Building and maintaining muscle at home with no/minimal equipment



Jul 17, 2019
Ive got a decent amount of muscle mass and have managed to alter my routine to adapt well to home workouts indefinetly, this is the next best thing to having a full on gym. Ive attached my physique so you know im not a dyel 15 year old spouting shit

Everything you need
-Pull up bar
-Adjustable DBs
-Plates, how many depends on your strength level, I can get my DBs up to 45kg and Ive spent about £200 total on equipment

Some extras
-resistance bands
-A dip station/ parallel bars, I got these second hand for 30 quid
-A weight belt to make the dips and pullups harder if youre strong enough

With this routine im confident I can continually progressive overload and improve my physique

the plan is a 3days on 1 day off workout routine, each of these workout sessions should only take 40-50 minutes, you relly don't need to workout for longer than this, this workout wil help build every muscle group in your body with a key focus on the most important aesthetic ones

Chest and Tris
DB bench press
Incline DB bench press
Weighted dips
Resistance band tricep pushdowns, the way I do these is I loop a resistance band around a tree hold it in one hand and extend downwards, this replicates a tricep cable pushdown

4 sets of every exercise, 8 reps-ish on the first 3 and 12-15 on the final one
If you want you can throw in one more exercise here, sometimes I like to just do a few sets of BW push ups to failure to finish myself off but its not essential

Back and Bis and traps
Weighted pullups - I like to super set all of these with BW pullups so its actually sort of 8 sets, if youre not gonna do this then do more sets of pull ups 5 or 6 min
DB bent over rows using trhe bench- you can put it on incline for some variation if you want
DB shrugs
Concentration curls

4 sets on every exercise- 6 for biceps because I find they respond well to a little extra volume, throw in drop sets and stuff for the curls, you can do something like 3 sets of concentration curls and 3 sets of resistance band curls if you find it more fun that way. Work in the 8ish rep range for the first two excercises, then higher reps 12-15 on the second two

Shoulders and legs
Seated Shoulder press
Lateral raises with bands or DBs
Rear delt flies with bands or DBs
Split squats
DB lunges

Split squats can be overloaded a lot more than goblet squats since they involve two DBs and one leg rather than 2 legs one DB so are far superior IMO
6 sets for the first excercise
4 Sets of the rest

Work in the 8ish rep range for the 1st 4th and 5th exercise, 12ish rep range for the raises and bands, this workout is more sets than the others but the 2nd and 3rd excercises can be breezed through as theyre not very fatiguing at all

Poorcel/no equipmentcel/no room for anythingcel alternative workout

If you've got no room for anything and you can only do bodyweight and bands id recommend doing a full body split, 1 day on 1 day off as the variety of excercises you can do is a lot less than with the equipment I have, do two different workouts, one is more push based and one is more pull based.

Workout A -push focused
Lateral raises with bands
Tricep extensions with bands - try and loop the band around a door frame, window etc, get creative
Chair dips
Some sort of squatting exercise, the method id use is putting a little sibling on my shoulders and squatting them

Im not gonna put rep ranges on thesew workouts because it depends if you have anything to make these excercises harder or not such as a weighted back pack or a vest etc. Try and find ways to overload the pushups because if you've got any real strength they'll get easy quickly, raise your feet onto a char, wear a backpack etc.

Workout B- Pull focused
Push ups
pull ups
bicep curls with bands
Band rows- find a chair leg or something to attach a band to and row the band
Squats again

4 sets every exercise, with 5 for the squats since its your only leg exercise

So there we have it, how to train in quarantine if you have £200ish to spend on equipment and some space like a garden and an alternative if youre poor and/or have no room


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high rep high volume is the key

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