being able to vote who makes the policies and national level decisions. That would sound horrible right?

Indeed normies are literally npc's and believe whatever the fake news media tells them to.
All that matters is George Bush is popular now and his crimes against humanity have been forgotten. Why is Hitler still hated today? While Bush is loved? Amazing how George Bush killing millions of people in the Middle East doesn't matter because Trump says mean things. Saying means things is worse than killing millions of middle eastern people in the eyes of Americans. Also Bush was re-elected after the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan which shows he was still well-liked for killing sandcels. Bush was only ridiculed after Hurricane Katrina and the economy tanking.
Shits unfair. A lot of people who have committed atrocities have also gotten away with it, which is truly wrong. I agree that America should’ve never went to war, but ask the average American and even they agree that the war was a disaster and mistake. A lot of democrats and even some republicans who make a large amount of the American population generally dislike George Bush for his incompetence and failure to leave Afghanistan and Iraq (No WMDs were found btw). Everyone knew the war was about oil and nothing else. However to claim he was somehow a prefect leader who everyone loved is wrong. There is still a large majority of people who dislike him, especially for the atrocities he committed
This is fucking bullshit. A day didn't go by without the media mocking something that Bush said. The guy couldn't even string together sentence competently.

This is the same fucking dude who started not one, but TWO wars in the middle east. Trump hasn't started any wars and in fact is trying to pull out of, which hilariously is now causing the same liberals who accused Bush of being a hawk to now accuse Trump of being too soft.

Trump has been a pretty anti-climatic president tbh, but just fucking LOL if you think he is worse than Bush. All this poll goes to show is that the public at large as a bunch of fucking retards who don't know what the fuck they are talking about. There is literally zero objective argument in favor of Bush being a good president relative to Trump. Or just a good president in general for that matter.
I never said that Bush was a better president objectively. Sure Trump has not started any wars recently. But thats not what im talking about. Im talking about the general view of Trump through the media and the public. You are coping if you think Trump isnt hated by the vast majority of Americans. He failed to build the wall he promised, left nearly 200,000 dead during the Covid 19 pandemic (which is still going on) and did not achieve most of the goals he said he was going to in 2016. Im just showing similarities about the 2 and how they were both mocked and hated by the public. Spot the difference btw:

  • JFL
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Its sandniggers.. not sandcels. Get it right op
His reputation was not worse than that of Bill Clinton and Trump.
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Boyo you realize all these polls are done on a sample population of old white boomers? The majority of young voters don't care about politics except stanning bernie on twitter, 60% of voters are above 50-60 in usa jfl.

Truth is progressives dismantled societal race discrimination hard through virtue signalling, the innate genetic hatred of brown people will stay forever. The only socially accepted people to discriminate are short men.
  • +1
Reactions: Gengar, Shrek2OnDvD, BonesAndHarmony and 1 other person
Shits unfair. A lot of people who have committed atrocities have also gotten away with it, which is truly wrong. I agree that America should’ve never went to war, but ask the average American and even they agree that the war was a disaster and mistake. A lot of democrats and even some republicans who make a large amount of the American population generally dislike George Bush for his incompetence and failure to leave Afghanistan and Iraq (No WMDs were found btw). Everyone knew the war was about oil and nothing else. However to claim he was somehow a prefect leader who everyone loved is wrong. There is still a large majority of people who dislike him, especially for the atrocities he committed

I never said that Bush was a better president objectively. Sure Trump has not started any wars recently. But thats not what im talking about. Im talking about the general view of Trump through the media and the public. You are coping if you think Trump isnt hated by the vast majority of Americans. He failed to build the wall he promised, left nearly 200,000 dead during the Covid 19 pandemic (which is still going on) and did not achieve most of the goals he said he was going to in 2016. Im just showing similarities about the 2 and how they were both mocked and hated by the public. Spot the difference btw:
View attachment 640624
View attachment 640626
- he cut taxes
- he reformed healthcare
- he reorganized foreign trade
- he specifically prioritized the regrowth of manufacturing
- he cut the illegal immigration numbers and immigration numbers as a whole
- he’s not started any major wars and has opted for a position of peace, rather than war. He is a non interventionist when compared to most us presidents that came before him

He’s accomplished most of what he said he would do. He didn’t get the wall done due to being blocked by republicans and eventually, democrats as well after the 2018 midterms.

