Can roids make u gain muscle while staying the same bf?



Finished PCT
Apr 7, 2023
Can I lean down to 12% bf and start a roid cycle to gain muscle? Or do I need to bulk regardless? Asking bc I don’t wanna bulk ever again
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You can recomp and get bigger without bulking. Getting big on roids is to do with the roids.
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You can recomp and get bigger without bulking. Getting big on roids is to do with the roids.
I already recomped. I can’t get any bigger I’m already lean. I’m slightly more than dyel muscle wise but I want the actual muscle halo. So should I roid? Thing is I don’t wanna ever go above 15% bf so will roids guarantee that I don’t?
I already recomped. I can’t get any bigger I’m already lean. I’m slightly more than dyel muscle wise but I want the actual muscle halo. So should I roid? Thing is I don’t wanna ever go above 15% bf so will roids guarantee that I don’t?
if u want to stay at the same bf and gain significant muscle you have to take something unless you're brand new to the gym. Specifically you would want roids that are used generally for cutting so you can keep calories up. However, don't assume ur just going to gain that muscle halo you want off one cycle, roids are not the magic that people think they are.
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if u want to stay at the same bf and gain significant muscle you have to take something unless you're brand new to the gym. Specifically you would want roids that are used generally for cutting so you can keep calories up. However, don't assume ur just going to gain that muscle halo you want off one cycle, roids are not the magic that people think they are.
I’ve been lifting for years but natty obv so I reached my max a while ago. What compounds do u recommend then?
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I’ve been lifting for years but natty obv so I reached my max a while ago. What compounds do u recommend then?
in my opinion you can't go wrong with test and EQ for a recomp cycle
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I already recomped. I can’t get any bigger I’m already lean. I’m slightly more than dyel muscle wise but I want the actual muscle halo. So should I roid? Thing is I don’t wanna ever go above 15% bf so will roids guarantee that I don’t?
Eating your same calories and roiding you will get bigger and leaner than you are currently. Ever seen bodybuilders "grow" into a show? it’s the dryer compounds. Run some test and anavar. Don’t start off too high, 125 mg of test per week and and 20-40 mg of anavar per day will be plenty. Up your calories slowly.
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in my opinion you can't go wrong with test and EQ for a recomp cycle
Eating your same calories and roiding you will get bigger and leaner than you are currently. Ever seen bodybuilders "grow" into a show? it’s the dryer compounds. Run some test and anavar. Don’t start off too high, 125 mcg of test per week and and 20-40 mg of anavar per day will be plenty. Up your calories slowly.
Thanks. 125mcg seems low tho?

Thanks. 125mcg seems low tho?
You don’t need to go too high starting out and want to minimize side effects. You will also be running anavar.
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You don’t need to go too high starting out and want to minimize side effects. You will also be running anavar.
125mg is a trt level dose, on a cycle like that ur essentially relying on anavar to do everything and the test is just there so you don't get shut down
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125mg is a trt level dose, on a cycle like that ur essentially relying on anavar to do everything and the test is just there so you don't get shut down
exactly, it is smart to go slow. You will get steady gains without many side effects and if you are going to be roiding it’s best doing so responsibly for the long haul. Loads of guys ruined their skin, hairline etc blasting like an idiot.
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Can I lean down to 12% bf and start a roid cycle to gain muscle? Or do I need to bulk regardless? Asking bc I don’t wanna bulk ever again
what bodyfat now?
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what bodyfat now?
Tbh I might even be 12% rn. Depends on how bloated I look. Anyway I’m starting a cycle soon I haven’t put on extra muscle in 4 months ever since cutting calories
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Can I lean down to 12% bf and start a roid cycle to gain muscle? Or do I need to bulk regardless? Asking bc I don’t wanna bulk ever again
Reformed mate, I am assuming you are a young neurodivergent kid who got picked on a little bit for being a little quirky and a little skinny. This is me coming to you as someone who was in your exact position and is now a few years down the line. Please drop the gear question until a few years down the line. It is very compelling, but very serious and needs to be considered with a lot more independent research behind it, not the opinions of some self-hating retards who don't even know how to responsibly use these drugs. At the very least, raincheck the idea until you have put on 10kg. Oat shakes are your friend if you struggle to gain weight as I did. Good luck.
  • Hmm...
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Reformed mate, I am assuming you are a young neurodivergent kid who got picked on a little bit for being a little quirky and a little skinny. This is me coming to you as someone who was in your exact position and is now a few years down the line. Please drop the gear question until a few years down the line. It is very compelling, but very serious and needs to be considered with a lot more independent research behind it, not the opinions of some self-hating retards who don't even know how to responsibly use these drugs. At the very least, raincheck the idea until you have put on 10kg. Oat shakes are your friend if you struggle to gain weight as I did. Good luck.
Can you gain muscle while staying lean on roids tho? That’s all I want, I don’t wanna bulk again bc that means life on invisible for 6 months
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Can you gain muscle while staying lean on roids tho? That’s all I want, I don’t wanna bulk again bc that means life on invisible for 6 months

First cycle 500 test plus 50mg anadrol for a few weeks. I ate 4500 calories and rode bicycle to and from gym for cardio. Put on 9kg in total and got stupid lean. Physique post on my intro thread is peak of that at 100kg.

