Can someone help me understand this girls behaviour?



Coping never ends
Jul 28, 2019
I have a few for some months. At first, she was very into me and wanted a relationship but then it cooled off a bit. I guess because she noticed than I am a friendless social loser.

What I find very weird is, that one hand she is still engaged in regard to writing to me. She always answers very fast, uses tons of smileys and if I don't write her for some time she asks me how I am, etc.
But she NEVER asks whether I want to come to visit her though. Even though she is the opposite of shy. She always waits for me to ask and when I do she always has time for me.
Another weird thing is, when I am at her she does almost show no affection to me. Rare hugging, no kissing, almost ignores me.
She does not initiate sex either, I have to do, she tells me she likes it and is very wild.

I don't understand why she is so affectionate when writing, but not in person. Why does she always have time, but never asks me? Why does she never initiate sex even though she seems to enjoy it?

I don't understand that, makes absolutely no sense to me.

Would appreciate a translation: women -> blackpill
You are not chad. End it
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She uses you for validation. You are basically a toy to her at this point. When she feels low in confidence she goes to you
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over for OP he’s an emotional tampon
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Reactions: fukmylyf and Arvenas
all those things you should be doing.
1) asking her to come over, or saying ur want to come fuck her brains out
2) u should be constantly groping her at her house letting her know u are a horny monkey freak

jfl at u get ur test checked
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Reactions: turkproducer and Deleted member 2426
It's pretty obvious. If you've gone months talking without sex it's obvious she's had sex several times in that span that you've been talking with others. If she wanted to fuck you, she'd make it more obvious and you would have fucked by now.

She just doesn't wanna fuck you and doesn't find enough value in you to warrant her getting validation from it. It doesn't mean she thinks you're ugly necessarily it's just probably not going to happen.
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Reactions: I'mme
ur having sex with her whats the problem, she just likes taking a submissive passive role perhaps
Hi there,
Many of the answers on this question I’ve read so far are in my opinion invalid or complicated.
I’m going to answer your question out of my own experience with women and how I managed to never hear “I prefer staying friends” or “I rather not ruin our friendship” again.
This answer contains such simplicity that you’ll be able to apply it directly to your dating life if you have the genitals to do so.
  1. The minute you meet a woman you are attracted to, make sure she knows that you want more within 5 minutes of meeting here, not 1 hour later or a week later. Do it now. This way you’ll know whether she’s also attracted to you or she ignores you and moves on. Either way, you win in both cases since you’ll have time to move to the next one if she declines your offer. Give here a compliment about her dress, her eyes, whatever, aslong she knows that you’re not friendship material, but mating material.
  2. From your post, you come off as a nice person (kind, good). There’s nothing wrong with that. Women will automatically label you as a friend if you continue to be nice without acting. Once you’ve exceeded a certain time limit, the chance that you’ll hook up will become smaller.
  3. Practice practice practice. Sake for this answer (no disrespect ladies) but see every time you meet a girl as an opportunity to practice your flirting/confidence skills. It’s like a muscle which will become stronger with time.
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