Capitalism is just a conspiracy intended to create the illusion of freedom



Jan 2, 2019
Jfl at libertarian and right-wing cucks tbh. The so called 'free market' is the most controlled entity in history. Even more controlled than actual governments, since unlike governments nobody can actually overthrow the market in any conventional sense of the word. All the major media companies, banks, corporations, and infrastructures, are owned by a powerful elite that don't give a fuck about the profit motive and just use their seemingly infinite resources to bludgeon into submission anybody that gets in their way. Look at the social media companies and how they are driving away/banning anybody that doesn't agree with them. Look at youtube that continues to exist despite operating at a loss. Does any of this make any sense in terms of profit? Does it make sense to ban a huge portion of your user base? No. But that doesn't fucking matter because these companies don't give a shit about money. They just want CONTROL. The biggest corporations in the 'free' market don't even care about making money. Look at youtube. It has been bleeding money for years, but the owners don't care because they know youtube allows them to control the flow of information.

And just fucking LOL at the right-wing cucks and their retarded "well just start your own company bruh" ok sure I'll go start my own multi-billion dollar media conglomerate that doesn't have the benefit of already being in control of 90% of the media infrastructure I'm sure this will work and I won't just go bankrupt before I even get started all the while the pre-existing entities can just outright operate at a loss and not even care lmaooooooooooooo. What a bunch of fucking idiots.

The myth of the 'free' market, quite frankly, is the biggest fucking scam in history. Capitalism is nothing more than a power structure masquerading as a system of economics.
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Reactions: Joe Rogancel, Deleted member 5815, Deleted member 8765 and 17 others
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capitalism is the best form of government
  • JFL
Reactions: Henry77
capitalism is beautiful i love big corporations
High IQ
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Reactions: ToursOverBoyo2020
Capitalism is good it’s just controlled by Jews making it worse
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 12611 and Deleted member 2632
Best system is socialism with capitalist influences altough these system only works for some countries and not for everyone
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Reactions: Deleted member 4310 and ToursOverBoyo2020
Quality post did read
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Reactions: ToursOverBoyo2020
Things I thought when I was 14
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: MentalistKebab, ( ( ( d[-_-]b ) ) ), Chintuck22 and 1 other person
Things I thought when I was 14
Yeah, stupid kids read Nietzsche or some sh*t and think they're the only people in the world who's ever come across that garbage. Then they get to thinking They know everything.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 12611 and Deleted member 7901
quality as always
Capitalism is by far the most effective economic system, and it has been shown time and time again
that liberalizing markets increases the economy
  • +1
Reactions: AlexAP
Based thread libertarians are dumbest people alive
Yes America needs National socialism plus authoratioanism
  • +1
Reactions: Mongrelcel and Deleted member 2632
Being a capitalist without actually owning captial is cucked, jfl if you believe that anyone can be rich through hard work.
  • +1
Reactions: Big White Cuck and Warlow
No such thing as Capitalism when the Federal Reserve exists

If you own the Federal Reserve you will eventually own every single corporation in the country because all the corporations will need a loan and pay taxes, so the Fed will always outprofit businesses and can eventually buy them off/buy majority of their shares
  • +1
Reactions: Mongrelcel
It is always better to do things while hiding in the shadows

This way people dont have anything to direct themselves towards, and you still have retards that believe in the illusion even tho its clear what it actually is
free market was NEVER a conservative value

again right wing =/= conservative

reagan neoliberalism =/= conservatism

Patrick Buchanan >>> Buckleys and all those other "fiscal" conservative cunts
people on their way to protest against capitalism

people on their way to protest against richest people in the planet
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 8765
No such thing as Capitalism when the Federal Reserve exists

If you own the Federal Reserve you will eventually own every single corporation in the country because all the corporations will need a loan and pay taxes, so the Fed will always outprofit businesses and can eventually buy them off/buy majority of their shares
Cope, low IQ.
Fed doesn't own ant corporation, corporations are owned by stack/ share holders.
  • +1
Reactions: MentalistKebab
Cope, low IQ.
Fed doesn't own ant corporation, corporations are owned by stack/ share holders.
Are you dumb as a shit brick?

I clearly said in the quote that the Federal Reserve will outprofit any business, which allows Rothschild agents to buy up the the majority of stocks/shares in any corporation

When you control the creation of money supply you control the nation, Rothschild basically owns the world at this point because majority of nations have a Central Bank

Except Rothschild doesnt really own anything, if a badass dictator just sent his army to kill Rothschild family and take all their gold, then the dictator would be super rich. Money is an illusion, physical force is everything
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 11675
Are you dumb as a shit brick?

I clearly said in the quote that the Federal Reserve will outprofit any business, which allows Rothschild agents to buy up the the majority of stocks/shares in any corporation

When you control the creation of money supply you control the nation, Rothschild basically owns the world at this point because majority of nations have a Central Bank

Except Rothschild doesnt really own anything, if a badass dictator just sent his army to kill Rothschild family and take all their gold, then the dictator would be super rich. Money is an illusion, physical force is everything
Cope, Rothschilds don't own shit, they are normal without any influence.

Nazis already looted them, destroyed thier houses.

Fed is a US government bank, it's a public bank owned by the US government. It's a central bank lol.

You have a iq of a pegion
Holy shit sometimes this user can actually think
  • +1
Reactions: Big White Cuck
if only I had Ops IQ

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