With further experience/learning now my approach would be different. I would drop the orals as those most certainly caused lasting damage and are unnecessary, would drop the t proportional to your weight, and would also eat more to take more advantage of the cycle. I was ab vein lean the whole way through which definitely left some on the table, you need a surplus to really grow, trying to circumvent that with extra compounds is only going to cause extra unnecessary damage to your organs.

Also on the invisible point, I was basically abstinent during that cycle even though I looked great, because I was so busy. I had a lot more sex as a skinny fellow. You can do without validation for a few months to invest in your goals, can't you?
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First cycle 500 test plus 50mg anadrol for a few weeks. I ate 4500 calories and rode bicycle to and from gym for cardio. Put on 9kg in total and got stupid lean. Physique post on my intro thread is peak of that at 100kg.

With further experience/learning now my approach would be different. I would drop the orals as those most certainly caused lasting damage and are unnecessary, would drop the t proportional to your weight, and would also eat more to take more advantage of the cycle. I was ab vein lean the whole way through which definitely left some on the table, you need a surplus to really grow, trying to circumvent that with extra compounds is only going to cause extra unnecessary damage to your organs.

Also on the invisible point, I was basically abstinent during that cycle even though I looked great, because I was so busy. I had a lot more sex as a skinny fellow. You can do without validation for a few months to invest in your goals, can't you?
Mirin exact leanness that I want u got. I’ll think about a Test cycle + HCG then, also would u take AI?
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Mirin exact leanness that I want u got. I’ll think about a Test cycle + HCG then, also would u take AI?
Yes you must make sure you have AI and a SERM on hand. Developing gyno is an $8000 issue, and estrogen mismanagement causes 90% of the classic "muh steroids bad" signs like mood swings and acne. I believe vigorous steve has a few first cycle videos which I can absolutely recommend. He pulls no punches and covers a full gamut of concepts to make for a very responsible cycle.

I believe more frequent administration will also help balance aromatisation. You can visualise the impact of different schedules with You can also find a high and low estrogen signs chart on 4chan fit.
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Yes you must make sure you have AI and a SERM on hand. Developing gyno is an $8000 issue, and estrogen mismanagement causes 90% of the classic "muh steroids bad" signs like mood swings and acne. I believe vigorous steve has a few first cycle videos which I can absolutely recommend. He pulls no punches and covers a full gamut of concepts to make for a very responsible cycle.

I believe more frequent administration will also help balance aromatisation. You can visualise the impact of different schedules with You can also find a high and low estrogen signs chart on 4chan fit.
Sent dm

First cycle 500 test plus 50mg anadrol for a few weeks. I ate 4500 calories and rode bicycle to and from gym for cardio. Put on 9kg in total and got stupid lean. Physique post on my intro thread is peak of that at 100kg.

With further experience/learning now my approach would be different. I would drop the orals as those most certainly caused lasting damage and are unnecessary, would drop the t proportional to your weight, and would also eat more to take more advantage of the cycle. I was ab vein lean the whole way through which definitely left some on the table, you need a surplus to really grow, trying to circumvent that with extra compounds is only going to cause extra unnecessary damage to your organs.

Also on the invisible point, I was basically abstinent during that cycle even though I looked great, because I was so busy. I had a lot more sex as a skinny fellow. You can do without validation for a few months to invest in your goals, can't you?
Is avanar ok?
Is avanar ok?
Ya I'm about to run it at low doses on my upcoming cycle. @TakaTeo has great theories. I'm going to be administering it sublingually for better efficacy.

That being said, the reason I say to avoid orals is that they are all markedly more dicey to deal with than your base compounds. Dbol for example aromatises into methyl-estrogen, a much more potent form, and thus makes estrogen management a total nightmare. The problem is that people think it's approachable for a first cycle, resulting in many a beginner getting hit by a fucking bus.

Orals are not simple or safe, and should not be messed with until later cycles and with more support, screening and care.

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