cant figure out in which category to put myself into



Oct 21, 2022
Hey guys my dating life until now was quite confusing. Nero rated me facewise a 6.5. I'm from Germany with blue eyes and blond hair (I know means nothing) When I was in school 2 years a girl there was a girl who literally hunted me and wanted me as a boyfriend. she was so destroyed when I said I don't want a relationship... Also a 8 or 9/10 girl wanted to meet me und we also met.... I did no actions we stopped having contact via snapchat. Then 1 year later I thought she sees me as a sub 5 or sth. but then on a party she started to speak with me and wanted to hold my hand... I said then I want to go and she said I can sleep by her house she has a bed free but I declined(It was too much for me to realise what happend) But now since I left school (half an year) I have the feeling that no girl wants me. I'm at vacation right now an I appor9ached a girl from Canada in a hostel i stayed. She was also very high on the looksskale. We went to a bar a she seemed very interested in me. She always touched her hair and laughed at me when I told a few jokes. Wen were like in 3 different bars. But when we went to the hostel again we didn't talk really and she went showering. In the next morning I had to leave so I put a message on her backpack with the message follow me on insta. She also followed me but with her old account and didn't texted me till now. I really don't now what I can think about myself....
Probably in the social autist category
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Nero is a retard don't listen to him he can't rate from a female foid perspective only male gaze perspective
You will never have the same opportunities with girls out of your league that you had at school
It will simply never happen again
Most of us never had an attractive girl like us in school but the ones who actually did and managed to fuck it up, look forward to a lifetime of suffering because after school, no attractive girl shows genuine desire for a normie male
You will never have the same opportunities with girls out of your league that you had at school
It will simply never happen again
Most of us never had an attractive girl like us in school but the ones who actually did and managed to fuck it up, look forward to a lifetime of suffering because after school, no attractive girl shows genuine desire for a normie male
uff that's really hard... but that's really so strange because I think I looked a lot worse when she contacted me back in the days....
You will never have the same opportunities with girls out of your league that you had at school
It will simply never happen again
Most of us never had an attractive girl like us in school but the ones who actually did and managed to fuck it up, look forward to a lifetime of suffering because after school, no attractive girl shows genuine desire for a normie male
Thats true happened to me in school also the reason it stops happeneing becouse people after school go in to seperate social circles or just stay alone with one half friend and thats it were in school everyone sort of knew everyone also for normies in school you could of just been popular funny or respected by other males and you get girls no money needed now its harder becouse the same guys need to climb the social hierarchy and some of them just end up being social and just drinking using drugs not saving money and achieving bigger better things i also know i guy that was best swimmer in hes teeen in the city he had that swimmer body at 17-18 he lost his virginity at 15 with 30 yo he was very social he had every girl in school he was good looking good body and on top of that had that personality who people likes a lot everyone invited him everywhere still till this day becouse he keeps the parties fun and social but what happened when he stopped swiming at 20 and started burning less calories becouse you know swimmers eat crazy and burn like 4-5k cals a day he started gaining wheight he became mid fat and suddenly all the girls didint like him as much it became for him hard time attracting same caliber of girls even his personality is liike chad level will smith sort of charming jokes spontatious always creates parties from nothing but gilrs switched up on him no more sex they wanted to hang out with him becouse his fun but friedzones begined also hes now 30 no money paries coke care free girls also dont like him now becouse no money living with parents but in beggining he was living like chad if he could lose wheight and get some money he could go back to those glory days
Thats true happened to me in school also the reason it stops happeneing becouse people after school go in to seperate social circles or just stay alone with one half friend and thats it were in school everyone sort of knew everyone also for normies in school you could of just been popular funny or respected by other males and you get girls no money needed now its harder becouse the same guys need to climb the social hierarchy and some of them just end up being social and just drinking using drugs not saving money and achieving bigger better things i also know i guy that was best swimmer in hes teeen in the city he had that swimmer body at 17-18 he lost his virginity at 15 with 30 yo he was very social he had every girl in school he was good looking good body and on top of that had that personality who people likes a lot everyone invited him everywhere still till this day becouse he keeps the parties fun and social but what happened when he stopped swiming at 20 and started burning less calories becouse you know swimmers eat crazy and burn like 4-5k cals a day he started gaining wheight he became mid fat and suddenly all the girls didint like him as much it became for him hard time attracting same caliber of girls even his personality is liike chad level will smith sort of charming jokes spontatious always creates parties from nothing but gilrs switched up on him no more sex they wanted to hang out with him becouse his fun but friedzones begined also hes now 30 no money paries coke care free girls also dont like him now becouse no money living with parents but in beggining he was living like chad if he could lose wheight and get some money he could go back to those glory days
brutal descension
brutal descension
