Can I ever become 5PSL?

Deleted member 1089

Deleted member 1089

Luv fightin and beer
Feb 22, 2019
Would it ever be possible without lots of surgery?
Rhino and some kind of jaw surgery will be done.
I also might get a HT in the future.
For now I will be ogremaxing to get huge and higher T.
I think I could benefit from training neck as it looks pretty fragile atm.
Could you also suggest a decent haircut for me since my hair has always been aids?
Be serious please.

IMG 0004 2
op is fishing hard
  • Hmm...
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op is fishing hard

Dedsrs? I have been rated 3.75psl in the past.
I know I am pretty ugly and around 4psl.
I'm just wondering what I can do to reach 5PSL
Dedsrs? I have been rated 3.75psl in the past.
I know I am pretty ugly and around 4psl.
I'm just wondering what I can do to reach 5PSL
you look quite robust
above average
i would say you were 5.5 psl now
you look low ttrust
  • Hmm...
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you look quite robust
above average
i would say you were 5.5 psl now

It's probably this one pic, I actually put a little effort in to the pic.
I have been suntanning and losing bf, stylemaxxing a little bit too.
And I actually made a bit of an expression since everyone says I look sad always.
I hope I am 4PSL or a little above irl rn though.
ur a 5-5.5 keep debloating
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It's probably this one pic, I actually put a little effort in to the pic.
I have been suntanning and losing bf, stylemaxxing a little bit too.
And I actually made a bit of an expression since everyone says I look sad always.
I hope I am 4PSL or a little above irl rn though.
u look sad / angry tbh
how tall r u
try growing a beard also start lifting.


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Great eye area and good face shape. Mogs me.
If this is true then I must be a 4PSL by now.

ur a psl 5 and u havd potential for psl 5.5 and probably even 6 if u keep bodymaxxing and debloat. u have good eyes and look to have good bones but ur fat hides it
also compact midface
on the shorter side then but i reckon you could get foid

My dad is 174 and mom is 170 so i still got lucky.
ur a psl 5 and u havd potential for psl 5.5 and probably even 6 if u keep bodymaxxing and debloat. u have good eyes and look to have good bones but ur fat hides it
also compact midface

I’m probably around 4PSL irl but this is good news that I actually look slightly better.
Eye area is hella good, but eye brows kinda suck probably cause pic is from a low angle at a neutral angle your eyes would look even better but I'm guessing you took it at that level cause your bottom 3rd looks bad. I dunno I feel like there's a good amount of potential but I don't know much tbh
My dad is 174 and mom is 170 so i still got lucky.

I’m probably around 4PSL irl but this is good news that I actually look slightly better.
yea, u grew right m8
im 179cm dad is 190cm just fucking lol
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Eye area is hella good, but eye brows kinda suck probably cause pic is from a low angle at a neutral angle your eyes would look even better but I'm guessing you took it at that level cause your bottom 3rd looks bad. I dunno I feel like there's a good amount of potential but I don't know much tbh

Thank you man,
Yeah my eyebrows are not great. IM using castor oil right now but I want to make them thicker.
Thank you man,
Yeah my eyebrows are not great. IM using castor oil right now but I want to make them thicker.
Actually I was thinking more along the lines that theyare too high set but yeah
if you gyrmcel youll be around a 5 to maybe even 5.5 PSL and youll fit into the brawler subcategory.

You look high T
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Actually I was thinking more along the lines that theyare too high set but yeah

Yeah that too but theres nothing I can do about that right?
Yeah that too but theres nothing I can do about that right?
They can inject above your brows to prevent them from moving up but that makes you look weird IRL when talking to someone
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When will you retards understand that just because his eyes are narrow doesn’t mean they are good. His eyes lack expression.
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When will you retards understand that just because his eyes are narrow doesn’t mean they are good. His eyes lack expression.
Eye brows give expression tbh also the eye of course
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  • JFL
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buzzcut max
most low inhib haircut outthere
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jfl at ppl saying 5 psl tbh. take away the sunglasses, take away optimal lightning, take away angle fraud and look full frontal to cam(not slightly tilted), take away the part hes exposing body/traps and face only and then same people would rate 3 psl. not saying i would rate 3 psl but this is def. not 5 psl
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jfl at ppl saying 5 psl tbh. take away the sunglasses, take away optimal lightning, take away angle fraud and look full frontal to cam(not slightly tilted), take away the part hes exposing body/traps and face only and then same people would rate 3 psl. not saying i would rate 3 psl but this is def. not 5 psl

But am I 4PSL and could I be 5?
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midface of death, okay potential though
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Reactions: Wannabe6ft2 and Deleted member 1089
yh, lose the bloat, get a decent smile, haircut, maybe a chin implant

great eyes which are the foundation
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midface of death, okay potential though

If you saw me out in the street, would you assume I was a normie or an incel? I have a decent frame and I am pretty nt maxxed
If you saw me out in the street, would you assume I was a normie or an incel? I have a decent frame and I am pretty nt maxxed
normie easily
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  • So Sad
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Would it ever be possible without lots of surgery?
Rhino and some kind of jaw surgery will be done.
I also might get a HT in the future.
For now I will be ogremaxing to get huge and higher T.
I think I could benefit from training neck as it looks pretty fragile atm.
Could you also suggest a decent haircut for me since my hair has always been aids?
Be serious please.