You can’t blame trump for 200k people dying either. That was just the result of the MSM lying and blowing things out of proportion. America’s death rate per capita is in line with other countries. Alot of the deaths came as the result of DEMOCRAT policies, such as putting sick seniors in retirement homes with other healthy seniors (See what cuomo did in New York State).

Then there’s the fact that America is extremely unhealthy. No shit people will die when something like 60% of the population is overweight to some degree and 30-40% is outright obese.
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You are coping if you think Trump isnt hated by the vast majority of Americans.

That is because he isn't. He polls fairly consistently at 43-47% depending on who you ask. If you ignore minorities and foids his approval increases even more to something like 60%+.

He failed to build the wall he promised

You mean he has been prevented from building the wall he promised. President != dictator. The system is working against him.

left nearly 200,000 dead during the Covid 19 pandemic

I fucking love it how people can't seem to wrap their head around the idea of human beings not actually having any control over how many people are killed by a fucking viral epidemic. There is literally nothing that Trump or any other dumbfuck could have done to stop this.

I legit can't wrap my head around how most people are actually braindead enough to believe any of this social distancing bullshit is making any difference. It makes literally zero difference if people stay one meter away from each other or 2-3. None. And you only need one person to ignore the rules for the whole thing to become pointless anyway. There is literally zero science behind social distancing. Seeing the entirety of the world media lie its ass off about this whole thing has been an epic blackpill because it shows that the control of the puppet masters is almost absolute. And the dumbfuck normies are falling for it. Calling it now: In the next few years governments will start demanding micro-chipping to see who is "cured" and who isn't.

The covid hysteria has also demonstrated that most people are statistically illustrate and don't know how to put numbers into context. The Spanish flue killed 100 million fucking people in like 2 fucking years. And most barely paid any attention to it because they were too busy fighting world war 1. Nobody felt the need to shut down society to combat the virus. Corona virus has been in my country for almost a year now and it has killed a whooping 11 people in that time. 11.

If you still haven't caught on to the fact that this covid bullshit was manufactured on purpose with the mere intent of increasing government control then you are unironically retarded.
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  • +1
Reactions: KDA Player, goat2x and Blackout.xl
- he cut taxes
- he reformed healthcare
- he reorganized foreign trade
- he specifically prioritized the regrowth of manufacturing
- he cut the illegal immigration numbers and immigration numbers as a whole
- he’s not started any major wars and has opted for a position of peace, rather than war. He is a non interventionist when compared to most us presidents that came before him

He’s accomplished most of what he said he would do. He didn’t get the wall done due to being blocked by republicans and eventually, democrats as well after the 2018 midterms.

You can’t blame trump for 200k people dying either. That was just the result of the MSM lying and blowing things out of proportion. America’s death rate per capita is in line with other countries. Alot of the deaths came as the result of DEMOCRAT policies, such as putting sick seniors in retirement homes with other healthy seniors (See what cuomo did in New York State).

Then there’s the fact that America is extremely unhealthy. No shit people will die when something like 60% of the population is overweight to some degree and 30-40% is outright obese.
Trump’s failures during the coronavirus pandemic run the gamut from the rhetorical to the organizational. Every time the president speaks he seems to add to the fear and chaos surrounding the situation: telling Americans it was not serious by asserting his “hunches” about data, assuring people that everyone would be tested even when there were very few tests available, telling people that we are very close to a vaccine when it is anywhere from 12 to 18 months away, mistakenly asserting that goods as well as people from Europe would be forbidden from entering the United States, and announcing that Google had a website for testing while the initiative was merely an unimplemented idea, were just a few of his televised gaffes. After every presidential statement, “clarifications” were needed. Trump has the unique distinction of giving a national address meant to calm the country that had the effect of taking the stock market down over 1,000 points.

