Chad can still be Incel(or Cucks)

Deleted member 1973

Deleted member 1973
Jun 8, 2019
Incels don't talk about it much because they believe it would never get to the point where you'd have to show your penis to anyone anyway. What the dickpill actually is, however, is far bigger than that. The hard truth? Dickpill can affect Chads also.

To put it simply, if you're small in length and/or girth - you're fucked.

I'm not going to go into lengths about hypergamy but because of the way modern dating works now, women want the best. The moment she knows your penis is somewhere under 6", it ain't happening.

Shaming men for their penis size has been around for a long, long time. To put into perspective just how deep-rooted this shit is, not even body positivity movement include male genitalia. There is actually nothing out there that speaks of men being shamed for their penis size

being a smaller size means being lesser of a man. There's a reason society refers to our penises as our "manhood".
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So a Chad with a 5.5 inch dick is incel?
Yes dick is important for slaying, but you can still get a high IQ foid, or fuck around if you're a chad with a slightly above average dick. A small flaccid is also a failo.
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Maybe if he has a micropenis

5 inch Chad still slays more than you could ever hope to.
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If you're a Chad you can have a 5inch
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5 inch Chad still slays more than you could ever hope to.
Chad with a 5.5 inch dick is incel?

We know we are incels and we are not slaying at all, but when the action comes, how will a dick smaller than 6'' satisfy a woman? It Will likely not

See, the average penis isn't capable of satisfying a woman to the fullest, and even when having 6''ish, women as always want more, and Will always praise 7''s and 8''s like Gods
We know we are incels and we are not slaying at all, but when the action comes, how will a dick smaller than 6'' satisfy a woman? It Will likely not

See, the average penis isn't capable of satisfying a woman to the fullest, and even when having 6''ish, women as always want more, and Will always praise 7''s and 8''s like Gods

That's different than saying any Chad with under 6" inch dick length is incel. Also I'm pretty sure a study proved that women orgasm harder and more frequently with Chads regardless of their dick size.
Cope unless micropenis
cope cope cope im with a psl 6 stacy atm that says my dick is perfect (7.5x5 needle dick) and that her ex dick was too wide so she couldnt enjoy sex
a study proved that women orgasm harder and more frequently with Chads regardless of their dick size
How is that even possible?

How can it be determined women orgasm more with Chad?

Did they have sex with multiple Chad with variety of dick size?
How is that even possible?

How can it be determined women orgasm more with Chad?

Did they have sex with multiple Chad with variety of dick size?

I don't know, but I remember reading somewhere that women orgasm harder if the man has an attractive face. Either way this thread is cope, Chad with a 5.5" has no problem getting laid and you know it.
I don't know

remember reading somewhere that women orgasm harder if the man has an attractive face.
Anybody could lie in the internet, gotta post the study.

I'm not saying 5'2 Indian janitor with a snake between his legs can get more lays than Chad with 5",

I'm just saying you need to above average in EVERYTHING (which includes big feet, thick arm, and MacroPenis,etc.)

Chad with 5"5', or lower, can still receive small dick jokes.
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Anybody could lie in the internet, gotta post the study.

I'm not saying 5'2 Indian janitor with a snake between his tail can get more lays than Chad with 5",

I'm just saying you need to above average in EVERYTHING (which includes big feet, thick arm, and MacroPenis,etc.)

Chad with 5"5', or lower, can still receive small dick jokes.
View attachment 408922
He's not a Chad tho

Anybody could lie in the internet, gotta post the study.

I'm not saying 5'2 Indian janitor with a snake between his legs can get more lays than Chad with 5",

I'm just saying you need to above average in EVERYTHING (which includes big feet, thick arm, and MacroPenis,etc.)

Chad with 5"5', or lower, can still receive small dick jokes.
View attachment 408922

Stop moving the goalposts, you said a Chad with below a 6" dick is incel or cuck. You're coping if you think that's true.

We therefore explored relationships between the timing and frequency of women's orgasms and putative markers of the genetic quality of their mates, including measures of attractiveness, facial symmetry, dominance, and masculinity. We found that women reported more frequent and earlier-timed orgasms when mated to masculine and dominant men—those with high scores on a principal component characterized by high objectively-measured facial masculinity, observer-rated facial masculinity, partner-rated masculinity, and partner-rated dominance. Women reported more frequent orgasm during or after male ejaculation when mated to attractive men—those with high scores on a principal component characterized by high observer-rated and self-rated attractiveness. Putative measures of men's genetic quality did not predict their mates' orgasms from self-masturbation or from non-coital partnered sexual behavior. Overall, these results appear to support a role for female orgasm in sire choice

I haven't read the full study, so if you want to educate yourself that badly go ahead and do so. Just remember that even if you want to attack the study or its methodology, it doesn't change the fact that your thread premise "Chad can still be Incel(or Cucks)" is a huge cope.
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