Calisthenicsmaxx better than gymaxx


Deleted member 8608

Jul 25, 2020
If you want to get a nice, useful, muscular body stop gymceling and start calisthenicsceling, I framemog and strengthmog all of my gym friends and lots of people in the gym, I can benchpress 5 reps of 100kg and do 13 pull ups while they may benchpress 100kg but can't even do 3 pull ups, calisthenics is not only muscle, but also functional strength. Just think about it, girls find more impressive a guy doing a planche or a handstand than a guy lifting 300kg. Calisthenics makes you a beast, gymceling makes you an ugly piece of mass.
Ok, how can you calisthenicsmaxx?
At the beginning it will be very difficult doing any kind of exercices but,you need to keep going. Stick to push ups, pull ups and dips, do them until you can't feel your arms or do any rep. Then you need to get a good diet. Ok you now are progressing, keep going for more reps, start doing other exercices variations like diamond push-ups, chest pull-ups, inclined dips, etc. You'll start gaining lots of muscles and strength, to get to the next level start doing weighted calisthenics. Train every day, do different muscles, abs, biceps, chest etc, don't train always the same muscle with the same intensity. Start doing progressions, planche, front lever, etc. Keep going, never stop.
You'll become a beast, gymceling is for losers.
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read my sig
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  • JFL
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  • JFL
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yeah but ur fat so now what
  • JFL
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Again, gymnastics rings are arguably the only piece of gym equipment you need to achieve your natty potential.

Its fucking awesome and fucking hard.

If youre fat, lose the weight first. Each kg of lost fat is gonna make each bodyweight exercise A LOT easier.

You can still do progression while youre fat.

Look at gymnastics rings athletes, super lean and super strong with well developed shoulders, back, chest, biceps, triceps and core. Don't neglect legs, I usually get a gym membership in atumn/winter to train deadlifts/squats.
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Calisthenics is the way to go jfl at gym copers
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Do progressions and lose the weight.

Its the same excuse as not going to the gym because youre fat JFL
i’m saying this guy is fat not me. why am i listening to advice from a fatty
Again, gymnastics rings are arguably the only piece of gym equipment you need to achieve your natty potential.

Its fucking awesome and fucking hard.

If youre fat, lose the weight first. Each kg of lost fat is gonna make each bodyweight exercise A LOT easier.

You can still do progression while youre fat.
Gymnastic rings are underrated, every gymcel needs them. Rings and kettlebells are the only equipment I use
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Just do calesthenics bro. Get a nice body bro.

Tren or death
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Gymnastic rings are underrated, every gymcel needs them. Rings and kettlebells are the only equipment I use
They are underrated because you can't patent something that's been around for 2000 years.

Look at TRX, everyone knows what it is, but most people don't know about training on rings JFL

You can put them in your backpack and train pretty much anywhere, its awesome.
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If you can do rings you mog 99.99657% of people on humanity
Just be low bf% and strong theory.

Seriously, most incels on here would realize they are not truecels if they had a good body and went to the beach.
If you have a nice body, you mog 95% of people on the beach.
Me as a fatcel can confirm, when I was leaner girls gazed at me, now just gaze at my subhuman bloated face.
I have been obese, super lean and everywhere inbetwen, its brutal how different people treat you.

Never gonna be obese again, otherwise rope.
Lifting weights means less chance of injury. Also inject testosterone for better recovery, pumps and gains.
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5 reps of 100kg and do 13 pull ups while they may benchpress 100kg but can't even do 3 pull ups, calisthenics is not only muscle, but also functional strength. Just think about it, girls find more impressive a guy doing a planche or a handstand than a guy lifting 300kg. Calisthenics makes you a beast, gymceling makes you an ugly piece of mass.
I bench 300lb (136kg) x 1 rep and can do 18 pull ups.

Not all gymcels are fat bloattards. Stop coping.
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  • JFL
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Girls don't give a single fuck if you can do a 1 armed pushup with your finger up your anal cavity or lift 300lbs.