We have come to expect verbal imprecision and outright lies from this president, but that is more easily corrected on less momentous developments. When there is fundamental incompetence on matters of tremendous importance, voters punish poor results. And this is where Trump’s actions on the coronavirus have gone far off target. One of the most glaring deficiencies of his administration has been the failure to have enough tests available to identify those infected and to screen others for possible exposure. South Korea, a country a fraction of the size of the United States, is testing thousands more people a day than the United States. The failure to produce tests quickly will go down as one of the biggest failures in the overall handling of this disease because it prevented authorities from understanding the scope of the pandemic and therefore made it difficult for them to undertake appropriate steps to mitigate its spread. Other countries had tests and now state governments are rapidly rolling out their own tests after the CDC belatedly removed regulatory barriers. Even the nation’s chief infectious disease doctor, Anthony Fauci, has admitted that testing is a major failure—a statement that is most certainly not one of the president’s talking points.
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There is not one ethnicity of immigrants tbat is hated more than Arabs.
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That is because he isn't. He polls fairly consistently at 43-47% depending on who you ask. If you ignore minorities and foids his approval increases even more to something like 60%+.

You mean he has been prevented from building the wall he promised. President != dictator. The system is working against him.

I fucking love it how people can't seem to wrap their head around the idea of human beings not actually having any control over how many people are killed by a fucking viral epidemic. There is literally nothing that Trump or any other dumbfuck could have done to stop this.

I legit can't wrap my head around how most people are actually braindead enough to believe any of this social distancing bullshit is making any difference. It makes literally zero difference if people stay one meter away from each other or 2-3. None. And you only need one person to ignore the rules for the whole thing to become pointless anyway. There is literally zero science behind social distancing. Seeing the entirety of the world media lie its ass off about this whole thing has been an epic blackpill because it shows that the control of the puppet masters is almost absolute. And the dumbfuck normies are falling for it. Calling it now: In the next few years governments will start demanding micro-chipping to see who is "cured" and who isn't.

The covid hysteria has also demonstrated that most people are statistically illustrate and don't know how to put numbers into context. The Spanish flue killed 100 million fucking people in like 2 fucking years. And most barely paid any attention to it because they were too busy fighting world war 1. Nobody felt the need to shut down society to combat the virus. Corona virus has been in my country for almost a year now and it has killed a whooping 11 people in that time. 11.

If you still haven't caught on to the fact that this covid bullshit was manufactured on purpose with the mere intent of increasing government control then you are unironically retarded.
‘If you ignore minorities and foids’
So more than half the entire population of America? If you have to take out 70% of the population in order to bee seen as a good president than maybe you aren’t that good

To make matters worse for Trump, he doesn’t even have Democrats to blame for his epic fail. Trump had unified Republican control of the House, Senate, and White House for the first two years of his presidency, and he couldn’t even get his own party on board to support his wall. The wall has never been popular (polling at best around 40 percent support), so even Congressional Republicans have been wise enough to realize that Trump’s wall is bad politics and bad policy. Texas Congressman Will Hurd, whose district runs eight hundred miles along the Rio Grande, described building a wall in his district as “impossible,” and called Trump’s border wall “a 3rd century solution to a 21st century problem.” Even reliable Trump loyalists like John Cornyn and Thom Tillis have criticized the feasibility and efficacy of the wall. In February 2017 Cornyn admitted that, “There’s parts of our border which [building a wall] makes absolutely no sense,” and correctly predicted that people would be able to “climb over the wall or go under the wall or through the wall.” In a post on his website, Tillis also once readily admitted “that a continuous wall from one end of our Southern border to the other is neither feasible nor effective. It’s basic geology.”

