Cabergoline Journal



Lily Maymac's Cuck
Aug 24, 2019
Background: 26 year old incel with crippling anxiety/depression. can barely order a pizza.

plan: Taking cabergoline 0.25mg 2xweek to crush my inhibitions and become a slayer.

Fridays and Tuesdays.

Day 1. just took my first pill. Will update with results.

please share your experiences.
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Reactions: Kingcel32, Htobrother and Casadonis
its beyond over for you if you are relying on drugs to live
  • Hmm...
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hes 26 year old with crippling social anxiety, what else can he do?
do the basics like;having a job, doing exercise, socialising. if all fails then take drugs
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  • Hmm...
Reactions: Toth's thot, Kingcel32 and Htobrother
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  • Hmm...
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Caber is a must for defence agaisnt the norwood reaper.
been 8 hours and dont feel any different. lol wtf
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 6400
day 2
fapped 3 times since taking it. sex drive is the same but i don't get tired after orgasm (still have a refractory period). This is a negative imo because i like feeling chilled out and euphoric after i cum but that seems to be gone now.

seem to have lower inhibition.

Cashier overcharged me today and normally i would just let it go because i dont want to deal with confrontation but i called her out on it.

Flipped someone off while driving because he wouldnt let me over.

Depression seems lessened a lot. Got news that a family member died and i tried to make myself sad but i just couldn't give a damn. tried thinking about a oneitis who broke my heart in the past which usually would make me cry but it only made me a little bit sad.

Not sure if this is all just placebo or im just having a good day or the caber. i'm excited to see what happens over the next few weeks as a decent amount accumulates in my body.
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Reactions: zeshama, Good_Little_Goy, audimax and 6 others
Very interesting. I will be following along closely.

Any noticeable side effects thus far?
Very interesting. I will be following along closely.

Any noticeable side effects thus far?
I had ringing in my ear for a while but it's gone now
hope you keep us updated op, still havent brought my caber yet
Just downregulate your dopamine receptors theory

Woke up. Saw something sexual posted here and got rock hard. Fapped twice. Higher sex drive but nothing noteworthy. Nothing close to weed. Cumming didn't make me super tired like it normally would but I still had a refractory period.

Been tired and maybe slight headache but mostly just tired. It's doesn't feel like a natural tired feeling. More like drug induced if you have ever taken antidepressants, it feels like that.

Had a slight headache last night but mostly went away.

Motivation seems low and I don't really want to leave my bed but maybe that's because I fapped twice.

Much harder to feel depressed. I am still thinking about depressing shit all day but it doesn't make me feel physically sick like it usually would. Just feel bored and apathetic. No real sadness and crying but I still know my life sucks and don't feel content by any means.

Not sure about this drug. I don't like the tired feeling. Makes it harder to work out and get things done. I need to stop masturbating and see if that counteracts it. I already quit caffeine. I'm going to give it at least a month before I give up on this cope. This is pretty interesting.
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day 4

Drowsiness is still there but not as much as yesterday. i did have trouble getting out of bed and hit the snooze button for 2 hours straight before getting up. i broke my nocaeffeine and had a coffee.

it has been nuking my cortisol. i cannot feel the physical sensations from stress or sadness. my subhuman mind keeps trying to make me sad/anxious thinking negative thoughts. it's almost laughable how hard it's trying but my body just won't respond. usually i can cry on command with ease but i can't now.

i still dont feel happy or content with my life and my mind is still extremely negative but this stuff is amazing for demolishing negative body sensations associated with emotions.

tomorrow is my next dose and on wednesday i am going to see an escort for 2 hours. usually this would make me nervous but i want to try to push my comfort zone in someway.
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Day 5.

Just took my second dose.

Slept for 12 hours last night.

Was extremely productive/fast at work today. Might be because of the sleep though.

Still autistic in conversations.
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Reactions: Chadlitecel
Day 7
48 hours after my last dose. Just started feeling tired and nauseous out of no where. Dizzy too. Tomorrow is my next dose but might not take it depending on how I feel tomorrow.