Gym still mogs end of story
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Agreed, however, weightlifting can make you build muscle way faster than calisthenics.
Calisthenics is also heavier on cardio, which is counterproductive for people who have a hard time putting on muscle mass.
I would argue that a solid base of weight training is more beneficial to people who want to get results quick; there's no denying calisthenics builds more functional muscle and aesthetic physiques, though. I would advise to switch to calisthenics once you maxed out on aesthetic gains from weight lifting (which means getting to Brad Pitt's Fight Club physique levels, not Jeff Seid levels).
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Calisthenics is also heavier on cardio,
No, you choose a goal in your calisthenics training whether it's strength, hypertrophy or muscular endurance (what you mean by cardio). If you limit your reps below 12 you should be fine. If you lift a light barbell 100 times then that is "cardio" too.
If you want to get a nice, useful, muscular body stop gymceling and start calisthenicsceling, I framemog and strengthmog all of my gym friends and lots of people in the gym, I can benchpress 5 reps of 100kg and do 13 pull ups while they may benchpress 100kg but can't even do 3 pull ups, calisthenics is not only muscle, but also functional strength. Just think about it, girls find more impressive a guy doing a planche or a handstand than a guy lifting 300kg. Calisthenics makes you a beast, gymceling makes you an ugly piece of mass.
Ok, how can you calisthenicsmaxx?
At the beginning it will be very difficult doing any kind of exercices but,you need to keep going. Stick to push ups, pull ups and dips, do them until you can't feel your arms or do any rep. Then you need to get a good diet. Ok you now are progressing, keep going for more reps, start doing other exercices variations like diamond push-ups, chest pull-ups, inclined dips, etc. You'll start gaining lots of muscles and strength, to get to the next level start doing weighted calisthenics. Train every day, do different muscles, abs, biceps, chest etc, don't train always the same muscle with the same intensity. Start doing progressions, planche, front lever, etc. Keep going, never stop.
You'll become a beast, gymceling is for losers.
Or just do both? 3-5 days a week working out. 1-2 of those can be gym and the rest calisthenics. As long as you're working hard.
Spamming push ups took my bench 1 RM to 90kg by being able to do 35 push ups in a set with 85kg bodyweight.

Can’t do a single one arm push up though so I guess I need to go back to weights to “bridge the gap”.
Spamming push ups took my bench 1 RM to 90kg by being able to do 35 push ups in a set with 85kg bodyweight.

Can’t do a single one arm push up though so I guess I need to go back to weights to “bridge the gap”.
cope imagine doing 100 reps of push ups just to go to failure. Goodbye elbows.
Weighted calisthenics on the other hand is very good.
  • Ugh..
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If you have a weighted vest then yeah it’s all u need
If you want to get a nice, useful, muscular body stop gymceling and start calisthenicsceling, I framemog and strengthmog all of my gym friends and lots of people in the gym, I can benchpress 5 reps of 100kg and do 13 pull ups while they may benchpress 100kg but can't even do 3 pull ups, calisthenics is not only muscle, but also functional strength. Just think about it, girls find more impressive a guy doing a planche or a handstand than a guy lifting 300kg. Calisthenics makes you a beast, gymceling makes you an ugly piece of mass.
Ok, how can you calisthenicsmaxx?
At the beginning it will be very difficult doing any kind of exercices but,you need to keep going. Stick to push ups, pull ups and dips, do them until you can't feel your arms or do any rep. Then you need to get a good diet. Ok you now are progressing, keep going for more reps, start doing other exercices variations like diamond push-ups, chest pull-ups, inclined dips, etc. You'll start gaining lots of muscles and strength, to get to the next level start doing weighted calisthenics. Train every day, do different muscles, abs, biceps, chest etc, don't train always the same muscle with the same intensity. Start doing progressions, planche, front lever, etc. Keep going, never stop.
You'll become a beast, gymceling is for losers.
do you still live by this?
If you want to get a nice, useful, muscular body stop gymceling and start calisthenicsceling, I framemog and strengthmog all of my gym friends and lots of people in the gym, I can benchpress 5 reps of 100kg and do 13 pull ups while they may benchpress 100kg but can't even do 3 pull ups, calisthenics is not only muscle, but also functional strength. Just think about it, girls find more impressive a guy doing a planche or a handstand than a guy lifting 300kg. Calisthenics makes you a beast, gymceling makes you an ugly piece of mass.
Ok, how can you calisthenicsmaxx?
At the beginning it will be very difficult doing any kind of exercices but,you need to keep going. Stick to push ups, pull ups and dips, do them until you can't feel your arms or do any rep. Then you need to get a good diet. Ok you now are progressing, keep going for more reps, start doing other exercices variations like diamond push-ups, chest pull-ups, inclined dips, etc. You'll start gaining lots of muscles and strength, to get to the next level start doing weighted calisthenics. Train every day, do different muscles, abs, biceps, chest etc, don't train always the same muscle with the same intensity. Start doing progressions, planche, front lever, etc. Keep going, never stop.
You'll become a beast, gymceling is for losers.
Answer my question
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Again, gymnastics rings are arguably the only piece of gym equipment you need to achieve your natty potential.

Its fucking awesome and fucking hard.

If youre fat, lose the weight first. Each kg of lost fat is gonna make each bodyweight exercise A LOT easier.

You can still do progression while youre fat.

Look at gymnastics rings athletes, super lean and super strong with well developed shoulders, back, chest, biceps, triceps and core. Don't neglect legs, I usually get a gym membership in atumn/winter to train deadlifts/squats.
You can hook up rings at home on a doorway pullup bar.

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