Brutal studies on facial fat and attractiveness for males

ugly nebula

ugly nebula

I'm into that musky dick smell.
Oct 16, 2019

"A study by Foo et al. (2017) showed that facial adiposity was a better predictor of attractiveness compared to sexual dimorphism, averageness, and symmetry, for male faces. The researchers also found that, for females faces, facial adiposity squared and sexual dimorphism were the best predictors of female facial attractiveness, while facial adiposity was also the strongest predictor of perceived health for male faces, while sexual dimorphism was the strongest predictor of perceived health for female faces, with facial adiposity failing to reach statistical significance."

Lmfao being lean for males is more important than dimorphism and symmetry (not that they dont matter, just that statistically having a lean face will benefit you more unless you're extremely neotenous). Makes sense back in the day when males had better bone structure and testosterone levels were higher

"Facial adiposity has consistently been linked to perceptions of attractiveness and health, with heavier faces being judged to be more unattractive and unhealthier. To date, facial adiposity has also been linked to a number of actual health outcomes including: cold and flu number, duration of colds and flu, frequency of antibiotic use, respiratory illness, blood pressure, cardiovascular illness, salivary progesterone, psychological well-being, arthritis, diabetes, circulating testosterone, immune function, and oxidative stress. While a strong relationship between facial adiposity, attractiveness, perceived health and actual health outcomes has been reported, there are a few limitations to the current evidence presented in favor of facial adiposity as an important contributor to health and attractiveness judgments"

"There also appears to be important differences in judgments made by males and females regarding adiposity as a cue to health and attractiveness. For example, a link has been found between adiposity and immune responsiveness in male Rantala et al., 2013a, but not female faces Rantala et al., 2013b."
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Fat people should be genocided
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A lean face is the most basic and important looksmax
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This is my lower third going from 100 kg to 92 kg (about a 9 month diff) (25%~ to 19%-21%)⁴

I'm jutting slightly in both pics. In the after pic I'm sucking cheeks and biting jaw and pulling the submental. Ofc that's fraud but keep in mind I'm fat as fuck still

What I did:

-bonesmash chin and ramus
-18 pounds ish loss

Keep crying for softmaxxing wooooowooff dogs
A lean face is the most basic and important looksmax
I would put it up there with some small surgeries in effectiveness. You're literally sculpting your face. If your jaw isnt narrow in absolute bi-gonial width and you have gonial eversion and decently thick mid mandible, losing buccal and submental fat will add tons to your sex appeal
Fat people should be genocided
Legit but only after I get skinny


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I always repeat this and people here tell me im paranoid. Facial leanness and definition is the single biggest male attractiveness trait, over bone structure itself.
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I always repeat this and people here tell me im paranoid. Facial leanness and definition is the single biggest male attractiveness trait, over bone structure itself.
I read every thread you made about this, so don't think that it's not appreciated. Getting 8 kg lower in body fat *may* have single handedly led me to losing my V card relatively early. Looking back at older pics, I was repulsive. Granted, I was more overweight than the average guy browsing here but point stands. Also, a ton of transformations prove that you can improve through getting lower than 15% bf which the average male is NOT close to. Having a fat face just DESTROYS your face. Losing it AT LEAST just gives you a vastly less punchable, beta face. Facial fat just causes all of your features to coalesce into one potatoey, indistinct mess. And a lot of people here attribute chiselled appearance to having more forward growth when most of the time it's a guy that has just enough forward growth but has particular set of genes that make him store much less fat in his face. Fat in general is estrogenic and testosterone is adipose-antagonist, so having a lean and muscular face is one of the prime masc ans virile things. Having high cheekbones or a big jaw won't fucking matter if they dont show

Yeah, for all practical purposes, getting leaner is probably one of the most important aspects of male aesthetics. Forward growth and facial bone dimorphism (or more specifically size) in this forum is kinda overrated. Harmony is MUCH more important. Good eyes (that may entail bone structure but I mostly mean eyelashes, eyebrow shape and darkness, eyelid shape, orbital soft tissue etc), good hair, good skin are in my opinion much more important. Of course everything goes hand in hand. If you have awful bone structure, even though you'll look better lean, you'll still look bad, but bone structure size becomes diminishing returns really quick imo. All you need is just ENOUGH forward growth (in most androgenic areas like chin, mid mandible, frontal bone, cheekbones and browridge it is good to have extra size for masculinity obvi) and the rest imo is harmony and being extremely low bf and low bloat
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I know being lean and having a lean FACE is important but not to the same extent as sexual dimorphism holy shit
This is my lower third going from 100 kg to 92 kg (about a 9 month diff) (25%~ to 19%-21%)⁴

Jesus Christ even your nose tip has changed in shape! The nose tip is the only part of the nose when a little fat pad ( 1 - 1,5 mm ) can form when you get fatter. This is a strong motivation for a skinnyfatcel like me.
How much has changed your impact toward other people, expecially women?
That's it boyos, I knew food was a looksmin.
brb less time for mewing because eating
brb less money because food bills
brb less time because meal prep
If you're eating in 2020 you're volcel.
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This is my lower third going from 100 kg to 92 kg (about a 9 month diff) (25%~ to 19%-21%)⁴

I'm jutting slightly in both pics. In the after pic I'm sucking cheeks and biting jaw and pulling the submental. Ofc that's fraud but keep in mind I'm fat as fuck still

What I did:

-bonesmash chin and ramus
-18 pounds ish loss

Keep crying for softmaxxing wooooowooff dogs

I would put it up there with some small surgeries in effectiveness. You're literally sculpting your face. If your jaw isnt narrow in absolute bi-gonial width and you have gonial eversion and decently thick mid mandible, losing buccal and submental fat will add tons to your sex appeal

Legit but only after I get skinny
This is lifefuel. How did you bonesmash?