View attachment 90403

Jfl at you being called a 3.75

This site is supposed to give honest feedback/tips, and instead it is full of a bunch of insecure trolls who will easily take off 1-3 points when rating you just to project their own securities.

1) You have LEGIT predator eyes which mog 99% of the people on this site. I’m dead srs too, eyes like yours are extremely rare, I almost never see anyone irl with them. A lot of people think they have predator eyes when really they just have downward sloped eyes, and it’s almost always a hybrid between hunter/prey eyes. Yours are real.

Make no mistake, this halos you big time. My lower third mogs yours, but because you literally have model tier eyes you automatically mog my entire face.

2) You have a good skull size/shape, not many people can say that. By default you have good eye area as a result.

3) Your lower third isn’t bad, your upper two thirds just mog tf out of it. The worst thing you can say about your lower third is that it looks average. There’s nothing recessed about it, and it’s perfectly fine.

The fucking idiots here are gonna cut 2 psl off points off right away because of your haircut or some other bs like that when they know damn well you are at least a 5 PSL. If you had a nice haircut I can see you being a 6. If your zygos/maxilla was well developed you’d literally be in 7+ model range. Your eyes seriously halo you more than you probably realize. Jfl at you being ugly.
  • Ugh..
Reactions: Wannabe6ft2
try growing a beard also start lifting.
This is good advice. Looks kinda dom with beard. If on top of that he had strong body he'd be kinda good looking.
This is good advice. Looks kinda dom with beard. If on top of that he had strong body he'd be kinda good looking.
That's what a survey concluded, full beard was 2nd best cuz it was. "too dominant" which means if he's ogremaxxing he could be Chad-tier w it
Jfl at you being called a 3.75

This site is supposed to give honest feedback/tips, and instead it is full of a bunch of insecure trolls who will easily take off 1-3 points when rating you just to project their own securities.

1) You have LEGIT predator eyes which mog 99% of the people on this site. I’m dead srs too, eyes like yours are extremely rare, I almost never see anyone irl with them. A lot of people think they have predator eyes when really they just have downward sloped eyes, and it’s almost always a hybrid between hunter/prey eyes. Yours are real.

Make no mistake, this halos you big time. My lower third mogs yours, but because you literally have model tier eyes you automatically mog my entire face.

2) You have a good skull size/shape, not many people can say that. By default you have good eye area as a result.

3) Your lower third isn’t bad, your upper two thirds just mog tf out of it. The worst thing you can say about your lower third is that it looks average. There’s nothing recessed about it, and it’s perfectly fine.

The fucking idiots here are gonna cut 2 psl off points off right away because of your haircut or some other bs like that when they know damn well you are at least a 5 PSL. If you had a nice haircut I can see you being a 6. If your zygos/maxilla was well developed you’d literally be in 7+ model range. Your eyes seriously halo you more than you probably realize. Jfl at you being ugly.

Well they look very good in natural sunlight but they dont always look that good. Usually when i ask for ratings I choose my worst pics to know how I look at my worst. This pic is one of my better and it obviously shows. Still happy though because this confirms I am around 4PSL.
Your only big flaw is your lower third, improving it would make you above average easily
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Nice world map.
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Can we get side pic?
Can we get side pic?

Sorry brah but I know my true rating now, I got rated 3.75 as the lowest on the worst pic I had and 5 as highest on one of my better pics. This means I should be a 4PSL IRL which makes me pretty happy tbh. I will now put effort in to becoming a 5PSL.
Honestly psl is bullshit. Ur either average, gl or bad looking for majority of foids.
Average for foids is 5psl, gl is 6psl, bad looking is 4psl. Anything below 4 psl is out of questions, but some 3.5psl dudes find a gf cuz of some preferential shit foids have over some facial or body features a dude has.
Ur are not qualified as average for majority of foids I guess, but its almost certainly feasible for u.
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4,5/10 not a bad eye area at all you´re robust and low trust, you look russian. if you´re from ee you don´t need to look good anyway
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shorten philtrum + jaw implant (ofc you can just mew instead) = you becoming a chad
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get a lip lift, grow a beard. already @psl 5 or maybe shy of it but not by much
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u already are above average u fag

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