Not sure if it's caber related or COVID.
Day 7
48 hours after my last dose. Just started feeling tired and nauseous out of no where. Dizzy too. Tomorrow is my next dose but might not take it depending on how I feel tomorrow.

Not sure if it's caber related or COVID.
It’s interesting how the drug makes you keep updating this thread despite nobody replying. Zero fucks given. Shows that it’s working lol
  • JFL
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I take SSRI Lexaproo 20mg makes me numb and retarded. No range of emotion whatsoever. I guess the point is it that it doesn't want me to kill myself which is the point of the drug I guess however haven't felt any kind of emotion for years. Sadness, anger, happiness, nostalgia, etc. No motivation and impaired cognition makes me feel like I have Alzheimer's. Social anxiety/BDD prevents me from going outside and talk to people which fucks me up even further. It's over for my mental state, I forgot what happiness even feels like... 😿 😿
It’s interesting how the drug makes you keep updating this thread despite nobody replying. Zero fucks given. Shows that it’s working lol
it definitely works but now I feel like shit physically. Hopefully it's just COVID and not caber
  • JFL
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i saw an escort yesterday and she gave me head for 40 minutes and my penis is inflamed so it could also be an std. But I suspect it's the caber.
  • JFL
Reactions: wayme, Good_Little_Goy and Deleted member 2756
Would you recommend cabergoline for the average Chap who just wants to feel different OP
my penis is inflamed
I get depression, laziness, food cravings, and social awkwardness from fapping, do you have the same symptoms?
yes except food cravings. can't stop tho
It’s going to give you anhedonia and maybe even sexual dysfunction in the long run
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 2756
yes except food cravings. can't stop tho
I literally cannot stop binge eating for about 2 days after I fap. Today I ate an entire 14" pizza and a large blizzard right afterwards.
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the bad feeling passed after a few hours. i feel good now
probably stopping felt really bad yesterday too. I will debate taking more later but not on schedule.
threw it away. don't take this poison. Literally only incels promote this chit. Every other person on the internet just says it makes them feel liek shit.
  • JFL
Reactions: Good_Little_Goy
threw it away. don't take this poison. Literally only incels promote this chit. Every other person on the internet just says it makes them feel liek shit.
Bad idea. If withdrawals kick in, you’ll be screwed. Should have kept it just in case you actually need some
Bad idea. If withdrawals kick in, you’ll be screwed. Should have kept it just in case you actually need some
i only took 2 doses man
My bad bro, for some reason I thought you were taking phenibut, not caber. I just woke up lol
so caber good phenibut bad or?
  • Woah
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phenibut works if you take it once every 2 months max. caber is pure shit
what the fuck nigga what made you change your mind so quick jfl
what the fuck nigga what made you change your mind so quick jfl
caber doesn't do anything but make you tired and feel sick lol. And it makes orgasms so lame.
I'm on 980 mg of tren (nandrolone derivative i.e. has progestin nature that could potentially cause "deca dick") a week and can still fuck for at least a few minutes after I coom. No caber. It's like my body is hyper-resistant to progestin. OP's experience with caber is interesting. I'm glad I don't ever have to touch caber.
It’s interesting how the drug makes you keep updating this thread despite nobody replying. Zero fucks given. Shows that it’s working lol
I’m glad you got fucked by Botox tbh

Terrible person
  • Hmm...
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wtf you still coom a shit ton of course you feel like shit
retarded posts btw, i will order caber soon because i couldn't stop my coom addiction soon enough and now my prolactin levels are way too high
of course i stopped cooming but it doesn't seem to lower now
was feeling very nice on caber, my face was also WAY leaner but i didnt order enough

Will receive my next batch in a month or two, took enough for 6 months - 1 year depending on the frequency i want to use
IMG 1697

“Must be prolactin because I googled what cause anxiety and it said prolactin, right?! RIGHT?!:forcedsmile::forcedsmile:” Ur just a sadcel ur not lactating so you don’t need caber
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