Can I achieve this in 1year unnaturally?



Went from stacking Ls to stacking bands
Nov 28, 2019
DA32534A 6889 40FD A513 20A54A061039
3C6B92C8 1195 49DC 9F10 891D660B7DC6

F09D0468 6D72 4B9D A18F F6662CFF4895

11F851A9 4369 4D95 AD39 6368CB2204E9

I have been training naturally for 11 months now and I think that I have good base
I was thinking about running sarms cycles after my heightmaxing stack
Is it possible to achieve this in a year assuming that 3 months of sarms = 11 months naturally
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I read naturally jfl
  • JFL
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  • Hmm...
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  • JFL
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as long as the dosage is high then almost everything is possible
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yea, even naturally

heavy fraud + chest 404
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I was thinking about starting with moderate dosages of ostarine for few cycles and then I will switch to low/moderate dosage of lgd-4033 + mk-677
I dont know much about the different type of steroids.
But this upper body muscle mass with roids.
Of any kind.
Should be easily achievable
You might aswell just inject take testosterone
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Good luck bro
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I dont know much about the different type of steroids.
But this upper body muscle mass with roids.
Of any kind.
Should be easily achievable
You might aswell just inject take testosterone
Yeah,but I was thinking about sarms
They aren’t exactly steroids but you can gain like 10lbs of muscles in 8 weeks or so
Good luck bro
Thanks bro😍
  • Woah
Reactions: Deleted member 2352
Yeah,but I was thinking about sarms
They aren’t exactly steroids but you can gain like 10lbs of muscles in 8 weeks or so

Thanks bro😍
10 lbs in 8 weeks?
Sounds too dope ngl.
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retard dont ruin your callogen and hormones at 15. REEEE

You already have body halo compared to other 15-year-olds. Don't get micro balls and premature balding, it won't fix your height anyway. Your height is your only major failo.
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retard dont ruin your callogen and hormones at 15. REEEE

You already have body halo compared to other 15-year-olds. Don't get micro balls and premature balding, it won't fix your height anyway. Your height is your only major failo.
Yeah but these are sarms not steroids
Way less side effects bc they aren’t exactly ,,hormonal’’
Also I have my heightmaxing stack ready :)
And when I finish it I will be 16.5yo and my puberty will end at that time bc Iam super early bloomer
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Danish_Retard
as long as the dosage is high then almost everything is possible
if only this were actually true. you do realise 99% of even enhanced lifters look nothing like seid/laid because they dont have the right insertions/proportions etc. most guys who abuse drugs just look big bloated and shapeless.
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Reactions: Danish_Retard and Chad69
if only this were actually true. you do realise 99% of even enhanced lifters look nothing like seid/laid because they dont have the right insertions/proportions etc. most guys who abuse drugs just look big bloated and shapeless.
I think I have pretty good muscle insertions tbh.
jfl you will NEVER look like that unless your natural waist size is like 28 and you are a skinny twink who hops on roids. normal people just have too wide hips to ever look like that. I'm an ectomorph and have always been, and my hips are wide genetically.
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jfl you will NEVER look like that unless your natural waist size is like 28 and you are a skinny twink who hops on roids. normal people just have too wide hips to ever look like that. I'm an ectomorph and have always been, and my hips are wide genetically.
My waist is exactly 28 + Iam 13-15% bf
My waist is exactly 28 + Iam 15% bf
be honest with yourself is the most important part. If you have genetic flaws be HONEST and don't cope.

but if you have good genetics only you can be happy with yourself, i am subhuman and know it.
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be honest with yourself is the most important part. If you have genetic flaws be HONEST and don't cope.

but if you have good genetics only you can be happy with yourself, i am subhuman and know it.
Iam honest with myself
And Iam not coping
yes that guy has 0 chest

looks like someone ran over his ribcage with a truck

brutal chestpill
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More answers
Only if you watch videos of zyzz dancing
  • JFL
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Yes you can if you got the genetics. Not with some sarms tho, they're mostly shit.
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  • WTF
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be honest with yourself is the most important part. If you have genetic flaws be HONEST and don't cope.

but if you have good genetics only you can be happy with yourself, i am subhuman and know it.

Naturally ungymcelled wide shoulders
But also wideish waist
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