"A study by Foo et al. (2017) showed that facial adiposity was a better predictor of attractiveness compared to sexual dimorphism, averageness, and symmetry, for male faces. The researchers also found that, for females faces, facial adiposity squared and sexual dimorphism were the best predictors of female facial attractiveness, while facial adiposity was also the strongest predictor of perceived health for male faces, while sexual dimorphism was the strongest predictor of perceived health for female faces, with facial adiposity failing to reach statistical significance."

Lmfao being lean for males is more important than dimorphism and symmetry (not that they dont matter, just that statistically having a lean face will benefit you more unless you're extremely neotenous). Makes sense back in the day when males had better bone structure and testosterone levels were higher

"Facial adiposity has consistently been linked to perceptions of attractiveness and health, with heavier faces being judged to be more unattractive and unhealthier. To date, facial adiposity has also been linked to a number of actual health outcomes including: cold and flu number, duration of colds and flu, frequency of antibiotic use, respiratory illness, blood pressure, cardiovascular illness, salivary progesterone, psychological well-being, arthritis, diabetes, circulating testosterone, immune function, and oxidative stress. While a strong relationship between facial adiposity, attractiveness, perceived health and actual health outcomes has been reported, there are a few limitations to the current evidence presented in favor of facial adiposity as an important contributor to health and attractiveness judgments"

"There also appears to be important differences in judgments made by males and females regarding adiposity as a cue to health and attractiveness. For example, a link has been found between adiposity and immune responsiveness in male Rantala et al., 2013a, but not female faces Rantala et al., 2013b."
Fact is most guys don't have good frames and when they cut to 12% bf, they will loose muscle mass and look twinkey. It is almost impossible to stay at that bf level. 20% is like the average. Maybe even more. Most male models have good metabolism, frames and fat storage genetics so that they can eat whatever they want and stay relatively lean. Still they get bloated fast like Barret
Just get buccal fat removal theory

"A study by Foo et al. (2017) showed that facial adiposity was a better predictor of attractiveness compared to sexual dimorphism, averageness, and symmetry, for male faces. The researchers also found that, for females faces, facial adiposity squared and sexual dimorphism were the best predictors of female facial attractiveness, while facial adiposity was also the strongest predictor of perceived health for male faces, while sexual dimorphism was the strongest predictor of perceived health for female faces, with facial adiposity failing to reach statistical significance."

Lmfao being lean for males is more important than dimorphism and symmetry (not that they dont matter, just that statistically having a lean face will benefit you more unless you're extremely neotenous). Makes sense back in the day when males had better bone structure and testosterone levels were higher

"Facial adiposity has consistently been linked to perceptions of attractiveness and health, with heavier faces being judged to be more unattractive and unhealthier. To date, facial adiposity has also been linked to a number of actual health outcomes including: cold and flu number, duration of colds and flu, frequency of antibiotic use, respiratory illness, blood pressure, cardiovascular illness, salivary progesterone, psychological well-being, arthritis, diabetes, circulating testosterone, immune function, and oxidative stress. While a strong relationship between facial adiposity, attractiveness, perceived health and actual health outcomes has been reported, there are a few limitations to the current evidence presented in favor of facial adiposity as an important contributor to health and attractiveness judgments"

"There also appears to be important differences in judgments made by males and females regarding adiposity as a cue to health and attractiveness. For example, a link has been found between adiposity and immune responsiveness in male Rantala et al., 2013a, but not female faces Rantala et al., 2013b."
This is my lower third going from 100 kg to 92 kg (about a 9 month diff) (25%~ to 19%-21%)⁴

I'm jutting slightly in both pics. In the after pic I'm sucking cheeks and biting jaw and pulling the submental. Ofc that's fraud but keep in mind I'm fat as fuck still

What I did:

-bonesmash chin and ramus
-18 pounds ish loss

Keep crying for softmaxxing wooooowooff dogs

I would put it up there with some small surgeries in effectiveness. You're literally sculpting your face. If your jaw isnt narrow in absolute bi-gonial width and you have gonial eversion and decently thick mid mandible, losing buccal and submental fat will add tons to your sex appeal

Legit but only after I get skinny
I always repeat this and people here tell me im paranoid. Facial leanness and definition is the single biggest male attractiveness trait, over bone structure itself.
You need a muscular body. If your a stick just no
You need a muscular body. If your a stick just no
Body is a huge plus but stick body + lean face >muscular body + bloated face. I got many girls over guys with the latter combination. The true mogger combo is muscular/toned body with lean face, so the best of both.
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