In fact, there are many reasons the US death toll is so high, including a national response plagued by delays at the federal level, wishful thinking by President Trump, the sidelining of experts, a pointed White House campaign to place the blame for the Trump administration’s shortcomings on others, and time wasted chasing down false hopes based on poor science.
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‘If you ignore minorities and foids’
So more than half the entire population of America? If you have to take out 70% of the population in order to bee seen as a good president than maybe you aren’t that good

Foids are worthless yet are 50% of humanity. Whites and East Asians are the only ethnic groups that have respectable IQ levels yet make up only 30% or so of the world population. And this number shrinks by the day.

Hate to be the bringer of bad news, but most of humanity is fucking garbage.
Foids are worthless yet are 50% of humanity. Whites and East Asians are the only ethnic groups that have respectable IQ levels yet make up only 30% or so of the world population. And this number shrinks by the day.

Hate to be the bringer of bad news, but most of humanity is fucking garbage.
Women exist so humanity can reproduce and continue. They aren’t that worthless. Also lol, ive met some stupid fucking white people. Jfl if you think your suddenly a scientist cause your white 😂
  • +1
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Women exist so humanity can reproduce and continue. They aren’t that worthless.

A person with 55 IQ and a big dick can get laid. 99% of foids can get laid.
A person with 55 IQ and a big dick can get laid. 99% of foids can get laid.
If women disappeared, humanity will end. Same thing if men disappeared. Both men and women need each other
  • +1
Reactions: Jagged0
If women disappeared, humanity will end. Same thing if men disappeared. Both men and women need each other
This is such retarded fucking logic. Farm animals are also required for humanity to not starve. This doesn't make humans and chickens equal.
  • JFL
Reactions: Uglybrazilian
- he cut taxes
- he reformed healthcare
- he reorganized foreign trade
- he specifically prioritized the regrowth of manufacturing
- he cut the illegal immigration numbers and immigration numbers as a whole
- he’s not started any major wars and has opted for a position of peace, rather than war. He is a non interventionist when compared to most us presidents that came before him

He’s accomplished most of what he said he would do. He didn’t get the wall done due to being blocked by republicans and eventually, democrats as well after the 2018 midterms.

You can’t blame trump for 200k people dying either. That was just the result of the MSM lying and blowing things out of proportion. America’s death rate per capita is in line with other countries. Alot of the deaths came as the result of DEMOCRAT policies, such as putting sick seniors in retirement homes with other healthy seniors (See what cuomo did in New York State).

Then there’s the fact that America is extremely unhealthy. No shit people will die when something like 60% of the population is overweight to some degree and 30-40% is outright obese.
Not sure whether you're trolling or retarded.
Obama killed lots of sandcels and still liberals love him
  • +1
Reactions: ToursOverBoyo2020
This is such retarded fucking logic. Farm animals are also required for humanity to not starve. This doesn't make humans and chickens equal.
Jfl the logic
Not sure whether you're trolling or retarded.
Provide an argument.

He’s accomplished most of what he said he wanted done. Saying otherwise is cope
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Most Liberals are racist, the virtue signaling is a facade


They are also extremely classist as well. White leftists/progressives are basically just brats from the upper classes or elitists from acedemia disguising their superiority complex as compassion (which none of them actually have). They are sociopaths.

Hilariously, their paternalistic views towards non-whites could be seen as a "white man's burden 2.0" of sorts. Which would actually make them the real white supremacists.
Provide an argument.

He’s accomplished most of what he said he wanted done. Saying otherwise is cope
Yeah he did accomplish a lot of what he wanted to do, that is true. American health care system is still a total scam (just like he and his retard voters want it to be like) and the coronavirus response was also among the worst in the world. Definitely not in line with most other countries.
  • +1
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tbf george bush always said not to take hate of terrorists against islamicels. never heard that faggot obama or trump say anything similar
  • +1
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Trump has been a failure after he nearly got me infected with cona because of his tearing down the infrastructure we had to combat it I knew at that moment he'd never get my vote again. At least bush is somewhat likeable outside the white house.
  • +1
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Trump’s failures during the coronavirus pandemic run the gamut from the rhetorical to the organizational. Every time the president speaks he seems to add to the fear and chaos surrounding the situation: telling Americans it was not serious by asserting his “hunches” about data, assuring people that everyone would be tested even when there were very few tests available, telling people that we are very close to a vaccine when it is anywhere from 12 to 18 months away, mistakenly asserting that goods as well as people from Europe would be forbidden from entering the United States, and announcing that Google had a website for testing while the initiative was merely an unimplemented idea, were just a few of his televised gaffes. After every presidential statement, “clarifications” were needed. Trump has the unique distinction of giving a national address meant to calm the country that had the effect of taking the stock market down over 1,000 points.

