cant stop binging



Feb 3, 2024
More of just a personal diary at this point, binged on friday and then drank. Ended up semi fucking up my sleep schedule and not counting my calories to serriously during the weekend. but another week means another attempt to try and stay on track this time. Needa stop making myself bloated and gay. Pray for me yall.
low carb= small cells
high carb: giant cells

thats it

F3c 2131700465
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should make this my lockscreen but ill look autistic if someone see's hahah
you should pin test first really it increase everything insulin,t4,dht,collagen,face attractiveness

do not fear injections
This helped me lose 2 lbs per week for 2 months and go from 205 lbs to 190 lbs:

But you also have to count calories.

I stopped eating bread, pasta, rice, and I was already drinking only water or fruit smoothies (fruit juices are bad since there is no fiber).
Frozen fruits are amazing, especially frozen berries and frozen mangoes, I would make bowls of that and eat it while watching a tv show and I was always full on almost no calories and I lost weight super fast that way.

You're never going to lose weight on willpower alone. I always tell people to change their diet, to eat differently and they never listen, they use excuses, but it's not that hard. If you have a sweet tooth, you'll find fruits taste far better than anything else, and you won't be interested in chips anymore or even candy.

As for alcohol, it usually doesn't taste good, it's the added sugar that tastes good, you can replicate that with diet soda. If you like the taste of beer you can buy non alcoholic beer.
You're binging because your brain reaches a breaking point where it's screaming at you to stop destroying your development retard
This helped me lose 2 lbs per week for 2 months and go from 205 lbs to 190 lbs:

But you also have to count calories.

I stopped eating bread, pasta, rice, and I was already drinking only water or fruit smoothies (fruit juices are bad since there is no fiber).
Frozen fruits are amazing, especially frozen berries and frozen mangoes, I would make bowls of that and eat it while watching a tv show and I was always full on almost no calories and I lost weight super fast that way.

You're never going to lose weight on willpower alone. I always tell people to change their diet, to eat differently and they never listen, they use excuses, but it's not that hard. If you have a sweet tooth, you'll find fruits taste far better than anything else, and you won't be interested in chips anymore or even candy.

As for alcohol, it usually doesn't taste good, it's the added sugar that tastes good, you can replicate that with diet soda. If you like the taste of beer you can buy non alcoholic beer.

thank you, ive already been making subtle changes to specifically the food i consume not just calories. Im trying to stick more to the rule of if it has more suger and fat than protein, i should stay away. But obviously i havnt been fully 100% up on that. but for the alc i dont really drink much and should stick to doing so. I do want to start buying more fruit and maybe even whole watermelons at times.
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You're binging because your brain reaches a breaking point where it's screaming at you to stop destroying your development retard
my calories arent stupid low as they were half a year ago lol, im at a pound a week weight loss eating 2,225. I wanna lower my weight a little for happiness and sports. dont worry.
thank you, ive already been making subtle changes to specifically the food i consume not just calories. Im trying to stick more to the rule of if it has more suger and fat than protein, i should stay away. But obviously i havnt been fully 100% up on that. but for the alc i dont really drink much and should stick to doing so. I do want to start buying more fruit and maybe even whole watermelons at times.
Sugar is only bad if it is added and your goal is weight loss or if it's one of the main things you consume.

You don't need to eat only protein but it should be high fiber, high protein, because those are the 2 things that make food satiating. Fruits are often high carb but they're high fiber, they do have a lot of sugar but it doesn't spike your insulin levels so you don't get a sugar crash, whereas donuts and other high added sugar baked goods often spike your insulin levels to the point where you get a rush of energy but then a major crash and you feel like shit.

Of course, on special occasions like a birthday, it's okay to eat cake, if it's like one slice, just don't make it a daily occurence. Having the help of a dietician would also help because they follow you on a regular basis and you have someone to keep you accountable, I have skinny guy genetics so staying lean is easy for me, weight gain is more difficult, this is due to my appetite levels, and the fact that high calorie foods fill me up even when it's just low fiber low protein foods so I never needed anyone's help but you might not be like me.
  • +1
Reactions: 15AndStarving
you should pin test first really it increase everything insulin,t4,dht,collagen,face attractiveness

do not fear injections
I feel like test has just made my face look bigger from the uptake of aldosterone. What dosage are we talkin??

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