Can extreme nutritional deficiency lead to not getting your full potential in height?

sergeant blackpill

sergeant blackpill

Certified Lookism PhD & Licensed SlutHater
Dec 17, 2020
When i was a kid a school nurse used some method to predict the adult height of the children, i was predicted to become 6'2 but i only got to 6 feet. During my final years of puberty i leanmaxxed like a maniac and starved myself like crazy, is that the reason i got cucked on those precious extra inches?
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While genetics are the dominant factor in growth, not getting enough resources is crucial for getting that optimum. It's like the fuel for cars as an example
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Yes of course,

"Moreover, the progression of puberty is affected by nutrition. On the other hand, puberty triggers a growth spurt, which increases nutritional needs including macro and micronutrients. Increased caloric, protein, iron, calcium, zinc and folate needs have to be provided during this critical period of rapid growth. Severe primary or secondary malnutrition also can delay the onset and progression of puberty."

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No shit lol
maybe, for some years until age 10 I just pigged on Nutella and played video games all day and now I'm 5'10
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If only i had known the importance of height i would have remained a fatty in high school until my growthplates closed.
While genetics are the dominant factor in growth, not getting enough resources is crucial for getting that optimum. It's like the fuel for cars as an example
Yes of course,

"Moreover, the progression of puberty is affected by nutrition. On the other hand, puberty triggers a growth spurt, which increases nutritional needs including macro and micronutrients. Increased caloric, protein, iron, calcium, zinc and folate needs have to be provided during this critical period of rapid growth. Severe primary or secondary malnutrition also can delay the onset and progression of puberty."

By how many inches does poor nutrition stunt growth from birth to adult years?
If only i had known the importance of height i would have remained a fatty in high school until my growthplates closed.
lol it's all speculation. People actually generally advise to stay lean as possible to reduce aromatization of test into estrogen and thus prolong growth
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Seems like a rather simple question with an obvious answer.
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lol, i have been obese until 17 and then i get so lean that you could see my bones. i fucked up everything
Yes of course
If only i had known the importance of height i would have remained a fatty in high school until my growthplates closed.
Its not even about being fat its about having the right diet with enough nutrients

I was fat growing up but I had 0 nutrients whatsoever. I ate mostly worthless shitty carbs. Also fat is estrogenic thats not good for height.

Genetics play a bigger role in height anyway tho. I am still 180cm while my dad is 181cm and mom 175cm. Even while having had one of the shittiest diets possible.. Prolly would have been taller if I had a good diet since my mom is really tall for a woman but nothing i can do now
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By how many inches does poor nutrition stunt growth from birth to adult years?
It's called genetics man. Nobody knows except you can guess what you will be based on your parents heights
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When i was a kid a school nurse used some method to predict the adult height of the children, i was predicted to become 6'2 but i only got to 6 feet. During my final years of puberty i leanmaxxed like a maniac and starved myself like crazy, is that the reason i got cucked on those precious extra inches?

I would venture to say NO. Unless it is EXTREME, accompanied by SEVERE STARVATION (caloric restriction) and PROLONGED for YEARS. Remember, height is genetic and a lot of twin studies are FLAWED for parsing out genetic contribution for explaining the variance. It is almost 100% genetic, but polygenic in nature (so gene-gene interactions matter a lot). Also there is dispute on how reliable are twins studies as not all homozygotic twins have the same DNA.
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Obviously yes. Too many examples. Just look at 3rd world. It makes sense intuitively and also historically and is so in practice.
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Honestly bro, it's genetical unless you starve urself or some shit during puberty which even then doesn't impact as much as you think. Richard ramirez was like 6'1 or 6'2 but he ate candy and slept in cemeteries during puberty.
lol it's all speculation. People actually generally advise to stay lean as possible to reduce aromatization of test into estrogen and thus prolong growth
Who the fuck knows honestly, gandy was supposedly fat during puberty but he is like 6'2.
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xactly, it's just mainly genetics
I think being fat maxxes out your puberty tbh. Most fat kids I knew during middle school ended up being like 6 ft +
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I think being fat maxxes out your puberty tbh. Most fat kids I knew during middle school ended up being like 6 ft +
Just depends honestly, I've seen fat manlets and fat kids becoming 6'6. Luck of the draw sadly.
When i was a kid a school nurse used some method to predict the adult height of the children, i was predicted to become 6'2 but i only got to 6 feet. During my final years of puberty i leanmaxxed like a maniac and starved myself like crazy, is that the reason i got cucked on those precious extra inches?
Probably, us millenials got fucked with growing up alongside high fructose corn syrup and other highly processed shit.

Zoomers got the better end with slightly better chemistry, hence their height and weren't stunted like us millenialets.

I stopped growing like 15 years ago but I had an unhealthy influence of bad diet. I have portuguese/scottish blood afaik, not sure howuch that plays into it.
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Nutrition, specifically in my opinion, vitamin D3 plus pre-puberty stress levels matter a lot.

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