recent party in his house was pretty brutal he invited 15-20 people in to his family house his parents went away they have nice house with souna pond in wilderness also he invited one girl he barely knew from work he told everyone invite chiks but none of us brought or invited any so there was couple of dudes with girlfriedns and the rest like 4 dudes single ones and that one girl he invited in the party he told boys he want to try to get in the bed with her in the end of the night he didint have girl for 6months the other guys bang alot they are like chad lites so we been drinking all that night and that ex swimmer guy tried jokes everything with that girl and she showed cold sings she said she need to go later in morning pick her little niece and shit we all knew she was lying other 10 people in middle of the party got home or just went sleep in that house we left 5 people and we needed tome soda to have with vodka brandy and that girl who was invited was the only one who didint drink so she went and also one chadlite guy decided to go with her after coming back that chadlite guy came to me and said im feeling like im gonna fuk her i thought how he didint speak with that gilr all night what he must of said in a car its interesting so we stared drinking again and only 4 left of us that chad lite guy said he was gonna go to sleep hes to drunk he went upstairs and than this ex swimmer unlucky guy still tried jokes and invite that girl to go naked swimming i went to toilet and when i came back i only saw that swimmer guy alone sitting almost crying at that moment i understoot that that girl quiet didint speak with any other guys just with mostly swimmer guy wen to swimmer parents room and fuked with that chad lite it was even brutall for me becouse that swimmer guy brought her to his party tried to put game on her all night she gave him excuses also she looked quiet and like a good girl didint drink nothing and in the end of the night she went to his parents room in his house to bang with the chad lite dude also chad light dude did swimmer friend dirty becouse he knew all night he is trying to pull that girl from that momen i know that looks matter alot becouse that swimmer guy has such a good personality game charisma compared to chad lite guy only thing is swimmer guy became fat and went from chad lite to normie or low tier normie it was brutall watching his eye tear up when he was sitting in living room and the chad lite banged that girl also after 10mins he went upstairs and asked them both to leave since they put disrespect to him and his family parents house
Hey guys my dating life until now was quite confusing. Nero rated me facewise a 6.5. I'm from Germany with blue eyes and blond hair (I know means nothing) When I was in school 2 years a girl there was a girl who literally hunted me and wanted me as a boyfriend. she was so destroyed when I said I don't want a relationship... Also a 8 or 9/10 girl wanted to meet me und we also met.... I did no actions we stopped having contact via snapchat. Then 1 year later I thought she sees me as a sub 5 or sth. but then on a party she started to speak with me and wanted to hold my hand... I said then I want to go and she said I can sleep by her house she has a bed free but I declined(It was too much for me to realise what happend) But now since I left school (half an year) I have the feeling that no girl wants me. I'm at vacation right now an I appor9ached a girl from Canada in a hostel i stayed. She was also very high on the looksskale. We went to a bar a she seemed very interested in me. She always touched her hair and laughed at me when I told a few jokes. Wen were like in 3 different bars. But when we went to the hostel again we didn't talk really and she went showering. In the next morning I had to leave so I put a message on her backpack with the message follow me on insta. She also followed me but with her old account and didn't texted me till now. I really don't now what I can think about myself....
Your formatting puts you into the category of dnr.
Thats true happened to me in school also the reason it stops happeneing becouse people after school go in to seperate social circles or just stay alone with one half friend and thats it were in school everyone sort of knew everyone also for normies in school you could of just been popular funny or respected by other males and you get girls no money needed now its harder becouse the same guys need to climb the social hierarchy and some of them just end up being social and just drinking using drugs not saving money and achieving bigger better things i also know i guy that was best swimmer in hes teeen in the city he had that swimmer body at 17-18 he lost his virginity at 15 with 30 yo he was very social he had every girl in school he was good looking good body and on top of that had that personality who people likes a lot everyone invited him everywhere still till this day becouse he keeps the parties fun and social but what happened when he stopped swiming at 20 and started burning less calories becouse you know swimmers eat crazy and burn like 4-5k cals a day he started gaining wheight he became mid fat and suddenly all the girls didint like him as much it became for him hard time attracting same caliber of girls even his personality is liike chad level will smith sort of charming jokes spontatious always creates parties from nothing but gilrs switched up on him no more sex they wanted to hang out with him becouse his fun but friedzones begined also hes now 30 no money paries coke care free girls also dont like him now becouse no money living with parents but in beggining he was living like chad if he could lose wheight and get some money he could go back to those glory days
recent party in his house was pretty brutal he invited 15-20 people in to his family house his parents went away they have nice house with souna pond in wilderness also he invited one girl he barely knew from work he told everyone invite chiks but none of us brought or invited any so there was couple of dudes with girlfriedns and the rest like 4 dudes single ones and that one girl he invited in the party he told boys he want to try to get in the bed with her in the end of the night he didint have girl for 6months the other guys bang alot they are like chad lites so we been drinking all that night and that ex swimmer guy tried jokes everything with that girl and she showed cold sings she said she need to go later in morning pick her little niece and shit we all knew she was lying other 10 people in middle of the party got home or just went sleep in that house we left 5 people and we needed tome soda to have with vodka brandy and that girl who was invited was the only one who didint drink so she went and also one chadlite guy decided to go with her after coming back that chadlite guy came to me and said im feeling like im gonna fuk her i thought how he didint speak with that gilr all night what he must of said in a car its interesting so we stared drinking again and only 4 left of us that chad lite guy said he was gonna go to sleep hes to drunk he went upstairs and than this ex swimmer unlucky guy still tried jokes and invite that girl to go naked swimming i went to toilet and when i came back i only saw that swimmer guy alone sitting almost crying at that moment i understoot that that girl quiet didint speak with any other guys just with mostly swimmer guy wen to swimmer parents room and fuked with that chad lite it was even brutall for me becouse that swimmer guy brought her to his party tried to put game on her all night she gave him excuses also she looked quiet and like a good girl didint drink nothing and in the end of the night she went to his parents room in his house to bang with the chad lite dude also chad light dude did swimmer friend dirty becouse he knew all night he is trying to pull that girl from that momen i know that looks matter alot becouse that swimmer guy has such a good personality game charisma compared to chad lite guy only thing is swimmer guy became fat and went from chad lite to normie or low tier normie it was brutall watching his eye tear up when he was sitting in living room and the chad lite banged that girl also after 10mins he went upstairs and asked them both to leave since they put disrespect to him and his family parents house
dnrd what the fuck is this formatting you ape

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