We have come to expect verbal imprecision and outright lies from this president, but that is more easily corrected on less momentous developments. When there is fundamental incompetence on matters of tremendous importance, voters punish poor results. And this is where Trump’s actions on the coronavirus have gone far off target. One of the most glaring deficiencies of his administration has been the failure to have enough tests available to identify those infected and to screen others for possible exposure. South Korea, a country a fraction of the size of the United States, is testing thousands more people a day than the United States. The failure to produce tests quickly will go down as one of the biggest failures in the overall handling of this disease because it prevented authorities from understanding the scope of the pandemic and therefore made it difficult for them to undertake appropriate steps to mitigate its spread. Other countries had tests and now state governments are rapidly rolling out their own tests after the CDC belatedly removed regulatory barriers. Even the nation’s chief infectious disease doctor, Anthony Fauci, has admitted that testing is a major failure—a statement that is most certainly not one of the president’s talking points.
Meanwhile i agree trump fucked up, I just can’t agree with this take on it.

Both the republicans and democrats failed to have an adequate response to covid. This notion of trump being the only one to blame is pure retardation. New york (a Democrat controlled state) was the centre of the virus for months, only to be overtaken by California (another Democrat controlled state). Or the democrats sponsoring literal riots and protests that had little regard for social distancing.

I don’t think it’s very fair to compare the US to South Korea either. South Korea has a centralized government, subservient population and a high amount of experiences with pandemics and disease.

Meanwhile the US is divided into 50 states which are further divided into multiple counties. which all have some sort of say in responses to situations such as this. The federal government in the US is not centralized when it comes to power. The US does not have a lot of experience with pandemics. They weren’t anywhere nearly as ready, which obviously will result in a much different outcome when compared to South Korea.
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Yeah he did accomplish a lot of what he wanted to do, that is true. American health care system is still a total scam (just like he and his retard voters want it to be like) and the coronavirus response was also among the worst in the world. Definitely not in line with most other countries.
So you basically called me a retard for me not pandering to your ideology? Lmfao Kys and go back to reddit. How the healthcare system is, or the corona virus response, was not relevant to my comment on trump accomplishing most of what he said he would do.

Use your head next time.
Trump has been a failure after he nearly got me infected with cona because of his tearing down the infrastructure we had to combat it I knew at that moment he'd never get my vote again. At least bush is somewhat likeable outside the white house.
Are you really that scared of corona? Low t and retarded.
So you basically called me a retard for me not pandering to your ideology? Lmfao Kys and go back to reddit. How the healthcare system is, or the corona virus response, was not relevant to my comment on trump accomplishing most of what he said he would do.

Use your head next time.
What ideology? I merely skimmed over your nonsense about how Trump's leadership isn't at fault for the miserable covid response. Of course it is you utter ape imbecile. Meanwhile I live in a country that could have easily been a hotspot but instead has only had 400 deaths lolz.
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  • +1
Reactions: Jagged0
If you lived during the 2000s you realised how George Bush was ridiculed literally everywhere. The guy was mocked and hated by lots of the people. The only reason he is seen as more favourable is cause its been years since hes been president and people now view his presidency in rose tinted glasses. Also the shit Trump says basically makes George Bush seem sane
Shithole country are shithole
  • +1
Reactions: ToursOverBoyo2020
Trump has been a failure after he nearly got me infected with cona because of his tearing down the infrastructure we had to combat it I knew at that moment he'd never get my vote again. At least bush is somewhat likeable outside the white house.
Did u know bush has masonic gay scat orgys
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